DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS: Beneath an Endless Sky (5e quest!)

NAME Bolanhachīhula "Boots" Arkemoulin
SPECIES: Goblin | RACE: Demihuman

DOB: 4/11/594PF | SEX: Male ~Yes~ | CLASS: Warlock

HP: 15/15 | AC: 13 | LUCK: 2 | 630/900 XP
STR: 10 (+0) | DEX: 14 (+2) | CON: 13 (+1) | INT: 14 (+2) | WIS: 11 (+0) | CHA: 17 (+3)
SAVE:+0 +2 +1 +2 +2 +5
SKILLS: Stealth (+4), Arcana (+4), Insight (+2), Persuasion (+5)
TOOLS: ???

SMALL: Mr. Arkemoulin is approximately 1 meter in height.
NIMBLE: May move through any space of a creature larger.
LUCKY: Re-roll 1s.
SPEED: 5 meters/6 seconds.
DARKVISION: 60ft dark vision.
KNOWN DEMIPLANAR EXOCORTEX: Mr. Arkemoulin has a parasitic exocortex, source defunct Faewild, 87% Probability Winter Court. Provides Vancian crosstalk along arcane lines, refresh rate 1 hour.
PARASOCIAL FIELD EMISSIONS: Mr. Arkemoulin can as an on turn action force WISAVE/SPELLDC to induce Charmed or Frightened effects for approximately 6 seconds, refresh rate 6 hours.
SPELLCASTING QUALIFICATION: Mr. Arkemoulin can cast spells and is rated at 2 C0 class Vancian/Standard interaction events and 2 L1 class Vancian/Standard interaction events.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 2 Meters
EFFECT: Create one of the following paranatural effects. up to three may be maintained at one time.
  • Instant, harmless sensory effect (shower of sparks, puff of wind, musical notes)
  • Light or snuff a fire, including electrical fires, smaller than 1m in diameter.
  • Soil or clean object or person.
  • Chill, Warm, or Flavor 10 cubic centimeters of nonliving matter.
  • Create symbol or marker on surface for duration.
  • Can create small objects or trinkets that fit within the hand and last for 6 seconds.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 24 Meters
DURATION: Instant.
EFFECT: Channels paranatural force from the demiplane of gravity. RANGED ATTACK, 1d10 damage (force.)
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: Self
TARGET: Self | COMPONENTS: V/S/M [0.2 Liters H20 or Appropriate Foci]
EFFECT: Creates paranatural ice suspended in a jacketed probabilistic field with key-triggers on hostility and proximity. +5 temporary hit points, if struck in melee, the enemy takes 5 cold damage.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 18 Meters
TARGET: 4 Meter Radius | COMPONENTS: V/S/M [1 milligram of silicate dust or 1 Cricket or Appropriate Foci]
DURATION: 60 Seconds
EFFECT: Induces sleep via triggering unwanted Vancian interactions in untrained and unprepared minds. Roll 5d8 - this is the number of HP this effects, targeting creatures in the AOE of your choice, working from lowest HP to highest.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 10 Meters
EFFECT: If the target fails a Wisdom saving throw, they regard you as a friend and boon companion. After the spell ends, they know you charmed them. You may be prosecuted.
Spydraco Autonomy 6 Stainless Steel Switchblade
Attack: +4 | Damage: 1d6+2 (1 on a miss)
Intimidation Modifier: -1
EVA Suit
Helmet: Foldable (-5 to passive perception, can be folded and unfolded as a free action)
Suit: Mechanical Counerpressure Suit (Standard Suit)
Gloves: Standard Gloves (disadvantage to any skill requiring physical finesse, concentration check for spellcasting)
Tank: Standard tank (16 hours standard, modified up or down based on how strenuous)
Attachment 1: RCS Rig (Provides full mobility for 1 hour)
Attachment 2: Foci Mount (Provides advantage to concentration checks in space)
Quirks: Too Many Straps (once per session, in a tight area, the GM may say a strap is caught, losing 1/2 your movement.)
Leather Jacket
AC: 13
Wyiot: -4 (+0)
Wisehome: -4 (-8)
31 Gold Coins, 5 Silver Coins
The Somnambulist Sorcerer​
Trade Barque, registered Centarus Colonial Authority 609 PF to CPT. CROAT​
Mortgage: 15 Specie a month to Earth Industries LLC​
50 ton dry weight, 100 ton "wet" weight​
Handling: +2 | AC: 13 | EW: 3 Locks, 1 Jam​
10 [4] Engines​
5 Thrusters​
2 [4] C3​
9 [4] Life Support (3 radiators, 2 recycle filter units, 4 cabins)​
59 [3] Externalities​
Port Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
Starboard Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
Keel Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
Dorsal Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
E-War Systems​
Kender Class D/T-ARC System [5 Spaces]​
Cargo Hold​
5 Tons of 4cm armor piercing teflon coated rounds (1 damage)​
Danse: 1/10 Stress
Kel: 1/10 Stress
Boots: 2/10 Stress
Xan: 1/10 Stress

Buying: Commercial Goods (2 Gold, 3 Silver per ton)
Sellling: Biological Goods (3 Gold per ton, perishable), Manufactured Goods (1 gold, 8 silver per ton)
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Ok I suggest using the luck point. The numbers aren't great, but they're not absolutely horrid, this has a big enough chance to pay off that the expenditure seems worth it.

Do I just roll or what?
Chapter Two: Under a Tideless Sea (1.8)
"Can you get at the rest of their security?" Danse asked, while you rubbed your knuckles against one another and tried to ignore the fact that the gelatenous cube's bulk had already flowed out to be underneath your office chair, despite having been killed like...four meters away. It was just slorping everywhere, wasn't it?

You sigh. "Let me try, but...most networks are partitioned." You start tapping away at the computer, then shake your head after following a few links and bumping against the walls of the programming. "Sorry, no, the cameras are controlled at administration."

Danse nodded. "Then I think that's where we go next."

The Handy Helper crawling along the floor seemed to be moving with more liveliness and happiness than before - you think it might just be happy to finally have some kind of orders to be followed. You want to pet it, but instead, focus on the corridor ahead of you. The walls are still the same faintly moldy, faintly damp walls as the rest of the lower interstitials, but then you come to a ladder leading to a hatch. Danse climbs the ladder, dogs the hatch, then nods. "All clear."

You enter into a little bubble between the lowest level and the highest level, with two secure hatches between the areas. When you swing the next hatch up, it leads into a room that is considerably more homey. The walls are beige paneled and there's a trio of flickering bulbs in a ceiling mount behind some softening plastic that wink to life as the hatch settles into the open position. Danse, Kels, Xan and you climb into the room as you nod to yourself. "This looooks like the connection between Admin and Crew Quarters."

"Yeah, I kinda get that feeling too," Xan says, looking from the hatchway labeled CREW QUARTERS to the hatchway labeled ADMIN by bright, friendly yellow letters spray-painted on the door.

Danse went to the Admin door, then leaned up to the plastic covering that worked as a window. "I can't see through it, someone's put a cover on the window, I can't see through."

"I wish I had mage hand," you muttered. "I could yank that the fuck down."

"Be ready, I'm going to open it a crack," Danse said as Xan drew her daggers, twirling them. Kels squares her shoulders. You stick your head between Danse's thighs to peek in eagerly as the door opens a crack. It rustles and cracks, an oddly organic sound, as you see vines dragging taut and then snapping away, and a shower of leaves scatters along the ground as you peer into...green. Green, green, green. The factory floor is covered with thick matted clumps of moss, reaching vines, dangling blooms of dark red and black flowers, all of it ensnaring the cubicals and computers that had once been used to administrate the place. The room had already been cramped, but now it was just...bonkers levels of cramped.

"What the hell?" Danse whispered.

"What do you see?" Kels hisses.

"A body," you say, quietly.

"Huh?" Danse and Kels ask.

You jerk your chin.

Among the greenery, laying near one of the cubicals, is a moss covered figure, but you can see the gleam of metal sticking from some of the brush, and a dessicated set of once green fingers. The gun itself looks like a brutal combat shotgun, left to lie, its owner completely covered in plantlife.

Danse eased the hatch shut. He turned back, his voice grim. "Well, we know what happened here," he said, quietly. "It's a Blight."

"Shit!" Xan hissed.

"Oh gods," Kels whispered, her hand making a ward against evil.

"B-...B...Blights...aren't...real, those are on TV shows about spooky space stations," you say, almost panicking just a tiny little bit.

"No, they're real," Danse said, quietly. "Rare in the first and second sphere - and most of the third sphere. But...some habs..." He shakes his head, slowly.

Blights. The word sends a shooting, crawling horror along your spine. Ecosystems were wonderful things, they took the necrotic energy of a sentient dying, and transformed it into new life through cycles of decay and regrowth. Every habitat had them for that exact reason. But...if an ecosystem got saturated with enough necrotic energy, with enough misery and pain and anguish...then it could bloom into a Blight. This factory would have had a threadbare, tiny little ecosystem once the heroin dealers got here, focused entirely on their poppies. But that plus whatever they were doing here had been enough. Small ecosystem, small amounts of anguish was enough to make this.

First hint would have been...an unusual uptick in oxygen. If they had realized the problem, if they had had an ecotech on hand, it could have been nipped in the bud right then and there. Either they hadn't or they didn't and so, the Blight had reached critical mass and...


Everywhere not sealed off was now full of plants.


Blood drinking.



"W-...W...W...W...Was that the...that...did...did the Blight send us a radio transmission!?" You hiss.

"They're not stupid," Danse whispered. "Legends say, the stake of that slew the vampire Galthius splintered into the core of the first blight. They have a vampire's cunning."

Your hands go to your face. You're going to remain calm. "Okay, we...we...we...we get back on the...the, the, uh, sub. And then we run. And we leave this place forever and ever and ever?"

"The oxygen generator is still here," Danse says, quietly. "The Chuul will die - economically, if not literally - without it."

"...I hate paladins," you whisper. "I have decided that I hate paladins."

"What's the game plan?" Xan asks.

"Well, we have to find the oxygen generator, and we have to get it to the submarine, and then we have to jet," Danse says. "The Blight is going to outnumber us and it will be smarter than us and it has control over a certain amount of the systems in this place. Likely thanks to Admin." He pointed. "So..."

What is your plan? You can combine as many of these as you want, in any order you want, or write in whatever you want! Go nuts!
[ ] Retreat, get to the pirate sub, then use it to crack the factory and hope the oxygen generator survives the resulting collapse. The Blight will drown in anoxic water just as much as any other plant.
[ ] Sneak into Admin, get that delicious shotty, then clear the room of any ambulator blight members. Then see about hacking the computers
[ ] Withdraw to Crew Quarters - if they were sealed off, they might provide an alternate route
[ ] Call out on your radio...maybe not even heroin dealer is dead. If any got to a safe spot, they might be allies of connivence.
[ ] Write In

Needle blights get 18 vs your passive perception.
You two get 15 and 18 against their passive perception. No one is aware of anyone!

Your perception: 12
Danse's perception: 4
I feel like all of these are bad ideas. The shotgun is obviously bait to draw us in, calling on the radio is like ringing the dinner bell, crew-quarters seems like a good place for zombies; and cracking open the heroin factory seems like it'll just destroy the oxygen processor.

.....So if anyone's got some good ideas, I'm all for it
[X] Sneak into Admin, get that delicious shotty, then clear the room of any ambulator blight members. Then see about hacking the computers

Honestly would rather trigger the needle blights here and now rather than have them pop on us later. Plus, more attempts at hacking!
Could we set up radio relay? Like, call out in the radio but spoof the signal so that it's coming from the relay and not our actual position.

That way we could find any potential survivors and set a trap.
[X] Sneak into Admin, get that delicious shotty, then clear the room of any ambulator blight members. Then see about hacking the computers
Could we set up radio relay? Like, call out in the radio but spoof the signal so that it's coming from the relay and not our actual position.

That way we could find any potential survivors and set a trap.

I'm not sure!

One thing to know: if it could be done using technology from the 1980s or using magic from the D&D manual, you can do it in this game. I try and make all the tech real so rather than technobabble, you can use...just real technological ideas!
My thought is Fire, as controlled as we can make it.

Presto lets us snuff a campfire worth of flame, should be easy enough to time it
Brother, being the Flamer. The Heavy Flamer.

[X] Plan Purge The Blight
-[X] Fall back to Oxygen Processing. Making O2 from water creates buckets more of Hydrogen, which is stored in tanks for other purposes. Between that supply, emergency portable airtanks, and whatever hardware we can scrounge from that should get us portable tanks of very flammable high pressure hydrogen. A Flamer is just a fuel source and nozzle with a pilot light and enough pressure to push the fuel out a distance, Presto covers the pilot light.
-[X] Armed with the improvised Blight purging, seal up in your suits to preserve your own air cause we are going to be making air not breathable. And Oxygen Processing likely won't work once we are done.
-[X] Aim for whatever space may be sealed, clearing out the moss you come across, using occasional radio checks to see if any pirates survived. They may have been drug dealers responsible for this shit but leaving them to get eaten by a Blight is cruel, and they may know where they stored the Oxygen Processor.
-[X] Also make a note to crack this operation station like an egg so the plants and Blight fucking drown

If the Blight is smart and cunning, if it can see us through the moss or from Admin controls, then playing stealthy isn't hiding us from it and instead only it's agents
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Brother, being the Flamer. The Heavy Flamer.

[X] Plan Purge The Blight
-[X] Fall back to Oxygen Processing. Making O2 from water creates buckets more of Hydrogen, which is stored in tanks for other purposes. Between that supply, emergency portable airtanks, and whatever hardware we can scrounge from that should get us portable tanks of very flammable high pressure hydrogen. A Flamer is just a fuel source and nozzle with a pilot light and enough pressure to push the fuel out a distance, Presto covers the pilot light.
-[X] Armed with the improvised Blight purging, seal up in your suits to preserve your own air cause we are going to be making air not breathable. And Oxygen Processing likely won't work once we are done.
-[X] Aim for whatever space may be sealed, clearing out the moss you come across, using occasional radio checks to see if any pirates survived. They may have been drug dealers responsible for this shit but leaving them to get eaten by a Blight is cruel, and they may know where they stored the Oxygen Processor.
-[X] Also make a note to crack this operation station like an egg so the plants and Blight fucking drown

If the Blight is smart and cunning, if it can see us through the moss or from Admin controls, then playing stealthy isn't hiding us from it and instead only it's agents

While I like this generally, it's important to note that this improvisation will work more like a welding torch than a flame thrower. Hydrogen burns fast and hot, which doesn't make for a good flamethrower. Flamethrowers typically use gasoline or diesel, both because they are on hand, but also because the fuel continues to burn for long periods after it leaves the device. Using a hydrogen torch as a weapon would mean we have to either use it up close or maybe get a long pipe and make it a spear sort of thing.

A hydrogen torch might be useful however. These are plants that exist on the habitats and are meant to produce oxygen and the like, right? So they aren't sea/waterborne plants. We've got wetsuits, medical injectors to deal with pressurization, and o2 tanks. We can handle the outside environment, right? I bet these plants can't. If we can flood the interior of the habitat then the plants should be sol and we can swim in and grab whatever we want

[x] plan: flood the hab
-[x] return to oxygen processing and try to rig up a cutting torch with a tank of hydrogen.
-[x] go to an airlock and manually force it to start flooding the chamber with the door open.
-[x] go room by room flooding the habitat, cutting through the doors with the torch where necessary

The idea is to use the airlocks mechanism for gradually filling the chamber to relatively slowly flood the habitat. As the air inside is at such a lower pressure any sudden inlet of water, say by cutting through the hull, would result in a structural failure that crushes the module like a tin can.

Edit: minor change in wording
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So...high oxygen content, and we're in a sealed pressure vessel and we're gonna start a fire. EXCELLENT! We're here for a exciting goblin life, not a long one right?

[X] Plan Purge The Blight