[X] Australia
You decide to set up shop in Australia. Oddly, you find that while YorHa has claimed Sydney as one of their bases, Melborne, the former capital (which the Androids know to be the case) is currently unoccupied. Thus, you decide to plop down your base there.
You could build said base in a few hours, but right now, you want to make everyone like you. Proving that you could build an army that could take them over in a couple of minutes is probably not the way to go with this.
Also, wow, you used up almost all of your stockpile getting the base started. It is fortunate that you managed to reclaim portions of the city deemed completely unsuitable to human resettlement. Total Sum of Resources after restructuring of Melborne commences: 16,000 resources
While you wait for your base to construct, you do a small search around the area. You find several things of note:
1. Surprisingly, dugongs in this universe haven't gone extinct. They've gone extinct in a lot of others, but not this one.
2. The barrier reef is doing better than expected, since this part of the world is in perpetual twilight due to the Earth now being tidally locked.
3. Kangaroos still exist. You wonder if you should create Megalania to chase them.
4. Apparently wombats got rhino sized again. Somehow.
5. It appears that there is a modest deposit of opals nearby your base. Perhaps some androids like jewelry?
6. Perhaps most pressing, you discover that an enclave of machines have set up camp nearby your base to be, where they seem to be centered around a functional solar power station. They seem to be docile, and according to YorHa, they are one of several groups that seem to have broken away from the Network. Also, they seem to be interested in you.
Perhaps you could send an envoy to meet them.
[] Send an envoy.
[] Ignore for now.