Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

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Oh, Wanderer and Silver definitely re3ceived sweet, sweet XP. They really need it, especially Wanderer. He is stuck on the level 2 for a long, long time. It simply feels unjust.

@DragonParadox , I've updated Fellowship Sheet. Changelog:
1) Marked dragon corpse as stolen.
2) Added Wanderlust maps and Robe of Blending into Notable possessions.
3) Added Doorstep Spider into Associates.

Have not add new rooms into Respite, they have not build yet.
Also, "Fame and infamy" section seems currently having only... historical value.

Also, I do not feel myself skilled enough to update Tom's character sheet.

The Fellowship of Saint Nicholas

Motto: Truth from the Unknown

Triumvirate of Antonio, Roland, and Zaia as joint council

Fleet of the Company
Basic Construction: Eastern Mediterranean Galley, 121 ft length, 21 ft width, 130 metric tons of cargo

Touched by the Far Realm: The ship has passed though the Realm Between and it has been... changed. It Hungers for life and yet it seems bent on preserving the life of its crew.
  • Sails upon the Dreaming Wind: Marcella no longer sails solely with the wind of mortal realms, able to even travel against it at great need, though to linger among its rigging grows more of a strain upon the mind of man.
  • Ship's Eye I: All those marked by the ship gain +2 Circumstantial to Reflex Saves while on the ship.
64 Sailors not counting the captain
  • 8 Armed with short bows
  • 57 armed with a variety of melee weapons
    • Zuan the Dragonslaying Cook
    • Mad Marco
Gull Colony*

A pair of enchanted crossbows on tripods (+1 to attack and Damage; can be fired with a voice command/free action).
Soldiers of the Company
Names and Feats

Sheets and Equipment

8 Melee Men at Arms (Warrior 3)
Man-at-Arms (Melee)
Alignment: [Varies]
Age: [Varies]
Race: Human
Level: 3
Class: Warrior
Feats: Deft Maneuvers, Pikeman's Training, Weapon Focus (Spear Weapons)
Traits: Threatening Defender
Languages: Anwari, English, French
HP: 19/19
AC: 10 + 6 (Bronze Lamellar) + 2 (Shield) = 18
Initiative: +0
  • Spear: +3 (BaB) +1 (STR) +1 (Weapon Focus) = +5 [1d8 + 1, Critical: x3 Piercing]
  • Special: +2 bonus when using the Trip, Disarm, Dirty Trick, Feint, Reposition, or Steal Combat Maneuvers, and does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.
Weapon proficiency: Dagger, Shortsword, Spear, Longspear
Armor proficiency: Light Armor, Medium Armor

12 (+1) Strength
11 (+0) Dexterity 13 (+1) Constitution
9 (-1) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
8 (-1) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 3 + 1 (CON) = 4
REFLEX: 1 + 0 (DEX) = 1
WILL: 1 + 0 (WIS) = 1

Perception: 3
Ride: 4 Survival: 3
Man-at-Arms (Melee; Net-Fighters)
Alignment: [Varies]
Age: [Varies]
Race: Human
Level: 3
Class: Warrior
Feats: Deft Maneuvers, Net Adept, Net Maneuvering
Traits: Threatening Defender
Languages: Anwari, English, French
HP: 19/19
AC: 10 + 6 (Bronze Lamellar) + 2 (Shield) = 18
Initiative: +0

  • Net: +3 (BaB) [Special]
  • Spear: +3 (BaB) + 1 (STR) = +4 [1d8 +1, Critical: x3 Piercing]
  • Special: +2 bonus when using the Trip, Disarm, Dirty Trick, Feint, Reposition, or Steal Combat Maneuvers, and does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.
    • You can use a net in melee to Trip or Disarm opponents instead of Entangling them. You gain a +2 bonus on Disarm checks made to use a net in this way (stacks with Deft Maneuvers).
    • If you have an opponent Entangled in your net, you can attempt to Drag or Reposition that opponent as long as he is within your net's reach or you control the trailing rope on your net.
Weapon proficiency: Dagger, Longspear, Net, Shortsword, Spear
Armor proficiency: Light Armor, Medium Armor

12 (+1) Strength
11 (+0) Dexterity
13 (+1) Constitution
9 (-1) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
8 (-1) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 3 + 1 (CON) = 4
REFLEX: 1 + 0 (DEX) = 1
WILL: 1 + 0 (WIS) = 1

Perception: 3
Ride: 4
Survival: 3

5 Ranged Men-at-Arms (Warrior 3)
Man-at-Arms (Ranged)
Alignment: [Varies]
Age: [Varies]
Race: Human
Level: 3
Class: Warrior
Feats: Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (Bow Weapons)
Traits: Killer
Languages: Anwari, English, French
HP: 16/16
AC: 10 + 4 (Chain Shirt) + 1 (Dex) = 15
Initiative: +1 (DEX)
  • Shortsword: +3 (BaB) + 1 (STR) = +4 [1d6 + 1, Critical: 19-20x2; Slashing]
  • Composite Shortbow: +3 (BaB) + 1 (DEX) + 1 (Weapon Focus), Range Increment: 70ft.
    • Normal: +5 [1d6 + 1, Critical: x3; Piercing]
    • Rapid Shot: +3/+3 [1d6 + 1, Critical: x3; Piercing]
  • Special: You deal additional damage equal to your weapon's critical hit modifier when you score a successful critical hit with a weapon; this additional damage is added to the final total, and is not multiplied by the critical hit multiple itself.
Weapon proficiency: Dagger, Shortsword, Longbow, Shortbow

12 (+1) Strength
13 (+1) Dexterity
11 (+0) Constitution
9 (-1) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
8 (-1) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 3 + 0 (CON) = 3
REFLEX: 1 + 1 (DEX) = 2
WILL: 1 + 0 (WIS) = 1

Perception: 3
Ride: 4 + 1 (DEX) = 5 Survival: 3

1 Knikut Barbarian
Name: Wanderer
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 21
Race: Neanderthal
Level: 2
Class: Barbarian 2 (Invulnerable Rager)
Feats: Extra Rage
Traits: Indomitable Faith
Class Features: Damage Reduction (1/--), Rage (15 rounds/Day), Rage Power (Reckless Abandon)
Languages: Anwari, Wanderer's Knikut dialect
Special: Hardy (+6 HP), Low-Light Vision, Mental Fortitude
HP: 33/33
  • HP w/Rage: 37/37
AC: 10 + 1 (Natural) + 1 (DEX) + 4 (Chain Shirt) = 16
  • AC w/Rage: 10 + 1 (Natural) + 1 (DEX) - 2 (Rage) = 14
    • AC w/Rage & Reckless Abandon: 10 + 1 (Natural) + 1 (DEX) - 3 (Rage) = 13
Movement: 30 feet + 10 feet (Fast Movement) = 40 feet
Initiative: +1 (DEX)
  • Northern Fury (+1 Greatclub): +2 (BaB) + 3 (STR) + 1 = +6 [1d10+5, Critical: x2 Bludgeoning]
    • when using Power Attack: +5 [1d10+8]
  • Northern Fury w/Rage: +2 (BaB) + 5 (STR) + 1 = +8 [1d10+8, Critical: x2 Bludgeoning]
    • when using Reckless Abandon: +9 [1d10+8]
    • when using Power Attack: +7 [1d10+11]
      • when using Power Attack & Reckless Abandon: +8 [1d10+11]
  • Cold Iron Spear: +2 (BaB) + 3 (STR) = +5 [1d8+3, Critical: x3 Piercing]
    • when using Power Attack: +4 [1d8+6]
  • Cold Iron Spear w/Rage: +2 (BaB) + 5 (STR) = +7 [1d8+5, Critical: x3 Piercing]
    • when using Reckless Abandon: +8 [1d8+5]
    • when using Power Attack: +6 [1d8+8]
      • when using Power Attack & Reckless Abandon: +7 [1d8+8]
Weapon proficiency: Club, Dagger, Spear, Longspear
Armor proficiency: Light Armor

16 (+3) Strength
12 (+1) Dexterity
16 (+3) Constitution
8 (-1) Intelligence
8 (-1) Wisdom
10 (+0) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 3 + 3 (CON) = 6
REFLEX: 0 + 1 (DEX) = 1
WILL: 0 - 1 (WIS) + 1 (IF) = 0
Special: +2 bonus to Will and Fortitude saving throws while Raging. +2 Racial bonus to saving throws against Illusions and Enchantments.

Climb: 4 + 3 (STR) = 7
Knowledge (Nature): 5 - 1 (INT) = 4
Perception: 5 - 1 (WIS) = 4
Survival: 4 - 1 (WIS) = 3

Special Abilities:
  • Fast Movement (Ex): When you are not wearing Heavy Armor or carrying a heavy load, your land speed is increased by +10 feet.
  • Rage (Ex): You can enter a Rage or leave that state as a Free Action for up to 15 rounds per day (10 + CON modifier + 2 per level after 1st). Temporary Constitution increases do not affect your daily ability to Rage. When you stop using Rage, you are Fatigued for twice as long as you Raged, and you cannot enter a Rage while Fatigued or Exhausted. If you fall unconscious, your Rage immediately ends. Your ability to Rage is renewed each day after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.
    • Reckless Abandon (Ex): While Raging, you can further reduce your AC by -1 to increase your attack bonus by +1
    • Rage Effects: +4 Morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, +2 Morale bonus to Will saves, and -2 penalty to AC. You cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-linked skills (except Acrobatics, Intimidate, and Ride), or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
Equipment of Note: Cold Iron Spear, Steel Chain Shirt

5 Anwa Warriors (Warrior 3, Horn of the Werebear ready)
Anwari Mercenary (Melee)
Age: [Varies]
Race: Human
Level: 3
Class: Warrior
Feats: Deft Maneuvers, Shield Focus, Weapon Focus (Axe)
Traits: Pillager
Languages: Anwari
HP: 19/19
AC: 10 + 4 (Armored Coat) + 3 (Shield) = 17
Initiative: +0
  • Battle Axe: +3 (BaB) +1 (STR) +1 (Weapon Focus) = +5 [1d8 + 1, Critical: x3 Slashing]
  • Special: +2 bonus when using the Trip, Disarm, Dirty Trick, Feint, Reposition, or Steal Combat Maneuvers, and does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.
Longsword: +3 (BaB) +1 (STR) +1 (Weapon Focus) = +5 [1d8 + 1, Critical: 19-20/x2 Slashing]
Weapon proficiency: Battle Axe, Boarding Axe, Dagger, Sword
Armor proficiency: Light Armor, Medium Armor

12 (+1) Strength
11 (+0) Dexterity
13 (+1) Constitution
9 (-1) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
8 (-1) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 3 + 1 (CON) = 4
REFLEX: 1 + 0 (DEX) = 1
WILL: 1 + 0 (WIS) = 1

Climb: 5
Perception: 3
Profession (Sailor): 4
Swim: 5
Old Fegu:
Craft (Carpentry): 4
Perception: 2
Profession (Sailor): 4
Swim: 5

One-Eyed Langa:
Perception: 3
Profession (Fisher): 4
Profession (Sailor): 4
Swim: 5

Sometimes an Anwa sailor volunteer for Horn of the Werebear*

Cor Eso, drummer of Drums of Haste
Ripper, Young Ocean Lion

9 otter-kin recruits
  • Runs in Rain

Megin, Kathlin

Mog, Imjarvi Gremlin (contract expires at Day of Rule, 1352)

Ooloa, Leni, Unki, Iles, Kasibo*, naunet's Changeling children we are to care for, aged from 7 1/12 to 10, Ooloa is the eldest.

Doorstep Spider, version of Phase Spider, feasting on the troubled dead in Wayfarer's Respite.
Finances of the Company
Company Animals:
-20 Horses
-2 newborns (female)

Soldier Salaries [Per Payment/Loot]:
1% per man at arms (8 melee, 5 ranged, 1 Knikut, 5 Anwa, 19 total)
2% for Tom
Total Salary Cost 21%

Ship Costs:
Sailor's Pay: 2040 gp/season
Provisions: 910 gp/season
Upkeep (Marcella): 90 gp/season
Total ship Costs: 3040 gp/season

Income from Magian Wine: 2500 gp/season**

Total Funds: 20,553 gp
Fame and Infamy
Anwa Islands 4/10: Strangers you are seemingly risen up from the foaming waves of a storms come upon the island, strange is your ship and strange is your manner. Some call you aid unlooked for in a time of need, some birds of ill omen, come to pick over the bones of the True Folk
-Lirman: 6/10: You were welcomed by the king into his hall, yet you have made few freinds among the clans, even those who were once you allies now speaking ill of your deeds. Yet none can deny that you came in timely manner with news of the darkness growing over Korman. It is said you have slain a dragon, and a dragon's head you brought forth for song and saga
-Korman: 3/10: Champions of Olweje, and bearers of His shield you have been named outlaw and kidnapper by the new king of the Island. It would be death for you to show your face in the capital, though perhaps other lords might thing better of you

Orinilu 2/10: One of your leaders is a member of the League of Captains and honored for it.

The White Lands 1/10: Your deeds are great , but they have not yet resounded upon the frozen plains from the horns of the Wyrdoki and the drums of the Danuk
Daily Alchemy Progress by Item
Dragon's Blood: x5
Dose of Dream Dust: x8

Brewed from the musk of a creature long trapped in the dreaming world this concoction allows a mage to greatly enhance the effects of spells of slumber. Add 2d2 HD to the cap creatures affected by a sleep spell. Cost 150 gp/dose.
Notable possessions
Books on Alchemy and Metallurgy (+3 to Craft Alchemy and all Metal Craft skills as long as one is in a position to reference the tomes)*

Masterwork Smithing and Alchemy Tools (+2 to relevant rolls)*

Ipsit Iron Tamer's spellbook*

Cauldron of Living Bronze (Ikomi-blessed Cauldron of Brewing, +5 competence bonus on Craft (alchemy) skill checks)*
A cauldron of brewing looks like a fine cooking pot with four stout legs. The cauldron is capable of heating any liquid placed in it to a precise temperature (anywhere from just above room temperature to hot enough to boil salt water) and maintaining it indefinitely while still remaining only slightly warm to the touch on the outside. A cauldron of brewing provides a +5 competence bonus on Craft (alchemy) skill checks.

Instructions for Dragon Crafting (a book that when consulted allows an alchemist to act as though they possess Dragoncrafting at the cost of taking twice as long as with the feat)*

Drums of Haste
This set of kettle drums is carried on a shoulder strap and played one-handed using a single two-sided mallet. By making a DC 20 Perform (percussion) check, the bearer can grant the effects of a haste spell on up to 5 creatures. The drums can affect up to 25 creatures per day.

Fey Gold

While wearing a Fey Gold nugget around the neck, the wearer gains fire resistance 1 and a +1 resistance bonus on Will saving throws.

Northern Fury
Northern Fury
Description: This heavy oaken club, roughly carved, is not quite sentient, but still seems drawn to violence, dragging its wielder into battle with it if it can.

  1. +1 Greatclub
  2. The wielder takes a -2 penalty on Will saves against any spells or effects that incite rage, compel hostility or otherwise contribute to starting a fight.
  3. With the first hit made in a combat the club casts Deadly Juggernaut as a free action, but also requires the wielder to make a DC 14 Will save to retreat from melee-range of any opponent still standing. The spell can only be activated once per day.

Horn of the Werebear
Description: A horn in form but not of horn wrought, rather it seems to have been carved from a single piece of ivory by most skillful and loving craft. Carved all about its length with scenes of war that feature men and bears as well as the obviously quite painful transformation between them.

Power: A sacred relic of Olweje, when this horn is blown it can temporarily transform a warrior into large, armored monstrosity of a bear, a Zentragt. The warrior must accept the transformation willingly and after the battle for which he was transformed sacrifice the arms and armor of all foes he has slain to Olweje (by eating them in his bear-form), or else the warrior remains a Zentragt and is driven battle-mad to attack his former comrades.

The transformation takes a full round and lasts for an hour, the target of the transformation must be within 10 feet of the hornblower.

Okunrin Okomo's Hollow Drums (might be used for enchantment)*

Broken Wyrd Lantern (might serve as the base for future enchantments)*

Shadow's various potions and poisons*
Shadow's dragon tablets*

10 lbs of Ebony Vitae*

Name of Mynid the Wayguard troll to conjure him by it if we have need, he'll deal with us fairly.*

Gold Sheet*

Hedon's skull*

Dragon's corpse (Large; used x2 grip skin, x5 blood, x1 musk) (stolen)

Red Lion's head*

Ulk's head

Shadow's head

3 * Wanderlust Map

Robe of Blending
8 Steel Chain Shirts
6 Norman Heavy Shields
Destroyed Banded Mail (need Make Whole to repair)

10 Steel shortswords
1 Masterwork Drow Razor
10 Spears
4 Cold Iron spears
100 Cold Iron arrows
8 Shortbows
2 Composite Shortbows
Standing policies
  1. Shore leave policy: only in groups of several.

  2. Roland-Esha silent communication policy: inconspicious signals and nauseating drought for Roland to initiate silent communication from Esha though her Soulrider as per Sending when they are together / apart respectively.

  3. Weather and danger checking when sailing policy: with Inge, via marine life and Eagle eye.

  4. Detect magic policy: check with all detect cantrips all new things and people we interact with.

  5. Recruit vetting policy: vet and check people we recruit with our magic.

  6. Marcella and Wayfarer's Respite inspection policy: inspect Marcella when leaving port and Wayfarer's Respite when leaving / arriving with our magic.
Wayfarer's Respite
[X] Wayfarer's Respite Building Plan
-[X] Wooden Walls & Moat: Cost: 1,920 gold (20 SS x 160 gold x 0.6; ratio of outer vs inner walls of a 20 space stronghold)
-[X] Outbuildings/Open Space:
--[X] Alchemist's Lab (x1 space): 350 gold
--[X] Courtyard: x5 (x5 spaces, x3 of them upgraded to be suitable for training): 750 gold
--[X] Dock (x1 space): 500 gold
--[X] Guard Posts: x2 (x1 space): 600 gold
--[X] Otter-kin Burrow (x1 space, with neat underground tunnel connecting their burrow to the inner courtyard of Wayfarer's Respite): 400 gold
--[X] Stables (x4 spaces; room for 24 horses): 4,000 gold
---[X] Sub-Total: 8,520 gold
-[X] Main Structure, Ground Floor
--[X] Barracks (x2 spaces; room for 20 men): 800 gold
--[X] Baths: x2 (x1 space): 640 gold
--[X] Dining Hall/Common Area (x2 spaces): 2,000 gold
--[X] Kitchen (x1 space): 2,000 gold
--[X] Storage: x2 (x2 spaces): 500 gold
---[X] Sub-Total: 5,940 gold
-[X] Main Structure, 2nd Floor
--[X] Armory/Strongroom (x1 space): 500 gold
--[X] Bedrooms: x6 (x3 spaces, x2 separate bedrooms per space): 2,100 gold
--[X] Storage: x1 (x1 space): 250 gold
--[X] Study/Office: x2 (x1 space): 400 gold
---[X] Sub-Total: 3,250 gold
--[X] Total: 20,366.5 gold (+3% due to location, +15% due to tech limit, +3% due to Winter, -6% discount due to using Fellowship soldiers for some labor)

[x] Goldfish
Thanks, @Arhin

BTW do you guys want to see some more info posts about the various factions and places in the wold? I have always struggled with info-dumps and where to put them, I don't know if I'm doing too many or too few.
Edits so far, I'll continue in the morning. Clarified some stuff, took out some bit characters that are unlikely to be relevant in the future in the parts I worked on. If something looks unclear do not hesitate to ask about it

Locations and Characters of Interest

Note: Locations will be presented in the order they have been encountered in quest, either in person or as a concept. Generally only those of which significant amount is known IC will be presented.

The Blue Sea [The Mediterranean]
Dotted with small mercantile city states the sea provides a vital link in trade with the steppes and even the colder lands of the White Isles. Climate is relatively temperate with forests of evergreens and even broad-leaf trees being present north and south of the Sea

The Spear Islands [Columbretes Islands]
Small islands in the western Blue Sea which are counted sacred to Ikomi, due to the lack of reliable fresh water only a small settlement can dwell year round on the islands, using a reservoir to collect rain water, they are nominally under the authority of Orinilu the Fair. This is where the Marcella first made landfall in the new world and where it discovered the aftermath of a battle between Anwari sailors lead by Ilfa and the locals winch ended first in the death of the invaders, save only Inge, then in their rise as undead who destroyed the settlement and killed the priests.

Orinilu [Located in what would be Valencia]
Merchant city at the mouth of the river Kine grown rich off trade with the nomads to the north who bring goods from far and wide the city is well known for its glass-making and pottery as well as some of the best blue ships the Anwari know of. They are lead by a conclave of merchants and landholders which selects a 'Regency Council' of five members. The line of kings for which they are supposed to be regents was banished from the city three generations ago, but they kept the name, ruling in the came of the people and not the king. Rivals of Ibanora.
Zaia' notes.

Eriran the Seer
An Oracle more timid than bold and more mired in debt that he would like to admit, he has nonetheless proven skillful in the art of divination, if costly to make use of. The price of his aid was first the translation of a forbidden tome and then quite a hefty sum of silver. He seems to always be swinging between not wishing to be troubled with 'trifles' and not wishing to be involved in dangerous affairs.

Anisi, Anar and Eki
Hunters given the grim task of hunting down those who transgressed against Elnu and Ikomi, the gods of Fate and Death. By your understanding this includes fiends like the Anjo-Oru, malicious fey and wizards who work their arts in defiance of the law of the city and its environs. Hunters were more common in the days of the kings for now the temple of Elnu is no longer held in high esteem. Though your initial meeting with the three was balanced on the edge of a blade you eventually came to an understanding and earned the liking if not the trust of Anisi in your deeds in the city

Captain Ukuju
One supposes that a man chosen by the League of Captains to negotiate with Antonio, or perhaps one with enough sway to push though a foreigner just come to port into their ranks, is wealthy or powerful. Alas all you can recall of him is the odd wig. You wonder if all the nobles of the city wear such a thing.

Odorin Koire
Current lord of House Koire. The boy does not look any older than twelve or thirteen at the most, with a narrow face and a nose that one might count aristocratic if it were not just a little too upturned. A likable sort and willing to even sell land to strangers from far off places, though on the other side of things also seemingly a fine morsel for cursed wanderers looking for their next meal. You begin to wonder if the misfortunes of the House that left one so young in charge are not just coincidence

A man who lost 5000 Golden Icari in the game with Esha. Worse still he was humiliated when he confronted her, the kind of person who would lose so much gambling might well act on impulse in other ways as well

Hengo Perys
A minor noble interested in horse breeding program.

Sigan Iskhan
Sword of the Purple who made proposition about Zaia' potions. Has a reputation as a dueler, some would even whisper assassin, though not too loudly around him

Kefele Akumu
Leader of the Purple.One might count his manner excentric as he dresses in a manner that would not earn a second look in most of Farshore. Any of the highborn who might encounter him in such a state would surely have all their worst thoughts about the Purple confirmed.... though how many would have the opportunity?
Ibanora [Located in the same area as the presumed city of Tartesos]
One of the major exporters of Tin in the western Blue Sea, the city is militaristic, lead by a Triad of Kings, one of Stone, one of Blood and one of Sea. They are the head of the Tin league, the most populous league of city states on the peninsula, though not the richest. Rivals of Orinilu.

The Mouth of the World [The Straights of Gibraltar]
The passage between the Blue Sea and the Sunset Sea, what the Anwari call the True Sea, the seaway is contested between the armies of the Tin League, particularly the phalanxes of Ibanora and the Stout Folk who had called the area home since time out of mind. Attempts have been made in the past by the city states to hold the straights and tax the trade that passes through them, but that is mostly in the form of Anwari Longships, who do not take kindly to attempts at pinching their hard earned, or hard-looted goods.

People of the Narrow Way
Knikut tribe that lives in the area of Mouth of the World. They felt the Far touched nature of Marcells from the beginning.

Bear Bane
A woman perhaps into her fortieth winter, old by the harsh seasons of the north, but here still hale and obviously a respected elder. She sailed east with the group of her people, trying to find her daughter.

Sings to Sorrow
Owl skinchanger who followed Marcella and settled near Wayfarer's Respite.

Sunset Sea/True Sea (Atlantic Ocean)
Colder and far more perilous sea than the Blue Sea, it is also called Ikomi's Sea because souls are thought to follow the sea to the west and because it is thought to stretch out endlessly westward

The Sunset Islands (Islands of the Anwa) [The Canary Islands]
A collection of eight major and many more minor islands in the Sunset Ocean, they are host to a people of skilled and far traveling mariners, traders and when the chance presents itself raiders. While the islands are rich in good timber and fine soils thy lack both tin and copper, needing to import both from far off lands. Though most of the Anwa are farmers as in other lands a significant numbers are fishers, some of which even dare to hunt the great leviathans of the deep as part of the rites of anointing new kings. These are by most accounts a people quarrelsome as they are bold with the head of every household partaking in a local assembly to which the minor lords must give account even as they can call the kings to account.

Island of Lirman [Fuerteventura]
Easternmost of the Sunset Islands and the one the Marcella made landfall upon after passing the Mouth of the world, it is flat with only a few modest peaks in the south of the islands, where it is not farmed the land is covered in forests of Laurel and other ever greens. The locals fish, farm and and brew strange red beer. There are wizards practicing their arts openly in the king's court

City of Apuku
Counting perhaps 25.000 souls the city would be called a town in other lands, but it is the largest settlement on the island. All the halls of the local clans are built around the Hearth Trees, to which they give much honor, almost as minor gods of the home. The king of the siland dwells here and he has given a princely welcome to the Marcella and her passengers.

Ohun Greenbelt
Aged and presumably learned sorcerer. He is by his own account a councilor and you have found a former regent to the young King Ansefu of Lirman, vouched for your passage onto the island and your oaths by a God not of the Anwa. Careful with his words and subtle of mind the old man is nonetheless not wholly opposed to taking risks as he did offer an important task to strangers on their first day ashore.You have agreed to make a trek on his behalf and see to the 'standing stones' he seems concerned for.

King Ansefu son of Ensefu of Lirman
A young lord new-come to power and yet unused to its ways. For all that you have found him courteous and open to tales of distant lands. He rules it seems by the consent of the clans as much as by blood and the proclamation of the priests. He might have been born a bastard, if you understood the tale of his family aright, but that does not seem to carry any special stigma among the Anwa, or perhaps they would rather have a bastard than a woman ruling them.

Lina Osane
Elder sister of the King of Lirman, by somewhere between five and ten years, she was born to a foreigner and the mark of it is still upon her, in the brilliant green of her eyes. She has taken your side at court, seemingly out of a generous impulse and a unwillingness to bear fools silently. Still there is something more it it you are suspect. She was too quick to brush off her own aid for one who is used to the games of courtly power. Has been shown to be the daughter of a sea nymph and in some manner summoned home by the fey as the pride of their aid. So far she has refused the call.

Eki Teranoa
A bear of a man at first sight and truly his voice has something of a growl to it, one who is defending his lair perhaps. Apparently the reason he and all his clan have cause to quarrel with him is a promise Antonio made with his clan's rivals, though he seemed quick indeed to belittle you and yours and that you shall not forget, no matter the cause. Second fiance of Aina. Was killed on the duel by Roland.

Onogu Iranea
Old is he and blind as a traveler in deepest whitest blizzard and white the color of his eyes, though according to Antonio any man who thinks that he has lost his wits with his sight is likely to be swiftly dissuaded of the notion, if he is lucky with words, if he is not with sharpened bronze in the back. An ally of convenience made with the promise of offering a chain shirt for study of the clan's smiths. Alas what might have been a hopeful cooperation was cut short by a chance meeting with one of his House practicing Blood magic upon hapless Boar Folk. During Light's Passing head of true Onogu Iranea was found. Later it was revealed that he was killed and replaced by one of the Formless, following the questioning of his spirit.

Almun Iranea
Bard from House Iranea who practiced Blood magic upon hapless Boar Folk. His face is pale and not in that natural manner than might show merely an aversion to the sun, but yellowing like old parchment and somehow... thin, as though there was something beneath waiting to burst forth.

Alfin Iranea
Participated in the raid on Noromo. According to Aina, his warrior reputation is exaggerated.

Darun 'Half-hand' Torag
He deserves his name honestly enough to judge from the stump of his right hand, though he is no stranger with the use of his left. Was killed on the duel by the Unke the Red during battle near Noromo.

House of Atuko
The only one House represented by a woman, still dark haired and straight backed she could be any age between forty and sixty with that particular poise that comes from having ruled long and shrewdly.

Smith in Apuku who forged Durendal. Tall figure of a man dressed for harsh work and dirty work. Unlike most of those in Apuku, certainly most wealthy folk he keeps his beard trimmed too close for rings and chains, maybe to keep it out of the danger of the forge.

Fey of Lirman
Being called the Lonely Ones in accordance to the ancient belief that they are the spirits of an elder people who have become one with the land itself the spirits of Lirman are many things, guardians of lands, keepers of lore, hunters of unwary men

Guardian of the well between standing stones. His skin is grey as a misty morn, hair white as sea-foam rippling down to his shoulders framing a face fair, and indeed it seems as if some secret light flows through him from realms beyond this one.

Lone Branch
Treant from the Walking Woods. He looks like a tree is walking on great roots and limbs too thick around for a man to grasp them and yet bending like willow reeds, a giant crowned in leaves of green, his beard like the fine clinging vines of grapes and in his eyes an uncanny stillness.

Fey thief who took Tom's spear.

Bulabar smith. Was tricked and bound by Rokeke, later was released by Roland. Former apprentice master of your own gremlin smith

Boar Folk
Being of two natures they revere the passing of the moon, yet unlike more 'civilized' peoples they do not seem to have magicians among them. They live a semi-nomadic life, Their other form allwoing them to live off marginal clearings and woodlands, though they avoid the sea. From their looks they do not seem to be kin of most of the Anwari and they speak their own tongue among themselves
Little boy that hide during Iranea's assault on Boar Folk village.

Leader of Boar Folk.

Island of Korman [Gran Canaria]

More fertile and more geographically central of the Sunset Islands Korman's tribes are richer, their ships larger and more venturesome and its ports more accustomed to traders from far off places. Mead brewed in Korman is famed throughout the islands and beyond
Aina's description of Korman towns and villages.

City of Noromo

Build not around hearth trees but the imposing pale walls of the Thousand Caves Noromo is far more of a fortress city and on its darkened alleys free sails walk untroubled, brigands in all but name looking for a master unwise enough to open their purses to them. Worship of Olweje is common during the summer and raucous when it does take place. One is more likely to find better deals on all manner of precious and valuable goods in its capital

Fioke of the Teeth
The commander of a company of free sails and raiders, though more clever and willing to negotiate than most of his ilk Fioke is a fel fighter though less for the strength of his arm or even the skill of his dagger as for the cunning with which he commands his men. You would not to meet him and his folk in a proper battle with no priests to adjudicate the trial.

Great-grandmother of Aina, eldest and wisest druid of Anwa Islands. Old she seems almost beyond telling, her skin as dry and lied as tree bark, her hands like ancient roots knotted beneath a mantle of furs, her hair a wispy halo of white about her head. Was killed by anjo-oru.

Adetayo and Obari of Korman
Twin princes of the island who were involved in the slaying of their father and their great-grandmother Luaza at the behest of the shadow-kin, the anjo oru. They appear to be possessed by the creatures or utterly subservient to them. They have shown dark gifts from their pact, or enslavement, though not enough to judge what the source of the magic might be

Aina of Korman
Princess of the island and the only one left among the royal clan who still resists the evil which has infected their home. She has shown herself skillful in dealing with the fey, though whether by ancient pact or sorcerous powers of her own Roland does not know for certain. Her pride is unbent, though her means are limited, dependent as she is upon the favor of a foreign king.After tough and bloody war and three dead fiances she became Queen of Korman.

Negu of Orinyiya
Cruel and vicious raider, little better than those who go in Razirah against kin and that only because his neighbors would turn against him, but he is also a canny warrior and and bold in battle when he has the chance, he has taken the heads of many young and old who came against him. Was swayed on the side of anti-Obari coalition. Third fiance of Aina. Was killed during the encaunter with Pale men by the assassin.

Island of Aram [La Palma]
One of Sunset Islands from which ship with Esha sailed.

Island of Surman [El Hierro]
Westernmost of the Sunset Islands worth the name, a poor and rocky place that drives its people to sea more than any of the others.

Okunrin "the Red" Okomo
Anwari raider and drummer who tried to attack "Pride of Koire"

Isele Okomo
Quite a vengeful brother of Okunrin Okomo.

The Northlands
Beyond the forests of birch and oak that girdle the coast of the inner sea there can be found a great grassy steppe that stretches to the west until the shores of the ocean and to the east is lost in the haze of tall tales beyond the ken of any map that can be found in the markets of Apuku. Though there are hills and mountains, lakes and rivers along which one can find forests of cold pine no nation rules those lands, only tribes of the Knikut and the hosts of the Horned Riders know their paths. The former keep to the forests and the hills whereas the riders hunt the herds of wild cattle, horses, mammoth and other strange beasts on the plains. Cold is the wind from the north and swift to steal the breath of any man caught in the open when winter lays upon the land. Should one care to listen there are legends abroad of frost fiends drawn to the traveler's fire and savage beasts with fangs sharper than any dagger.

Foothills of the Greyspine [The Alps]
Watches in Darkness
The most senior, or perhaps simply the most skilled of the warriors you met in the trials of Ikomi on Korman. He is proof that just as a fine manner and a silver tongue may hide a wicked heart so too might a savage mien be the garb of a warrior honorable as he is strong

Though not truly her name of the the owl masked shaman this is what she is called so long as he has not yet chosen her guiding spirit. What this means you understand only a little, but you can respect anyone who would set off on so dangerous a journey in search of his gods and even more so one who is willing to heal a former foe moments after being defeated in a duel.

Willowbrook Hall
Cave near the cost of Sunset Sea, probably on the territory of would-be France. Home of otterkin, although cave itself was not made by them.
Great Voice
Elderly otter-kin, about 12 years old. Lider of Willowbrook tribe.

Pup sharp of mind but swallow of wisdom, who released dragon dozenz of years ago.

Heavy Tail
Brother of Swift Pebble. Like his sister he too had seen the wonders that the southerners had brought with them and he too had desired them for himself and for his kin, but unlike his sister he had thought long and hard of how they might bring them to all of the people. It came to him that you could still make tools of the simpler stuff sch as copper.

White Lands
A great promontory of land thrust out into the sea, its head buried in the eternal ice of the northlands. Life here is harsher than in the woods, leaving little chance to forage and none to farm the land. Most live off the sea or off herds of great beasts that can survive on the hardy grass that does not die off within the snows.
Chief of Danuk tribe.

The Deadlands
Ice sheet of the Glacial Age.
Zaia' notes.

Cro-Magnon tribe which dwells on the cost somewhere south from the Willowbrook. They drive away strangers from Wormhalls wich is known among them as a place of bad omen.

Father of Rivers
Some kind of river between Orinilu and White Lands. Tribe of Tsusax dwells on its banks.

Tribe which by cunning craft held the pass through the mountains that held off the frozen breath of the east wind.

The Great Lands

Inaurna Empire [Somewhere in Sub-Saharan West Africa]

One of the oldest and richest realms known to the Anwa, given the name 'Great Land' by its own folk and travelers alike it is and empire rules it is said by divine mandate from one descended of the God Elnu himself. The God Kings it is said can witness all in heir land and much beyond and they are quick to bring war and misfortune upon those who displease or defy them. Yet for all the gold in their treasury and all the tomes of lore in their great libraries the Anwa count this a decadent realm, where men bow and scrape to scribbles on clay and blood grown thin through the ages. Having heard this sort of talk before one might suspect more than a bit of Fox and Grapes in the matter

Oromo of the Hundred Towers
Capital of the Inaruna Empire, famed in song and tale as a center of commerce art and architecture as well as a city which has never fallen to a foreign invader, though not for lack of trying. Rich in both gold and silver which shine upon the tops of its many towers it is nonetheless just as notable for the repositories of knowledge from all across the world for that it is said the God Kings value above all other treasures.

City of traders and sailors, though of a far less rough breed than the Anwa, their wide flat ships are made not to cut the currents and dare the storm, but to carry the works of the city to far off realms. In this city Ziku and Moru were born.

The Candleblight Caverns and the Deeps of Durik
Dark and perilious places, yet promising a bounty of precious things that have never seen the light of the sun to any bold enough to enter and fortunate enough to return

Region of
Blue Sea

Riders of the horned beasts, distant kin perhaps of the Wyrdoki, though far fiercer and more numerous.

Atun [Morocco]
Pirates' den.

Sealkin Islands [Balearic Islands]
City Isangu (on the Eastern Sealkin Island) was founded by Agberi mystics, the Brotherhood of Nu, seeking shelter from persecution more than two centuries ago.
City Luaru (on the the Western Sealkin Island) is a heavy fortified city founded roughly at the same time as Orinilu.

Zaia' notes.

Agber [Land roughly assosiated with Sahara]
Zaia' notes (mostly about vetala)
Has some kind of impressive building named
White Arch.

Nokuma [Greece]
Land of star worshipers and skilled miners of silver, so of that silver they make bells to symbolize their gods and they hang them in their temples as tinkling curtains, an echo of the celestial dance. Thousand Gods are worshipped there. One of the cities is
Young man from the family of keepers of Sea Gate. Organized expedition to Wormhalls in a desperate attempt to retrieve some kind of grandfather's treasure.

Messanger of Court of Great Wheel who visited Respite on Ojo Iku, 1348. She does not seem to be a warrior, bearing instead a soft of white tunic with pointed shoulders like the wings of birds and matching pants that fit smugly to the leg, with not a speck of dirt on any of them.

Glimerdale (Fey Realm near Lirman)
Glimerdale is the place of memory, the place where lightning runs in veins of stone, many, many lives of men ago it became a place for the trading of knowledge, of rumor and tale as well, true or false, fact or fancy the keepers will buy it, so long as it is honestly answered and so many of those who have a love for the knowing of things, sages and seers and then the making of things, tinkerers and tricksters.

Mynid the Wayguard
Troll who keeps the water flowing, guarded and safe. Lonely and talkative one.

Moster of law in Glimmerdale. Born of the pixie-folk and beloved of the air he lost his wings to a hawk that was in the service of one of the sorcerer priests of the Anwa and he loves them not for that.
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Edits so far, I'll continue in the morning. Clarified some stuff, took out some bit characters that are unlikely to be relevant in the future in the parts I worked on. If something looks unclear do not hesitate to ask about it
I understand why you deleated some minor characters (I can be too meticulous sometimes), but why did you deleted link to the Zaia lore post about Orinilu? I think that it's convinient to have links to the more detailed description of locations from "Location and characters of interest".
OK, vote closed, let's see if you can sell this.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 25, 2022 at 1:14 PM, finished with 19 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] "I could not guess at what Hell those creatures might have crawled out of, but they're here now, active in the world of man and acting to sow discord and conflict wherever they appear."
    -[X] "We have personally witnessed them working to bring war to the allied clans of the far north, on the edge of the Whitelands, and a group of them even managed to possess the princes of Korman and seize the kingdom for themselves, at least for a short time. In both cases, the Fellowship of Saint Nicholas played some small part in fighting the Neverborn. We also have word from trusted allies that similar Neverborn plots are active far to the south in the vicinity of the Inaura Empire."
    --[X] "Given that the Neverborn keep cropping up wherever civilization thrives, it is no surprise they would be in Orinilu as well. How long they've been here, and what they've done during that time, those are the greater questions."
Arc 16 Post 7: With Bloody Hands
With Bloody Hands

Twelfth of Olweje-hamba (Olweje Descendent), 1349 A. L. (After Landfall)

"I could not guess at what Hell those creatures might have crawled out of, but they're here now, active in the world of man and acting to sow discord and conflict wherever they appear." Truth be told you could make too good a guess at, but you do not want to give the impression that you know more of magic and demons than you do, for one that might cause Kefele to ask advice and for another it might breed suspicion. From the northern wastes to the barren southern coasts you never know how one might act at the mention of dark spirits.

As it happens the way he reacts is with a stone faced nod that sends the shadows of the room chasing each other across his craggy features. The curtains are drawn. Foul deeds are best done by darkness, you remember the old priest at Verley saying when you were a boy and you have no doubt this man has done plenty such deeds. For the first time you wonder if the thing had actually been here looking for you, or if instead the Purples had drawn dark eyes in their own manner.

And there I go with the same suspicion I wished to avoid, you laugh inwardly, though there is little true mirth in the thought. "We have personally witnessed them working to bring war to the allied clans of the far north, on the edge of the Whitelands, and a group of them even managed to possess the princes of Korman and seize the kingdom for themselves, at least for a short time. In both cases, the Fellowship of Saint Nicholas played some small part in fighting the Neverborn. We also have word from trusted allies that similar Neverborn plots are active far to the south in the vicinity of the Inaura Empire," you recount instead.

"Well now, you're mighty well traveled ain't you and your friends even more so..." Kefefe rubs his chin thoughtfully, his eyes cold. "So you say you dealt with the two faced thieving bitch and that she was more than just another witch, like the hunters, but less afraid to get some clay under your fingernails?"

Is he asking you if you are willing to be killers for hire, something the Hunters never lowered themselves even in the worst days after the fall of the Priest Kings, or is he asking you if you are willing to work for him? Asking too bluntly might raise his ire.

"Dirt yes, worse things as well," you look the gang boss turned nobleman straight in the eye. "No blood, not here."

"If not here were?" he asks motioning expansively to the window, though which waft the less that pleasing smells of a hot summer day in amongst the multitude of peoples. "I love this place, love the winesinks and the mince-carts, the blind telling tales and the deaf weaving prayer knots, but gods be my witness there's scarce a place with more sons of bitches worth stabbing."

"A stranger would be ill equipped to judge that," you try to a jest of it but to judge from his expression it falls flat.

"You cost me a good man, a loyal man," Kefefe says, the good cheer sliding off him like oil off polished stone. "He's lame now, I'll have to see he's taken care of..." and I'll see you taken care of as well if you push your luck, his tone seems to say. "Find out who send that fiend and give me word about and we'll call the last three months even and start again."

What do you reply?

[] Take the deal, it's not like you are going to ignore a sighting of the Neverborn

[] Do not take the deal, you owe Kefefe nothing for his client's folly

[] Offer alternative terms
-[] Write in

[] Write in

OOC: You got one mediocre roll and one bad one, but on the other hand the range of negative outcomes was not that bad since you managed to thread the needle so far.
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Info post is up, thanks again @Arhin:)

The Rhine. I did not guessed that. Did Rhine even existed at that times?
It seemes it did.

Apparently, the phrase "Yarduk, who by cunning craft held the pass through the mountains that held off the frozen breath of the east wind" confused me. I thought that those mountains are the Pyrenees, and "Father of Rivers" is located somewhere on the Iberian Peninsula. Thank you for clarification of this little mystery.

Also, why did Court of the Great Wheele erased himself from the infopost? They seems pretty important guys (and ladies)! :D

The Rhine. I did not guessed that. Did Rhine even existed at that times?
It seemes it did.

Apparently, the phrase "Yarduk, who by cunning craft held the pass through the mountains that held off the frozen breath of the east wind" confused me. I thought that those mountains are the Pyrenees, and "Father of Rivers" is located somewhere on the Iberian Peninsula. Thank you for clarification of this little mystery.

Also, why did Court of the Great Wheele erased himself from the infopost? They seems pretty important guys (and ladies)! :D

To do the court of the Great Wheel justice I would have to write some stuff that would impinge on Mog's character building IC. That will show up eventually.
I'm glad that our social skills are as high as they are, since they at least help to mitigate the effects of poor rolls.

I'm not completely opposed to taking the deal, but taking it at face value means accepting some degree of guilt for this situation, which doesn't sit well with me. I would rather make a monetary donation to Arram's GoFundMe (i.e. bribe the Purple) than accept guilt, even by association.

[X] "Your man is a victim of the Neverborn, as far as I am concerned. Why else would he attack my men and I without provocation?" No need to outright say that Arram was a violent thug, after all. "That certainly isn't the first time I've seen them use their foul powers to tamper with the minds of men, or even the third time now that I think upon it."
-[X] "As for Neverborn responsible for this misunderstanding, I can assure you that we will attempt to contact you or another representative of the Purple if we encounter the creature of others like it, assuming that time and the situation allow for it. More allies willing to take up arms against the monsters is always appreciated. I have no plans to hunt Neverborn in Orinilu, however, so unless they interfere with the Fellowship before we depart on our next trade voyage, we may not encounter them for some time."
--[X] Before we leave, make sure to pass on to Kefefe what we know of Daemons, including the powers we've seen them use, the way they fight, and the best methods we've found of killing them. This is hardly secret information and he can probably confirm all of it independently without much trouble, but it shows that we are willing to share hardwon and potentially life saving knowledge. We also need to know better means of contacting Kefefe on short notice without drawing attention to ourselves or the Purple. A lot of trouble could have been avoided if we had known this a couple days ago.
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Paying Purple now, after our glorious Bribe Fail, suits ill for me. I would rather simply accept the quest (daemons is a bad thing, after all).
[X] Take the deal, it's not like you are going to ignore a sighting of the neverborn
-[X] Neverborn are a common foe. We'll do all we can to find them. I hope it'll be enough.
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Paying Purple now, after our glorious Bribe Fail, suits ill for me. I would rather simply accept the quest (daemons is a bad thing, after all).
We don't have to offer a bribe, but it would probably help things here. I can remove that from my plan if y'all would prefer.

Avoiding paying a bribe as a regular part of doing business bothers me a lot more than making one after the fact to smooth out hard feelings.
[X] Take the deal, it's not like you are going to ignore a sighting of the neverborn
-[X] Neverborn are a common foe. We'll do all we can to find them. I hope it'll be enough.

I want to politely imply that not all investigations end with success.
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Edited my plan to remove the bribe. It's still basically agreeing to the deal, but without accepting blame for Arram's condition or outright obligating us to hunt the Daemon down.
Voting is open