DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS: Beneath an Endless Sky (5e quest!)

NAME Bolanhachīhula "Boots" Arkemoulin
SPECIES: Goblin | RACE: Demihuman

DOB: 4/11/594PF | SEX: Male ~Yes~ | CLASS: Warlock

HP: 15/15 | AC: 13 | LUCK: 2 | 630/900 XP
STR: 10 (+0) | DEX: 14 (+2) | CON: 13 (+1) | INT: 14 (+2) | WIS: 11 (+0) | CHA: 17 (+3)
SAVE:+0 +2 +1 +2 +2 +5
SKILLS: Stealth (+4), Arcana (+4), Insight (+2), Persuasion (+5)
TOOLS: ???

SMALL: Mr. Arkemoulin is approximately 1 meter in height.
NIMBLE: May move through any space of a creature larger.
LUCKY: Re-roll 1s.
SPEED: 5 meters/6 seconds.
DARKVISION: 60ft dark vision.
KNOWN DEMIPLANAR EXOCORTEX: Mr. Arkemoulin has a parasitic exocortex, source defunct Faewild, 87% Probability Winter Court. Provides Vancian crosstalk along arcane lines, refresh rate 1 hour.
PARASOCIAL FIELD EMISSIONS: Mr. Arkemoulin can as an on turn action force WISAVE/SPELLDC to induce Charmed or Frightened effects for approximately 6 seconds, refresh rate 6 hours.
SPELLCASTING QUALIFICATION: Mr. Arkemoulin can cast spells and is rated at 2 C0 class Vancian/Standard interaction events and 2 L1 class Vancian/Standard interaction events.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 2 Meters
EFFECT: Create one of the following paranatural effects. up to three may be maintained at one time.
  • Instant, harmless sensory effect (shower of sparks, puff of wind, musical notes)
  • Light or snuff a fire, including electrical fires, smaller than 1m in diameter.
  • Soil or clean object or person.
  • Chill, Warm, or Flavor 10 cubic centimeters of nonliving matter.
  • Create symbol or marker on surface for duration.
  • Can create small objects or trinkets that fit within the hand and last for 6 seconds.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 24 Meters
DURATION: Instant.
EFFECT: Channels paranatural force from the demiplane of gravity. RANGED ATTACK, 1d10 damage (force.)
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: Self
TARGET: Self | COMPONENTS: V/S/M [0.2 Liters H20 or Appropriate Foci]
EFFECT: Creates paranatural ice suspended in a jacketed probabilistic field with key-triggers on hostility and proximity. +5 temporary hit points, if struck in melee, the enemy takes 5 cold damage.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 18 Meters
TARGET: 4 Meter Radius | COMPONENTS: V/S/M [1 milligram of silicate dust or 1 Cricket or Appropriate Foci]
DURATION: 60 Seconds
EFFECT: Induces sleep via triggering unwanted Vancian interactions in untrained and unprepared minds. Roll 5d8 - this is the number of HP this effects, targeting creatures in the AOE of your choice, working from lowest HP to highest.
CT: 1 Action | RANGE: 10 Meters
EFFECT: If the target fails a Wisdom saving throw, they regard you as a friend and boon companion. After the spell ends, they know you charmed them. You may be prosecuted.
Spydraco Autonomy 6 Stainless Steel Switchblade
Attack: +4 | Damage: 1d6+2 (1 on a miss)
Intimidation Modifier: -1
EVA Suit
Helmet: Foldable (-5 to passive perception, can be folded and unfolded as a free action)
Suit: Mechanical Counerpressure Suit (Standard Suit)
Gloves: Standard Gloves (disadvantage to any skill requiring physical finesse, concentration check for spellcasting)
Tank: Standard tank (16 hours standard, modified up or down based on how strenuous)
Attachment 1: RCS Rig (Provides full mobility for 1 hour)
Attachment 2: Foci Mount (Provides advantage to concentration checks in space)
Quirks: Too Many Straps (once per session, in a tight area, the GM may say a strap is caught, losing 1/2 your movement.)
Leather Jacket
AC: 13
Wyiot: -4 (+0)
Wisehome: -4 (-8)
31 Gold Coins, 5 Silver Coins
The Somnambulist Sorcerer​
Trade Barque, registered Centarus Colonial Authority 609 PF to CPT. CROAT​
Mortgage: 15 Specie a month to Earth Industries LLC​
50 ton dry weight, 100 ton "wet" weight​
Handling: +2 | AC: 13 | EW: 3 Locks, 1 Jam​
10 [4] Engines​
5 Thrusters​
2 [4] C3​
9 [4] Life Support (3 radiators, 2 recycle filter units, 4 cabins)​
59 [3] Externalities​
Port Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
Starboard Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
Keel Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
Dorsal Weapons​
S&R Draconic Limited Twin Linked 4cm PDC [1 Space]​
Range: 0 | Damage: 1​
Special: +5 to hit drones and torpedoes, ROF 4d10​
E-War Systems​
Kender Class D/T-ARC System [5 Spaces]​
Cargo Hold​
5 Tons of 4cm armor piercing teflon coated rounds (1 damage)​
Danse: 1/10 Stress
Kel: 1/10 Stress
Boots: 2/10 Stress
Xan: 1/10 Stress

Buying: Commercial Goods (2 Gold, 3 Silver per ton)
Sellling: Biological Goods (3 Gold per ton, perishable), Manufactured Goods (1 gold, 8 silver per ton)
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[X] Check upstairs, where the smell must be coming from
[X] No, his taste in movies is bad anyway.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Jun 23, 2022 at 3:13 PM, finished with 9 posts and 7 votes.

no stealing :(

yet :)
Chapter One: Stop or My Pseudodragon Will Shoot! (1.1)
You take a look at his movies, all brand new Personal Tape Cassettes. Among the romantic comedies and action flicks, there is only one that tempts you - he actually has a copy of Requiem, that historical epic by Kalkalazadakan. Nothing beat brass dragons for special effects. You hold out your hand, then jerk it back, closing your eyes. "Boots. Boots. You don't even have a PTC player." You stepped back, then started up the stairs.

You found Garren had a bedroom with some discarded panties on the floor, a rolodex full of little cardstock paper things that had people's names and phone numbers on them, and then a window looking out at the goblin's house. And here, you could smell the stink. It was faint and wafting through the window that was cracked an edge open. You swung the window wide, then pressed your cheek against the screen and saw that the gutter that ran along the edge of the house for the scheduled rainstorms was...jammed up with something.

"Huh," you say, then step backwards, then work your fingers on the edge of the screen. You wriggle it, tug it, and then wrench the screen back and set it down. Leaning your upper torso out, having to stand on your tip toes to see it, you can see that there's a moldering pile of slushy berries in the gutter, which are swarming with ants and other little critters. Your nose wrinkles as you see that...at least some of the berries are actually glowing faintly with a pale blue luminescence - and before your eyes, a few berries tumble down and land in the pile. You look up, craning your head back, and see a small crack on the wall of the house, through which the berries are coming.

"Attic!" you hiss.

Seems that way, Slack says.

"Who the fuck is casting goodberry up there?" you mutter to yourself, starting out into the corridor that ran along the bedroom. You saw the office with Garren's personal computer and...ah! AH! You grabbed onto the little latch dangling from the ceiling, pulled down, and the ladder that led to the attic unfolded and clattered down to you. You clambered up, your vision shifting from full color normal vision to the glittering grayscale of darkvision as you saw that the attic was crammed full of cages, each cage holding a sad looking little psuedodragon, each of them hunched low, licking at the water bottles and food stores set up by their side. There was a willow wand strapped to what looked like a severed hand attached to an electrical lead - the lead triggered as you watched, the hand spasmodically gripping, and then the grip triggered the wand. Right. Wands need physical contact from...hands...

Your nose wrinkled, and you had to ask some serious questions about where, exactly, Garren had GOTTEN the fucking hand. Not to mention the wand of goodberry. Still, as you watched, the goodberries slid along several narrow tracks that led to pseudodragon cages.


They didn't.

Instead, they got halfway there and were diverted by a bit of scrap metal that had been propped up and led to a narrow hole in the wall. Your brow furrowed.

"Huh," you said.

And that was when the weight landed on your head.


The emotions hits you ALMOST as hard as the little claws and chomping. Teeth sink into your ear and you yelp, flailing your arms. You stumble against a cage, which rattles, while all the other pseudodragons, as if on a signal, start to fill your head with their own ire, screaming little jolts of psychic rage and upset as you stumble away, then knock over the wand and hand, which comes free and slaps on the ground. Electric wires spark and the portable battery that Garren has rigged up starts causing the hand to twitch on the ground like a helpful crawler. You flail around, grab onto the tiny dragon, but he's already moved from one ear to your head, batting at your face.


You grab up, and he scrambles along your back, around to your front, then bites at what is visible of your belt. "No!" You grab onto his sides, then hold him up and away from your arms, glaring at him as you do so. "Stop!"

The pseudodragon whips his tail around, the stinger hits your wrist.

"Hey!" you say. "That-"

You collapse to the ground in a heap.

When you wake up it is with a soft groan and ...a...bizarre sense that you can't feel your teeth. You probe your tongue around your numb mouth, but then open your eyes, slowly, painfully. Your body feels like someone has shot your entire flesh up with Novocain - and your arms are above your head and, currently, very crudely tied. Like...you crane your head up and barely see the knots and...they...look more like suggestions of knots. The kind of knots you'd tie if you only had paws and teeth to work with.

You're awake! A voice spoke in your head - piping and clear. Then a pseudodragon hopped up onto your chest, glaring down into your face, his tiny head looking quite absurdly draconic up close. You will listen to my demands or else...I will...BREATH FIRE on you!

He'll do it! He's crazy!
One of the other psuedodragons thought at you from a nearby cage.

'Limited telepathy' your aching fucking ass! This was not the first time your school's textbooks had been fucking out of date. Of course, you were still fairly sure that none of them could breathe fire, that....right? They just had stingers.


So, first demand - you will free the all of us. Then you will give us real food and take us somewhere nice that's not here. Second demand, we deserve...um... he paused.

Payment! A female psuedodragon said. And! And free passage to Titan!

Yes! Payment in one thousand gold coins each and free passage to Titan and we should be allowed to join the Dragon Kings as full dragons and also, we should have steak!
the leader of the psuedodragons said, glaring down at you. The ghoul jerk who captured us and kept us in cages, he had steak every night, and we could SMELL it!

Jerk! Jerk! Jerk!
The other dragons chanted.

Also, we should get pretty dresses! The female psuedodragon added.

And gemstones!

The others were...clearly about to chime in with their demands.

What do?

[ ] Calmly explain that Garren is in danger and you're his friend and you need to get him out of it and that, uh...working together...you...could...something?
[ ] Agree to their demands. Garren can just deal, you have, uh, twenty six pseudodragons to smuggle to the outer planets.
[ ] Write In

Boot's Passive Perception is 10. The pseudodragon gets a 14 on stealth and, thus, gets a surprise round! SURPRISE!

With advantage from surprise, the Psu gets a 17 on grappling! Boots gets an 18!

Initative is rolled, the PD rolls first!

The PD stings you for 1 damage, and you roll a 3 on the con check!

Codex Update!

Dragon Kings: alliance of chromatic and metallic dragons dwelling in the methane shrouded moon of Vaults, which orbits the ringed gas giant Titan.

Titan: The second largest gas giant in the system and current known edge of Exodite civilization
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[X] Calmly explain that Garren is in danger and you're his friend and you need to get him out of it and that, uh...working together...you...could...something?
[X] Agree to their demands. Garren can just deal, you have, uh, twenty six pseudodragons to smuggle to the outer planets.

Ah hell, let's jet.
[x] ..you know what. Fuck Garren. these are clearly self aware. Explain to them you are here to let them go free and get them someplace safe, but your not the kidnapper. Then free them. Worst comes to worst you can EB the assholes that have Garren later.
[X] Calmly explain that there are bad guys after them (and also Garren, I guess) and that you really need to deal with them before any of them have a chance at escaping
[x] ..you know what. Fuck Garren. these are clearly self aware. Explain to them you are here to let them go free and get them someplace safe, but your not the kidnapper. Then free them. Worst comes to worst you can EB the assholes that have Garren later.

Our protagonist's willingness to risk themselves in order to rescue Garren should be sharply curtailed by the revelation that their "friend" is a sentient trafficker. What Garren was doing to the Pseudodragons is incredibly horrific and it seems that is well understood by our protagonist. We haven't yet read anything that could explain why our protagonist would care more about protecting Garren than staying safe or helping the Pseudodragons. I think it would be best for the story if our protagonist simply leaves Garren to his well-deserved fate and instead joins this flock of Pseudodragons in their quest for freedom.
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[x] ..you know what. Fuck Garren. these are clearly self aware. Explain to them you are here to let them go free and get them someplace safe, but your not the kidnapper. Then free them. Worst comes to worst you can EB the assholes that have Garren later.

This is the most ethical choice, because Garren is a fucking Trafficker. If we want, we can later teach him about Fantasy Marx and do a whole zuko redemption arc if he lives past this
[x] ..you know what. Fuck Garren. these are clearly self aware. Explain to them you are here to let them go free and get them someplace safe, but your not the kidnapper. Then free them. Worst comes to worst you can EB the assholes that have Garren later.
[X] Calmly explain that there are bad guys after them (and also Garren, I guess) and that you really need to deal with them before any of them have a chance at escaping
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[x] ..you know what. Fuck Garren. these are clearly self aware. Explain to them you are here to let them go free and get them someplace safe, but your not the kidnapper. Then free them. Worst comes to worst you can EB the assholes that have Garren later

Man, this brings me back actually. My second or third roleplaying session ever the plot of the day was to find some rich aristocrat's escaped pseudodragon pet. I think I ended up in pvp to get the lil guy away from the other party members who were just going to put em back in a cage for the rest of its life.

Definitely fuck Garren for this.
[x] ..you know what. Fuck Garren. these are clearly self aware. Explain to them you are here to let them go free and get them someplace safe, but your not the kidnapper. Then free them. Worst comes to worst you can EB the assholes that have Garren later
I am confident our dex modifier should be +2.
[x] ..you know what. Fuck Garren. these are clearly self aware. Explain to them you are here to let them go free and get them someplace safe, but your not the kidnapper. Then free them. Worst comes to worst you can EB the assholes that have Garren later.

Have quite a few mechanical questions, actually… like advantage grapple on surprise and how for a simple weapon our knife is *really good*. Or the fact we're oddly really slow.
Is this the time or place?
Have quite a few mechanical questions, actually… like advantage grapple on surprise and how for a simple weapon our knife is *really good*. Or the fact we're oddly really slow.

1) I'm 99% sure that you get advantage when attacking from stealth, but if that's wrong, then that's me being wrong.
2) I've completely reworked melee weapons because all D&D melee weapons in every system is bad.
3) You move the same number of squares on a battle map as a halfling would!

If you're curious, this is how melee weapons works. It's very Condemned: Criminal Origins

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Adhoc vote count started by DragonCobolt on Jun 23, 2022 at 7:02 PM, finished with 12 posts and 11 votes.

  • [x] ..you know what. Fuck Garren. these are clearly self aware. Explain to them you are here to let them go free and get them someplace safe, but your not the kidnapper. Then free them. Worst comes to worst you can EB the assholes that have Garren later.
    [X] Calmly explain that there are bad guys after them (and also Garren, I guess) and that you really need to deal with them before any of them have a chance at escaping
    [X] Calmly explain that Garren is in danger and you're his friend and you need to get him out of it and that, uh...working together...you...could...something?
    [X] Agree to their demands. Garren can just deal, you have, uh, twenty six pseudodragons to smuggle to the outer planets.

Roll me a persuasion check! Normally, it'd not be required, but these guys have been through a lot. DC12!
1) I'm 99% sure that you get advantage when attacking from stealth, but if that's wrong, then that's me being wrong.
2) I've completely reworked melee weapons because all D&D melee weapons in every system is bad.
3) You move the same number of squares on a battle map as a halfling would!

Time to do rule things.

1. Surprisingly, no.
(Ambush gives surprise round, which means the enemy loses their first and is surprised until they do so. The advantage normally comes from being unseen, not Surprise. Not relevant here.)
However, in this case, the issue is that a grapple isn't an attack roll (but is an attack). It's an opposed skill check, so it doesn't benefit from being an unseen attacker (ie. from stealth).
2. Ah, I see.
3. Ah….
Just confused because 5m is about 17 feet. Halfling movement is normally 25, because the tiles is 5 Feet (~1.5m).
(DnD characters are very slow even in base game- it's weird how RAW even Olympian athletes move at 3m/s in combat, which is a pace even a high schooler can easily beat. But a lot of physical things in DND are really weird and don't bear thinking about.)

Well, on an extra question- I don't think we should have Cha (Persuasion) +7, but Cha (Persuasion) +5. Where did we get Expertise?
And EB with… ~70 feet range?
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I forgot how math works! Also 1m = 5 foot square,'because in lazy with my conversion and wanted the space feel of metric in the way easiest to do, which is to just keep the same grids and just change the units.
Well, just as long as we are aware than less than a metre per second is really slow, even for a small child.