KaliQuest (Project Moon/RWBY)

[X] Apologise about the forest. And maybe you could have this conversation while Xiao is not bleeding on the ground?
-[X] Who is that woman, anyway? And where did you end up? If Miris is right and you are dead, is this the afterlife?
[X] Apologise about the forest. And maybe you could have this conversation while Xiao is not bleeding on the ground?
-[X] Who is that woman, anyway? And where did you end up? If Miris is right and you are dead, is this the afterlife?
Ozpin got his shit kicked in even with a fully assimilated host and I'm willing to bet he was a genuine Colour level by the standards of this quest when Cinder came knocking. Early season Cinder, mind you.
Pretty sure the first thing she did in that scene was shoot Amber, ergo becoming the Fall Maiden. That is a pretty big boost, and she would likely already have experience with the powers bc of the part she stole earlier.
[X] Apologise about the forest. And maybe you could have this conversation while Xiao is not bleeding on the ground?
-[X] Who is that woman, anyway? And where did you end up? If Miris is right and you are dead, is this the afterlife?
[X] Scram, Blondie. This is big pants only meeting, and you look like grade 4,3 at most and not a part of any office worth remembering. Wait before that, what year it is blo?

Well, with the start like this it was gonna be either Worm, or RWBY.
Calling it here. Also, woohoo! First vote I've had that had more than two options!

Side note, I'll be retconning the previous chapter, slightly. Glynda is not near the level of a Color. She's a pretty good Grade 1 for most intents and purposes. On par with a high-ranking Section Director like Xiao or Yujin or Mirinae (but not Walter). But, much like Yujin, she doesn't have the raw strength and endurance to be a Color, nor is she quite gimmicky enough. Her trick is pretty cool and pretty unique, for the City, but she's not quite on that level. There are exactly three characters on all of Remnant that could qualify for that rating. Glynda Goodwitch is not one of them.

I should also note that since Xiao is, like. Objectively fine, and not even at risk of dying anytime soon (augments are bullshit). The vote dialogue will be slightly altered.

Also, very dumb idea: changing chapter titles. The likes of Ch1: Raging Storm, Ch2: Tao Tie, etc. Yay or nay? I've realized I'm really ambivalent on the topic, and I figure most of y'all barely will even notice.
Scheduled vote count started by breakingamber on Aug 13, 2022 at 8:52 AM, finished with 29 posts and 18 votes.

  • [X] Apologise about the forest. And maybe you could have this conversation while Xiao is not bleeding on the ground?
    -[X] Who is that woman, anyway? And where did you end up? If Miris is right and you are dead, is this the afterlife?
    [X] Teleportation accident. Where are we? Who is she?
    [X] Scram, Blondie. This is big pants only meeting, and you look like grade 4,3 at most and not a part of any office worth remembering. Wait before that, what year it is blo?
    [x]*Dead serious*: According to that guy *point to Miris*, we are dead, so, is this the afterlife? If it isn't, sorry for the derangement, we are going to search for the way back to paradise, seems like at least one of us has an acquaintance there she would like to be reunited with.
    [X]Confront the woman. Ask her where in the Head's name we are.
I should also note that since Xiao is, like. Objectively fine, and not even at risk of dying anytime soon (augments are bullshit). The vote dialogue will be slightly altered.
The intention was not to phrase it like her bleeding out, though. More on the lines that it is kind of rude to have a conversation while the clearly injured person lies ignored on the ground.
[X] Apologise about the forest. And maybe you could have this conversation while Xiao is not bleeding on the ground?

That RWBY drift caught me unawares, I'll admit. I half-expected WH40K.
Also, very dumb idea: changing chapter titles. The likes of Ch1: Raging Storm, Ch2: Tao Tie, etc. Yay or nay? I've realized I'm really ambivalent on the topic, and I figure most of y'all barely will even notice.

There are chapter titles!?!?! :V

That RWBY drift caught me unawares, I'll admit. I half-expected WH40K.

As some people pointed out, the forest with red trees is emblematic of RBWY fanfics, partially because it appear very soon in the first season, partially because quite a lot of fanfics love their Beacon's initiation scenes and they so happens to be there. (By the way, @breakingamber, I know that Ozpin is dead and all that, but, can we do a Beacon initiation? It's not a cliche RWBY fanfic without one, after all, even when it makes no sense, especially when it makes no sense. And also, can we be a super uber special team of one because of course the beacon initiation is made by morons who can't even adapt when there is one new student and don't have a system in place for it that would allows them to still have teams of 4, like, I don't know, failing students in an entrance exam where they're tested, particularly in a year when one of the students wad there on false premises and the headmaster knew it all along. :V)
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It is not, actually. The red forest is Forever Fall, but initiation is held in the Emerald Forest. Which is green, as the name implies.

The Mandela effect strikes again! Still pretty sure fan fics love to use forever Fall as the name for the forest by mistake, but at this point, it's possible it's another example of Mandela effect, Forever Fall is definitely more popular than Emerald forest in citations.
What if we become a janitor? Everyone knows janitors are giga strong, except they don't, that's the beauty of being a janitor. They'll never see her coming
What if we become a janitor? Everyone knows janitors are giga strong, except they don't, that's the beauty of being a janitor. They'll never see her coming
Well, she does have experience in fixing stuff. Handyman Kali. Leaking pipes? We fix them. Grimm infestation? We fix it. Somebody doesn't want to pay? We fix them to a wall.
Your bad marriage? We will fix it by killing yor wife
Shockwave 2.1

Shockwave 2.1

There's too much you simply don't know right now. Who this woman is, where you are, and what the fuck was going on in that damned Library. She spoke as if she possessed some manner of authority, but how far that goes is… well. Don't know.

But first… assuming this territory is within her jurisdiction, she's probably upset that it's on fire. Was on fire. Ought to apologize, even though, strictly speaking, it's not your fault. You're no stranger to taking responsibility for collateral damage. Caused by you or otherwise. Your wallet will suffer, but that's just how it is.

"You in charge here? Sorry for the the fire. My…"

You're not sure what to call Xiao, at this point. Not a friend. More of a friend of an acquaintance you've only met once or twice. You can't believe that, assuming Miris is telling the truth (and you're still don't believe that he is), that vaguely up-and-coming Grade 4 became this… raging, passionate monster of a Fixer. Then again, if Yujin could lean on her so-called Boundary of Death all the way to Section Director, so could her comrade-in-arms.

"...associate," you settle on, "and I had a disagreement. Which got out of hand."

You are bluffing out your ass here. And understating things a fair deal. Miris pretty much looks dead on his feet at this point, but he still finds the energy to shoot you an incredibly incredulous look. To say nothing of the one the newest Fixer in the clearing wears.

Not necessarily a Fixer, you correct yourself. She doesn't seem like a Syndicate member, doesn't seem the type to break the law. But she could easily be a top-notch Wing employee. Like Nikolai from R Corp or Nirai from T Corp.

"Your associate," she gestures towards Xiao, still unconscious. "Is bleeding out on the ground."

"She's fine," you say, frowning. "No way a Fixer as tough as her would die from that. Miris can attest ("she'll be fine, I'm sure of it"). Say, who are you anyway? Big City and all, but I feel like I'd recognize that level of telekinetic power."

You still refuse to believe it's been ten years since you entered the Library. What happened to all your friends, then? What became of the project? Ayin? Benjamin?

You know what became of Carmen.

The woman blinks, seeming not to catch anything you said. "She's been all but cut in half. And she'll be fine?"

You… really don't get why she's so caught up on this. No way someone of her experience hasn't heard of a little thing called 'augments'. And sure, Mimicry leaves wounds that look bad. Red mist pouring out of wounds and all. But if she really can't tell that Xiao is still breathing, that she's more durable than she looks, then maybe you've overestimated her.

Or you're in the far reaches of the Outskirts, you suppose. Far from the City, the laboratory. Things could work differently out here. Their own form of civilization, with their own powerhouses. Using 'magic', or whatever. Would explain why there's no recognition in her eyes. Never heard of the Red Mist.

Either that or you're dead and this is your afterlife.

"Yeah. Quick check though: This isn't the afterlife or nothing, right? You're alive, I'm alive? Miris here," you shoot him a quick glare, "claims that I'm dead. I don't feel dead."

The blonde woman stares for a solid moment, then shakes her head in sheer disbelief. When she raises her head again and speaks, her face is smooth and tone is clear, like a teacher addressing a child.

"My name is Glynda Goodwitch. Headmistress of Beacon Academy and current acting leader of the city of Vale. And while some philosophers have postulated that Remnant is a form of purgatory, it's generally accepted that it's simply the world we live in. Unless you were hoping for some deeper rationale?"

You haven't got much to say to that. Kingdoms? Vale? An Academy? Like a Fixer academy? Glynda says the words as if she expects you to be familiar with them, like they should be obvious. A tinge of sarcasm.

…could easily still be the Outskirts. Just… a really remote part of it. One nobody's ever heard of.

"I have some questions for you, myself. Who are you? Who do you work for? And what part did you play in this Forever Fall wildfire? That goes to both of you. What is that… weapon, you are holding. What is it made of?"

How to answer that… You're not sure. You stay still, thinking.

Probably should get Xiao's shoulder fixed. The thought occurs to you and Miris at what seems like the same time. Miris moves to do just that.

A feeling of pressure, all around you. A storm front and a coiled spring in one. The air is tinted purple, like stained glass. Miris freezes, though his muscles are still moving, bulging with effort. The riding crop glows with that same purple light.

The woman's telekinesis, in effect. It reminds you uncomfortably of Xiao's aura of impossible heat. Stifling, ever-present, and significantly more potent. But you can still move, if you put your mind to it. And, from what you're currently gathering, looking at her 'weapon' held aloft, her face bunched in concentration, this power of hers is determined entirely by her willpower.

In a contest of wills, you know you can't lose.

"I would like an answer. Now. Stay away from the downed woman," Glynda warns.

Miris acquisesces immediately. "I am Miris, of Liu Association South Section 1. The woman is Xiao, Director of the same. I am going to set her shoulder."

On the topic of the wildfire, he hesitates, glances towards you. You understand why: his Director was indisputably the cause. And at the moment, Xiao is defenseless. Wounded. There's no telling what this 'Glynda' might do, depending on how punishments are decided in these parts. And you don't know her well enough to tell—she seems professional, serious, and powerful, but that's about all you can glean off of such little time spent.

You already apologized for the raging storm, intrinsically claiming responsibility. Does he hope you'll continue? You don't think you can come up with a convincing lie. Your kit does not lend itself to setting fires, as is plainly obvious. The 'Red' in 'Red Mist' does not refer to flames.

"I have never heard of any such Association," Glynda says. "Something from Vacuo?"

"I have never heard of Vacuo," Miris replies. "Nor Beacon Academy, nor Vale, nor even Remnant. We are on different chapters, here. I would appreciate clarification."

Glynda seems shocked at that confession. Her grip on the surrounding air tightens, purple particles multiplying. Miris frowns, unable to reach his director. She turns to glare at you.

"And what of you? You still haven't answered my questions. Additionally, do any of the following names sound familiar to you: Ozpin? Atlas? Amber? Salem? Mistral? Ironwood? Qrow?"

You know an Atlas, an Amber, and a Salem. You have a feeling that none of them are the ones Glynda is referring to.

…This kind of information gathering, these kinds of bullshit mind games and social interaction things. You've never been good at them. You intrinsically understand that connections, talking to people, making (shudder) friends… they're powerful. Hell, you wouldn't be surprised if there was or would be a Color focused entirely on their connections with others. But it's simply never been your strong suit. Strength is your strong suit.

You can read someone in a fight like a literate person would read an open book. Turn that fight into a social conflict, and that literate person turns into you. And the open book remains open, but you can't fucking read.

You consider Miris, his blunt honesty. Despite your initial misgivings, you two legitimately seem to be in the same boat. Two residents of the City, far from home and in the dark. You're willing to tentatively call him an ally, here. Still want to kick his face in for baldly lying to you (he's got to be lying). But that can wait for later.

You suppose you could just cleave the woman in two. Wouldn't be too hard, likely. She's aggressive and confident in her own skills, but you know you're stronger. Thought doesn't sit well with you, though. She doesn't seem like she deserves that kind of fate. And she's supposedly some kind of acting leader, of a kingdom or something, the kind that takes charge in emergency. Important, in other words.

She's probably just doing her job. Investigating threats. Still, it is, hypothetically a solution.

The silence ticks on. Glynda looks at you, pressure ever-present. Miris looks at you, a silent question in his eyes. Mimicry looks at you, babbling something about walls.

[ ] Let Miris answer the question for you.

[ ] Answer.
  • [ ] Write-in.
  • [ ] Who started the wildfire?
[ ] Violence.
  • [ ] Battle plan?

A/N: Fun fact: Glynda's Shockwave is a 5-cost 8-16 Blunt Mass-Individual. Weaker than Raging Storm: Harm, but reusable. And interacts with Dust effects.

ahhhhhh deadlines…. I'm gonna get this up with like 2 minutes to spare. So I'll make this quick. Several drafts of this chapter involved starting a fight, which I'm glad didn't happen in the end. It's been tough finding a place for Miris, but I think I'm managing. Thanks to Lordxana0 for the advice and helping this not suck.
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Would it be better to let Miris answer for us? I don't know how to handle this right now :V
[X] Let Miris answer the question for you.

Yeah, the reward for a job well done is more work. If he wants, he can talk.
[X] Let Miris answer the question for you.

I think it makes sense for Kali to let Miris answer- knowing when to step back and let others do a job they are better at feels like one of the hard-knock lessons Kali would have learnt.
[X] Let Miris answer the question for you.

Kali ain't the type to have a sit-down and infodump discussion. Also, Miris might end up mentioning things Kali doesn't know but would be useful to learn.