KaliQuest (Project Moon/RWBY)

OK. So we're fighting a pissed off Xiao.

Also, I wouldn't say we're certainly gonna survive this fight. If we're using dice rolls then there is every certainty we're gonna get shit rolls and die.

Also, before I make a plan: How exactly does combat work?

Like are our attacks used based on the decks the characters had in LoR? Or is it more Narrative? If I write for Kali to simple "Slash" at an enemy, will it be a basic attack that gets a roll or do I have to be clear about it being "Upstanding Slash" or "Level Slash"?
OK. So we're fighting a pissed off Xiao.

Also, I wouldn't say we're certainly gonna survive this fight. If we're using dice rolls then there is every certainty we're gonna get shit rolls and die.

Also, before I make a plan: How exactly does combat work?

Like are our attacks used based on the decks the characters had in LoR? Or is it more Narrative? If I write for Kali to simple "Slash" at an enemy, will it be a basic attack that gets a roll or do I have to be clear about it being "Upstanding Slash" or "Level Slash"?

It is mostly narrative. Battle plans should not be 'use this card, this card, and this card to clash against my opponent's Firey Dragon Slash, Emotional Turbulence, and Jiao Tu.' More general strategy. Play defensive, all-out attack, use this and that to your advantage, etc., don't forget about this bit of metaknowledge (that's plausibly discernable in-character). I'll either fill in the cards behind the scenes or I'll handwave combat as necessary. The exact numbers are mostly for my own benefit, let me know when and where to speed things along.

Good question. I should probably clarify this stuff in that second reserved post.
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OK. Cool. Thanks.

Alright, so, Battle Plan:

[X] As you stated, she's got no self-control right now. She's just throwing power around, looking for an outlet for her rage. Play defensive, focus your spirit, and strike when she makes mistake. She will make a mistake. Wrath without guidance will do that to you.
- [X] Stand in front of the downed Liu. Don't know the guy, but he was probably trying to stop his Director from going crazy and paid the price for it. Ain't dead, though. If you can keep him from getting hurt long enough, he'll get back up and probably help you out. Might not matter much but you ain't gonna say no.

[X] Don't Manifest EGO. There's no need for that right now. Save that for when stuff gets dire. Especially since it tires you out.
[X] As you stated, she's got no self-control right now. She's just throwing power around, looking for an outlet for her rage. Play defensive, focus your spirit, and strike when she makes mistake. She will make a mistake. Wrath without guidance will do that to you.
- [X] Stand in front of the downed Liu. Don't know the guy, but he was probably trying to stop his Director from going crazy and paid the price for it. Ain't dead, though. If you can keep him from getting hurt long enough, he'll get back up and probably help you out. Might not matter much but you ain't gonna say no.

[X] Don't Manifest EGO. There's no need for that right now. Save that for when stuff gets dire. Especially since it tires you out.
[X] As you stated, she's got no self-control right now. She's just throwing power around, looking for an outlet for her rage. Play defensive, focus your spirit, and strike when she makes mistake. She will make a mistake. Wrath without guidance will do that to you.
- [X] Stand in front of the downed Liu. Don't know the guy, but he was probably trying to stop his Director from going crazy and paid the price for it. Ain't dead, though. If you can keep him from getting hurt long enough, he'll get back up and probably help you out. Might not matter much but you ain't gonna say no.
[X] As you stated, she's got no self-control right now. She's just throwing power around, looking for an outlet for her rage. Play defensive, focus your spirit, and strike when she makes mistake. She will make a mistake. Wrath without guidance will do that to you.
- [X] Stand in front of the downed Liu. Don't know the guy, but he was probably trying to stop his Director from going crazy and paid the price for it. Ain't dead, though. If you can keep him from getting hurt long enough, he'll get back up and probably help you out. Might not matter much but you ain't gonna say no.

[X] Don't Manifest EGO. There's no need for that right now. Save that for when stuff gets dire. Especially since it tires you out.
[X] As you stated, she's got no self-control right now. She's just throwing power around, looking for an outlet for her rage. Play defensive, focus your spirit, and strike when she makes mistake. She will make a mistake. Wrath without guidance will do that to you.
- [X] Stand in front of the downed Liu. Don't know the guy, but he was probably trying to stop his Director from going crazy and paid the price for it. Ain't dead, though. If you can keep him from getting hurt long enough, he'll get back up and probably help you out. Might not matter much but you ain't gonna say no.

[X] Don't Manifest EGO. There's no need for that right now. Save that for when stuff gets dire. Especially since it tires you out.

Edit: Though not using a EGO against another EGO user/Distortion, especially Xiao may not be wise. I am unsure.
Edit: Though not using a EGO against another EGO user/Distortion, especially Xiao may not be wise. I am unsure.

It's mainly because of the difference in how they work.

Xiao's EGO/Distortion is permanent. She'll be burning like this for the entire fight unless we bring her down.

Kali's EGO is on a time limit. If she can't deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time, she'll get tired. If the Dice aren't favorable to us, we'll end up as a sitting duck while Xiao beats on us.
In addition to the above, Kali seems to use her E.G.O. as an "Oh Shit!" button when appropriate. She does not start with it unless she has good reason to believe she needs it. Considering the Abnormality E.G.O. she wields, plus her apparently overwhelming physical strength, I doubt most opponents warrant it.

So yeah, testing the waters and keeping E.G.O. in reserve feels closest to what she would do.
Kali's EGO is on a time limit. If she can't deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time, she'll get tired. If the Dice aren't favorable to us, we'll end up as a sitting duck while Xiao beats on us.

I should note that Manifest E.G.O.'s drawbacks are different in this Quest, mostly because the mechanics that exist don't seem to make all that much sense to me given what we know about Kali and Mimicry.

Could someone justify the 'if Kali doesn't deal enough damage in a turn, she loses Stagger Resist ' mechanic to me? I always figured it was just a way to balance out a (still) blatantly overpowered super mode.
Could someone justify the 'if Kali doesn't deal enough damage in a turn, she loses Stagger Resist ' mechanic to me? I always figured it was just a way to balance out a (still) blatantly overpowered super mode.
The mechanics bit is most likely in for balance reasons. What I think it simulates is that manifesting E.G.O. requires constant focus to keep it active. If disrupted, Kali loses some of that focus. They could not really tie this to damage taken, both because Red Mist stops taking damage once she spools up and because that is too easily exploitable in the Reception.

This may also be unique to Red Mist because she has to ward off the intrusive whispers of her other E.G.O. at the same time.
Could someone justify the 'if Kali doesn't deal enough damage in a turn, she loses Stagger Resist ' mechanic to me? I always figured it was just a way to balance out a (still) blatantly overpowered super mode.

Maybe on top of boost's that ego usually gives it allows the user to continue fighting no matter how much pain delt or how severe the injuries are, in exchange if suit isn't constantly being showered in blood it will deactivate it's effect and remove any pain tolerance, losing stagger resist.
Adhoc vote count started by breakingamber on Aug 10, 2022 at 6:25 PM, finished with 16 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] As you stated, she's got no self-control right now. She's just throwing power around, looking for an outlet for her rage. Play defensive, focus your spirit, and strike when she makes mistake. She will make a mistake. Wrath without guidance will do that to you.
    - [X] Stand in front of the downed Liu. Don't know the guy, but he was probably trying to stop his Director from going crazy and paid the price for it. Ain't dead, though. If you can keep him from getting hurt long enough, he'll get back up and probably help you out. Might not matter much but you ain't gonna say no.
    [X] Don't Manifest EGO. There's no need for that right now. Save that for when stuff gets dire. Especially since it tires you out.

Calling it.

Also, since none of those justifications really do it for me, I'm gonna stick with what I've got planned.

Update out within 24 hours probably.
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Raging Storm 1.2
Raging Storm 1.2
You raise your weapon to block the new Director's spear in a casual guard. Mimicry's eye closes just before she reaches, something that briefly puzzles you—the E.G.O. weapon has always been as durable as the Abnormality it was extracted from, and if it's trying to do an imitation of you, it's doing a piss-poor job. You don't flinch.


Instinct and instinct alone is the only thing that keeps you from folding like a ragdoll, propelled back half a dozen meters like the poor schmuck behind you. An instant shift in posture, steady positioning. Your other hand braces against Mimicry's back.

The iron maiden clashes against your block with all the force of a wildfire, unstoppable and and it's all you can do to remain in place, heels digging into the ashen earth.

She's almost as strong as you. But not quite stronger.

Her follow-up comes quick, a full-body tackle, meant to ruin your focus, get within your guard. You don't let her, letting out a level slash on instinct, glancing off her armor but still driving her back, interrupting her.

You've a fair bit of experience as a Fixer. It's a strange situation you've got going on, here. Something's not quite right. The feel of Mimicry against her scale… Your intuition is screaming at you to spot the thread.

A rapid series of slashes and stabs aim at your throat, your chest, your face. Every one takes your entire focus to deflect, to evade. The final slash is too fast, coming at too oblique an angle for you to completely avoid. You take the best option, leaping back, taking the blow on your forearm, turning a lethal attack into a glancing one. The blade cauterizes your wound before you can even bleed a single drop.

It clicks. There's a reason you don't recognize the Workshop. You've felt that same sensation, but in the opposite direction, opponents' weapons being deflected by your own gear. And you've cleaved many a Syndicate member in two with Mimicry. You know what its impossible metal edge feels like, slashing through skin and tissue. The flavor is different, more like the rising sun than a red mist, but the core is unmistakable. This is E.G.O. gear. Either extracted from an Abnormality or somehow manifested from her own mind. Neither seems plausible, but all signs point to that.

You're missing something. None of this should be possible. It goes against everything Carmen told you.

A decapitating slash comes for your head, which you barely evade. A reminder that this isn't the time to reconcile old barely-understood scientific lectures. Focus on the here and now.


The downed Fixer. The Director completely ignores him, focusing on you like a guided missile. For the best. You can take it right now. You feel safe retreating, leaving him alone—you can already see him slowly staggering to his feet. Another few moments and he'll be back in the fight. Two on one makes things a lot easier.

You need to stall until then. Take obvious openings, but only to delay your opponent further. You could get away with it, but you'd still rather not kill a high-ranking Liu Fixer without reason.

Thing is, this woman's giving you a serious run for your money. This is her home ground, a forest in flames, and E.G.O. obviously pertaining to fire and dragons. You're no stranger to smoke, but this is a little more than you bargained for.

Almost as if she's reading your mind, a roaring wave of devastating heat pushes outward from her, worse than any ordinary fire. The fact that it's affecting you at all speaks volumes, and to this degree? You feel as if you can barely exert any force at all, all strength siphoned away. Your hair and clothes, once soaked in sweat, dries out in an instant.

[Firey Dragon Slash (5-9, 3-7) + 0 (Pú Láo) = 5-9, 3-7: Rolls 8, 5]

[Upstanding Slash (6-10, 6-9) + 0 (Pú Láo) = 6-10, 6-9: Rolls 8, 9]

The interesting part. The Director herself, while seemingly immune to the flames, seems just as affected by this unworldly heat. Her movements are slower, more sluggish, and when she swings her guandao at you, it's with none of her previously overwhelming force. Still fast enough to be dangerous, and it is a sharp, superheated blade. But a quick sidestep takes you out of reach of the attack, allowing you to retaliate with a blunt blow of your own. She staggers back.

A double-edged sword if you ever saw one. A mutual shitfest.

"Director… Xiao… No. You're… the Red Mist? Impossible. You're dead."

Choked-out words, from a parched throat.

The Liu Fixer is fully conscious now, staring at the two of you through shattered lenses, which he wipes from his face. A corner of your mind analyzes him, his posture, his expression. He's a fistfighter, unusual for the Association of all-out war. The fact that he's standing at all, even through this heat, is impressive, though his body isn't working the way he wants it to. Speaks of decent augmentations, but not the best. And to have the confidence to take on this monster of a Fixer (Xiao, perhaps?), even without a weapon?

Grade 2. By your estimate. There was no shame in losing to her.

Familiar with your opponent, knowing her by name. Expecting it to mean something. She didn't seem to have heard him. Your guess of him being her subordinate seems more and more likely. Was she holding back against him? Could explain why he was even still alive. Any other similarly-graded Fixer would've gotten their shit kicked in so hard their eyeball fluids would've boiled.

Also clearly used to fighting in a duo. Whether that was with his Director, or someone else, you can't tell. And you're a good enough Fixer to fill that slot.

"Not anymore," you say, narrowly evading another of Xiao's thrusts. "You okay, over there?"

The Fixer nods. Stumbling slightly over the ashes of a stump, he leaps into the fight, only to nearly get bisected by his Director's instinctive backswing, survived only with a sudden double-block, augments keeping his arms from being sliced clean-off.

…Either she wasn't unconsciously holding back at all (unlikely, this Fixer would be a charred smear on the ground otherwise) during their earlier fight. Or, in this state of exhausting heat, she literally couldn't. Didn't have the control, the passive ability to regulate the strength of her swings underneath the effects of her own aura, not while in a blind rage.

Makes sense. As you are now, you've barely any ability to control your attacks, relying on momentum and Mimicry's sheer power as E.G.O.. Going through the motions, in a sense. Still, it's concerning.

"We need… to stagger her." he coughs out, smoke inhalation having done a number on his body. "Calm her down… put the Director down for a rest. She's on her last legs. Can't let her Distort. Become a Distortion, like the Crying Children. The Bloodfiends. Or is that… before your time?"

You don't understand the question. You caught that first bit, though, and it's clear he has full confidence in his battle plan. As someone with very little idea what's going on, next to a man with all his fancy terminology of 'Distortion' and whatnot, you're comfortable following his lead on this. Not to mention you'd prefer not to murder such a high-ranking Assocation member anyway. Not much of a change, anyway. Fight to subdue it is. Given her monstrous strength, though, all it means is that you won't be going for a killing blow once she's knocked unconscious. To not utilize your full force otherwise would be suicide.

The only question now: the Fixer seems competent enough. You'd rely on him, in any other circumstance. But these are not normal circumstances. Xiao is monstrously strong, with abilities you've only seen on Abnormalities, psuedo-gods from the Outskirts.

You don't want another unnecessary death on your conscience. Fuck, you've even got your own to worry about.

Then again… You remember what he said. Her being on her last legs. You can't tell if she is or isn't, in all honesty. You can tell that she's been fighting her subordinate for a while. But you don't know how much damage he did.

He seems completely willing to return to the fray. Xiao seems completely willing to carve the two of you into grilled corpses, but only seems focused on you.

The flame dragon soars through the sky, the ashes of the forest resting beneath it.

You're the Red Mist, and you don't know what to do.

HP: 634

[ ] Write-in.
- [ ] Allow Miris to assist?​

[ ] Manifest E.G.O.?

A/N: I'll note that the original plan was to throw Reverse Scale at you repeatedly. But that probably would've resulted in… not fun times. Kali's smart enough to figure out the gimmick after the first time triggering it, but the Strength boost that would've resulted… not fun.

Only two more chapters left of this arc now, I suppose.
Alright then. Xiao will require pulling out some stops. And honestly, she should warrant the E.G.O., now that Kali noticed her opponent has it active.

[X] Fight fire with fire, or something
-[X] Meaning, manifest E.G.O. and beat her down
-[X] Let Miris assist; distract Xiao from him so he can do his part uninterrupted

Basic setup, but effective: force Xiao to put everything into facing the Red Mist. Kali should be able to overwhelm her. Even if not, Miris can be a gadfly in the background while the women duke it out.
[X] Fight fire with fire, or something
-[X] Meaning, manifest E.G.O. and beat her down
-[X] Let Miris assist; distract Xiao from him so he can do his part uninterrupted

I mean, I guess?

I personally don't like the way the fighting is handled. But that's just cause I like full narrative or full mechanics better. The switch from narrative combat to using dice and pages throws me off.
[X] Fight fire with fire, or something
-[X] Meaning, manifest E.G.O. and beat her down
-[X] Let Miris assist; distract Xiao from him so he can do his part uninterrupted
[X] Fight fire with fire, or something
-[X] Meaning, manifest E.G.O. and beat her down
-[X] Let Miris assist; distract Xiao from him so he can do his part uninterrupted
[X] Fight fire with fire, or something
-[X] Meaning, manifest E.G.O. and beat her down
-[X] Let Miris assist; distract Xiao from him so he can do his part uninterrupted
An actual Kali quest? LET'S GOOOO! HELL YEAH!