Storms Over Europe (An Alternate Weird History Quest in The Inter-War)

Maybe we could spend leadership on university expansion, modernisation and making it free so that we get a bigger scientific community thus cheapening further research?
I think we should finish up roads and the our new Industrial-Complex. With better ability to travel and new factories, we make technical and adult schools with the idea that new minds are needed to progress the nation.

Also, what would be people's thoughts about binding the people through a music festival? Like we have a 3 day concert/festival in Autumn, and we employ local musical talents to play historic Polish music as well as famous Composers from minorities Stefania Turkewich, Ukraine Composer, or Juozas Naujalis, who organized the first music school in Lithuania and is still alive in 1933. If need be we can use our Industry factory to build radios, give out basic ones, and then broadcast parts of the concert nationwide.
The festival actually seems like a good idea given that most racism comes from not knowing other people's culture and a festival is a perfect place to expose people to different customs and create new ones thus provoking a sense of unity.
I think we should finish up roads and the our new Industrial-Complex. With better ability to travel and new factories, we make technical and adult schools with the idea that new minds are needed to progress the nation.

Also, what would be people's thoughts about binding the people through a music festival? Like we have a 3 day concert/festival in Autumn, and we employ local musical talents to play historic Polish music as well as famous Composers from minorities Stefania Turkewich, Ukraine Composer, or Juozas Naujalis, who organized the first music school in Lithuania and is still alive in 1933. If need be we can use our Industry factory to build radios, give out basic ones, and then broadcast parts of the concert nationwide.
I'm down for any plan that incorporates this idea.
The music festival and the industrial complex would both prove very useful. Not to mention that the IC will help arm our army and make it easier to modernize it with better equipment.
So I made once again three plans. One focused on diplomatic overtures to the Czech and Germans and promises for the farmers, one focused on anti Soviet diplomacy with the Baltics and Romania as well as expansion of reserves and the officer pool, and one focused on diplomatic overtures to Scandinavian and Baltic countries and creation/expansion of research institutes in Poland.

[] Diplomacy West and First Promises to the Peasants + Development
-[] 20 Leadership, Czech trade agreement: If there is one thing that the Czech are famous for it is their pragmatism(and their bear). While they may not love us, another avenue for exports to the wide world will be deeply appreciated by their state and their companies especially during a time period so heavily marked by the protectionism of great powers. While there are few resources Poland may offer the industrial powerhouse of Czechoslovakia, except for fabrics from Lodz, grain and maybe some chemicals in the future, there is a lot the Czech are able to sell to us. Machine tools from Skoda, trucks from Skoda, cars from Skoda, guns from Skoda, artillery from Skoda, tanks from Skoda, coal not from Skoda, but one of the cheapest in the world and bear(worse than Polish obviously). All of it make Czechoslovakia an important trade partner for our republic especially as all the equipment manufactured by their heavy industry can be used to speed up our own industrialization.
-[] 20 Leadership, German Overtures: The existence of Poland were always a problem for the Germany after ww1, regardless if the Germans are democratic or authoritarian at any given moment. However our western neighbor is in no state to press their claims to our territories or any other territories for that matter and is quite busy with their internal problems and restrictions put upon it under the conditions of the treaty of Versailles. We can use it and attempt to end the endless trade war between our two nations. It would give us some peace of mind in the west as well as ease the economic strain of maintaning high tariffs on German products. The Germans in turn would benefit by getting more legitimacy for the regime of Herr Hitler, making their economic growth easier thanks to the new markets and by proving to the west that the Nazi's rhetoric was just that, rhetoric. Win, win.
-[] 20 Leadership, 6IC Rural Infrastructure Development: Promises made, promises kept. Our government has promised to improve the material situation of farmers across the Republic. In order to do it properly a comprehensive survey of the needs need to be made and a plan based on it needs to be created. Once the preparations are complete, let's start the work.
-[] 30IC Central Industry: With the end of our efforts in the North and sudden increase in available industrial capacity, it is only proper to resume proper funding for the most crucial development projects.
-[] 15IC Infrastructure: No one argues about the need to improve Poland's infrastructure, but while the roads and rails serve the overall economy, they do not provide as immediate benefit as the construction of the new industrial heartland and as such need to be deprioritized.

[] Diplomacy North and Research + Development
-[] 20 Leadership, Baltic Nations and Finland: All countries bordering the Soviets share a common enemy. Let's use it especially in light of recent revelations to create a closer bond between our nations. While immediate agreement for a mutual defense treaty is unlikely. Let's build to that though trade and openhanded relations while attempting to ignore our previous misunderstandings with especially Lithuania.
-[] 20 Leadership, Scandinavia(mostly Danmark and Sweden): There are dozens of reasons to maintain a friendly relations with the Nordic countries, but they all go down to trade. Which in case of our maritime one has to go through the Baltic sea, a sea that Danmark can close if it so desires (especially considering our unfriendly relations with the Germans which prevents usage of the Kiel Canal), a sea on which the Swedish navy has a full supremacy over. However these country are famously neutral in the global politics and as such no much is needed for them to reaffirm their neutrality and agree to a formal trade agreement.
-[] 20 Leadership, 6IC Research Institutes: There are dozens of research institutes in Poland. Some of these delve into chemistry other into public health, but there is always room for improvement. Let's streamline their efforts by putting them all under the aegis of one central institution, expand their budgets, allow for public - private partnerships, improve patent protections laws and their enforcement and in general make the environment for innovations more friendly for innovators, something made so much easier after the recent overhaul of the bureaucracy. All of it will defiantly improve our technological situation.
-[] 30IC Central Industry: With the end of our efforts in the North and sudden increase in available industrial capacity, it is only proper to resume proper funding for the most crucial development projects.
-[] 15IC Infrastructure: No one argues about the need to improve Poland's infrastructure, but while the roads and rails serve the overall economy, they do not provide as immediate benefit as the construction of the new industrial heartland and as such need to be deprioritized.

[] Diplomacy East and Officers + Development
-[] 40 Leadership, Anti Communist Alliance of the east: There are 6 nations which will be always under threat of communist aggression. These are Finland, Estland, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania. All of these countries had at least some part of their territory controlled by the now defunct Russian Empire, and the Soviet see themselves as the direct successor state of said empire and claim all territories previously belonging to the Russians. One may try to claim that it is all in the name of international workers solidarity and that all nations receive a degree of autonomy under the Soviet rule, but even if it is true no one want to lose their independence, and the recent actions of the Soviets put under question any claims to such solidarity and the supposed pure intension of the communist regime. As such it is only proper for the nations under threat of Soviet invasion to bund together to ensure maximum of resistance against the Soviet attacks. Let's have our diplomats start with trade and non-aggression treaties at least, but put the focus on the need for a comprehensive defense treaty between all parties involved.
-[] 20 Leadership, 6IC Reserves: The number of soldiers our country can call to war in a rapid fashion is abysmal compare to the total population. This problem has two components: lack of soldiers and lack of weapons ready for mobilization. To eliminate the first problem the government will establish a series of programs in our educational institutions focused on training reserve officer in addition to normal curriculum which could be quickly mobilized in case of war. The problem of lack of training for lower rank reserve personnel will be handled by boy scouts and girl scouts units which exist since 1911, but can be further expanded and give something to do for idle teens without work. Once the teens reach 18 years of age they along with members of reserve officer training programs can join the Polish Home Guard a basic infantry like formation with rudimentary training(once a month) and minimal salary, but always ready for potential mobilization. The second problem will be handled by setting up a series of weapons depots across the country in such a way that every county would have the ability to mobilize its local population.
-[] 30IC Central Industry: With the end of our efforts in the North and sudden increase in available industrial capacity, it is only proper to resume proper funding for the most crucial development projects.
-[] 15IC Infrastructure: No one argues about the need to improve Poland's infrastructure, but while the roads and rails serve the overall economy, they do not provide as immediate benefit as the construction of the new industrial heartland and as such need to be deprioritized.
[X] Diplomacy East and Officers + Development

We could take diplomatic advantage of Germany and Russia's shared authoritarianism to draw more eastern countries into our future alliance, after all, no matter what we do Hitler is going to continue to think that slavs are subhuman (I have heard a lot of debate on whether the polish are or not slavs but for the sake of expediency lets say that Hitler considers them slavs whether that's ture or not) and is going to want his Lebensraum so being friendly with them is counter-productive.

We could also use the alliance to solve our problem with R&D by eventually pushing for a shared system of military and civilian technology developement (which would also ease logistics given that we would all be using the same weapons eventually).​
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OK, that means we even just got a gift form Soviets for Mikołajki*.
*Traditional Catholic holiday in Poland as well as many other countries. It is held on December 6, and it is when Poles traditionally gave gifts to each other, not on Christmas.
But today it is becoming a pretest to double gift-giving in December.

[X] Diplomacy East and Officers + Development
We have an opportunity to seize.
[X] 40 Leadership, Anti Communist Alliance of the east
The Soviets have once again shown that they are untrustworthy, let's use this opportunity to formalize the anti-communist alliance and perhaps build the foundation for the Intermarium. Although convincing Lithuania may be a problem.
[X] 20 Leadership, 6IC Reserves:
We have considerable reserves but difficult to maintain, fortunately, General Tadeusz Kutrzeba with the help of Colonel Julian Skokowski proposed the idea of volunteer civilian-military units that could give us budget relief while increasing the number of available recruits.
They called it the Oddziały Obrony Narodowej (National Defense Troops).

[X] 30IC Central Industry:
It's time for the next move. The Kosieradzki brothers, supported by Treasury Minister Eugene Kwiatkoski, presented a project for a Central Industrial District that should help Poland climb out of the hole left by the Great Depression by building an industry capable of absorbing both overt and hidden unemployment in the countryside.

[X] 15IC Infrastructure
Connecting the country must continue, not everything has been completed yet, and the standard of the rail network is equal. More paved roads are also needed in the east for easier travel and transportation in case of war with the Bolsheviks
[X] Diplomacy West and First Promises to the Peasants + Development

A Czech trade agreement and fixing the internal opposition of the peasants look like the highest priority. We definitely want to get a handle on the German position soonish, as well. Maybe two front war is inevitable, maybe it isn't.
We got to keep our promises, people. We can make alliances with the other Soviet bordering states when our internal affairs are in order.
We have a whole year to follow with our promises and the burocrat purge we did has eased the tensions, also, the infratructure project is not only building roads but also building sewage and electricity in rural areas.

Edit: My bad, I am a numbskull, aparently we need to do an specialized infrastructure project to help the rural zones of Poland
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We got to keep our promises, people. We can make alliances with the other Soviet bordering states when our internal affairs are in order.
Edit: My bad, I am a numbskull, aparently we need to do an specialized infrastructure project to help the rural zones of Poland
The COP project is just the thing that can effectively solve the rural problem.
Why? Because the so-called hidden unemployment prevailed there, that is, in theory they were employed on the land, but de facto they were unnecessary there, but the cities could not take them in because there were not enough jobs in them.
Building a series of cities and new factories will absorb overt unemployment and some of the hidden unemployment.
At the same time, it will make it possible to avoid the even greater division on the land that would have had to be made under land reform*.
*If this had been done, it would have been necessary either to piss off the Ukrainians in Volhynia by exacerbating ethnic tensions, or to piss off the landed layer which, unlike the peasants, had the money to modernize their farms.
Most peasant farms were not only poor, they were too small to even provide a basis for their own subsistence, especially in former Galicia.
The only way to solve this is to find them somewhere else, preferably in cities. Otherwise, another division of land by inheritance could lead to famine.
OTL the problem** was solved by expelling the Germans from the Recovered Territories, and their land was divided among the incoming Poles from the Borderlands or from the lands of central Poland and southern Poland.
**Another thing is that immediately afterwards the communists stole these lands back from them as part of the forced collectivization, fortunately, this did not pan out completely and in Poland private agriculture eventually remained.
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@Batrix2070, correct me if I am wrong but you are telling us that polish agriculture is, right now, inefficient bacause they haven't been moderniced (due to most farmers being too poor), most farmers have farms too small to even achieve subsistance farming and land reform is not even an option because of possible ethnic tensions?

Well, if the farms are too small we could always support the creation of farming cooperatives and help modernisation through a government sponsored leasing program of farming tools and maybe craete agronomy institutes.
if I am wrong but you are telling us that polish agriculture is, right now, inefficient bacause they haven't been moderniced (due to most farmers being too poor),
To put it more precisely, and quoting Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski himself, Polish agriculture after WWI and the Polish-Bolshevik war in much of the country regressed to the 19th and the first half.
Polish agricultural production in 1918 was barely 30% of pre-war production, and this level was exceeded, if I'm not mistaken, only after WWII.
most farmers have farms too small to even achieve subsistance farming and land reform is not even an option because of possible ethnic tensions?
A fair amount, but it depends on the region. More precisely the partition, the former Prussian partition is in good shape and most of the profitable farms come from that region.
The other is Russian but there is plenty of wasteland that can be exploited.
The worst part is Galicia, there the agricultural enfranchisement was carried out in such a way as to divide the nobility and their former subjects. This is one of the causes of Polish-Ukrainian antagonism.
And there may be free land in Volhynia (the 1920 war completely ravaged the region), but this will involve nationality problems so it will have to be carried out carefully.
OTL colonization of uncultivated land there was problematic that eventually tensions led to the Volhynian slaughter in 1943. No less, if the action was carried out efficiently and effectively it would eventually succeed in putting the Ukrainians before the fait accompli to which they would become accustomed over time.
Well, if the farms are too small we could always support the creation of farming cooperatives and help modernisation through a government sponsored leasing program of farming tools and maybe craete agronomy institutes.
This has been happening from the bottom up for a long time, if I'm not mistaken it is already supported by the state but the socialists are pushing very hard with the ludowcy(PSL) for fast and hard land reform. The problem is that this requires a lot of free land and the IIRP is not a communist nightmare that can take whatever it wants.
By 1939, much of the limited land reform had been implemented at 58%.

So it's actually already happening, cooperatives of all kinds are developing at a really fast pace.
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