Succubusekai: The Demoness Just Wanted To Stay With Her Friends! [Original-Ish] [Quest]

[X] [Omake idea] Senaz's online friends collectively attempt to mentally process the News after she logs off.
[X] [Omake idea] What Helen was like as a ship captain.
[X] [Omake idea] Helen's Church reacts.
[X] [Omake idea] Is it OK to pick up girls in a dungeon charge hypnosubs for charming them online?
[X] [Omake idea] Senaz's employers, plotting. Technically, having a video call demon enchant your competitors isn't illegal yet...

[X] [Omake idea] Confusion over how Senaz' mixed up alignment causes problems for alignment dependent effects, narrated by a holy artifact trying to figure out if it should zap her or not.
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Prologue Omake, #2: The Poodle, it is Poked
[X] (Omake Segments) Foreshadowing Poodle Pokes: short examples of Senaz's evilness falling a little short in the past in ways that hint at her eventual sudden redemption via past life memories.

(Sliiiightly wide interpretation, but-)

Senaz, mighty Succubus, had a problem on her hands. Trained in bardic magic, magical seduction (no, that's not redundant), and baleful manipulation, she had a homework assignment. And not even the fun kind of 'go out and cause trouble'.

No, she had to write about going forth and causing trouble. And that meant working with a one-page writeup of a town on the brink, and how she could exploit it.

A lord, overtaxing his people. Peasants, incoming on revolt. The Knights, far away. A perfect powderkeg, for her to… Write about… Being a sexy, sexy fuse.

If she was going to be stuck with homework this lame, she was going to do her damnedest.

First, arrange the circumstances to get herself summoned to the town.

Then, take advantage of the fact that the lord wasn't going to have a proper vault for a few weeks. He was storing tens of thousands of gold pieces worth of assorted objects in a spare dining hall, guarded only by four stooges split between two doors - all easily susceptible to a simple compelling command, like "Help me load everything into this cart", with a charmed driver inside.

And then just kinda drive off and let them take the heat.

The plan was perfect! The peasantry would hear of the loss of all their taxes, and be so demoralized as to revolt! The despair would wallow across regions! Surely they wouldn't cheer the lord's humiliation, loss of respect from his hired help, and general demonstration of weakness!!


The next day, she looked at her C- grade, annoyed.

What did the teachers mean she should've used the money to buy a revolt, or magically seduced six more people just to prove she could? "Not enough death," pah! With everything set up, there'd be plenty of deadly mayhem soon in that theoretical town! Just because she was an extra step removed wasn't a place to take off points! And more importantly, running off with the money meant she had the money, and few would complain about how she got it!

She would just have to arrange to do this plan for real, once she finally made it to the Material Plane. Surely there'd be a lord that stupid around someplace, right?!


Based on the town she'd ended up in, Senaz had to conclude that maybe she was a bit overoptimistic in the assumption that the scenario presented was much realistic. The local town lord wasn't precisely poor, but neither was he uselessly stashing absurd amounts of cash.
But with two girls on her arms, charmed witless, Senaz could afford the wait!

What, was some jerkass Paladin going to show up right now to ruin things? She was too new to have such terrible luck!
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Prologue Omake, #3: What A Headache
[X] [Omake idea] Dianna was so quick on the uptake, because this isn't the weirdest thing the company has encountered.
[X] [Omake idea] Is it OK to pick up girls in a dungeon charge hypnosubs for charming them online?

8:30 AM and a controlled headache.

Dianna Collins was good at this specific path. How much she could drink to try and not think too hard about the fourth craziest situation she'd dealt with since joining NoNam Security Group a couple years ago.

How much to drink, what foods to go with it… It was practiced by now.

Enough that she could at least compare notes.

After the incident where the CEO and owner of NoNam Security Group tried to shred a building with a helicopter - no idea how he survived that - she'd started working with the company's internal insurance division to try and account for unusual circumstances.

The fact that NNSG was probably a front for a crazed super-criminal was something she'd put herself at peace with a few years ago. The fact that the kinds of crimes he did tended to run the batshit insane and require very, very strange hires who often wound up in very, very complicated legal situations was part and parcel with the six-figure paycheck, bonuses that kept showing up after about one out of every three reports of a major bank heist anywhere on the West Coast, and proper office - the type where the only window faced out to the city.

The book of unusual potential circumstances was now six volumes wide on a shelf behind her. The particle board was starting to buckle; she'd need to ask about a refurbishing budget for some mahogany or something.

Which probably meant making sure Miss Senaz was satisfied enough to be willing to work with the company in more… Experimental ways. There would be things to test, for sure. LIke, if she was a magical seductress, could she do that over video calls? If so, there could be a major, major advantage in future contract negotiations with various types of firm.

Overall, though, she had to remind herself that "One of the employees you helped hire just got killed by a Mack Truck, then called you two hours later, having recinarnated as a sex demoness on either another planet or another universe neither of you was sure which, came out as transgender in the process, and got put on some sort of divine quest" was, in fact, very, very weird and likely to lead to unprecedented legal circumstances if the IRS discovered, well, any of the situation.

But, on the other hand, Sean - Senaz - Calvers being responsible enough to, after wishing for her stuff to follow her and to have an Internet connection back, decide to keep working after a while, and admit she was kinda traumatized by the whole death and reincarnation thing?

That was more relatable than the guy who was trying to fund an experiment to replace his bones with switchblade knives. Who thankfully had been fired before he did anything mass-murderous. For sexual harrassment.

She'd take it, honestly. She'd just need to report data carefully to the CEO. And Senaz's boss.

… Maybe advise Senaz on women's professional dress. Or let that woman who was behind her do it - no, she was dressed like some kinda knight, she definitely didn't know 21st-century Euro-originated professional norms of dress.



With hopefully a rather rare sentence, I close a second bit of Omake text, and make clear what was already being Kind Of Hinted At with NNSG being a specific sort of bad news...
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Gotta say, supervillain front is a little tamer than I was expecting.
But at least it's not a dummy corp for an interdimensional 'peacekeeping' organization. Right?

Look at the upsides. A supervillain front is, like, one of the very best options for figuring out how to turn a supply of Warg heads into Earth cash. Also, who else is going to employ an isekai'd demon?
Gotta say, supervillain front is a little tamer than I was expecting.
But at least it's not a dummy corp for an interdimensional 'peacekeeping' organization. Right?


Gold truth explicitly nixes that one. But I misread it as 'international' at first and was like "given some of the shit that their inspiration gets up to"...

Look at the upsides. A supervillain front is, like, one of the very best options for figuring out how to turn a supply of Warg heads into Earth cash. Also, who else is going to employ an isekai'd demon?

I suspect there would be no shortage of unethical corporations who would love someone who doesn't need sleep, doesn't suffer disease, doesn't take up space, and will always look great on camera, but that's me. Not saying every corporation would, I mean Hobby Lobby, but.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by NekoIncardine on Oct 30, 2022 at 7:39 PM, finished with 23 posts and 10 votes.

  • [X] (Travel Plan) Go reasonable on the supplies - you have much of what you'd need already, so just go with what'd be typical for sensible travelers, running a couple gold.
    [X] (Eira's Equipment) Plan: Tools of the Trade
    [X] (Helen's Equipment) Plan: State of the Art
    [X] (Senaz's Equipment) Plan: Sanitation
    [X] (Omake Segments) Foreshadowing Poodle Pokes: short examples of Senaz's evilness falling a little short in the past in ways that hint at her eventual sudden redemption via past life memories.
    [X] [Omake idea] Dianna was so quick on the uptake, because this isn't the weirdest thing the company has encountered.
    [X] [Omake idea] Is it OK to pick up girls in a dungeon charge hypnosubs for charming them online?
    [X] [Omake idea] Senaz's online friends collectively attempt to mentally process the News after she logs off.
    [X] [Omake idea] What Helen was like as a ship captain.
    [X] [Omake idea] Helen's Church reacts.
    [X] [Omake idea] Senaz's employers, plotting. Technically, having a video call demon enchant your competitors isn't illegal yet...
    [X] [Omake idea] Confusion over how Senaz' mixed up alignment causes problems for alignment dependent effects, narrated by a holy artifact trying to figure out if it should zap her or not.
    [X] [Omake idea] Eira trying to talk to Senaz' gamer friends and comedic misunderstandings.
    [X] [Omake Idea] that moment when you confuse Hungry with Horny is so much worse when you're a succubus.
Sorry, I feel like I should apologize: I'm very interested in this quest from a character and story perspective, but crunchy mechanical things don't grab me for votes the way the first types do.
Sorry, I feel like I should apologize: I'm very interested in this quest from a character and story perspective, but crunchy mechanical things don't grab me for votes the way the first types do.

This is nothing to be too worried about! I just realized that I'd like to offer people some active choice. I was hoping for more than one plan, but such it is.

I hope to get one more Omake from the stack in place, then start introducing Act I proper over the next few days.
I'm not too surprised I'm the only person here who's enough of a D&D nerd to have gone combing through multiple sources for gear ideas; I'm precisely the type of nerd who likes verisimilitude-boosting details like 5e's lifestyle expenses table and PF1 making mithral cookware nonstick, after all. I am surprised that no one else had an opinion on the supplies issue, though.

Anyway, looking forward to the beginning of the adventure! :smile:
Did you know towels in their modern form were invented in 17th-century Turkey? I looked this up, and now I've got an Omake of my own to do.

More importantly, gear has been added to all character sheets.

I used to have a magic towel homebrew item on the GiantITP forums. It's gone because it was in an OOC thread for a deleted game. :(
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Something suddenly occurs to me that needs doing: buying toilet paper immediately, so that by the time the group actually needs it it'll be delivered.
Prologue Omake, #4: Towels and Toilets
Eira Nicholls was kind of staring at the fourth of the rooms attached to the hallway of Senaz's apartment, almost looking confused.

Senaz was the first to stop and think to ask. "Um. Is something up with the bathroom?"

"... Uh. Is that what you call it?"

"Yeah. Um… Right. We talked about it, but the pieces may be less obvious huh."

Eira simply nodded, as Senaz continued. "Okay… Where do I even start. Okay, this apartment has two key things that make this room work. Well, three if you count the lights, but the two I'm focused on right now are water and sewer service. Basically, specific fixtures in the room have water in them, pressurized a fair bit in the pipes leading to them so that when you turn the switch, water flows in. They also have drains, which go into a separate set of pipes which in turn lead to… Um. Well, normally it'd be my city's sewer system, centrally gathering people's wastes where it can be treated and, more important for general public health, be really far away."

Eira paused. "... So, wait, that means the, um, privy-looking thing uses water too?"

Senaz nodded. "Yeah. There's water in the tank that you, um, drop waste into. I'm not one hundred percent sure how this part works, but when you add more water, the pipes below create a vacuum and everything drops out of sight and into the sewers. It's not one hundred percent perfect but it's ludicrously cleaner than… Any previous technology."

"... The sink's obvious. But the big one in the back with the curtain…"

"Bath and shower."

"Wait, in the same room as-"

"That became common in the 20th century - relatively recently, to be honest. If you look closer, you'll see it has a drain in the back. When you're done bathing, the water drains out to the same system."

"I'm going to guess that means water is very, very plentiful in anyplace where you'd have such a system set up."

"That's… Close enough for our purposes." There were of course areas with droughts and the cost of the water and things like that to worry about, but Senaz didn't think that necessary.

Eira paused. "And Helen thinks it'd be possible to build this here?"

Senaz nodded. "Some parts might be easier with magic, but the fundamentals are pre-electricity technologies. Like she said, though, you'd need a lot of resources - and not just in terms of the water itself."

"... For now, though, at least I can use it myself. Feel like that little tub can't beat a big-city bath house, but…"

Eira's tail perked up as she looked at something hanging on the wall.

"Ah," Senaz observed. "The towels. Right. Those are actually older than full plumbing… But not by as much as you'd think."

And then Eira's face was in the fluff of the towel. (Senaz was secretly glad that these ones were relatively fresh. And that she had an in-unit washer and dryer.)

"It's like a giant flat tail~", the Vulpinae practically purred. "By the gods, this alone could make absurd amounts of money…"

Senaz sighed. "True… Though how to manufacture them could be tricky. You can't just do the same kinda thing as a blanket for a really good towel."

"True. But if you can find ones that look the part enough from your Internet, you can order some. That could be a way to take your pay from your job and turn it into local funds," Eira observed, her voice a bit muffled due to her face being in the towel.

"... Not the worst idea. But for now, let's keep this little trick a bit of a secret and enjoy it ourselves?"

"Right!", Eira responded happily, face still in the towel. "Fluffy and warm and fluffy and warm…"

Senaz immediately concluded that introducing her to towels right out of the dryer might need to wait. "For now," she observed, "the capacity of the water and plumbing's about enough for three to six people as it was built. I don't know how the goddess who set this up is maintaining them, but I'd guess it's about the same."

Eira didn't respond for a few seconds, before observing, "Well, that just means no connecting the apartment in a permanent location to power a town or something. That's fine."

The Succubus nodded. "Y-yeah. I wouldn't want to be in that position for, um, a lot of reasons." Reasons she didn't want to think about too hard right now.

Eira finally released herself from the grip of the towel. "So… Care to show me how this shower works?"

Internally, Senaz had to suppress the blush. It was time for a Succubus' own confidence for sure. "Perhaps this evening," she said. "I think you might enjoy it better then~"

The vulpinae couldn't help but giggle. "Oh, you get me."

"Slightly more seriously, the hot water really will feel better after rather than before the next twenty-odd miles on foot. This part of the road is way too dusty."

"... Mm, true. Wait, hot water?"

"Yeah. How that works is a bit more complicated, but not as much as you'd think," Senaz responded… Observing that Eira's tail was now doing something she hadn't seen yet. It was visibly wagging.

The future was apparently very, very exciting to Vulpinae.


The last couple weeks have not been great on me, unfortunately, but certain things are starting to line up and I am hoping to be in a position for some more serious writing soon.

... Serious as in doing large amounts of it. Succubusekai's still not intended to be a high-drama work.
Arc 1, Chapter 1.1.0: Arrival

Succubusekai Act 1: Chaos Mountain! Save The Keep On The Borderlands!

Chapter 1.1.0: Arrival

"The realm of mankind, as some like to call it," Helen Garland declares as the sun approaches noon, "tends to be larger than people think. There are spaces where great evil persists, that much is certain, and always they seek to expand their influence in all its stripes. But, overall, I'd say civilization does a pretty decent job around here. There's ways to improve, that much is certain. But, bless Aurora and bless Solaria, they can happen. And when evil rears its ugly head? It falls to the likes of, well, us, to protect the innocent and save the day."

Eira shrugs. "A trio of adventurers, armed with a few kinda unusual tricks up our sleeve, but still up against… Well, um. We don't actually know how big the force is, do we?"

You shake your head. "Nope. No idea. But, I'm comfortable saying this much… The journey starts here."

A Succubus, a thief, and a Paladin. One of the weirder trios to visit this land, most likely. But now, you know of a threat to the region. And, hopefully, you could handle it.

… Maybe not right away. Not after, as far as most of the world knew, several days of traveling nonstop, both day and night, to outpace as many cultists of Echidna as possible.

You, of course, had a couple big advantages on that front. Like an extradimensional apartment that could be stepped outside of time, sort of. Of course, the more you used that, the sooner you'd have to be working again. Like, your former life's day job.

Dianna, your HR Rep, at least was a big help in things. Gene King ("MBA, PMP", your brain autocompletes after his last name), your boss… Apparently had caught wind of your death before the meeting, which was awkward to say the least. It'd actually taken you shapeshifting, on camera, to your past life's look to get the point across that you were still, in fact, Sean Calvers. As if being able to log in wasn't proof enough! (Okay, it wasn't, but still.)

And, once again, he had to swiftly remind you of the exact kinds of stupid he was. Switching to referring to you with 'she/her' pronouns? Instantaneous. Using your reborn name? Not so much. "Sean" shouldn't be so grating to hear, right? No sign of transphobia so much as pure dumbassery, though, so give it time maybe.

Then again, he wasn't that stupid. The instant you brought up three weeks of paid leave for medical purposes, i.e. recovering from being hit by a goddamn truck, he had Microsoft Project up, and in thirty seconds he had your project work redelegated. However, he also was clearly paying attention when you mentioned not having immediate injuries due to being reincarnated, and having had ten years emotional separation to help mitigate the trauma a bit, and did insist you do some meets with others on the team to keep them up on task.

You weren't willing to protest, proving Helen's point of your responsibility addiction yet further. At least that got him talked out of the idea of trying to project plan fighting off a cult of unknown scale and intentions in an undermapped region with capabilities rather tangential to modern military operations, which he didn't have experience PM'ing anyways.

Trying to keep the lanes separate was a good idea, overall.

You've only gone through about 40 hours of Earth-time in the duration you've been traveling. Still, you're eventually going to need to get back to work, and in the meanwhile need to make sure your skills do not atrophy - assuming you want to keep the job, which you did declare intent to.

But there was a more immediate fate in your hands first. And the center of it was now finally coming into view.

Arnstey Keep lay on a mountain of stone, steep enough that the road to it had to wind back and forth for your average cart to make it up there. It was a border fortress of the most typical sort - well enough removed to be a 'bastion' of civilization in otherwise less-tamed lands. Not untamed, as the occasional farm would tell you, but certainly much, much less so.

And, of course, somewhere nearby was the collection of space that the cultists of Echidna called "Chaos Mountain". And probably all sorts of trouble, both directly caused by and unrelated to the cult. Life-threatening danger, with your team not being highly experienced or honed yet. Still… You were convinced you could do this.

The region around Arnstey Keep was forested, mountainous, and all-around kind of on the rugged side. Still, you'd made it up the cliffside road, and to the main gate to Arnstey Keep - and to a pair of guards, one cat-like Ubastim and one Human, both male and both wearing chainmail in decent condition under a blue tabard. Behind them, the portcullis for the gatehouse is closed, but the drawbridge over a rather vicious-looking ravine is down.

"Please halt", the Ubastim declares, his tone firm but not particularly angry. "I do not recognize you three, so name and business, please."

Helen steps forward. "I am Helen Garland, Paladin of Solaria. I and my companions, Senaz-" - she motions to you - "- and Eira-" and then towards your floofier companion - "- believe that there is a grave threat to the region, which we seek to bring down."

The guard pauses. "Well, that's. Eminently believable. Haven't heard of Solaria-"

Helen immediately looks a bit downcast at that, before the guard continues, "-but Lord Ferec's orders are 'welcome potential adventurers who don't seem to be working for the cult of She Who Must Be Abjured.'"

Okay, that's a phew moment. The guard shouts a codeword you don't quite catch, and the portcullis raises fairly quickly. "Go forth and cause no trouble within this keep; we've quite enough of it as of late already. And to be clear, that means don't draw your weapons. The town's on-edge enough as-is."

You nod, and let Helen lead the way in through the gatehouse… Which is pretty solid granite and clearly prepared for some pretty serious defense, what with the towers on either side having arrow slits, and the gatehouse passage being able to be fired into from all directions. It makes the purpose of the Keep perhaps more starkly obvious… And the guards are definitely on alert, within the town and along its battlement.

The town itself looks… Well, better than you might've been afraid of. Not a shining city, but things seemed functionable enough. Everything was within the walls, which severely limited space, but it was enough for one Church - probably for multiple of the gods - one Inn with attached Tavern, a general store, smithy, trade center, small bank,and… Well, another guardhouse blocking the only way to the other half of the keep. Probably where the actual host and the town Lord is, for one. And probably blocked off to random newbie adventurers like yourselves.

Eira sighs. "So, we've got three things to work on first."

Helen pauses. "Lodging, information, and some downtime before we act on that information?"

"Yup, close, and not exactly what I was thinking," Eira responded. "We need opportunities. Like, if we find properly offered jobs we can fulfill, that'd be good for building cohesion and funds, which we'll need more of if we want to expand the team."

You nod. "The question, then, is what we do for lodging."


The answer to that question very quickly becomes clear. If you're going to want to sleep inside of the Keep, you either have to talk one of the families of the already rather crowded apartments to let you stay with them, or you have to take space at the inn - at a somewhat spiked rate, given the crowds, of 1 gold a night for rooms that'd typically go for half that. Still, it'd give you privacy to use your significantly better accommodations.

The cheater route, unfortunately, isn't as handy - the buildings are so packed as to have no alleys or other real quiet spots, other than one field in a corner. In other words, if you place your door anywhere outside, people are going to notice. Your collection of tales happens to call that someone with an extradimensional space that large is way better off and probably more powerful than you are right now, so that could give people Very Wrong Ideas that could be inconvenient - especially if you want to keep the whole 'divine reincarnation' thing hidden as long as possible.

So, that has to be kept in mind. But you don't need to decide immediately.


The Tavern next door, known as the Stretching Goat, on the other hand? Is your natural element, even when not immediately using nigh-hypnotic charms on people. You are a bard with beyond-human-limits charisma, and with you already having a girl on your arms in the form of Eira, and a freaking Paladin taking a corner table quickly but clearly with you to allay suspicion, you can get to talking to people fast.

Fortunately, the Tavern, while it's the only one within the keep, isn't taking advantage of its position as such too much. The food smells excellent, the drinks unwatered (if a bit costly - probably there's no brewing within the keep walls right now - not enough barley handy, maybe?), and the barkeep, generally seems attentive. No wonder why even now, before the end of the typical business day, there's already twelve people around.

Just as important - okay, moreso for you, but just as for Helen and Eira - is the fact that people in taverns tend to talk to each other and even strangers. If you want to get information about the surrounding region, this is absolutely the place to go to.


In front of the Inn and Tavern is a large, gushing fountain… And around it, several different typical market stalls. Some buying and perusal might just get you some information, done right. Also, there's various fresh produce - convenient, given you've run through a lot of your frozen stock at the apartment. It's a bit costly, though, indicative of how far it has to travel to get here.

Eira can't help but note that the fountain, powered by simple gravity, is still potentially functionable as a start for a sewer system; Helen doesn't disagree, but notes that the pipes are likely lead (bad idea) and powered by gravity (limits the range intensely) - though a citizen notes that it's actually powered by some light persisted magic, developed by a Wizard on commission from Lord Ferec some years ago. Which immediately gets Helen lost in thought about the potential for using magic in place of technologies - something you've pondered on a bit, but probably nowhere near as deeply as a former starship captain who used a divine wish for a cheatbook on technological advancement.

Still, you do notice no one's drinking from the fountain, which probably means stagnant water.


The blacksmith, a slightly old human named Ghor, looks pretty good at his work - he doesn't have any armor for sale, but there's a couple basic weapons you could probably talk him into selling.


The chapel is of a sort typical to smaller towns around the region - one large room, with altars to several of the Fourteen gods. Which also means it's holy enough that you feel a bit uncomfortable being here.

Not enough to not go in, though. Not when there's several different faith leaders to potentially chat with - all of whom are likely not happy about the servants of She Who Must Be Abjured being even possibly active around here.

It turns out the local Divine Cartel (as your queen likes to call these arrangements) isn't a monopoly, though - there are occasional visiting priests, and one particular one has rented one of the apartments along the south wall. Could be worth talking to him.


There are quite a number of trade guilds in the greater region, but in Arnstey Keep, there's nowhere near enough space to let all of them have a local hall… So, basically every major guild has a base here.

No, there's no "Adventurer's Guild", this isn't Eitherys and don't go looking that up if you don't know what it means unless you want a major spoiler for a currently popular canon. But there are multiple merchant's guilds, craft and artisan guilds, bakers, and others, and they get organized here, with four local clerks - all women (a human, elf, dwarf, and tiefling) - handling the fees and administration for every guild they're aware of - and there's probably books in there for several who aren't.

Traders pay guild dues equal to 5% of their merchandise, unless they are regular members of the guild house already. Craftsmen pay a few gold when entering or leaving the area. In return, they're protected by a dedicated guard, can use the facilities of the guild house - and societal protection via guild influence. Crossing the clerks could go poorly, but they do not (yet) have reason to be interested in you.


And then there's the second guardhouse. Arnstey Keep is split in half by an inner wall - a fairly common extra defensive tactic, and given the ravine, probably a pretty solid one. Two sets of battlements, and another tunnel with murder holes, though this one only has two portculli, no drawbridge.

A quick conversation makes clear that only the guard, those invited by Lord Ferec, and those with special permits can pass. Of course, you could try to sneak in with your flight… But they also patrol along the top of the walls, so that'd be potentially tricky.


[ ] (Inn) Accept the risk of discovery if you use the apartment, and don't stay at the inn.
[ ] (Inn) Go cheap by sleeping in the common room (1 SP/person/night)
[ ] (Inn) Rent a proper room so you can use the apartment while keeping it a secret. (1 GP/night)

[ ] (Tavern) Talk Bumbo into letting you use the stage for a bit. It's tiny, but the acoustics in here should be adequate for your lute. (Performance Check to make a bit of money - but more than that, ingratiate yourself with people cheap and see if you can learn more of the town's situation.)
[ ] (Tavern) Go around buying drinks and food for people along with Helen. (Will cost 3 GP, but will get both you and Helen's Persuasion checks at advantage to learn more of the town's situation.)
[ ] (Tavern) Just start talking. (Will get you all three girls' Persuasion checks, but no advantage and less respect.)
[ ] (Tavern) Try the previous plan of charming people into giving you information. (Hopefully Helen's disapproval won't be violent, but your stratospheric save DC makes this really likely to work… As long as no one's detecting magic.)

[ ] (Church) Let Helen lead the conversations here - she knows the Auroran faith fairly well, given the connections between Aurora and Solaria.
[ ] (Church) Go in and get talking yourself - it's unlikely anyone will recognize you as a Succubus, and even if they do, Helen can probably calm them from going all smite-y.
[ ] (Church) Skip the church, you know where you're better at seeking info.

[ ] (Independent Priest) Yeah, go check him out.
[ ] (Independent Priest) Nah, no need to chat with him.

[ ] (Guild Hall) Steer clear for now.
[ ] (Guild Hall) Try to hobnob with visiting guildfolk for information.
[ ] (Guild Hall) Try to hobnob with the clerks for information.

[ ] (Inner Fortress) Try to charm your way in. (Even with magic, this will be difficult.)
[ ] (Inner Fortress) Try to fly in - probably under cover of night. (Hoo boy the issues if the guards spot you, but it's your best odds of getting information.)
[ ] (Inner Fortress) Leave that side of the city be for now - you'll just need a reputation worthy of being allowed in!

Additional vote topics may be added based on questions asked by the audience.


Those who've done the Keep on the Borderlands adventure before, first, please don't spoil things for people - and keep in mind you are already aware of at least one significant change before this post, and there's a couple things I've tweaked as well. Never mind the opportunities to create bigger changes.

Be aware I haven't dove into detail on several facilities on the south side of town - if you have questions on these, ask:
  • The gate towers and several other guard towers around the keep, all in active use and many equipped with ballistae and catapults. One near but not at the main gate is specifically used by the town Bailiff.
  • The stable and common warehouse near the front entrance.
  • The bank, which seems to be fairly typical (loans up to 5 GP do not require collateral, gold/gems can be exchanged at a fee, and storage of gold is free if it's going to stay over a month.
  • The Provisioner and Trader (as you'd bought equipment before coming here) - the Provisioner doesn't do a lot of weapon sales, but will buy equipment at half-value if in usable condition. The Trader is mostly interested in scale goods like salt, spices, etc., but also deals in armor and weapons (and, in theory, horses and the like, except he doesn't have any in stock).
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Will properly read the update, and (probably) vote, tomorrow.
Those who've done the Keep on the Borderlands adventure before, first, please don't spoil things for people - and keep in mind you are already aware of at least one significant change before this post, and there's a couple things I've tweaked as well. Never mind the opportunities to create bigger changes.
I assume that Senaz never read or played the module herself during her own (apparently extensive enough to know the 3.5e Succubus's powers by heart) experience with D&D? :grin:
I'm gonna opt for going cheap and not making waves just yet, and there's a couple reasons why.

First, I think we want to stretch Earth time for now-- the more we can get out of these three weeks, the better, especially when it comes to keeping our skills polished.

Second, it's probably better to, even now, get used to how Greyhawk time works (such as it is). Precisely scheduled time is less of a thing here than I think a lot of us realize, and that might be a major issue moving forward.

Third, even having an extra door doesn't exactly prevent people from seeing it.

Fourth, and most importantly, we want to establish our reputation as not being particularly rich or powerful, as adventurers go at any rate. Sure, we're about as rich as a knight, but we're not merchants and we're not powerful spellcasters (yet). Wealth in Greyhawk is, in many ways, power. Hiding our power level is good.