- Pronouns
- They/Them
[] [Class] Witch
Let us cackle, and then cackle some more.
Let us cackle, and then cackle some more.

Hmm, warlocks are neat from a roleplay perspective since the existence of a patron means the DM has a way to feed plot hooks to the party. Also, I think it's really nice if an Isakai adventure actually has the protagonist get in contact with whatever entity decided to reincarnate them to another world.
So, in our case, we have options like:
Genie patron - Our patron is a powerful genie we serve and we get a container we can use as extradimentional storage (can be a lamp, ring, statue, etc). Genie patron sounds like it could fit given we got the three wishes thing.
Elder God - We're siphoning power from Cthulhu, or at least that's what everyone thinks. Has some nice mental domination powers.
Fathomless patron - We made a deal with a powerful aquatic monster. Now we can summon tentacles!
Fiend Patron - A classic... but seems redundant and problematic considering we're already a fiend and working for a goddess.
Celestial Warlock - If we were anything other than a succubus, this could make sense. The only way I can imagine this making any sense is with a fallen angel... perhaps something like an Erinyes who are fallen female angels who became devils and are far more focused on the Lawful side of Lawful Evil? Perhaps one of these fallen angels retains their celestial powers despite being in the abyss and made a deal (a very lawful thing to do) with Senaz to make her a warlock and have her do missions in the mortal realm. Could even be a bit of a cover if the Erinyes has connections with the goddess who reincarnated us. It's a pity celestial warlocks are kind of lackluster compared to some of the other subclasses, but the QM isn't limited by RAW.
Hexblade - we got a magic (and possibly talking) sword that gives us powers. Frankly, the idea that we got something like a keyblade sounds really fun to me, even if it's not exactly that. Just a mystical weapon that can act as a conduit for our goddess/patron. Or it's a sapient weapon that's also working for our goddess.
There's also Jei from the Usagi Yojimbo manga, a villain chosen by the dark gods and given the power to anoint weapons with darkness and make them supernaturally deadly.
Personally, if we do go warlock for some reason, I like the idea that our patron would be an underling working for the goddess, or at least connected to them in some way so they are on the same side.
Against early game threats, a stat of 20 is ludicrous overkill. That's +7 when the game's calibrated for us to roll +5.
I'm not going turbo mega ultraoverkill mostly because being able to stab good is also a useful skill and we have the stat points to do both.
Honestly, i think the most fun way of leveraging our monsterous CHA score is via skill proficiencies. So im thinking we go rogue with a splash of battlemaster fighter.
Rogue for expertise Deception and Athletics(for grappling, opening up the possibily of combat kissing)
Battlemaster: pick superior technique for the extra technique and superiority die, with the following techniques;
Rally : die + our CHA score temp hp to an ally
Distracting strike: giving Advantage to a hard hitting ally like a paladin is always worth it.
Commanding presence: + die to a persuasion, intimidate or performance roll
Tactical assement: +die to Investigate, History or Insight checks
Does 5e have anything like the Pathfinder Witch? I know from looking that the Warlock isn't really it.
Senaz would like to note that she likes the prospect of going turbo mega overkill, but she'll listen to you. She hasn't realized what her actual cheat powers are...
Technically, going 8(+8) CHA will give Senaz the intended maximum amount of Charisma you can get at first level, but that seems rather against the spirit of wishing for a succubus'humongous hobadonkerossupernatural aura of sex appeal and persuasiviness.
I will point out in favor of rogue that Swashbuckler rogue can at 9th level at-will charm nonhostile creatures with a persuasion check. This is more useful than it seems since the Spells Charm Person/Monster in 5e have a line that states "at the end of the spells effect, the target becomes aware it was magically charmed by you".
I'm pondering if I want to keep that for this scenario, or houserule it out since using it well will already be complicated by the Paladin's presence.
Personally, i think the idea of charming people by virtue of being genuinely funny, open and approachable while a paladin nearby is paranoid because you are clearly influencing people but they don't exhibit the classic signs of magical compulsion to be very amusing.
You can't help but picture this in the form of four voices in your head, seated around a table.
*glances at The Demon Girl Next Door, which really deserves more love*"Plus having a succubus team up with a paladin is a hilarious concept no matter what you do with it, really."
As a system, we're intrigued. Even if this isn't what you intended to indicate, it's pretty plural of Senaz to instantly and intentionally use a decision-making metaphor that involves a council of herself, herself, herself, and herself.
*glances at The Demon Girl Next Door, which really deserves more love*
I really like the motif of having the Paladin with her own quest votes!
Where's the AC with CHA bit in the 5e Hexblade? I looked at some online info but I could only find "use CHA as your attack stat for your special weapon", not an armor-related bonus... and I'd want to check if that bonus is phrased in a way that can still benefit from Senaz's natural 15+Dex.Hexblade lets you fire guns and get AC with CHA. LET'S PARTYYYYYY
Now I'm wondering if the third reincarnated hero to join the party will be running on, like, Questden-style >Greentext votes. 🤣I'm going to note that there's definitely a conceptual reason behind her votes being like that... But I probably should use different markers for them.
This looks like it'll be fun!
Where's the AC with CHA bit in the 5e Hexblade? I looked at some online info but I could only find "use CHA as your attack stat for your special weapon", not an armor-related bonus... and I'd want to check if that bonus is phrased in a way that can still benefit from Senaz's natural 15+Dex.
As for guns... has Aridan civilization figured out gunpowder yet? I'm not sure our lovely heroine's Second Wish privileges stretch far enough to let her import a Glock.