Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

[X] (Your Response) "Let's hear you out, sure." (Pretend to not be suspicious.)
[X] (While you're at it) Throw in a cast of detect thoughts. (They might be able to resist a deep cut on this one, but if it works, even just surface thoughts will give you much better clues. Again, if your primary option uses a spell, this is not an option.)

The best way to remain a chameleon: say you'll come along and then slip out the minute the knives come forth for the pig.
[X] (Your Response) "Yup. Totally here to fight trouble and not cause it. I'm definitely not evil." (Eira might be confused, but Helen will definitely know this is a cue you think this guy's suspicious - and any smart cleric of ANY of the gods would respond with Detect Good and Evil - if they could cast it. Or maybe he'll do something else stupid - the LAST cultists assumed you were supposed to be on their side after all!)
[X] (While you're at it) Throw in a cast of detect thoughts. (They might be able to resist a deep cut on this one, but if it works, even just surface thoughts will give you much better clues. Again, if your primary option uses a spell, this is not an option.)
[X] (Your Response) "Yup. Totally here to fight trouble and not cause it. I'm definitely not evil." (Eira might be confused, but Helen will definitely know this is a cue you think this guy's suspicious - and any smart cleric of ANY of the gods would respond with Detect Good and Evil - if they could cast it. Or maybe he'll do something else stupid - the LAST cultists assumed you were supposed to be on their side after all!)
[X] (While you're at it) Throw in a cast of detect thoughts. (They might be able to resist a deep cut on this one, but if it works, even just surface thoughts will give you much better clues. Again, if your primary option uses a spell, this is not an option.)

Let's see what happens...
[X] (Your Response) "Let's hear you out, sure." (Pretend to not be suspicious.)
[X] (While you're at it) Throw in a cast of detect thoughts. (They might be able to resist a deep cut on this one, but if it works, even just surface thoughts will give you much better clues. Again, if your primary option uses a spell, this is not an option.)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Nov 20, 2022 at 5:05 PM, finished with 11 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] (While you're at it) Throw in a cast of detect thoughts. (They might be able to resist a deep cut on this one, but if it works, even just surface thoughts will give you much better clues. Again, if your primary option uses a spell, this is not an option.)
    [X] (Your Response) "Yup. Totally here to fight trouble and not cause it. I'm definitely not evil." (Eira might be confused, but Helen will definitely know this is a cue you think this guy's suspicious - and any smart cleric of ANY of the gods would respond with Detect Good and Evil - if they could cast it. Or maybe he'll do something else stupid - the LAST cultists assumed you were supposed to be on their side after all!)
    [X] (Your Response) "Let's hear you out, sure." (Pretend to not be suspicious.)
    [X] (While you're at it) Don't throw in a spell.
Arc 1, Chapter 1.1.2: A Mind Is A Wonderful Thing To Read
[X] (Your Response) "Yup. Totally here to fight trouble and not cause it. I'm definitely not evil." (Eira might be confused, but Helen will definitely know this is a cue you think this guy's suspicious - and any smart cleric of ANY of the gods would respond with Detect Good and Evil - if they could cast it. Or maybe he'll do something else stupid - the LAST cultists assumed you were supposed to be on their side after all!)
[X] (While you're at it) Throw in a cast of detect thoughts. (They might be able to resist a deep cut on this one, but if it works, even just surface thoughts will give you much better clues. Again, if your primary option uses a spell, this is not an option.)

Your suspicions are… Well, you've got to be careful that it's not just paranoia towards servants of the gods. Yes, you've been taught for a decade to view them as The Enemy, but first, prooobably not so much now…

… And more importantly, something seems different about this fellow that's inconsistent with the other three.

Fortunately, you're a succubus and a powerful one at that, and yet another of those useful tricks you have comes right to mind. A few options immediately come to mind.

Sharing your suspicions via telepathy would be feasible, except you haven't done that with Helen nor Eira yet - they would be rightfully surprised and could react in a visible way, which could draw attention in the way you don't yet want.

There's also just trying to compel his actions with a suggestion - but if he is up to something, his two acolytes probably are too, and they'd probably immediately attack.

… Fortunately, you've got a different trick you can play with. While your ordinary telepathy is only capable of communicating voluntarily, your inherent magics make it easy to enhance it to read involuntarily… And check if there's anyone else in the room or behind that wall.

Doesn't look like it. Unless the wall's been rigged with lead or something. So, glancing towards the leader, you focus on collecting his thoughts.

Another batch of would-be heroes, he thinks. Are they worth the effort to personally eliminate, or just send them off to get killed someplace?

Okay. That's immediately super suspicious. But get him talking. And better yet… See if you can clue Helen and Eira in.

You respond to his implicit question as well as the stated one, "Yup. I'm totally here to fight trouble and cause it. I'm definitely not evil."

Helen blinks. So does Eira. So does the priest. Wait, that's gotta be codespeak, he thinks. Is she with She Who The Weak Abjure? But that is a Paladin with her, right? How do I check? If she's part of the High Priestess' mission, I'd best send her right to the mountain, but if this is a trick, the Priestess would have my head.

You continue, "So, yeah. What kinda trouble are you thinking someones like us could be good for?"

He pauses. Crap, crap crap crap, okay, assume she doesn't know . "H-hang on. What kind of capabilities do you three have?"

Helen steps in. "Oh, just a Paladin highly capable of smiting evil."

Real Paladin, or some kind of illusory oath trick? If it's the latter she'd have to be extra strong, but… "And the fox and the boobie lady?"

You pause. "Why are you wording it like that?"

"Well, I mean, you're kinda dressed to flaunt them. F-Flamma approves."

Eira continues, "Let's just say I know how to be helpful, leave it at that."

The man pauses. "W-well, I mean. Um. Okay, you're acting super suspicious. D-detect evil!" - his voice raises and he makes motions with his hands at the last bit.

… He didn't cast anything. Time to press the advantage - you lean in a bit, smirking, and speak: "Oh? Tell me what you see," you smirk. "Am I an angel in disguise, maybe? Or just some nobody? Or are you so sure of who I am that you just didn't bother to cast and faked it?"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about!", he responds. Shit, she's smart, she saw through that, I dunno who she's with but-

You concentrate a bit harder. This will make it obvious what you've been doing for the last minute or so, but…

Cultist of Echidna's Wisdom Save: 4-1 = Fails Badly

Even as you pull the truth from his head, his eyes are widening, realizing what you just did. "K-kill them! NOW!", he shouts.


You, Helen Garland, realized that Senaz was suspicious of these three pretty quickly with that word choice. She was immediately trying to insinuate she was on this guy's side. Good trick, as long as she doesn't ask you to feign being secretly a servant of evil or something. It'd be a bit of a stretch, and you're not that good an actor.

And it got him panicking more than just words could. She… Hmm. You know Succubi are capable of telepathy. Did she 'drop in' on him? Could she do more-

And now he's ordering the other two to kill you, and they're going for daggers.

[ ] Draw sword, fight back. You'll have to work to explain to the guard.
[X] Step out, make them either stop or attack you in the open and drop the guard on them.
[Partial X] Interpose yourself so they strike at you first - those daggers aren't likely to do much through your armor.

You step forward, and quickly pull on Eira's collar to step her back. "Out," you declare firmly - Senaz and Eira both take the call immediately, stepping first behind you, then towards-

The door closes behind you. One of them cast something for it. It clicks. Clever lock trick. But Eira's immediately on it unprompted.

"Defend yourself, but don't attack until the guards see we're not the aggressors," you declare, drawing shield but not sword.


Okay. The situation's changed very quickly. Three dudes who want you and your teammates dead, capabilities unclear but the leader at least is probably not a cleric given he faked Detect Evil. Badly.
If you attack them, you're legally murderers. If you can prove they attacked you first, possibly by making them strike in broad daylight outside, then you can fight head-on safely - or even get the guard dropped on them. Alternatively, if you get out and they're smart, they won't chase. They'll probably try to pull something later, though.

But they thought of that and rigged the door to lock you in somehow. What to do, what to do…

[ ] (Combat Incoming) Just kill them and hide the bodies. (Suspicion almost guaranteed to ensue.)
[ ] (Combat Incoming) Go for nonlethal strikes. (Yeah, you might wind up in jail for a night or two, but you've got favorable odds to win and 'a night or two' is vastly preferable to 'have to go on the lam'.)
[ ] (Combat Incoming) Stick to Helen's plan and get out by the door as soon as you can. Eira's gotta fix the lock first, so you'll need to defend her for a bit.
[ ] (Combat Incoming) That window isn't supposed to open, but if you smack it with the pommel of your sword then dive out to take out as much glass as possible, it shouldn't hurt you specifically too much and will give Helen and Eira a way out fairly safely.
[ ] (Combat Incoming) Intimidate them into surrendering. (Could be a tricky check… But Helen can give you Advantage easily.)
[ ] (Combat Incoming) Charm Person the leader before the adrenaline really gets pumping and get into full manipulative mode fast. (Will require beating his Initiative or him failing the save with advantage.)
[ ] (Combat Incoming) Write-in an alternative solution.
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[x] (Combat Incoming) Intimidate them into surrendering. (Could be a tricky check… But Helen can give you Advantage easily.)
[X] (Combat Incoming) That window isn't supposed to open, but if you smack it with the pommel of your sword then dive out to take out as much glass as possible, it shouldn't hurt you specifically too much and will give Helen and Eira a way out fairly safely.
[X] (Combat Incoming) Stick to Helen's plan and get out by the door as soon as you can. Eira's gotta fix the lock first, so you'll need to defend her for a bit.
[X] (Combat Incoming) That window isn't supposed to open, but if you smack it with the pommel of your sword then dive out to take out as much glass as possible, it shouldn't hurt you specifically too much and will give Helen and Eira a way out fairly safely.

She has d10s for hit dice and a heroic streak. Let's use both.
looks like voting isn't open yet?

that said, i'd probably go for the window too unless someone has ideas for a write-in
[X] (Combat Incoming) That window isn't supposed to open, but if you smack it with the pommel of your sword then dive out to take out as much glass as possible, it shouldn't hurt you specifically too much and will give Helen and Eira a way out fairly safely.
[X] (Combat Incoming) Intimidate them into surrendering. (Could be a tricky check… But Helen can give you Advantage easily.)

Senaz has +6 to Intimidate checks - even without Advantage, I'd like to resolve this fight without anything being broken.
[X] (Combat Incoming) Intimidate them into surrendering. (Could be a tricky check… But Helen can give you Advantage easily.)

Also, you seem to have accidentally a word relative to the vote result:

You respond to his implicit stated question, "Yup. I'm totally here to fight trouble and cause it. I'm definitely not evil."
[X] (Combat Incoming) Intimidate them into surrendering. (Could be a tricky check… But Helen can give you Advantage easily.)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Nov 23, 2022 at 5:44 PM, finished with 7 posts and 4 votes.

  • [X] (Combat Incoming) Intimidate them into surrendering. (Could be a tricky check… But Helen can give you Advantage easily.)
    [X] (Combat Incoming) That window isn't supposed to open, but if you smack it with the pommel of your sword then dive out to take out as much glass as possible, it shouldn't hurt you specifically too much and will give Helen and Eira a way out fairly safely.
I had an idea where we try to replace our old mistress by talking about our master from beyond this world (NoNam Security Group) in order to play up our evulness if we ever want to trick someone that we are on their side.
Adhoc vote count started by Solarstream on Nov 25, 2022 at 11:29 AM, finished with 13 posts and 8 votes.

  • [x] (Combat Incoming) Intimidate them into surrendering. (Could be a tricky check… But Helen can give you Advantage easily.)
    [X] (Combat Incoming) That window isn't supposed to open, but if you smack it with the pommel of your sword then dive out to take out as much glass as possible, it shouldn't hurt you specifically too much and will give Helen and Eira a way out fairly safely.
    [X] (Combat Incoming) Stick to Helen's plan and get out by the door as soon as you can. Eira's gotta fix the lock first, so you'll need to defend her for a bit.

auto-tally missed a few, but it looks like the winning vote is the same
[X] (Combat Incoming) Intimidate them into surrendering. (Could be a tricky check… But Helen can give you Advantage easily.)

Also, you seem to have accidentally a word relative to the vote result:

Adjusted. Writing to start... Soon.

EDIT: Someone give me Senaz's Intimidate roll with advantage. The DC is going to be higher on this one than some.
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Obviously, as an illusionist with isekai knowledge, Senaz knows about mood lighting, and it's used in making yourself look extra scary and ominous.