Voting is open
[X] Demon Knight. Your other self is bound to you, and you may literally ask yourself for advice… though this advice may not be useful. This can eventually become a source of Experience, granting a little power when you inevitably Face Death.
New page means a vote count for everyone. Have to admit I wasn't expecting it to go directly for DRK Demon Knight so hard, but there's plenty of time and plenty of readers!
Adhoc vote count started by Fabricati on Mar 3, 2022 at 1:35 PM, finished with 8 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Demon Knight. Your other self is bound to you, and you may literally ask yourself for advice… though this advice may not be useful. This can eventually become a source of Experience, granting a little power when you inevitably Face Death.
    [X] Burning Heart. For some reason, you are just… Incredibly hard to kill. Expanding this skill helps you fight youkai and ensure a killing blow.
[X] Demon Knight. Your other self is bound to you, and you may literally ask yourself for advice… though this advice may not be useful. This can eventually become a source of Experience, granting a little power when you inevitably Face Death.
Gonna go with this. I don't really think it's chaining her so much as actively listening to her now, and something like Face death feels like it requires all the bonii we can muster as it's do or die. And facing death is inevitable.
1.13 Make A Mercy Out Of Me
"I have to say I am impressed!" You can already tell you're going to hate this guy. With a smug look on his face, and oddly deep blue hair, and a suit that is perfectly tailored, he feels like every bullshit entitled rich kid you've ever had to endure. Fuck, you hate that you used to be headed for that fate. "Why, not only did you find your fiancée, you discovered one of her dirtiest secrets. Isn't that right, Torioi?"

"It's not exactly a shock to me that she wants to be a toku villain girl," Ichigo said with a shrug. "But who the fuck are you, again?"

Completely undeterred, the boy adjusted his black gloves. "A man with an offer."

[Gather Information +Thoughtful+1: 2+2+1 vs 4, 2 STRONG HIT]

You grit your teeth and, slowly, stand, on legs still shaky with the power coursing through them. "Well? You're here for me, right? Out with it, if it's so urgent."

He turned to look at you. "You're more observant than my sister said you would be."

"Yeah well it's pretty clear she wanted me to meet whoever was trying to kill Ichigo, so the fact you're her brother isn't that surprising." You walk forward. "Makes my job easy, anyway."

"I will find the Beast stalking the University."
Difficulty: Formidable
TRACK [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [] [] [] [] []
MENACE . . . . . . . . . .

"-- You misunderstand. I propose an alliance."

"Oh really?" you say. "And what's your name again?"

"Raimoto Kuro. In point of fact, what I would like is to help the both of you take on our common enemy-- Namely, your parents."

"Raimoto, then. I still have some things to take care of, and I'm not exactly in any condition to have a long talk, so forgive me if I must take my time."

"Of course, of course. By all means. I'll be waiting in the common room."

As soon as he left, she looked at Ichigo. "Go and tell the owners and their workers that the place is safe, please."

"You don't actually trust him, do you?"

"Of course not!" you said, scoffing. "His sister's been stalking me for weeks and apparently he's been trying to kill you for about as long. Also, he hates your parents, which, you know, fair, but it means he's reaching for as many levers as he can."

Ayumu honked out a laugh.

Ichigo paused. "I'll go deal with the owners now. Take it easy."

"I'll do my best."

[So Raimoto is related to Haru, and they both want you on their side… But there's definitely something missing. +2 Momentum, 10/10]

You ponder these revelations as you slowly walk back into the hall of the ground floor. On the one hand you're pretty sure that especially now, Ichigo is the weak link-- or at least, the Raimoto thought so. With a very limited security detail and a relative lack of surveillance, striking at the heir was of course to be expected.

This was likely why his parents sent your teacher to watch over you both.

… No, that's not true. Ichigo can obviously take care of himself. The weak link is you. It's always you.

I don't trust him.

Neither do I.

Around the sunken stove, the two of you sat, waiting for a kettle. Memories of your grandmother filter in. When did you become more concerned with how to sit properly than the smell of the tea?

"You're very formal," Raimoto said, looking you in the eyes, a bit more relaxed. "Are you usually so… Stiff?"

"Out of habit. Did your sister not share that with you?"

"Mm, you would be a creature of habit, wouldn't you?" He looked you in the eyes. "More your masters' than your own."

"You're saying an awful lot about me for what is to be a meeting of equals." You pulled the kettle off and began making the tea.

[Face Danger +Rapport: 3+3 vs 10, 10 MATCH]

You made it formally, and with the familiar, careful strokes of long practice. By the time you're finished, Ichigo, Ayumu, and Hiroshi had arrived, and you poured everyone the tea before taking the last for yourself.

Your expression was cold, and the silence in the room indicated something had either gone wrong, or exceedingly right.

Kuro 1/8

"I-it is good tea. Thank you," Kuro said, after a moment, his ears red.

You take a sip, closing your eyes to savor it. "It is, isn't it?"

The others nod.

"Well. Regardless of that, you wished to speak with us," you prompted Kuro.

"R-right! Uh--" He set the tea down, eyes apparently drawn to Ichigo's team instead of you. "Well. We have-- We have a few connections, and combining that network with your considerable combat capabilities, my sister and I think that we could accomplish much more than we could on our own."

"Hm." You sip your tea. "Personally, I find my combat abilities unremarkable, but I shall take your word for it."

"There's the small matter of you trying to kill us," Hiroshi noted. "I can't exactly say that we can trust you, now can we?"

"This? This event? That was not our doing."

"Splitting hairs," Hiroshi said. "You were directly responsible for trying to kill our leader, and have no assurances you wouldn't try again after we were done."

"I will find the Beast stalking the University."
Difficulty: Formidable
TRACK [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [] [] [] []
MENACE . . . . . . . . . .

"But you do trust me enough to stop now?" Kuro said, with a faint smirk. "That's enough to start with, I should think."

[Secure An Advantage +Thoughtful: 6+2+1 vs 2, 5 STRONG HIT]

You narrowed your eyes, but said nothing for a moment, taking a sip of the tea. You realized that all of this added up to them being either desperate, or trying to build a very ambitious coalition-- either of which could be exploited to break your chains and Ichigo's. "I see. You will understand if we need to take time to weigh this proposal?"

Background Vow: "I will become an adult who my parents would have been proud of."
Difficulty: Epic
TRACK [⁑] [X] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

[+1 forward.]

"-- Of course."

"Thank you very much for joining us, but, I have been through much this evening, as I'm sure you're aware. May we continue this discussion in the morning?"


You stand up, and bow politely to Kuro. "Thank you for coming all this way to speak to us on such an urgent matter."

Finally, you carry yourself on up to your shared room with Ichigo.

"What was that about?" Ichigo said, once he was relatively sure you weren't being spied upon.

"I think we should take his offer."

[Test Your Bond +Rapport: 1+3+1 vs 1, 10 weak hit]


"It allows me to track down the person who assaulted you, assuming it wasn't Hiroshi--"

"It wasn't--"

"And gives us some purchase to grab the collars that aren't directly attached to us and pull."

"... So that's your end-goal." Ichigo paused. "... Fine then. Free me as you did yourself and I'll go along with it."

"You know what you have to do for that. Invoke it, so I can see it."

[Compel +Rapport: 5+3+2 vs 8, 8 MATCH]

"-- Right." He closed his eyes for a moment. "Mei, you shouldn't--"

Of a sudden, you felt the change in his aura, the pinch at his throat as his collar manifested, the smell of burning flesh. You might not have enough power to win the day, but this?

This, you could do.

You reach for his collar and feel the burn as you pull.

[You suffer 2 Harm. You are handling hot metal, after all. Body damage is suffered as Momentum. 8/10.]
[Secure An Advantage +Hard: 4+2+1+1 vs 7, 4 STRONG HIT]
[Endure Harm +Hard: 1+2 vs 7, 4 MISS]
[WOUNDED. -1 on all d6 rolls until you are healed. You cannot recover Body until this condition is removed.]

[⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [X] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

The hiss of burning flesh cut into your soul, and you screamed, even as you felt the metal weaken, crack, and finally give under the force of your hands.

You sit there, silently, crying, as you stare at your bleeding, raw fingers, cut by both sharp metal and burned and blistered by the heat of it. You're not going to be handling anything well until that heals.

But the thing is done.

Kaneko Ichigo [*]

"And let that be the last of it," Ichigo said, putting his arms around you. It was cold comfort. "I don't want to see you breaking yourself to serve me anymore. Please."

You nodded, but you were in too much pain to speak, sucking in breaths behind grit teeth, sobbing.
Background Vow: "I will become an adult who my parents would have been proud of."
Difficulty: Epic
TRACK [⁑] [*] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

"I want to find out the legal situation surrounding my parents and any inheritance they may have left me, monetary or otherwise."

Difficulty: EXTREME
TRACK [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [X] [] [] [] [] [] []
MENACE O . . . . . . . . .

It's at this point that Hiroshi and Ayumu open the door, flanked by the head cook. "What happened!?"

[Forge A Bond +Rapport: 5+3-1 vs 5, 2 STRONG HIT]
The Fushio Ryokan [/]
[You are heartened by their response to your pain. +1 Stress, 2/5.]

[Sojourn +Rapport: 4+3+2-1 vs 5, 8 STRONG HIT. We choose three:]
[Sojourn +Rapport: 1+3+2-1 vs 3, 1 STRONG HIT. One of the three will have an extra +1 on it.]
[Ichigo's Sojourn +Rapport: 6+2 vs 7, 9 weak hit. He will pick one.]

SOJOURN: The top three are what we will choose, and the winner will get the +1. Vote for as many as you like.
[ ] [SOJOURN] MEND: Clear Wounded and take +1 Body, only for ourselves. This will take an extra day or two as we will be in Fushio's care.
[ ] [SOJOURN] RECUPERATE: Take +2 Body for all allies. Note that unless we also take MEND, this will only heal Ichigo, Ayumu, Hiroshi, and Kuro.
[ ] [SOJOURN] CONSORT: take +2 Stress for all allies, including ourselves.
[ ] [SOJOURN] PROVISION: Take +2 Supply for all allies.
[ ] [SOJOURN] PLAN: Take +2 momentum.
[ ] [SOJOURN] TAKE A QUEST (WRITE-IN): Promise to provide this place aid. If you do, envision what this inn requires, and frame an Iron Vow to help solve this problem. Note I am not coming up with one myself-- any vote for this WITHOUT a write-in Vow will be ignored.

What's our next move?
[ ] [MOVE] Head for the Night Market, to find out more or positively identify our culprit.
[ ] [MOVE] Rest, recover, and study. You've done enough for two weeks, never mind one.
[ ] [MOVE] Loop in the Bottom Four on what happened at Fushio.
[ ] [MOVE] Train our nascent abilities.

Vote opens at 9 PM PST and will run until Sunday.
Last edited:
[X] [SOJOURN] MEND: Clear Wounded and take +1 Body, only for ourselves. This will take an extra day or two as we will be in Fushio's care.
[X] [SOJOURN] RECUPERATE: Take +2 Body for all allies. Note that unless we also take MEND, this will only heal Ichigo, Ayumu, Hiroshi, and Kuro.
[X] [SOJOURN] CONSORT: take +2 Stress for all allies, including ourselves.

[X] [MOVE] Loop in the Bottom Four on what happened at Fushio.
Plan "Broken Blades Only Cut The Wielder"
[X] [SOJOURN] MEND: Clear Wounded and take +1 Body, only for ourselves. This will take an extra day or two as we will be in Fushio's care.
[X] [SOJOURN] RECUPERATE: Take +2 Body for all allies. Note that unless we also take MEND, this will only heal Ichigo, Ayumu, Hiroshi, and Kuro.
[X] [SOJOURN] CONSORT: take +2 Stress for all allies, including ourselves.

[X] [MOVE] Loop in the Bottom Four on what happened at Fushio.
My brain has jumped Either to the Kaneko Zaibatsu, or for super painfully dumb puns, Kane-Co.
Sadly I have gone with a deeper pun.

SHIROGANE NEBUKA GROUP, initially an agriculture and landscaping supply company, which then branched out (ha!) into other investments in order to secure as much of their supply line as they could. As such they're now quite the growing zaibatsu, though they're not nearly the level of say, Service Games.
[X] [SOJOURN] MEND: Clear Wounded and take +1 Body, only for ourselves. This will take an extra day or two as we will be in Fushio's care.
[X] [SOJOURN] RECUPERATE: Take +2 Body for all allies. Note that unless we also take MEND, this will only heal Ichigo, Ayumu, Hiroshi, and Kuro.
[X] [SOJOURN] CONSORT: take +2 Stress for all allies, including ourselves.

[X] [MOVE] Loop in the Bottom Four on what happened at Fushio.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Fabricati on Mar 10, 2022 at 10:31 PM, finished with 5 posts and 3 votes.

  • [X] [SOJOURN] MEND: Clear Wounded and take +1 Body, only for ourselves. This will take an extra day or two as we will be in Fushio's care.
    [X] [SOJOURN] RECUPERATE: Take +2 Body for all allies. Note that unless we also take MEND, this will only heal Ichigo, Ayumu, Hiroshi, and Kuro.
    [X] [SOJOURN] CONSORT: take +2 Stress for all allies, including ourselves.
    [X] [MOVE] Loop in the Bottom Four on what happened at Fushio.
1.14 Party LINE
The woman they called in to take care of you was calm, clinical, in that specific way of trauma surgeons and EMTs who have seen worse. They have always seen worse. She has her red hair tied up into a severe bun, and her face and skin are just a little too perfect.

You watched her put her gloves on as she examined your still-bleeding hands, and detected seams in the palm and fingers. Her eyes turned hard as she looked at your broken hands. "Tendons still whole… Several veins cut open, possible third degree burns, lacerations…"

She spared a glance at the floor of the room where you and Ichigo are staying. The physical remains of the collar were still there. But she said nothing of them, continuing, "pieces of shrapnel embedded. Let's start with a local. Normally, this is where I'd tell you my fee, but since rumor has it you just saved my life, I think saving you from crippling is a pretty good exchange, don't you agree?"

You suddenly found yourself entirely unsure of who this woman was. Regardless, you nodded.

"I'm glad. I don't think you have a hundred million yen lying around, and Father would rise from his grave if I asked for any less." She had a wry smirk, as if this were hardly the case.

It's a wonder to watch her work, but the lack of pain once the anaesthetic went in detached you from what was going on. Like this wasn't your body. Like everything was at a remove. Your teeth tingled unpleasantly, a buzz that wouldn't go away.

"Hey, stay with me. You're going into shock."

You blinked, starting awake.

"... Tch. Was afraid of this. You. Boy. Two doors down the hall is my room. Bring the two suitcases."

Ichigo pointed at himself.

"Yes, you! Get going!"

He got.

"Alright. Torioi, wasn't it? Lay down, please. I'd like to start a transfusion soon."

"You'll be staying here a few days, while I make sure you recover. Don't lift anything with these hands until I tell you you can."

"That's fine. I still have business here." Honestly, most of the surgery had been a blur. You're still not sure what she grafted on to your hands-- it looked like skin, but it didn't match the tones of anyone else with you, nor yours-- and definitely don't know what several of those gels or injections she used were. If the way they seemed to ease the pain and make the surgery easier were any indication, they were likely some combination of astringents, anaesthetics, and antibiotics.

"I mean it. That skin's held on with fragile sutures. Nothing heavy. The gel helps, but it's not infallible-- It will need time to work." She slowly packed up her surgery kit. "You should consider yourself lucky."

You stare at your thickly bandaged hands. "I don't regret it."

"Don't you?" She stood up. "Call me if you experience any swelling at your wrists or anything other than mild itching, or if you take a fever. I suggest you try and get some sleep. I know I will."

[Wounded will be cleared by the time you leave the Fushio Ryokan, thanks to a strange surgeon... Body 1/5.]

"Well?" You heard Hiroshi say. "You're not going to tell me she's staying your hand?"

"Listen, we have to be careful. Lest I remind you-- this was a trip invented by my parents. Word cannot get back." Wait, Ichigo?

"Cold comfort." What in the world were they talking about?

"We knew it would be like this when I asked you to come."

"Because of Torioi."

"Because of Mei, yes." Ichigo sighed. "It would be so much easier if she were a boy. But then I guess I wouldn't have met you, so… Maybe it's for the best."

Wait. Had… Had he passed you up for his sentai group!? Wait, no-- this could be so much worse.

What if they'd seen you, on that throne, and thought you might have become possessed when you absorbed the Heart?

I mean, they're not wrong.

I'm aware.

"Someone's outside," Hiroshi said.

"See, exactly what I mean. Mei? Come on in, we're fine. How much did you hear?"

"How did you know it was me?" You asked, coming in to sit down opposite the two of them.

"There's only two people I know who could somehow wait with perfect stealth and yet pure anxiety, and one was talking to me."

Both you and Hiroshi hummed at him in irritation.

"But enough about that, you're worried about something?"

"Are you three planning on fighting me?" You asked, bluntly.

This question took them so aback that Ichigo repeated it back to you just to make sure he heard correctly.

"Yes, that's what I'm concerned about!" you huffed.

Hiroshi broke out in a wheezing laugh you could only describe as relieved. "If that's your concern you may put it aside immediately. Ichigo trusts you implicitly. Further, I'm not sure I'd want to go against the sort of woman who would willingly swallow a Site's heart-- even one newly born."

You considered how much pain that had caused you, and honestly, you couldn't blame him. But also, you weren't about to disillusion him about the fact that you had no idea what it would do, simply that it felt… Correct.

Still, something about Hiroshi himself was suspicious in a way you couldn't identify. "What do you mean by that?"

"It shows a spirit I'm not sure I possess, if I'm being honest." Hiroshi laughed it off, but it looked like he was forcing himself to smile, just a little.

It was at this moment that Ayumu came in and clapped his hands over both Hiroshi's and Ichigo's shoulders.

For a moment, you saw both of them smile more genuinely and softly, as they faded into in-jokes you probably hadn't been around to get. And yet, feeling such warmth, even if you stood outside the fire,

It was nice, wasn't it?

[Consort: +2 Stress, 4/5.]


You paused as you considered all that had happened in the inn, and you knew you had to tell your new friends about it. If nothing else, they were capable allies, and deserved to know what might happen to you in the coming weeks.

But… Discussing it over LINE, your primary form of communication, had a problem.

You were certain that your guardians were privy to those communications. Which put forth a question-- how to breach all these sensitive topics with them, without tipping your hand?

After all, it was only a matter of time at this point. Breaking your collars would probably be seen as open defiance no matter how you spun it.


[Check Your Gear +Supply: 4+5 vs 1, 3 STRONG HIT]

That did explain the phone that Gumi insisted you purchase and maintain with the Yama card. When you saw how much was being put into it, you decided that it would easily hold such a payment, and agreed, but now you understood why it would be invaluable.

You opened a chat with the bottom four on the new phone, after some quick checking of contacts.

This is Torioi. Things have happened. Is there someplace it will not matter if we are overheard? Night Market perhaps? Or???

The response was instant, and from Kisaragi. Don't use the Night Market. Worst place, information is on sale there. As for that, though, I have a perfect cover. What's a good time for us all to meet in the cafe near campus?


Eventually, with your dinner arrived Ayumu and Hiroshi, as well as both Raimotos.

"Had I known you were coming, I would have asked the staff to set a table for you all," you said, gently. "But I suppose I can try to feed you--"

"Don't you dare," Haru said. "You are injured."

"I suppose not." You struggled for a moment to get a good grip on your spoon, and closed your eyes to listen better. "So. Your brother, Raimoto Kuro, he said you're going after Ichigo's parents?"

"More accurately, their company," Kuro said. "Something terrible is happening in it."

"... Shirogane Nebuka is a zaibatsu--" You began, gently.

"More terrible than usual."

"This is a very high bar, is what I'm saying--"

"When was the last time you visited the premises?" Kuro countered, staring directly in your eyes.

"I was never allowed into them. I'm still not. You understand it would require some sort of evidence--"

"That, I have~" Haru singsonged. Like a bolt from the blue, her cell phone was slid across the table--

To hands still bandaged too thickly to use it. "... Stylus?"

You looked them over, while Ichigo hung over your shoulder, pushing one to the next.

You had to admit, these were… Hard to look at. Both in the sense of te rough focus in general, and the subject matter-- you recognized the wooden masks that made most see them as people, the chains glowing orange, the work they were forced to do. You assumed this was because of some sort of perception filter, but you recognized the sort of scene all too well. "Why are you showing me photos of the underworld?"

"This isn't the underworld. It's his parents' black company."

You paused to consider this information. "On the contrary. A black company at least stops working you once you're dead. … I can't promise I'll get you any more information than you already have, but I can promise you another set of eyes… If you have a way in."

"That, we can easily provide you with. But not until you're done healing," Haru said. "Take the time you need, Lady of Iron."

"... Do you mind if I tell some friends?"

"Honey, you're going to need all the help you can get."

"Right, then, send the photos to this number." You gave a different number than you did previously, the information from your new phone decently fresh in your mind.

The information was transferred.


By the time the surgeon released you from her care, several days had passed, Golden Week was over, and scheduling was taken care of.

[Heal: +3 body. 4/5.]

You couldn't even tell that the skin grafted on to you wasn't your own, though the suture marks were there for anyone who wanted to look closely. You bore it with pride. You'd do it again, and again, and again, if it meant being free.

That Thursday, during a lull in everyone's classes, you met in the KickStand, a small place with wooden floors and a general 'nature over artifice' aesthetic.

For a moment, you thought you'd found the wrong place again, when you walked in and saw that there were several racing-type motorbikes here, as well as helmets and gear being sold at the front. But just across from that was the cafe, and this itself was a work of beauty.

Small tables had planters nearby, providing a juxtaposition of the metal of the tables and the chairs and inevitably the motorbikes. And yes, even the cafe was part of the show-room. Nor just racing types, but also cruising types set in between long tables, carefully set on wooden plinths.

Above the way to the kitchen, words in English proclaimed "In the Storm of Change, we find our true direction".

It wasn't hard to tell why Kisaragi and Asamiya loved the place.

"Hey! Glad you could make it," Kisaragi said. She was sitting behind a cardboard partition, and seated around the table were a small set of backpacks and a racing helmet, as well as Morisawa, who turned to wave to you. "Have a seat. Yumeno and Asamiya are ordering coffee."

"Had a little trouble finding the place, huh?" Morisawa said, after taking a moment to spot you.

"Mm. I've never been much of one for coffee, so 'the cafe near campus'..." You'd had to look into two other cafes along the way, and found them amazingly empty of your quarry. Mind that had still been on university grounds.

"I should have been a little more clear, sorry," Kisaragi said. "Asamiya and I have been doing this for so long here that it's sort of just become 'the usual place' to me."

"And what, exactly, are we doing?"

"We're going to play a game, of course," Kisaragi said. "Get some food, pull up a seat, and start coming up with a backstory."


The game wasn't like any you'd ever played. It used small pieces, like shogi, but used dice to determine the outcome, instead of initiative determining the outcome. You were reading the rules and having trouble articulating what about them was particularly confusing or dense, except that the entirety of it was so completely outside the realm of your familiarity. Immediately you understood some things about the system, and looked for ways to exploit those things, when Kisaragi gently pulled your attention back to her with a wave.


"Have you given any thought to a backstory?"

"A what?"

She tapped the front of the book, where it had been marked making a character. "Don't worry about Jobs and Abilities for now, just come up with a concept that calls to you."

You blinked. "Uh… What does everyone else have?"

Asamiya smirked. "An apprentice cleric who keeps neglecting her given duties in favor of monster hunting."

Yumeno nodded. "A princess from another world, seeking to become stronger and to save her home planet."

Morisawa said, "A wandering entertainer with a hidden past."

[Vow: Teach the Bottom Four how to work sport judo.]
[Difficulty: Dangerous]

[⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [⁑] [] []

The last one especially made you pay attention, given what you already knew about Morisawa. "... If. If that's the case, what about a cursed bare knuckle fighter and archer?"

"Hm. Cursed how, exactly?"

"A while back," you started, and the words just… Start flowing, without you. "She was forbidden from ever picking up a bow again. Desperate to avoid further punishment, and yet still wanting to hunt monsters, she started to learn a weapon that could not be taken away from her, and weapons that could be easily found, or improvised."

The conversation stopped, as all of them looked at you.

Worried about filling the gap, you continued. "Her entire being is bent on breaking this curse, or stopping its caster. She learned a powerful secret, those days. Binding yourself. Swearing a vow. It makes you stronger. But… It only makes the iron, the thing holding the flame, stronger. When it comes to burning brighter, however--"

You felt hands on your shoulders, from both Morisawa and Asamiya.

You gasped, breathing in, discovering that you had lost your composure almost entirely. The Bottom Four had all gathered around you. You discovered you were trying not to cry. You were so close to freedom.

So close. It begged to leave your throat, like all the angry words wanted to flow out at once.

Your hands shook. You could hear the rattling of the chains. How long had it been since you had felt anything like this?

[Fulfill Your Vow: Teach the Bottom Four how to work Sport Judo. 8 vs 9, 3 weak hit]
[You gain 1 XP, and discover the truth of this quest.]

You put your face in your hands. "I-- I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that, I--"

"Nonsense," Kisaragi said. "You think we emerged from a lotus fully white? You think this game can survive on good feelings alone?"

"Trust me, all of us have wakened from death," Asamiya said. "And I at least will make sure you're no different."

"Rain or spears," Morisawa said.

"How's it go? After the rain falls, the ground hardens?"

You reached out your hands to them all, and they took them. "Everyone…"

Maybe it really was true that they all needed to learn judo, for their own reasons and to their own purposes.

But more importantly, to you? You needed to be worthy of the trust they were showing in you. "Let's keep going with the game."

The crack in your composure had healed. You hoped that it would stay so.

For their sakes, if nothing else.


Kisaragi, as Game Masters went, was content to let you set the backstory for the first job. You decided to approach the other three party members with a proposition-- you wanted to investigate a rumored monster den that someone else had pointed you towards, and had heard of them by reputation.

"To go there fast enough, we might have to take some shortcuts. Otherwise, I'm not sure what will happen if they have warning of us."

"And all of us get a full share?" Asamiya said.

"A cool song and a full share?" Morisawa continued. Everyone had dropped into character so easily it was hard not to get swept up in it, even if it felt more than a little awkward trying to keep up with everyone.

In this way, in fits and starts, you started to describe the mission you were proposing.

"Oh, we know a shortcut like that," Yumeno said. "It's that old way…"

"We shouldn't take the webway, last time I tried, it was a horrible mixup," Morisawa countered.

"What's the webway?" You asked.

"You'll see when we take it." Morisawa looked at Kisaragi. "How long do I think we really have?"

"Wisdom or Staff Proficiency."

Two six-sided dice hit the table. "37…"

At this point of course, it became an actual game, and you started to forget, for a little bit, that you were in a very dangerous situation.


A few days later, the five of you met again, at a place you were unfamiliar with on the college campus. Haru was already there, as if she knew what you would do already.

You had a strange feeling this was important. Down that tunnel, for better or worse, was something that promised to start changing things drastically for you. Even more than you'd already started changing.

You wished you knew what it would bring. But it was better to give birth than sit worrying about it.


We now have 9 XP, and much to do. PICK NO MORE THAN 9 XP'S WORTH:

[ ] Pathshaper. Makes delves easier, adding +1 to all checks and adding +1 momentum on any hit when Delving the Depths. Expansions allow you to 'look ahead' in Sites and allow you to guide people through and out of Sites with more confidence.
[ ] Burning Heart. For some reason, you are just… Incredibly hard to kill, taking a straight +1 on all Endure Harm and Face Death rolls while at 0 Body. Expanding this skill helps you fight youkai and ensure killing blows by risking Stress.
[ ] Armor-Piercing Blow. This is a unique Asset. Your blows may suddenly take on a quality that destroys even the toughest defenses. Once per combat, you may burn Momentum on a Clash or Strike, and if it becomes a hit, the combat's difficulty is reduced by one step for the rest of the fight: Epic -> Extreme -> Formidable -> Dangerous -> Troublesome.
[ ] Trust LINE. This is a unique Asset. This will allow us to automatically take one Bondmate with us at any time we decide to Delve a Site, giving us a +1 in their area of expertise, albeit at the cost of… taking someone into a dangerous area. Unlike with current arrangements, this is free-form, and with very rare exceptions, will allow us to take who we like instead of who the story allows. Expansions make all our companions better at supporting us, and vice versa, and you may eventually improve single Bondmates even further if you've strengthened your Bonds enough.
[ ] Frugal. This asset allows us to use our experience and bonds gained from being an outcast, and prevent being Out of Supply by immediately allowing us to make a Resupply check the moment we hit 0 Supply.

Expand current assets (2XP):
[ ] Demon Knight We can't expand this quite yet.
- [ ] When you completely fill a box on your bonds progress track, envision what your relationships have taught you. Then, take 1 experience and +2 momentum. The experience is retroactive.
- [ ] When you make a move in a crucial moment and score a miss, you may cling to thoughts of your Bondmates for courage or encouragement. If you do, reroll any dice. On another miss, in addition to the outcome of the move, you must mark shaken or corrupted. If both debilities are already marked, Face Desolation.
- [ ] When you use an unarmed attack or simple weapon to Strike with deadly intent, add +2 and inflict 2 harm on a hit (instead of 1). On a weak hit or miss, suffer -1 momentum (in addition to any other outcome of the move.)
- [ ] When you Face Danger or Clash while brawling or against an opponent who is brawling, add +1 and take +1 momentum on a hit.
- [ ] When you Swear an Iron Vow to get to the bottom of a mystery, you may reroll any dice, representing your ability to find early leads. When you Fulfill Your Vow to solve a mystery, take +1 experience.
- [ ] When you investigate a place where you're not supposed to be to Gather Information or Secure An Advantage, you may roll +Resolve instead of +Thoughtful. If you do, take +1 momentum on a hit.

[ ] Hard.
[ ] Quick.
[ ] Thoughtful.
[ ] Rapport.
[ ] Resolve.

Voting begins at 4PM PST and will last until 4PM Monday.
"Because of Mei, yes." Ichigo sighed. "It would be so much easier if she were a boy. But then I guess I wouldn't have met you, so… Maybe it's for the best."

In retrospect, I suppose I should have seen that coming. There's a certain symmetry to it, and it explains rather a lot.

God the Kaneko parents are such &*^(*&.

You blinked. "Uh… What does everyone else have?"

Asamiya smirked. "An apprentice cleric who keeps neglecting her given duties in favor of monster hunting."

Yumeno nodded. "A princess from another world, seeking to become stronger and to save her home planet."

Morisawa said, "A wandering entertainer with a hidden past."
Is Yumeno an alie-

Wait fuck, Kisaragi is the DM. No thinly-veiled Kisaragi backstory! Aaaaah curses.

Anyway votes.

-[X] Trust LINE. This is a unique Asset. This will allow us to automatically take one Bondmate with us at any time we decide to Delve a Site, giving us a +1 in their area of expertise, albeit at the cost of… taking someone into a dangerous area. Unlike with current arrangements, this is free-form, and with very rare exceptions, will allow us to take who we like instead of who the story allows. Expansions make all our companions better at supporting us, and vice versa, and you may eventually improve single Bondmates even further if you've strengthened your Bonds enough.
-- [X] When you completely fill a box on your bonds progress track, envision what your relationships have taught you. Then, take 1 experience and +2 momentum. The experience is retroactive.
-- [X] When you make a move in a crucial moment and score a miss, you may cling to thoughts of your Bondmates for courage or encouragement. If you do, reroll any dice. On another miss, in addition to the outcome of the move, you must mark shaken or corrupted. If both debilities are already marked, Face Desolation.

I am compelled to maximize friendship opportunities, regardless of consequence.
I do not apologize for my priorities.

In other news I picked up a copy of Ironsworn yesterday, so in theory I could have read up on the mechanics to actually have a better idea of what I'm voting for ... but I also picked up a copy of Valor as well as, like, 65 other assorted ttrpgs (there were Ukraine bundles don't judge me) and spent like 15 hours making Valor characters so I didn't actually read Ironsworn sorry.
"Because of Mei, yes." Ichigo sighed. "It would be so much easier if she were a boy. But then I guess I wouldn't have met you, so… Maybe it's for the best."
Yeah, chapter before this made it pretty blatant that Ichi is Gay.

Also, wow, His parent have the worst luck for their plans. Lol. Lmao.
She's basically a Mecha Show Princess. So yeah, ridiculously human alien/interdimensional person.
Last edited:
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Fabricati on Mar 18, 2022 at 5:19 PM, finished with 6 posts and 2 votes.

    -[X] Trust LINE. This is a unique Asset. This will allow us to automatically take one Bondmate with us at any time we decide to Delve a Site, giving us a +1 in their area of expertise, albeit at the cost of… taking someone into a dangerous area. Unlike with current arrangements, this is free-form, and with very rare exceptions, will allow us to take who we like instead of who the story allows. Expansions make all our companions better at supporting us, and vice versa, and you may eventually improve single Bondmates even further if you've strengthened your Bonds enough.
    -[X] BONDED:
    -- [X] When you completely fill a box on your bonds progress track, envision what your relationships have taught you. Then, take 1 experience and +2 momentum. The experience is retroactive.
    -- [X] When you make a move in a crucial moment and score a miss, you may cling to thoughts of your Bondmates for courage or encouragement. If you do, reroll any dice. On another miss, in addition to the outcome of the move, you must mark shaken or corrupted. If both debilities are already marked, Face Desolation.
Interlude: Echoes of Past and Present
You come up for air. You'd forgotten how much had happened in those fateful first few weeks of the school year. So much had happened, so much of your view of the world had been challenged.

Indeed, looking back, just those first three weeks alone confirmed many of the things you wrote later, as the 'common truths' that you and your friends had discovered over the course of the year.

These things are true:

The world is but one of many, a vast sea of stars, with ever more peoples and cultures to populate them, myriad enough to hold all their dreams… And nightmares.

Magic and science meld and clash with alarming regularity, and the ruins of that are all around and underneath us. Using magic can be as easy as putting a razor to your own throat, and just as dangerous for the untried.

Earth is the grave of empires, and their legacies are all around us-- the myriad shackles we have thrown off and continue to throw off with each passing year.

And yet, we have forged this place into a home, and it is our home still. Cities rise, fall, and rise again, with ever longer memories writ in iron and steel.

Leadership, as in the world you are reading this, is as varied as the cultures that live here. Though here, in Japan, there is one leadership… Though whether they are to be trusted remains to be seen.

The JSDF is one of the last remnants of American empire, a fading but still present force. The death throes of royalty are around us, and what will take its place, none can say.

The kami and youkai thrive here, mystic beings either cast away from other realms, or created from the vast magic that surges through every part of the Earth.

The restless dead do walk, either animated by necromancers or urged forth by their legacy or lack of bindings. Purifying them is a thankless, needful task.

But even looking back with the benefit of several months' remove, those events that night in the Fushio Ryokan, and just afterwards… they hit you hard. Very hard. Just remembering those moments made you recoil from your journal. You know that you'd recorded almost everything, but that it was that deep… You take some deep breaths, and try to keep removed from the events.

Even then, you had started to recognize how valuable your friends were to you. Not as pawns, but as living, breathing people. You'd almost forgotten that again.

You'd especially forgotten what had kept you and Ichigo close-- the bonds, not just of common interest, but also of common cause.

You also forgot that it had taken you a distressing amount of time to finish off that damned loose end of a nekomata.

[You gain 3XP, leaving your total at 5.]

And you wrote, in the margins, links to other entries, things you learned much later, that turned out to be important to interpreting this moment.

[ ] [PAST] A reminder that the child of a frog is a frog.
[ ] [PAST] A dragon, defeated, looking upon a carp with respect, and brand-new resentment.
[ ] [PAST] A princess put through the most unlikely and riskiest proving ground of all ascends the throne.
[ ] [PAST] A wizard asks an old friend for help.
[ ] [PAST] A young mother swept up in the tides of galactic politics.

[ ] [PRESENT] Meanwhile, a seer advises her Queen.
[ ] [PRESENT] Meanwhile, a cop searches for her missing partner.
[ ] [PRESENT] Meanwhile, Lord Enma reviews his obligations.
[ ] [PRESENT] Meanwhile, a board meeting is no longer delayed.
[ ] [PRESENT] Meanwhile, a long-neglected lab awakens.

Select one of each. Voting opens in 40 minutes.
[X] [PAST] A princess put through the most unlikely and riskiest proving ground of all ascends the throne.
[X] [PRESENT] Meanwhile, a long-neglected lab awakens.
[X] [PAST] A young mother swept up in the tides of galactic politics.

Want to see how the galatic scale works. Real interested in the implications of that.

[X] [PRESENT] Meanwhile, Lord Enma reviews his obligations.

Enma is cool.
Voting is open