The Blood of the Martyrs is the seed of the Imperium - Imperial Guard General Quest [WH40K]

Ok I allocated favor

I'm sorry, but you can only allocate nobility favour :cry:

The Mechanics and the Ecclisiarchy don't have the political powers required by the Navy. The noble factions are the following:

Nostregan I Nobility: Mild Support
  • Fallaci's Supporters: 35% Mild Support
  • Socini's Supporters: 25% Mild Support
  • Council Proponents: 25% Mild Opposition
  • Passero's Supporters: 10% Support
  • Reformists: 5% Great Opposition
Nostregan Primus Nobility: Support
  • Passero's Supporters: 70% Support
  • Passeros' Opposition: 30% Opposition

The nobility of Nostrega I is explained here:

Open up contact with the Nostrega I nobility
My personal suggestion would be to grab two from the Reformists, since your plan is gaining favor from the reformists amyways, and part of the plan is to get an additional Reformist favor from getting some PDF on Nostrega I next turn. The next easiest choice is 2 from Passero's Supporters on Nostrega Primus, since this will also be covered by completing current favor goals.

The remaining two favors are a bit harder to scrounge up, though. Basically every nobility faction except Passero's supporters have clear justification for not wanting to owe them any favors.
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[X]Plan: The military shuffle
-[X] [PDF] Reformer proposal - The Reformers have proposed a significant reworking of the nostregan PDF, decoupling its leadership and payments from any nobility involvement and centralising its leadership and upkeep under a newly created Ministry of War.
+1 Reformer favour, the nobility will not be involved in the new PDF, forcing you to shoulder all costs yourselves
-[X] [Navy] Support Navy politically and with materials: The creation of the supporting infrastructure for your air support is of high importance to the Guard and you will support the Navy both with your political power and by supplying them with the material they require
Cost:6 Nobility favour(6 evenly distributed), Ⅳ Supply
Open contact with Imperial Navy, 1 free air wing support Stunt/turn
Anyways, let's talk about pre-planning: Notably, let's talk about the leads we have so far. These look to be our primary ways of dealing with the rebels, after all: Everything else is basically either sapping their support or building up our capacity to deal with them.

So, first, we have Corvus. This is arguably one of the most important ones, too: These are the guys that managed to take out our old boss. We almost definitely need to something about following up this lead eventually, but there's little we can do without putting in some serious investigation. That being said, it's likely that these are the same group from...

Lead Jaghatai, also known as the people that Alfonix got into a fight with: We know they are extremely familiar with the Alpha Underhive, which implies they're based somewhere in there, and that they clearly have explosives and the skill to use it. As I mentioned before, I suspect these are the same group behind Corvus, so we want to be very careful when dealing with them.

After that, lead Tuono. This is one where we have vague directions from the political group that's most blatant about its power grabbing... that totally coincidentally points to a rival political faction. We're going to need to investigate this one, because if we're not careful this is definitely going to blow up in our faces.

Then we have lead Fuoco. This one is the most solid lead we have: They even have a plan for the attack, so this would be a super-easy one to do! ...What is concerning however, is that it's coming from the group most likely to be secretly supporting the Rebels. There is a non-zero chance that this seemingly incredibly solid lead may in fact actively make things worse for us, so we're definitely going to need to find a way to verify just how honest they're being here. Aside from that, they're specifically requesting at least a regiment of Infantry: I'm pretty sure the Roughriders and Penal Legions do not apply here, so we need a proper Infantry Regiment to go along with their plan.

Finally, we have Lead Vandire, which just unlocked so we don't have a solid explanation on what all details we have: We believe we've found the base for the rebellious section of the Ecclisiarchy. Realistically speaking, the most likely purpose of this rebel cell is to encourage the politics-based crime upsurge the Arbites has been seeing, so we're going to need to pop them eventually... But I half-suspect Musil is going to jump in on them even without us doing so, so we're. Probably going to want to get as much info as we can before Musil decides to jump off and resolve things on his own.
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[X] Plan don't spend favours we don't have.
-[X] [PDF] Keep current Leadership - While the current leadership devastatingly lost the war for Nostrega I before the arrival of the Imperial Guard, they are still officers with some amount of training and keeping them in office is the most uncontroversial option.
+1 Fallaci favour, existing officers will make the creation of the first PDF regiment easier
-[X] [Navy] Agree to closer cooperation: The creation of sufficient facilities is the responsibility of the Imperial Navy and you cannot afford to spend resources of the Guard on helping them.
Open contact with Imperial Navy
And continuing with stuff not directly relevant to the current plan, I have for the time being, made a point of trying to convert the Roman Numeral supply count into actual numbers, with the caveat that my version converts things into hundreds: With the understanding that every numeral is exponentially more than the previous level... Our expenditure for this turn before anything else we spend on this segment is roughly double our income. That investment into the navy everyone's voting on here should be roughly a quarter of all our supplies.

I'll show the actual numbers I've placed for the time being once we hit turn three, but we're definitely not going to be able to activate everything like we've been doing from here on. Especially since we seem to exclusively be going for the most expensive options available this turn.
5 - Voting Closed
Adhoc vote count started by NSchwerte on Nov 20, 2022 at 8:27 AM, finished with 20 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X]Plan: The military shuffle
    -[X] [PDF] Reformer proposal - The Reformers have proposed a significant reworking of the nostregan PDF, decoupling its leadership and payments from any nobility involvement and centralising its leadership and upkeep under a newly created Ministry of War.
    -[X] [Navy] Support Navy politically and with materials: The creation of the supporting infrastructure for your air support is of high importance to the Guard and you will support the Navy both with your political power and by supplying them with the material they require
    [X]Plan: The military shuffle
    -[X] [PDF] Reformer proposal - The Reformers have proposed a significant reworking of the nostregan PDF, decoupling its leadership and payments from any nobility involvement and centralising its leadership and upkeep under a newly created Ministry of War.
    -[X] [Navy] Support Navy politically and with materials: The creation of the supporting infrastructure for your air support is of high importance to the Guard and you will support the Navy both with your political power and by supplying them with the material they require
    [X] Plan Middle Road
    -[X] [PDF] Reformer proposal
    -[X] [Navy] Support Navy politically (2 Nostregan Primus Nobility - Passero's Supporters, 2 Nostregan I Nobility - Reformists)
    [X] Plan Middle Road
    -[X] [PDF] Reformer proposal
    -[X] [Navy] Support Navy politically (2 Nostregan Primus Nobility - Passero's Supporters, 2 Nostregan I Nobility - Reformists)
    [X] Plan don't spend favours we don't have.
    -[X] [PDF] Keep current Leadership - While the current leadership devastatingly lost the war for Nostrega I before the arrival of the Imperial Guard, they are still officers with some amount of training and keeping them in office is the most uncontroversial option.
    -[X] [Navy] Agree to closer cooperation: The creation of sufficient facilities is the responsibility of the Imperial Navy and you cannot afford to spend resources of the Guard on helping them.

Plan military shuffle won

You are accepting the proposal of the reformists and giving the navy both political and material support. The favour cost is spread between all nobility factions except Passero's opposition.
6 - Turn 3 Planning
Your current task is the stabilisation of the Nostrega system, including both Nostrega Primus and Nostrega I. This includes rooting out any remaining entrenched rebel holdouts and training the local PDF to be able to handle future rebellions and invasions.

Current favour

27th Davrian Rough Riders regiment(Deployed to support arbiters, may be reassigned)

All other regiments are forced to stay in their deployments.

Raise at least 1 Stage of Nostrega I PDF this turn (1 Officio Prefectus Favour, 1 Adeptus Arbites Favour, 1 Nostregan I Nobility - Reformists Favour)

Finish at least 2 Stages of Raise additional Nostrega Primus PDF in 2 turns (2 Nostregan Primus Nobility - Passero's Supporters Favour)

Eliminate a rebel cell this turn ( 2 Nostrega I Nobility - Soccini Favour)

Do not raise more than 2 Stages of Nostrega I PDF in 4 turns (4 Nostrega I Nobility - Fallaci Favour)

Stop the growth of rebel activity in 3 turns (2 Offico Prefectus Favour)

Stop the growth of rebel activity in 2 turns (1 Offico Prefectus Favour)

General rebel activity: High -> Great activity
General rebel activity measures the general discontent and willingness of the populace to take up arms. High Rebel activity will strengthen resistance cells and lead them to bolder attacks while a low general rebel activity hinders their actions and forces them into hiding. You have significantly inhibited the growth of rebel activity by supporting the arbiters, but multiple vectors still agitate the population.

Lead CORVUS: The rebels that have assassinated General Wankel have managed to escape after their dastardly plot. The perpetrators must have been very well organised and equipped rebels and they have to be punished severely.
  • No suspected location, you may not attempt an operation to deal with this lead

Lead JAGHATAI: The attack on Colonel Alfonix has been expertly planned and executed and all participants have managed to escape the wrath of the 6th Angraxian. There is no doubt that they are a significant force and a significant part of the rebel war effort.
  • Suspected location: Their familiarity with the environment points to them being based out of the Hive Alpha Underhive, though we do not know the location of any of their hideouts
  • Composition: The cell has access to explosives and the skill to use it.

Lead Tuono: Count Quinzio Ferreri(Council proponents), has requested your support in dealing with a great rebel force plaguing his lands. He claims that they are based out of the lands of Marquess Murano(Fallaci's Supporters) and raid his lands with impunity while she prevents his forces and your soldiers from pursuing them into her lands.
  • Location: Southern Hive Alpha
  • Reward: 4 Council proponents favour

Lead Fuoco: Viscount Gargaro(Reformists) has requested your assistance in dealing with a serious case of Weapons smuggling and corruption. He has noticed that a portion of the production in his lands, including one of the few lasgun manufactorums on the planet , has gone missing. He believes that the material is getting diverter to rebel causes and requires large amount of muscle to arrest the sabouters without great damage to the factories.
  • Location: Eastern Cities
  • Composition: Small pockets of Militia armed with newly produced and well made Lasguns, no signs of Rebel military remnants
  • Gargaro's investigators have identified the main points of activity and will advise your troops on the best ways to strike. They would prefer to get supported by at least one infantry regiment
  • Reward: 2 Reformist favour

Lead VANDIRE: Cardinal Quorr and Colonel Musil have discovered the core of a cell of rebel priests calling themselves "His majesty's most pious resistance against the heretic occupiers". Lead by a heretic Preacher called Zampini they want to topple the current goverment and install a government that they believe to be more loyal to the emperor.
  • Location: Hive Gamma
  • Composition: Significant force of fanatic militia, who try to make up for their lack of training with zeal
  • Reward: 1 Ecclesiarchal favour

Current Supply: Ⅵ Supply
Projected Income: Ⅲ+ Supply

Major General Dohnany: You have started to acclimize to your new role and have started to combat the problems of Nostrega I. Multiple factions are starting to get anxious about the lack of overt results when combating the rebels, viewing the steady increase in rebel activity as a possible prelude to a second revolution. It would be beneficial for the guard to look like they are on the offensive against the rebels and getting reults.

(You may choose to carry out 2 actions suggested by your General Staff.)

[ ] Raise additional Nostrega Primus PDF
With the cessation of open warfare on Primus, we can focus on training up the local PDF and expanding their capabilities. This will allow us to free up forces from garrison duty and is an important step in our task to stabilise the system.
Cost: Ⅱ Supply
Time: Multi-Stage Project; this action requires multiple turns to complete but there are no setbacks should it be interrupted
Reward: Deploy additional Nostrega Primus PDF regiments
{Supported by Konopka, Musil}

[ ] Raise additional Nostrega I PDF
The Nostrega I PDF has been reorganised to report to a newly created Ministry of War instead of their traditional noble backers. Our first raised regiment will include the staffing of this ministry and the recruiting of a new Minister of war to lead it.
Cost: Ⅱ Supply
Time: Multi-Stage Project; this action requires multiple turns to complete but there are no setbacks should it be interrupted
Reward: Deploy additional Nostrega I PDF regiments
{Supported by Musil, Tamazi}

[ ] Raise a Penal Legion on Nostrega I
A Penal Legion is an Imperial Guard regiment made up of convicts fighting to earn their salvation. Their combat ability, morale and staying power may not keep up with a proper professional unit, but they can be raised quickly and cheaply.
Cost: Ⅰ Supply
Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Deploy a Penal Legion Regiment on Nostrega I

[ ] Deploy unit to suppress an Underhive(Select a Hive and unit)
The Underhives are a constant thorn in our sides, sheltering rebel forces in their shadows and giving them easy access to uncountable access points to strike at our proper Garrisons in the Hives. A campaign to properly clear out these lawless zones would be a major expense and is not part of our goal, but by deploying a regiment and exploiting the inherent fractured nature of the inhabitants we can significantly reduce the ability of the resistance to act.
Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Assign a unit to suppress an underhive

[ ] Expand the General Staff(Dohnany only)
The General staff has settled into their roles and most of the chaos following General Wankels death has been cleared up, which allows you to expand the council. An additional staff member will allow us to get a new perspective to our problems and increase our capability in dealing with them.
Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Appoint an additional member to your general staff

Lt. Col. Konopka reports that your decision to wrest control of the PDF from the nobility has created significant shockwaves in the politics of the nobility. Count Fallaci has lost one of his pillars of support while your support has legitimised the Reformist faction, allowing them to come out of hiding. Many believe that the new minister of war will be receptive to reformist thoughts and the pace of PDF expansion will significantly influence their political fortunes.
(You may order Lt. Col. Konopka to carry out 2 suggested action from your General Staff)

[ ] Crack down on political excesses
Lt. Col. Konopka has noticed some suspicious rebel movement corresponding to the flow of the nostregan parliament. He believes that some nobility are funding rebel movements to increase their own power and wants to investigate and stop any such flagrant disregard for your efforts. The political effects should he be successful are hard to predict, but it will hopefully cut a source of funding for the rebels.
Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Lower rebel funding, unpredictable political effects
{Supported by Tamazi, Orechiel}

[ ] Open up contact with the Adeptus Administratum
The vast majority of our supplies are shipped in by the Adeptus Administratum under Iago Saag. It behooves us to make sure to stay in dialouge with them and keep the ships feeding our troops operating. There may even be ways to increase the volume…
Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Open Adeptus Administratum favour economy and cooperation

[ ] Source civilian supply
The nostrega system has many resources that could be useful to ease the strain on our current supplies. By requesting support from native political factions we can get a quick infustion of important materials.
Cost: Min. 1 native nostregan favour
Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Ⅱ Supply for each favour used on this action

[ ] Increase relations with a political faction(Select political faction)
There are many people some factions may be neutral or dislike us, but most of them can be smoothed over with some careful politicking and the right encouragement.

[ ] Support a political faction(Select political faction)
We are the most influential faction in the Nostrega System. By leveraging this political power we can support a political faction of our choice, strengthening their influence and increasing their approval.

[ ] Oppose a political faction(Select political faction)
We are the most influential faction in the Nostrega System. By leveraging this political power we can oppose a political faction of our choice, weakening their influence and decreasing their approval.

Col. Musil is unhappy about the limited amount of units that are free to act. He strongly recommends expanding both Planetary Defense Forces to free up Guard units that can act against the rebel cells that are mocking your current efforts and indicated that he would spend his efforts on this task.
Col. Musil's initiative action will likely expand a Planetary Defense Force.
(You may order Col. Musil to carry out 0 suggested action from your General Staff)

[Locked] Create fortified hard points
Currently our soldiers are housed in requisitioned civilian habs converted into bunk housing. While this is a cheap way to quickly create living spaces for them it has left them vulnerable while they are sleeping. The locals often know about access ways and hidden spaces left by thousand year old construction and use it to ambush our soldiers who cannot effectivly guard against these attacks. By creating small fortified complexes specifically rebuilt for military use we can create bases for our soldiers to operate from. Once we leave the system these bases can be turned over to the PDF to help their defensive efforts.
Cost: Ⅲ+
Expected Time until completion: 2 Turns
Reward: Safe bases for your soldiers

[ ] Secure the perimeter of St. Macharius Cathedral
The Cathedral of our Lord Macharius has been offered by the Ecclisiarchy as your new base of operation. While this great building is perfect for the purpose of serving as your headquarters, its security is currently lacking. The assassination of General Wankel has shown that more effort needs to be spent in order to secure the essential imperial High Command. The Hab-Blocks surrounding the cathedral will be evacuated and turned into great fortifications against both obvious enemy assaults or more subtle infiltrations.
Cost: Ⅲ
Time: 2 Turns
Reward: Safe commanding position, may improve efficiency of leadership

[ ] Commence Operation to wipe out a resistance cell(Select a lead)(Select an regiment)
The resistance cells plaguing the planets must be wiped out to bring back peace. Once we have found the location of a cell we can mount an operation to wipe it out.
Time: 1 Turn
Reward: Attack a rebel cell

Arbiter-Marshal Tamazi is a veteran Arbiter and the leader of all imperial policing on Nostrega I. He has demanded the support of one of your regiments in policing the planet and believes that you should support the arbiters further. The rebels can never be completly defeated until all criminal acts can be investigated and punished, which means that the arbites should be your most important priority.
(You may order Arbiter-Marshal Tamazi to carry out 1 suggested action from your General Staff)

[ ] More Manpower for Arbiters
The Arbiters of Nostrega I are completely overworked and cannot keep up with the amount of criminals. By supporting them with a unit of Imperial Guard under their command they will be able to use the added forces to start to improve the situation and start arresting and sentencing criminals that have been able to walk free up until now..
Cost: Ⅰ Supply
[(Select a unit)] (Only Infantry, Rough Riders)
Reward: Support arbiters with additional manpower
{Opposed by Orechiel}

[ ] Investigate a lead(Choose a lead) {Restricted to: Dohnany, Konopka, Tamazi}
We have multiple leads about resistance cells on the planet, but blindly charging to their general direction is unlikely to bring us results, as demonstrated by Colonel Alfonix. Subtly investigating the specifics of a Cell and their situation with covert action, a questioning of the local populace and some small scale warfare will drag their secrets into the open and allow us to effectively mount an operation to crush them.

[ ] Military style Arbiters recruitment
It may be unorthodox and reduce the quality of new Arbiters, but by diverting young guardsman to serve as apprentice Arbiters we can start rapidly growing the local Policing forces and reduce their reliance on our support sooner. Of course, this population of young Guardsmen is supposed to serve as a replacement for casualties from both enemy forces and old age and without them our regiment will take significantly longer to regain their full strength when they are damaged in action.
Cost: Ⅱ Supply
Reward: Strengthen arbiters


Lady Commissar Orechiel encourages you to combat the rebel presence to ensure your task can be fulfilled in a timely manner.

(You may request 1 Investigation a turn. This will cost Offico Prefectus Favour and Lady Commissar Orechiel may refuse if she believes the request to be in error)

[3 Officio Prefectus Favour] Investigate a unit or person of interest(Select a unit or named character)
The commissariat has wide reaching powers when it comes to investigating cowardice, incompetence or corruption, both mundane and supernatural.Lady Commissar Orechiel is willing to follow up on any suspicions you may have.

Adeptus Mechanicus

Magos Volun has proposed multiple projects they think may be beneficial for the entire council

They have offered to bring the experts and leadership while you would support them with the required materials. Mechanics material costs are paid only once.
(You may support the mechanicus with 1 action)

[ ] Create artillery maintenance depot
Artillery is an essential part of Imperial guard doctrine, but currently only limited amounts of repairs and maintenance can be done in the field. Mangos Volun and their enginseers have proposed the creation of dedicated maintenance facility for these great machines. The reduced maintenance requirements will increase artillery performance and reduce the amount of supplies that need to be shipped in from out of system, allowing for a greater portion of your budget to be freely available. Once our deployment finishes the depot will be turned over to the PDF and expected to be a great boon for the surrounding area
Cost: Ⅳ Supply
Time:: 2 turns
Reward: Increased artillery performance, Ⅰ expected Admin Supply, 2 (Select a Nostrega Prime nobility) favour

[ ] Create Servo-Skull surveillance system
Servo skulls are used by your units as small, mobile scouting units in the field, but the Mechanicus believes that their use can be expanded towards watching possible avenues of rebel activity. This will reduce the ability of the rebels to operate openly and may allow you to find some additional information and new leads.
Cost: Ⅲ+ Supply
Time: 2 turns
Reward: Lower resistance growth, chance for rebel cell information, 1 Arbiters favour
{Supported by Orechiel}

- As a reminder, you can put members of your general staff on actions they have not suggested
- Please vote in plans
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Okay then, time for the grand machanics-ish post! This post is purely doing the numbers for supplies. Once again, keep in mind that all the numbers are estimates and ultimately don't necessarily line up properly.

Current Supply: 3200 Supply
Expected Income: 600 Supply (Previous Turn Income: 400 Adeptus Administratum, 100 Local Supplies)
Current Expenditure: 800 (600 Fortified Hard Points, 200 Musil raising PDF somewhere)

Dohnany Suggestions:
Raising PDF Regiments: 200 Supply each
Raising a Penal Legion: 100 Supply

Kanopka Suggestions:
Pay/Owe favors to Nostregan locals for 200 Supply per favor.

Musil Suggestions:
Secure the perimeter of St. Macharius Cathedral: 400 Supply per turn for 2 turns: Total Expenditure 800

Tamazi Suggestions:
More Manpower for Arbiters: 100 Supply
Military style Arbiters recruitment: 200 Supply (Has other consequences)

Volun Suggestions:
Create artillery maintenance depot: 800 Supply, takes two turns (One-time Payment)
Create Servo-Skull surveillance system: 600 Supply, takes two turns (One-time Payment)
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Does the same apply to the artillery maintenance depot? Because that would've been marked like that too had I not messed up. Still, I'll change that one up.
Does the same apply to the artillery maintenance depot? Because that would've been marked like that too had I not messed up. Still, I'll change that one up.

Yes. You are paying the Mechanicus all materials they need immediately and they spend it when they are doing their own action to build something.

I thought I explained that somewhere but I may have accidentally deleted it, I added a clarification to the update.
I don't have a full plan, but there are some must-haves this turn:

1 - Expand General Staff: There's only so much any one person can be tasked with. Adding another staffer means adding more actions per turn. More actions per turn means we can resolve this mess faster.

2 - Investigate Leads: We need intel before we can drop the hammer. Full stop.

3 - Put the squeeze on: At least some actions should be dedicated to grind down/choke out the rebels, before they snowball into a bigger mess.

Also, planmakers: Be aware we don't have nearly enough supply to do all the actions that cost supply.
Anyways, with that done, let's talk about the current situation: We should be getting a unit on Nostrega Primus freed up at the end of the turn, but that doesn't help us right now. Aside from that, let's look at our current Political Goals:

Raise PDF Regiments
Raise 1 PDF Regiment on Nostrega 1 this turn.
Raise 2 PDF Regiments on Nostrega Primus within two turns.

We know Musil's working on one of these, but unfortunately, we don't know which one. The hope is that if we work on one, Musil will work on whichever one we aren't. The main point of this is that it helps free up units so that they can get to work on dealing with Cells. Currently we have 6 Regiments on garrison on Nostrega Primus, 7 Regiments on garrison on Nostrega I, and 2 Regiments on Arbiter duty, of which we can move 1. However, tempting as it might be to focus on building a lot of regiments on Nostrega I, we also have another political goal related to the PDF:

Do not raise more than 2 Stages of Nostrega I PDF in 4 turns

This one is most likely focused on stopping the Reformists from getting too much political power while they're still likely to have connections to the Rebels.
Eliminate a rebel cell this turn.
This is pushing it kind of fast considering we only have one Regiment available, but there are two realistic options here: Fuoco and Vandire. The people for Fuoco specifically want an Infantry regiment though, which may not be available for a while yet. I believe this is because they're expecting fighting inside buildings that we can't bomb, because the nobles want their infrastructure intact. Meanwhile, Vandire has... a lot of people, so having multiple regiments would be ideal... But we don't have those. We have the Roughriders, who are cavalry. This is still... probably the better choice between the two, though.

...Also, since we spent that huge chunk of supplies on getting the navy them their infrastructure, we better request that air support. Maybe they can bomb the place so we don't have to fight inside.
Stop the growth of rebel activity
Stop the growth of rebel activity within 2 turns
Stop the growth of rebel activity within 3 turns.

The Commissariat really wants us to get this done. So, by the looks of things, we have a few main ways of doing this: Obviously, managing to take out a cell would help reduce the activity, for obvious reasons. Suppressing the Hive Alpha Underhive would probably also help out, but I'm going to assume that's a permanent assignment until we can find some PDF to replace them.

Aside from those, we have two main options: Funding the Adeptus Mechanicus's surveillance system, and putting letting Kanopka do his investigation into nobility funding the rebels. Both have Commissariat support. Kanopka's investigation has unknown political consequences however, since obviously the faction of anyone that actually gets caught funding the rebellion is going to have their legitimacy affected, which in turn is probably going to make them dislike us more.

Now then, time to discuss what I personally am thinking of doing: I'm actually kind of stuck here, since we have a lot to do and neither the personnel nor resources to do it all. I want to Raise at least 1 Nostrega I PDF this turn, and I'm honestly kind of tempted to try for taking out Vandire this turn, with air support and Tamazi doing investigation for the attack this turn. Aside from that, I'd have Kanopka investigate the nobles while contacting the Munitorum, and I'd give the Adeptus Mechanicus what they need for the Surveillance network... That's more actions than we have, though, as I'm not sure if giving the Adeptus Mechanicus their materials is a free action or not. If it isn't, then I'm likely to put off contacting the Munitorum for another turn, even though that's probably a really bad idea, simply because we can't find anyone to do it.

This is also all very expensive and will drain our reserves of supplies by 1000 after the income is taken into account. That's roughly a third of our total supplies. That being said, I do think it's worth it, since it will vastly improve our situation, and I don't... think there should be any reason for us to end up spending supplies on the turn results.
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That's more actions than we have, though, as I'm not sure if giving the Adeptus Mechanicus their materials is a free action or not.

Yes, giving the Mechanicus their materials is free, they will spend the action to actually build something with it.

Also for some reason the reward for not raising PDF was 42, i corrected it to the 4 favour it should give.
General pointers that we may look into for any plan making

[ ] Investigate a lead(Choose a lead) {Restricted to: Dohnany, Konopka, Tamazi}
We have multiple leads about resistance cells on the planet, but blindly charging to their general direction is unlikely to bring us results, as demonstrated by Colonel Alfonix. Subtly investigating the specifics of a Cell and their situation with covert action, a questioning of the local populace and some small scale warfare will drag their secrets into the open and allow us to effectively mount an operation to crush them

I think we should take out and investigate Lead Fuoco first they only take one Regiment for a action and with air support it should be more easy but before we go in we should Scout first

Major General Dohnany:
[ ] Raise additional Nostrega I PDF
The Nostrega I PDF has been reorganised to report to a newly created Ministry of War instead of their traditional noble backers. Our first raised regiment will include the staffing of this ministry and the recruiting of a new Minister of war to lead it.

We need to raise more PDF to this one is a must if for no other reason then the favour we win with it we also need to

[ ] Support a political faction(Select political faction)
We are the most influential faction in the Nostrega System. By leveraging this political power we can support a political faction of our choice, strengthening their influence and increasing their approval

For passero's supporters faction that one needs to be bigger then the others it would guve ys less headarchs

Lt. Col. Konopka

[ ] Crack down on political excesses
Lt. Col. Konopka has noticed some suspicious rebel movement corresponding to the flow of the nostregan parliament. He believes that some nobility are funding rebel movements to increase their own power and wants to investigate and stop any such flagrant disregard for your efforts. The political effects should he be successful are hard to predict, but it will hopefully cut a source of funding for the rebels.

If it weakens the other political factions as well the Rebels then this is a must to hit 2 birds with one stone

Magos Volun[

] Create Servo-Skull surveillance system
Servo skulls are used by your units as small, mobile scouting units in the field, but the Mechanicus believes that their use can be expanded towards watching possible avenues of rebel activity. This will reduce the ability of the rebels to operate openly and may allow you to find some additional information and new leads.
Cost: Ⅲ+ Supply

This is also a must it will the arbites as much it will help us in combating the rebels and speaking about the arbites

[ ] Investigate a lead(Choose a lead) {Restricted to: Dohnany, Konopka, Tamazi}
We have multiple leads about resistance cells on the planet, but blindly charging to their general direction is unlikely to bring us results, as demonstrated by Colonel Alfonix. Subtly investigating the specifics of a Cell and their situation with covert action, a questioning of the local populace and some small scale warfare will drag their secrets into the open and allow us to effectively mount an operation to crush them

Let Tamazi seek up info on Lead Fuoco
[X] Plan Gotta catch em all.
-[X] Major General Dohnany: 2 actions
--[X] Raise additional Nostrega Primus PDF
--[X] Raise additional Nostrega I PDF
-[X] Lt. Col. Konopka: 2 actions
--[X] Crack down on political excesses
--[X] Open up contact with the Adeptus Administratum
-Col. Musil: 0 actions
--[Locked] Create fortified hard points
-[X] Arbiter-Marshal Tamazi: 1 action
--[X] Investigate a lead
---[X] Lead JAGHATAI
-[X] Lady Commissar Orechiel: 1 Investigation (no action, due to no favor to pay for it)
-[X] Magos Volun
--[X] Create Servo-Skull surveillance system
Okay, now that I am awake once more, time to put my own plan up:

[X] Plan Burn (down) The Heretic
-[X] Major General Dohnany
--[X] Raise additional Nostrega I PDF
--[X] Commence Operation to wipe out a resistance cell (Vandire) (27th Davrian Rough Riders)
---[X] Request air support from Navis Imperialis
-[X} Lt. Col. Konopka
--[X] Crack down on political excesses
--[X] Open up contact with the Adeptus Administratum
-[X] Arbiter-Marshal Tamazi
--[X] Investigate a lead(Vandire)
-[X] Adeptus Mechanicus
--[X] Create Servo-Skull surveillance system

Turn Budget:
Current Supply: 3200
Current Income: 600
Locked Expenses: 800
Raise another PDF: 200
Servo-Skull Surveillance: 600
Total Expenditure: 1600
Balance: -1000
Turn Supply Total: 2200

As mentioned before, this plan is kind of risky, since it throws us straight into an operation to wipe out a resistance cell, even if it's one of the ones with more clear intel. I believe that Tamazi's investigation should be able to support the assault, though: Even if we're getting the info right as we're prepping, it's better than nothing, and taking out one of the more public agitators should help cool things down quite a bit. That should help us buy more time for the rest, at least.

As for why Vandire over Fuoco, the answer is... Fuoco wants an Infantry regiment, which we don't have available, and with the implication that a lot of the fighting may be inside buildings, air support's less relevant than usual. Air support should work wonders for this fight in particular if intel is accurate, though.