Arc 15 Post 15: On the Brink
On the Brink
Nineteenth Day of Olweje-eza (Olweje Ascendant), 1349 A. L. (After Landfall)
"Who are you who would trespass into the halls of this ship seeking treasures that you did no earn?" you ask, as much to give the others time to surround him as from any expectation that you would find and answer.
"It is a foolish hunter who gives away his spots."
Though can no longer hear Inge, but you can feel the chill of her power in the air, the blessing of the Lady of the Depths sparing Runs-in-Rain her embrace. Perhaps he does not see it, or does not care, cold are the pale eyes framed in some manner of script upon his skin, from the top of his bald head to his collarbone, his mouth set in a harsh line.
"Why do you hunt the bones of that which is dead?" you ask as you feel your senses sharpened, and with those senses the first thing you feel is Zaia's hand at the back of your neck slick with oil.
"The world is a circle and not an arrow straight." The thief's head twitches in the direction of Inge and he hisses. "I see you girl. I have sent your like to your mistress before, do not think that the holy vestment will guard you from my blade. for the salvation of the Ten Thousand much must be given."
"Who are the Ten Thousand?" you grasp at the odd word.
"The Ten Thousand are not, but will be, they are the salvation of the world as they have been in ages past," the words are spoken with the conviction of a zealot, deep in his faith whether it be to lord or cause or god. "Stand aside and we shall not trouble you again, slay me and you will have earned the black fate of a foe that does not sleep."
"Well lucky us we don't have a fate!" Antonio jeers. "Unless you think killing the girl proves something let her loose, return that you have stolen and maybe then we can talk about what vows you might swear to be let loose."
Oola meanwhile is trying to say something you realize, to say without words, but you have not the skill of reading lips that it is said the most profligate of intriguers possess so you do not hear her... at least not until Swift Pebble returns to herself and translates. "She asks you to aim for the eyes if you strike, he might miss."
You look down at the tendrils of false flesh, trying to judge how strong they might be, but you do not know the substance of them, nor what sorcerers power is in their making.
"I think he is being honest about as far as he knows," Esha whispers in your mind but she takes half a step forward. "I aslo think he is a pawn and we should not trust his words to bind his masters."
What do you do?
[] Let the thief go
[] Fight
-[] Write in
OOC: This was ironically enough tricky to write because of how little was in there before the next vote, I kept trying to make the conversation work, but with who the people are it just doesn't.
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