DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS: Beneath an Endless Sky (5e quest!)

NAME Bolanhachīhula "Boots" Arkemoulin
SPECIES: Goblin | RACE: Demihuman

DOB: 4/11/594PF | SEX: Male ~Yes~ | CLASS: Warlock

HP: 15/15 | AC: 13 | LUCK: 2 | 630/900 XP
STR: 10 (+0) | DEX: 14 (+2) | CON: 13 (+1) | INT: 14 (+2) | WIS: 11 (+0) | CHA: 17 (+3)
SAVE:+0 +2 +1 +2 +2 +5
SKILLS: Stealth (+4), Arcana (+4), Insight (+2), Persuasion (+5)
TOOLS: ???

SMALL: Mr. Arkemoulin is approximately 1 meter in height.
NIMBLE: May move through any space of a creature larger.
LUCKY: Re-roll 1s.
SPEED: 5 meters/6 seconds.
DARKVISION: 60ft dark vision.
KNOWN DEMIPLANAR EXOCORTEX: Mr. Arkemoulin has a parasitic exocortex, source defunct Faewild, 87% Probability Winter Court. Provides Vancian crosstalk along arcane lines, refresh rate 1 hour.
PARASOCIAL FIELD EMISSIONS: Mr. Arkemoulin can as an on turn action force WISAVE/SPELLDC to induce Charmed or Frightened effects for approximately 6 seconds, refresh rate 6 hours.
SPELLCASTING QUALIFICATION: Mr. Arkemoulin can cast spells and is rated at 2 C0 class Vancian/Standard interaction events and 2 L1 class Vancian/Standard interaction events.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 2 Meters
EFFECT: Create one of the following paranatural effects. up to three may be maintained at one time.
  • Instant, harmless sensory effect (shower of sparks, puff of wind, musical notes)
  • Light or snuff a fire, including electrical fires, smaller than 1m in diameter.
  • Soil or clean object or person.
  • Chill, Warm, or Flavor 10 cubic centimeters of nonliving matter.
  • Create symbol or marker on surface for duration.
  • Can create small objects or trinkets that fit within the hand and last for 6 seconds.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 24 Meters
DURATION: Instant.
EFFECT: Channels paranatural force from the demiplane of gravity. RANGED ATTACK, 1d10 damage (force.)
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: Self
TARGET: Self | COMPONENTS: V/S/M [0.2 Liters H20 or Appropriate Foci]
EFFECT: Creates paranatural ice suspended in a jacketed probabilistic field with key-triggers on hostility and proximity. +5 temporary hit points, if struck in melee, the enemy takes 5 cold damage.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 18 Meters
TARGET: 4 Meter Radius | COMPONENTS: V/S/M [1 milligram of silicate dust or 1 Cricket or Appropriate Foci]
DURATION: 60 Seconds
EFFECT: Induces sleep via triggering unwanted Vancian interactions in untrained and unprepared minds. Roll 5d8 - this is the number of HP this effects, targeting creatures in the AOE of your choice, working from lowest HP to highest.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 10 Meters
EFFECT: If the target fails a Wisdom saving throw, they regard you as a friend and boon companion. After the spell ends, they know you charmed them. You may be prosecuted.
Spydraco Autonomy 6 Stainless Steel Switchblade
Attack: +4 | Damage: 1d6+2 (1 on a miss)
Intimidation Modifier: -1
EVA Suit
Helmet: Foldable (-5 to passive perception, can be folded and unfolded as a free action)
Suit: Mechanical Counerpressure Suit (Standard Suit)
Gloves: Standard Gloves (disadvantage to any skill requiring physical finesse, concentration check for spellcasting)
Tank: Standard tank (16 hours standard, modified up or down based on how strenuous)
Attachment 1: RCS Rig (Provides full mobility for 1 hour)
Attachment 2: Foci Mount (Provides advantage to concentration checks in space)
Quirks: Too Many Straps (once per session, in a tight area, the GM may say a strap is caught, losing 1/2 your movement.)
Leather Jacket
AC: 13
Wyiot: -4 (+0)
Wisehome: -4 (-8)
31 Gold Coins, 5 Silver Coins
The Somnambulist Sorcerer​
Trade Barque, registered Centarus Colonial Authority 609 PF to CPT. CROAT​
Mortgage: 15 Specie a month to Earth Industries LLC​
50 ton dry weight, 100 ton "wet" weight​
Handling: +2 | AC: 13 | EW: 3 Locks, 1 Jam​
10 [4] Engines​
5 Thrusters​
2 [4] C3​
9 [4] Life Support (3 radiators, 2 recycle filter units, 4 cabins)​
59 [3] Externalities​
Port Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
Starboard Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
Keel Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
Dorsal Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
E-War Systems​
Kender Class D/T-ARC System [5 Spaces]​
Cargo Hold​
5 Tons of 4cm armor piercing teflon coated rounds (1 damage)​
Danse: 1/10 Stress
Kel: 1/10 Stress
Boots: 2/10 Stress
Xan: 1/10 Stress

Buying: Commercial Goods (2 Gold, 3 Silver per ton)
Sellling: Biological Goods (3 Gold per ton, perishable), Manufactured Goods (1 gold, 8 silver per ton)
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[X] Try and command the Handy Helpers. Having some pre-programmed drones that know access codes and shortcuts is not a bad idea.

Having seen Everything Everywhere All At Once, I am compelled to give the googly eyes a shot.
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[X] Try and command the Handy Helpers. Having some pre-programmed drones that know access codes and shortcuts is not a bad idea.

Having seen Everything Everywhere All At Once, I am compelled to give the googly eyes a shot.
Explictly requesting no further talk of this movie here untill it comes out on DVD in the UK so I can buy it (the 5th, I think)

Edit: V. Excited.
[X] Try and command the Handy Helpers. Having some pre-programmed drones that know access codes and shortcuts is not a bad idea.
[X] Try and command the Handy Helpers. Having some pre-programmed drones that know access codes and shortcuts is not a bad idea.

Yay! New sorta-friends-if-you-squint get!
[X] Try and command the Handy Helpers. Having some pre-programmed drones that know access codes and shortcuts is not a bad idea.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Jul 5, 2022 at 12:25 PM, finished with 9 posts and 7 votes.

All right! roll me an Arcana check, DC15!

Boots has always wanted to say, "Stop! I am your creator! You will OBEY ME!"
Chapter Two: Under a Tideless Sea (1.6)
You gulp, then stand up straight. "Wait..." you say, while both Kels and Danse ready their hands, clearly just about to start blasting. You kneel down before the nearest of the...hands. And then you speak, clearly and firmly: "I am a guest to ClearQuix Chemical Factory, authorized by your shift manager." You nod, then hold out your hand. The first of the Handy Helpers hopped up onto your palm and you started to look them over. "Authorization code 998-112, emergency override."

The hands all paused, as if thinking.

Then they dropped from the ceiling.


The hatch continued to shudder as you smiled at the Hands, which arranged themselves into a row before you. You set down the one you were holding, then turned to the group, nodding. "All right!" you said, grinning as you did so. "We have some Handies!"

"Wow," Xan said, laughing. "How'd you know that would work?

"I didn't," you say, shrugging. "But most of the people I know who had these things for EVA work had the emergency override written on the wrists - like, making sure that they do what you say is way, way, way, way, way more important than worrying about if they're getting...like...stolen or something."

Xan chuckled.

"Okay, do you guys know your way through the base?" you asked, while Danse ruffles your hair.


"The hatch is good, guys!" Kels says, giving you a thumbs up - she had put her hand against it. "Not even budging that much."

The hands all tapped the ground once with their pointer fingers.

"That's a yes!" you say, your ears perking up. "Do you have access codes?"

Tap Tap.


"Are there access codes?" you ask.

Tap tap.


"Oh, keycards then?"


"Dang," you say, then turn to the rest of the party. "They're only going to be a mild help then. But they can take us where we want to go."


"And...should...we deal with that?" you ask, jerking your thumb at the thumping door.

Hmm...do you want to deal with that?
[ ] Might as well. We can open it with mage hand after loosening the hatch slightly, then lure whatever is in there into a firing range and shoot the hell out of it with spells before Danse hacks it to bits, right?
[ ] Lets check first - try cracking the hatch, but be ready to slam if it's dangerous.
[ ] ...lets let sleeping creatures lie
[ ] Write In

And where do you ask the hands to lead you first? These are the only options, you cannot write in, a write in will get a confused "no" from the hands.
[ ] Administration
[ ] Stores
[ ] Oxygen Processing
[ ] Crew Quarters
[ ] The ding dang pirates!
[X] ...lets let sleeping creatures lie
[X] Oxygen Processing

Maybe we can drop the oxygen levels and go to internal air so that some of the pirates are fucked up. Maybe don't shut it off entirely though, in case of suit breaches and the possibility that there's not-hostiles aboard.

Also just plain important to secure.
[X] ...lets let sleeping creatures lie
[X] Administration

Admin is gonna be where the cameras are, along with Key Cards and the like, I imagine
[X] ...lets let sleeping creatures lie
[X] Administration

I'm sure we can come back and fight it later if we really want to.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Jul 5, 2022 at 7:36 PM, finished with 8 posts and 7 votes.

Looks like OP is just barely on the win!

EDIT: Oh, also, you guys decided to not pet the carrion crawler, -500 points
Chapter Two: Under a Tideless Sea (1.7)
"Lets let sleeping critters lie, agreed?" you say.

"Agreed," Danse, Kels and Xan all say at the same time.

"Okay, H2s, show us to..." You pause. "Admin?"

"Oxygen processing," Danse says, nodding slowly. "If there are pirates here, we can fiddle with the atmosphere and see if we can knock them out peacefully. And if there's going to be anywhere the stashed the Chuul's oxidizer..." He shook his head. "If they have the factor's OP working, though, why would they be stealing some poor isopod's stuff?"

"Simple," Xan says, ticking her fingers off. "Firstly, it was there and easy to nab. Secondly, it keeps the Chuuls from poking around their village and stumbling onto this place. And thirdly...it's entirely possible they don't have this place's OP on."

"Oh boy," Kels says, quietly. "I don't want to kill a bunch of people by taking their thing. Even if they stole it."

"They can evacuate if they don't want to be suffocated!" Xan said, chipper as ever.


"Can we continue this conversation not near the monster door?" she added, jerking her thumb at the hatch with the ominous warning written on it. You nod, then turn to the Handy Helpers. The severed hands cum remote drones had started bobbing impatiently on their fingers, the googly eyes on their knuckles and their wrists clattering in their plastic containers.

"Take us to Oxygen Processing," you say.

The course through the winding interstitial corridors is fast, thanks to the H2s leading you, their fingers clattering softly on the deck. Danse's flashlight shines around and you notice that the ceiling has an awful lot of mossy growth on it, spreading outwards in creeping green patterns. One door is almost entirely overgrown - and you jerk towards it, whispering to Kels. "At least something is thriving down here. Talk about a forward looking terraforming project."

She giggled as you rounded the corner to OP and then you grabbed onto Kels before she walked into the room. She blinked. "What?" she asked as Danse drew his sword. "The room's empty?"

Empty isn't exactly the right word for it. The room was once the oxygen processing center. It was built like most OPs you've seen on the vids - friendly plastic walls, lots of clear tubing so people could see the water coming in, the tanks for hydrogen storage and the vents for pushing the O2 into the system proper. There were a lot of corrugated ducts that ran along the ceiling. The chair next to the computer that managed the place sat empty, with a cup of sludgy coffee sitting on it. Someone had been here - and the machines were running quietly, buzzing softly as bubbles frothed through the water around the metal rods that ran into the water tanks.

"Kels..." Xan whispered. "Look again."

Kels blinked.

Then she saw what you'd seen - in the way the motes of light hung in the center of the room, the way the floor was just faintly discolored in a perfectly rectangular square in the middle of the room...and the faint, quiet slurping sound of movement as the gelatinous cube shifted forward. The cup seemed to move of its own accord - jerking through the air. The psuedopod was barely visible as it yanked the cup into the belly of the cube-beast. The cup floated there, and the liquid began to slowly siphon out of the cup, spreading into the transparent cube. You hissed, softly.

"Why. The. Fuck. Is. There. A. Gelatinous. Cube. In. This. Room?"

"T-This is a chemical plant," Kels whispered back, softly. Very softly. "They use GCs to break down byproducts, harvest them for the chemicals they can produce...recycling and processing and such. There might be a whole pen of them in here, and...this one just broke free."

"I don't see the Chuul's oxidizer," Xan whispered. "...think it has noticed- AUUUUUGH!"

Xan sprang backwards, jerking away just moments before something invisibly thin reached at her. The SPLAT of the pseudopod hitting the door frame is enough for you to know it's on. Xan hissed, her hands reaching down and drawing a pair of throwing knives from her belts. She tossed one with a flick of her wrist and it buried itself in the side of the cube. "Spiderspit!" She hissed, then sprang backwards, moving to the side of the door. "We flank it when it gets out, right?"

"Right," Danse said. He stepped up to the door, sword in his hand. "Boots!"

"On it!" You said, springing up to stand against the far side of the wall. You lifted your palm, feeling Slacks on your back and body - his presence as solid and comforting as the wall behind you. You speak a single word: "Vram!" And the spear of light explodes from your palm and smashes into the cube, which continues to slosh forward. Kels steps beside you, her tail gripping your ankle with a quick comforting squeeze you can barely feel through your boots. Her hand lifts and she closes her eyes, before holding up the abstract shape that the academics had figured was the most paradimensionally efficient at channeling Outer Planes energies. It looked kind of like a pinecone made of spiders.

The cube flickered with flames, which burst to life around it and flared.

"Whoa, watch the O2 content!" Xan hissed.

"It's magic fire, Xan!" Kels snapped.

"Look out Danse!" You shout - but the cube is nice and obvious thanks to the flames wreathing around it. It slams towards the door, swings around, and rushes for Danse, who springs backwards, using his longsword to slash psuedopods grasping towards him out of the way.

"Any second now, Xan!" Danse snarls through clenched teeth.

Xan nods, steps backwards, then runs forward. Her boots clank on the wall as she leaps onto a valve fixture, springs form it, snatches onto a hanging light fixture, then hooks her legs on a pipe and swings above the creature, catching and dragging her knife through the gelatinous cube, before flipping off, doing a triple summersault in the air, then landing behind Danse with a grin. "There," she said, playfully, as the cube sagged almost entirely sliced in half.

"That only worked because we're on Gallion, you know," Kels says.

"IT'S NOT DEAD!" You scream, your ears pinning back as the cube's psuedopods reach from the rent in the middle of it. Danse hacks through five at once with a swing from his sword, but you lean in...and spot a thick knot of almost invisible, glittering hardness at the center of the cube - then spread your palm and shout.


The eldrich blast slammed home and the cube sloughed onto the ground with a hissing patter of smoke and steam. It slurched around your boots and you, Danse, Kels and Xan all groaned, stepping back and away.

"I'm so glad I'm in a spacesuit, ew..." Xan said, kicking at the goo, trying to get it off her boots.

"Think anyone heard that?" Danse asked.

You all quieted down.

Nothing but the very faint thumping from the door you had abandoned.

"Nope," you say, then walk over to the computer. You sit yourself down in the chair and find your eyes are at the level with the keyboard. You reach up and start to hunt and peck while sticking your nose over the edge of the plastic and metal table. Xan, sighing, reaches down and shoves the chair up along its pneumatic cylinder, until its at full extension and you can type like a real programmer. You flashed her a grin. "Thanks."

"Not the first pillar I've extended to full length," she murmured. Behind her, Kels choked.

The screen shows a black and green DAS boot option, with a blinking line for password input. "Oh, uh, you can hack this, right?" Kels asks. You turn in your seat to look at her.

"Kels, please, baby," you say, grinning at her, before gesturing at the computer. "Hackers can't just hack into a password without lots of advanced equipment and programs. Heck, even with that stuff, it can take ages, depending on how secure the password even is. The best way to do it is with what they call K-Int. Which is short for Kith Intelligence. While mildly racist and kind of oxymoronic, it does really kinda follow. Guessing a password is hard, hacking it is difficult, but tricking someone into giving it over, that's easy!" You sighed.

"So...we can't get in?" Danse asked, frowning.

"I said hackers. Not Boots. I happen..." you say, then turn and tap away. "To be a genius."

The screen flares to life, showing the OS for the oxygen system room.

"Whoa!" Kels whispered. "How?"

"This is a factory that makes chemical dyes," you say, dryly. "It's not run by people who give a shit about E-security. So, I just went with the most common password."

"Which is?" Kels asked.

"Password," you say.

"WHAT!?" Kels exploded.

"We live in a fallen world, sinful and vile, I know," you say, bringing up the diagonistic on the station. "Well, that's interesting."

Danse, who was looking flustered and thoughtful all at once, coughed and stammered. "W-What is it?"

"I mean, beyond the fact that our captain needs to change his freaking password," you say, scowling at him. "It's the...this." You point. "The OP is barely producing any oxygen. Well, I mean, it's producing it, but its not filtering it into the system - it's all going into the outflow tanks. I should turn that off before it, uh...gets...bad..." You turn the OP down and the bubbling slows. "That's weird. That's weird weird weird. About...two SOLs ago, they started lowering their OP's output by incremental steps, see?" You point.

"It looks like a percent every hour," Kels says. "But...the O2 detector is showing an increase?"

"Yeah, that's...weird," you say. "I think they were troubleshooting the OP - the computer says its making less, but the actual machinery is making more and more."

Danse nodded. "Then what?"

"Then, uh..." You bring up the diagnostics and find that about two minutes after the last lowering of OP production, the keyboard had registered an erratic command code that the computer had translated into bringing up the Paint function - the little crappy program that people used to make simple diagrams. You rubbed your cheek. "...I think...they started lowering two SOLs ago. But then one SOL ago, the tech working this computer keysmashed, then ran..." you looked at where the coffee cup had been. "And left his coffee."

"The cube?" Danse asked.

"I mean, yeah, but a single gelatinous cube can't take on a bunch of heroin dealers," you say. "Right?"

"They do tend to have guns, yes," Xan said, frowning.

Kels, though, pointed with her finger. "Whaaat the fuck!"

You look back at the screen - at all the little indicators and numbers.

"What the fuck," you whisper.

"Did the...did that..." Danse started.

"The O2 percentage just went up - we're still gaining oxygen!" you say. Slowly, everyone turns to look at the OP unit. The waters are still. Silent.


113 XP for everyone! Now, what do you do...
[ ] Try and hack into more useful computer systems and see what you can see through cameras, logs, communications
[ ] Travel onto...
[ ] Administration​
[ ] Stores​
[ ] Crew Quarters​
[ ] The ding dang pirates!​
[ ] Write In

Perception check, DC15: 20, 14, 15, 18 - ironically, Kels is the only one who DOESN'T see it

Cube has blindsense to 60ft. It rolled a 15 on perception. It knows!

19: Xan
18: Danse
13: Boots
11: Kel
7: Gelatinous Cube

Xan attacks the icky cube. Since she does not have advantage, she does not get sneak attack. She gets 8 to hit - a hit against the AC of 6! She does 12 damage, dropping it to 72 HP! Then she draws back to the side, prepping to flank.

Danse steps over and aids Xan, so she has advantage.

Boots rolls...NAT 20! Doubling straight, for 18 damage! BWOM! 54 HP left.

Kel is gonna Sacred Flame this witch! THey got a 1, so they're ouched for 7 damage, bringing them to 47 damage!

Cube slorps forward 3 squares and attempts to engulf Danse. He saves!

Xan attacks with advantage! She'll spend a luck to pre-confirm a crit. So, yes, she rolls above a 6 AC and thus does (1d12+3+1d6)x2 damage, which means she does 30 damage, bringing the beastie to 17!

Danse Hews into it with his longsword - which is sharp and heavy, so his normal damage dice of d10 becomes a d12! Neato! He does 13 damage, bringing the beast down to 4.

Boots fires and does 4 damage! The Cube is Cone!

Hacking??? 20! Dang, Boots!
[X] Try and hack into more useful computer systems and see what you can see through cameras, logs, communications

Well if we can, may as well.
[X] Try and hack into more useful computer systems and see what you can see through cameras, logs, communications

Yup, we're already here. Why not roll with a high modifier?
[X] Try and hack into more useful computer systems and see what you can see through cameras, logs, communications
[X] Try and hack into more useful computer systems and see what you can see through cameras, logs, communications
Makes sense since we're already here