Minds Eye Bind
- Location
- Pronouns
- They/Them
[X] The technobarbarians
Barbarian Mechanis!
Barbarian Mechanis!

Will all of these factions show up in the quest even if we don't pick them?
Like, if we go with the natives will we still have to confront the colonists arriving? And if we go with the colonists will we encounter the technobarbarians?
Sounds good. Anything else you can tell us about the natives? Them being hunter gatherers and having gunpowder and metalworking is an interesting combination. Are they non-nomadic?
They're settled or semi-nomadic depending on their specific lifestyle, they use magic and real-world permaculture techniques to manage forests (lots of fruit- and nut-bearing trees and edible plants and grazing for game animals), they have a representative democracy and they're matrilocal and matrilineal.
Meanwhile the technobarbarians dug up some pre-Age of Unreason self-replicating war machines and their society has turned into a militarized free-for-all, they drive around in war rigs and eat algae and vat-grown meat.
They basically had a really powerful tech package dropped in their laps and it sort of broke their society, their path involves rebuilding it and figuring out how their machines actually work.