Everyone is Zaealix Mafia (Mafia)

Other option is just that they're worried about doc's and other possible protectives, so are going for easier targets to get certain kills.

This is bascially what it boils down to I think. Not to mention hail was making some very strong town cases while having other solid options that protective would be aiming too.

I doubt we will survive much longer than 2-3 cycles and if we do that's probably negative value for scum as the game state shrinks.

We are in a seriously good situation however.

2 scum dead going into day 3 is basically golden. We could in a perfect world have killed 4 scum already.
Not to mention we have only seemingly lost vanilla roles. This makes me need to ask a solid question.
@ComiTurtle you don't have to give specifics but is your role name just Zaealix or is some variation of it?

Meanwhile. I'm gonna be honest, I strongly doubt we have a vig. I'm pretty sure we have a vet/paranoid of sorts. As such if you are in fact the paranoid/vet who killed Nictis on their visit please claim as such promptly. Scum team pointedly would know who you are.

I took a glance over your post and I'll say I'm not really pinching on it yet, It looks off in a vacuum with those two things in mind. I have yet to review past the end of page 19 so as we go more things will pop up.
Oh by the way:
[x] Vote Scia

Comi came in with the hard claim that Snickers was a serial killer, so that distracted me yesterday, but I never actually stopped being sus of you.
at minimum please post more.
This is bascially what it boils down to I think. Not to mention hail was making some very strong town cases while having other solid options that protective would be aiming too.

I doubt we will survive much longer than 2-3 cycles and if we do that's probably negative value for scum as the game state shrinks.

We are in a seriously good situation however.

2 scum dead going into day 3 is basically golden. We could in a perfect world have killed 4 scum already.
Not to mention we have only seemingly lost vanilla roles. This makes me need to ask a solid question.
@ComiTurtle you don't have to give specifics but is your role name just Zaealix or is some variation of it?

Meanwhile. I'm gonna be honest, I strongly doubt we have a vig. I'm pretty sure we have a vet/paranoid of sorts. As such if you are in fact the paranoid/vet who killed Nictis on their visit please claim as such promptly. Scum team pointedly would know who you are.

I took a glance over your post and I'll say I'm not really pinching on it yet, It looks off in a vacuum with those two things in mind. I have yet to review past the end of page 19 so as we go more things will pop up.

Hasn't it been said that Nictis visited Young though, with the whole witch control thing? Are scum able to visit two people at once?

Or do you think young is lying about that visit?
*shakes head*
Long story short, I DID conflate YP saying he visited Nictis and also that he killed Nictis.
I'm still suspicious of YP, but I'll admit it sounds more like YP might be town...Don't like the points made about his power being weird relative to what cops normally do though...
Big reason I jumped on that was it felt like the seed of an afiliation that would thusly mean I'd have more or less found the majority of the Scum team. Especially given the whole sudden jump D2 from YP to Snickers, given Snickers revealed himself to be third party.
...I'm feeling like the problem was I was kind of...Absentee D2? Or at least felt like I wasn't REALLY getting it. I dunno, I might...Genuinely need someone to bounce thoughts on the game outside the game or some sort of 'can people summerize the discussion'. I think that's what I need to say sometimes. Just ask people to summerize the discussion, because these big effort posts sometimes feel less like a long-form essay and a bunch of minor points that don't really add up in my head.
Hasn't it been said that Nictis visited Young though, with the whole witch control thing? Are scum able to visit two people at once?

Or do you think young is lying about that visit?

Scum being able to visit more than two people at once with factional and individual abilities are common enough. Last game I did a kill and spied on someone's QT at the same time
2 scum dead going into day 3 is basically golden. We could in a perfect world have killed 4 scum already.
Not to mention we have only seemingly lost vanilla roles. This makes me need to ask a solid question.
@ComiTurtle you don't have to give specifics but is your role name just Zaealix or is some variation of it?

I do not like this question even remotely Cyric... if you weren't faking your claim you should know this answer. I will be gunning for your elimination next day if you do not use your day vig this phase or retract it as a thing accessible to you.

But to eliminate you just guessing, my role name and I assume my flip will solely reveal me as Zaealix, so the only town I'd be confident is vanilla is 99lies who claimed such before their elimination.
I do not like this question even remotely Cyric... if you weren't faking your claim you should know this answer. I will be gunning for your elimination next day if you do not use your day vig this phase or retract it as a thing accessible to you.

Yes except the problem with that is I am Not Zaealix so I mean...the point for me is mute and this is why I asked. You should be able to infer why I don't believe there is a vig from that either and why I'm asking this now.
Keeping in mind that I'm trying not to reveal my role, and that as I'm not actually an investigator this is only incredibly highly likely and not actually 100% confirmed (and this goes for the information about the role of Zaealix Prime being Mafia, Young Pyro): I visited HailCapital N1, and so confirm that to the best of my knowledge he is vanilla town.

Oh yeah saw this earlier at work and left me a little confused.

How exactly can you prove someone is vanilla town without having an investigative role? Feel like I'm missing something again.
There...is a cop called neoplitan cop that checks for specifically vanilla's. But I doubt it's that considering that would be investigative. lol.
Maybe he like, visits people and makes them target him with their power. Ergo if he isn't hit by anything, they're vanilla?
Maybe he like, visits people and makes them target him with their power. Ergo if he isn't hit by anything, they're vanilla?

Roles like that exist? Though suppose that did happen with Nictis, though thought that might be a more general redirect going on there.

Like if they're finding out about a role, should be an investigative one right? I suppose could be they die if they visit maf, but not sure on that and doesn't explain how they assume they're specifically vanilla.
Ok beginning to think something isn't adding up here with Cat.

Hi, guys. I'm one of the ones with the tab open and not responding; I was so excited for the game I had it open ready before I logged into my PC.

I can also vouch that those who joined the collective have special powers :p

I also got told me and Zaealix were old friends, apparently, so...
[X] Vote Zaealix

They're literal first post and straight away they're claiming a power role. Thought this was a very obvious veteran baiting at the time, that they're now claiming some other role now makes this seem more now like an attempt to draw town protectives to them in retrospect. Like; 'Look at me! I'm innocent and need protection! Look here to provide protection from my totally not scummy friends!'

I would like to complain that my night was wasted because I visited Nictis and they died.

Next post I could see relating to their role, following straight after Nictis's reveal and they aren't claiming vet...

I'm pretty sure I can confirm that Nictis wasn't framed, or that at the very least his role is in fact mafia.
OK how do you know this? This combined with the role above, makes it seem like your setting yourself up to claim some sort of investigative role and simultaneously trying to make yourself seem useful, claiming; 'Oh yeah after last night I would of totally knew Nictis is scum and we would of been able to vote him out regardless! See guys I'm really town, honest.'

And then of course the following happened;

Keeping in mind that I'm trying not to reveal my role, and that as I'm not actually an investigator this is only incredibly highly likely and not actually 100% confirmed (and this goes for the information about the role of Zaealix Prime being Mafia, Young Pyro): I visited HailCapital N1, and so confirm that to the best of my knowledge he is vanilla town.

And then he immediatly backtracks. Like what? How is knowing whether someone is either town or mafia not an investigative role? I'm sorry but I really don't know about this. Like is this a possible scum slip? Not knowing what roles are normally used on SV because you're new and trying to put together a role at random? Did a scum teammate tell you not to try and claim invest, because of the assumed roles of both Comi and Pyro here would make another town investigative claim highly unlikely and thus you tried to backtrack? What is going on here?

[X] Vote CoolCatmanC
Okay, you seem to be misunderstanding something here.
Thought this was a very obvious veteran baiting at the time, that they're now claiming some other role now makes this seem more now like an attempt to draw town protectives to them in retrospect
Yeah, this was a sort of Vet-bait, one that I left intentionally vague so I could claim something else without lying. This was not an attempt to bum protectives. I really hope Protectives didn't waste their night on me: I'm not actually that powerful a role.
Oh yeah after last night I would of totally knew Nictis is scum and we would of been able to vote him out regardless
That isn't what I claimed at all; I said that I was pretty sure he wasn't framed/deathframed. I didn't even claim 100% certianty.
How is knowing whether someone is either town or mafia not an investigative role?
First of all, that's not what I said. I said he was a vanilla town.
Second, I don't have the ability to rolecop; I am leveraging the ability I do have to get information. Last night was special, because both my targets died, so I had all of my information come into relevance at once.

That leads into my final point: This information is all VOLUNTARY. I'm not being pressured by town, hell I'm widely suspected to be nothing more than newb town.

If I was scum, Why would I try to draw attention to myself?
Okay, you seem to be misunderstanding something here.

Yeah, this was a sort of Vet-bait, one that I left intentionally vague so I could claim something else without lying. This was not an attempt to bum protectives. I really hope Protectives didn't waste their night on me: I'm not actually that powerful a role.

That isn't what I claimed at all; I said that I was pretty sure he wasn't framed/deathframed. I didn't even claim 100% certianty.

First of all, that's not what I said. I said he was a vanilla town.
Second, I don't have the ability to rolecop; I am leveraging the ability I do have to get information. Last night was special, because both my targets died, so I had all of my information come into relevance at once.

That leads into my final point: This information is all VOLUNTARY. I'm not being pressured by town, hell I'm widely suspected to be nothing more than newb town.

If I was scum, Why would I try to draw attention to myself?

The problem with leaking info all over the place like you are is it basically puts you in a position where either you just hard claim or you deal with people getting on your case because being vague and cryptic is unhelpful especially when we have a mile long list of juicier targets...
Also the next person to muddy the waters by saying death framer Is getting their ass voted.

When and if I become the focus of attention, I will lay all my cards on the table. Otherwise? Nothing I've got is all that informative, especially after last night. When I have information that can help, I will. That I had a single moment of glory felt like I just won a lottery, so I don't know what to say about having two on the same day. Honestly? I highly doubt I'll get any more.
Man no ones even going to question my bit...I'm kinda feeling ignored here ngl...
When and if I become the focus of attention, I will lay all my cards on the table. Otherwise? Nothing I've got is all that informative, especially after last night. When I have information that can help, I will. That I had a single moment of glory felt like I just won a lottery, so I don't know what to say about having two on the same day. Honestly? I highly doubt I'll get any more.
"moment of glory"?
The conversation turned into one in which I had relevant info to share. Like one of those old cartoons where the hero's sidekick's friend gets to be plot-relevant because the bad guy is only defeatable by singing.
You mean this bit Cyri? What do you mean that your Not Zaealix?

I am Not Zaealix. I actually soft claimed my role ages ago.

Hi I'm Nictis, and this is my favorite Zaealix in the game :V

Jokes aside I think I can agree with that assesment as a whole.

Looking back I'm a touch offput by how YP presented their stuff, it feels like it could be scum, but I also want to give them benefit of the doubt given they just came back to playing I believe.