DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS: Beneath an Endless Sky (5e quest!)

NAME Bolanhachīhula "Boots" Arkemoulin
SPECIES: Goblin | RACE: Demihuman

DOB: 4/11/594PF | SEX: Male ~Yes~ | CLASS: Warlock

HP: 15/15 | AC: 13 | LUCK: 2 | 630/900 XP
STR: 10 (+0) | DEX: 14 (+2) | CON: 13 (+1) | INT: 14 (+2) | WIS: 11 (+0) | CHA: 17 (+3)
SAVE:+0 +2 +1 +2 +2 +5
SKILLS: Stealth (+4), Arcana (+4), Insight (+2), Persuasion (+5)
TOOLS: ???

SMALL: Mr. Arkemoulin is approximately 1 meter in height.
NIMBLE: May move through any space of a creature larger.
LUCKY: Re-roll 1s.
SPEED: 5 meters/6 seconds.
DARKVISION: 60ft dark vision.
KNOWN DEMIPLANAR EXOCORTEX: Mr. Arkemoulin has a parasitic exocortex, source defunct Faewild, 87% Probability Winter Court. Provides Vancian crosstalk along arcane lines, refresh rate 1 hour.
PARASOCIAL FIELD EMISSIONS: Mr. Arkemoulin can as an on turn action force WISAVE/SPELLDC to induce Charmed or Frightened effects for approximately 6 seconds, refresh rate 6 hours.
SPELLCASTING QUALIFICATION: Mr. Arkemoulin can cast spells and is rated at 2 C0 class Vancian/Standard interaction events and 2 L1 class Vancian/Standard interaction events.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 2 Meters
EFFECT: Create one of the following paranatural effects. up to three may be maintained at one time.
  • Instant, harmless sensory effect (shower of sparks, puff of wind, musical notes)
  • Light or snuff a fire, including electrical fires, smaller than 1m in diameter.
  • Soil or clean object or person.
  • Chill, Warm, or Flavor 10 cubic centimeters of nonliving matter.
  • Create symbol or marker on surface for duration.
  • Can create small objects or trinkets that fit within the hand and last for 6 seconds.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 24 Meters
DURATION: Instant.
EFFECT: Channels paranatural force from the demiplane of gravity. RANGED ATTACK, 1d10 damage (force.)
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: Self
TARGET: Self | COMPONENTS: V/S/M [0.2 Liters H20 or Appropriate Foci]
EFFECT: Creates paranatural ice suspended in a jacketed probabilistic field with key-triggers on hostility and proximity. +5 temporary hit points, if struck in melee, the enemy takes 5 cold damage.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 18 Meters
TARGET: 4 Meter Radius | COMPONENTS: V/S/M [1 milligram of silicate dust or 1 Cricket or Appropriate Foci]
DURATION: 60 Seconds
EFFECT: Induces sleep via triggering unwanted Vancian interactions in untrained and unprepared minds. Roll 5d8 - this is the number of HP this effects, targeting creatures in the AOE of your choice, working from lowest HP to highest.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 10 Meters
EFFECT: If the target fails a Wisdom saving throw, they regard you as a friend and boon companion. After the spell ends, they know you charmed them. You may be prosecuted.
Spydraco Autonomy 6 Stainless Steel Switchblade
Attack: +4 | Damage: 1d6+2 (1 on a miss)
Intimidation Modifier: -1
EVA Suit
Helmet: Foldable (-5 to passive perception, can be folded and unfolded as a free action)
Suit: Mechanical Counerpressure Suit (Standard Suit)
Gloves: Standard Gloves (disadvantage to any skill requiring physical finesse, concentration check for spellcasting)
Tank: Standard tank (16 hours standard, modified up or down based on how strenuous)
Attachment 1: RCS Rig (Provides full mobility for 1 hour)
Attachment 2: Foci Mount (Provides advantage to concentration checks in space)
Quirks: Too Many Straps (once per session, in a tight area, the GM may say a strap is caught, losing 1/2 your movement.)
Leather Jacket
AC: 13
Wyiot: -4 (+0)
Wisehome: -4 (-8)
31 Gold Coins, 5 Silver Coins
The Somnambulist Sorcerer​
Trade Barque, registered Centarus Colonial Authority 609 PF to CPT. CROAT​
Mortgage: 15 Specie a month to Earth Industries LLC​
50 ton dry weight, 100 ton "wet" weight​
Handling: +2 | AC: 13 | EW: 3 Locks, 1 Jam​
10 [4] Engines​
5 Thrusters​
2 [4] C3​
9 [4] Life Support (3 radiators, 2 recycle filter units, 4 cabins)​
59 [3] Externalities​
Port Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
Starboard Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
Keel Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
Dorsal Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
E-War Systems​
Kender Class D/T-ARC System [5 Spaces]​
Cargo Hold​
5 Tons of 4cm armor piercing teflon coated rounds (1 damage)​
Danse: 1/10 Stress
Kel: 1/10 Stress
Boots: 2/10 Stress
Xan: 1/10 Stress

Buying: Commercial Goods (2 Gold, 3 Silver per ton)
Sellling: Biological Goods (3 Gold per ton, perishable), Manufactured Goods (1 gold, 8 silver per ton)
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[X] Plan: Boots Clarke
-[X] Foldable Helmet
-[X] Mechanical Counterpressure Suit
-[X] RCS Rig
-[X] Foci Mounting

Dead Space has some of the BEST space suits ever, and I say we imitate it! This way we can easily take off our helmet, not float off to our slow death in Space, AND use our awesome powers in space!

Also because we have a skintight suit, we get to show off to our possible love interests. (wink wink nudge nudge)
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Also, Dragon, in what ways can we modify our suit later on? Can we continue to add to it, or will we have to switch out various bits of equipment? For example, would we have to swap out our helmet if we wanted extra armor, or could we just weld some steel plates together to make ourselves bulletproof?

Are there Brand-Name suits we can buy later on that have special bonuses, or is it just a bunch of mix-and-match parts?
Also, Dragon, in what ways can we modify our suit later on? Can we continue to add to it, or will we have to switch out various bits of equipment? For example, would we have to swap out our helmet if we wanted extra armor, or could we just weld some steel plates together to make ourselves bulletproof?

Are there Brand-Name suits we can buy later on that have special bonuses, or is it just a bunch of mix-and-match parts?

you can swap and add to it! like, if you buy two kinds of helmets, you can use whichever you want for any particular mission!
I also think it is important to mention that this is a playtest and as such- things are subject to change.

If you've got an idea or feedback I am sure the QM would like to hear it. And that things might get patched midway.

Edit: So forgoing any patches, a caster suit:
[X] Plan CasterCard
-[X] Basic Helmet, Life Support Tank
-[X] MCS
-[X] Foci-Mount
-[X] Mag-Gloves
-[X] Juice Rig

So, reasons. MCS is practically needed so we can just have the suit on at all times. Pressurized Suits are bad as a long term option (seriously bad, make con saves or suck sort of bad, eventually die from being trapped in the suit too long bad. Gaining levels of Exhaustion is SUPER BAD in 5e and if we are in a situation where we need a pressurized suit for any length of time we will be sucking down those saves with our +1 con mod.) We need a Foci-Mount as described you cannot cast spells in space without it, and wearing it all the time means we always have our focus. We need Mag-Gloves as you have to make Con Saves just to cast spells with Somatic Components otherwise. Without both a Foci-Mount and Mag Gloves we cannot cast spells inside the space suit, which we are going to be in all the time due to it being MCS (means a standard helmet, but we can just remove it when not needed and leave at the hip.)

That's just the cost of spellcasting. And spellcasting is good, as we can use the general purpose GOD SPELL of Prestidigitation to emulate or replace a number of addons for the suit- primarily the effective use for it in zero-G and vacuum would be to move us around. Leaves us 1 choice, and while Feather Fall Unit is tempting, same with the Folding Helmet, the Juice Rig will literally save our lives.

That's the breakdown. For a caster, I do not think there is any other options at all when limited to 4 starting options.

EDIT: So, we get only 3 options? Had to drop the Juice Rig. Simply put, if we end up exploring a derelict we -cannot- be in a Pressure Suit because even a level or two of Exhaustion will get us killed (seriously the rules for it are completely bonkers, it is nuts that it is a mechanic like that, I hope to god they drop it for 5.5e.) Having the Mechanical Counterpressure Suit will let us add to the suit in ways that will help us in all encounters, tricking out a Pressurized Suit makes no sense to me as we could only be in it for a minor amount of time. Having a standard helmet that doesn't instantly snap on our head is fine as we can survive a vacuum event long enough to seal the helmet on. Having Oxygen Tanks is fine as we can ensure we don't stray too far from breathable atmosphere and we can take off the helmet to breath in safe areas. We cannot get out of our suit as required from a Pressurized Suit in these situations to avoid racking up Exhaustion.
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X] Plan Mobility and Magic
  • -[X] Mag-Gloves
    -[X] Grapnel Line
    -[X] Foci Mounting
    -[X] Juice Rig
We are magic class. Jucie seems important and *fucking grappling hook* mag gloves are cool too
[] Plan No Endless Journey In Tha Black
-[][BASIC] Standard Helmet
-[][BASIC] Pressure Suit
-[][BASIC] Standard Gloves
-[]D.E.W.S System
-[]Foci Mounting
-[]RCS Rig

I have a serious issue with being thrown off into space with no way back to a ship. This would let us maneuver real in zero g without worrying about running outta fuel and air. Ideal next upgrade would be the mechanical counter pressure suit so that we could stay out in space more or less indefinitely (well, until we starve anyway)

Edit now i have more time: I think the counter pressure suit is neat, but the base suit being free to repair is a pretty big deal, especially starting out. Now, I'm curious if the con save is only while in vacuum? @DragonCobolt would that be the case? If we had the helmet off for instance, in zero g inside a ship, would we need to be making that save after an hour?

Even if we still do, i feel like the dews plus rcs is a pretty good investment. We can use it to jet around inside our ship in zero g, or in a habitat in the zero g sections with no issues which feels like a big expansion of what we can do. Yes healing would be niceC but we do have two healers in our party already, so I'm kinda less interested that right outta the gate.

Also @KRISF , you need a [ on your vote!
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I also think it is important to mention that this is a playtest and as such- things are subject to change.

If you've got an idea or feedback I am sure the QM would like to hear it. And that things might get patched midway.

Edit: So forgoing any patches, a caster suit:
[X] Plan CasterCard
-[X] Basic Helmet, Life Support Tank
-[X] MCS
-[X] Foci-Mount
-[X] Mag-Gloves
-[ ] Juice Rig

So, reasons. MCS is practically needed so we can just have the suit on at all times. Pressurized Suits are bad as a long term option (seriously bad, make con saves or suck sort of bad, eventually die from being trapped in the suit too long bad. Gaining levels of Exhaustion is SUPER BAD in 5e and if we are in a situation where we need a pressurized suit for any length of time we will be sucking down those saves with our +1 con mod.) We need a Foci-Mount as described you cannot cast spells in space without it, and wearing it all the time means we always have our focus. We need Mag-Gloves as you have to make Con Saves just to cast spells with Somatic Components otherwise. Without both a Foci-Mount and Mag Gloves we cannot cast spells inside the space suit, which we are going to be in all the time due to it being MCS (means a standard helmet, but we can just remove it when not needed and leave at the hip.)

That's just the cost of spellcasting. And spellcasting is good, as we can use the general purpose GOD SPELL of Prestidigitation to emulate or replace a number of addons for the suit- primarily the effective use for it in zero-G and vacuum would be to move us around. Leaves us 1 choice, and while Feather Fall Unit is tempting, same with the Folding Helmet, the Juice Rig will literally save our lives.

That's the breakdown. For a caster, I do not think there is any other options at all when limited to 4 starting options.

EDIT: So, we get only 3 options? Had to drop the Juice Rig. Simply put, if we end up exploring a derelict we -cannot- be in a Pressure Suit because even a level or two of Exhaustion will get us killed (seriously the rules for it are completely bonkers, it is nuts that it is a mechanic like that, I hope to god they drop it for 5.5e.) Having the Mechanical Counterpressure Suit will let us add to the suit in ways that will help us in all encounters, tricking out a Pressurized Suit makes no sense to me as we could only be in it for a minor amount of time. Having a standard helmet that doesn't instantly snap on our head is fine as we can survive a vacuum event long enough to seal the helmet on. Having Oxygen Tanks is fine as we can ensure we don't stray too far from breathable atmosphere and we can take off the helmet to breath in safe areas. We cannot get out of our suit as required from a Pressurized Suit in these situations to avoid racking up Exhaustion.

You have four choices - an add on counts as one of them.

I think we get one add on for free?

Edit: lol no i misread that. You specific not you general
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I think we get one add on for free?

Well, neat ship at least! You get to take three pieces of customization for your suit! Suits are made up of their helmet, body, tanks, and then four "add on" slots. Non-add on components come in "BASIC" versions that you get for free, so if you wanted, you could get basic everything + 3 add ons. Remember! This suit is gonna be yours for the rest of the game!
There is a miscommunication that needs to be cleared.
There is a miscommunication that needs to be cleared.

Going by the text of the post we get three non stock picks. I think Dragon was telling the person that their plan had 4 picks and was thus invalid.

@DragonCobolt question: could we detach and clip the basic gloves to our belt as well as the helmet? Also, so it's in the same spot: with the pressure suit, do we make the con save while wearing the suit at any time, or just while pressurized/in vacuum?
Edit now i have more time: I think the counter pressure suit is neat, but the base suit being free to repair is a pretty big deal, especially starting out. Now, I'm curious if the con save is only while in vacuum? @DragonCobolt would that be the case? If we had the helmet off for instance, in zero g inside a ship, would we need to be making that save after an hour?

It's only in vacuum - it's because you're working against the pressure suit's...pressure. It's uncomfortable and hard and tires you out!

I think we get one add on for free?

Edit: lol no i misread that. You specific not you general

Yeah, sorry, Gazzer chose too many non-basic things!

@DragonCobolt question: could we detach and clip the basic gloves to our belt as well as the helmet? Also, so it's in the same spot: with the pressure suit, do we make the con save while wearing the suit at any time, or just while pressurized/in vacuum?

You can take the gloves off, yeah! It's just...don't do it when in a vacuum.
It's only in vacuum - it's because you're working against the pressure suit's...pressure. It's uncomfortable and hard and tires you out!

Yeah, sorry, Gazzer chose too many non-basic things!

You can take the gloves off, yeah! It's just...don't do it when in a vacuum.

Nice! So I'm going to repost my plan and explain why I think it's a good bet:

[x] Plan No Endless Journey In Tha Black
-[x] [BASIC] Standard Helmet
-[x] [BASIC] Pressure Suit
-[x] [BASIC] Standard Gloves
-[x] D.E.W.S System
-[x] Foci Mounting
-[x] RCS Rig
-[x] Juice Rig

So! Standard suit/helmet/gloves. Cheap, easy to repair, but limits our ability to be in vacuum to about an hour, vision, etc. To counteract that we have dews and rcs: we can jet around with wild abandon to get from place to place asap before that hour is up. We don't need to worry about running out of fuel, and can be a bit more confident moving between craft, etc. We have the foci mounting if we really need to cast in a pinch, but this isn't a suit for actually doing things in Space, it's purely a to be. We don't have skills for repairs n junk anyway, we took computers as a tool.

Now where this gets better is in zero g in atmosphere. We have rcs with the dews which means we don't havta worry about poisoning ourselves and everyone else when using it. We can pop off our helmet and gloves, removing all of the suit related maluses while still retaining the suits main feature, the rcs. I feel like the extra mobility is worth the drawbacks, and it should be dirt cheap to repair if we need to. We can upgrade the gloves next for full casting in space, then the suit itself for extended duration.

Edit: with the ruling from DC giving the basic suit a bonus pick due to being awful I'm adding the juice rig. I stand by my logic, and feel like maximizing utility while in atmosphere is the way to go, adding in space walk functions when we get the cash to do so.
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No we don't, Boots Clarke has four options, thus is valid. If we added the Juice Rig, then it would be invalid, because that would be 5
You get to take three pieces of customization for your suit!

I think only three.

So you either need to drop the MCP suit, the mag-gloves, or the bubble helmet to keep the juice rig.
That quote is about a plan that had four picks i think.
I'm pretty sure that last quote was about a plan that had five picks, then was edited after. Granted, it was a few hours ago, so I may be misremembering, but I still think Boots Clarke is still valid.

I took the "four choices" quote to mean we could choose four total pieces on non-standard equipment. Now I could be wrong, but until Cobolt himself says that Boots Clarke is invalid, I'll stick by it.

.....Also sorry in advance, I'm really tired and I don't know if the way I'm wording this is coming off as accusatory or argumentative; but if it is, I apologize.
I'm pretty sure that last quote was about a plan that had five picks, then was edited after. Granted, it was a few hours ago, so I may be misremembering, but I still think Boots Clarke is still valid.

I took the "four choices" quote to mean we could choose four total pieces on non-standard equipment. Now I could be wrong, but until Cobolt himself says that Boots Clarke is invalid, I'll stick by it.

.....Also sorry in advance, I'm really tired and I don't know if the way I'm wording this is coming off as accusatory or argumentative; but if it is, I apologize.
No worries! Hope you have a chance to get some rest soon!
It's all right!

Currently, I am...playing around with an idea that the pressure suit is by itself so goddamn punishing (but I don't want to make it less punishing because...like, real world space suits are big luggy awful things) that instead of it being the "basic", the MCP is basic and the base pressure suit is the cheap version, giving you an additional choice elsewhere...

Actually, yeah.

That's what I'm going to do.

So, if your plan uses the "basic" pressure suit, you get +1 choice. That feels right.