Seven Stars Above: A Magical Girl's Quest to Make Ends Meet (Original, Magical Girl, Superheroes)

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In 1985, the group now known as the Seven looked at the tide of Metahuman-related chaos across the globe, said enough was enough, and made the Seven Rules, restricting the behavior of both Metahumans and governments to prevent catastrophic conflict escalation.

Almost two generations later, the Superhuman Era is all you've ever known, masked heroes and villains battling in the streets, other metahumans finding prosperous careers in private enterprise. But private enterprise is not for you; now it's your turn to join your icons, and hopefully make a decent buck in the process. Maybe even a nicer apartment!
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Origins, pt. 1


Neither Spherical Nor Frictionless
A/N: In which my brain decides "no, you're going to write superheroes now, not your other Quests"

It is still debated when the Metahuman Era started. Was it 1952, when the CIA and KGB both began employing metahuman agents? 1956, when the Suez Crisis precipitated the first all-out superhuman brawl, as French and British forces attempted to take Port Said? 1962, when the lifting of the Great Veil brought the lost city of Atlantis back to Earth? Or was it 1968, when the first public team of metahuman vigilantes put on their masks and held a press conference? Or 1969, when the alien Sa'tilar made first contact with Earth?

But no one disagrees about when it ended. On March 6, 1985, after seventeen years of escalating superpowered feuds, metahuman pseudo-fiefdoms, chaotic and unpredictable technologies springing up like weeds, US President Ronald Reagan declared his intent to sign the Metahuman Suppression Act. All metahumans would either work directly for the government, or they would be imprisoned for life.

That night, Major Patriot, commonly considered the States' most loyal – and arguably its most powerful – metahuman, entered the Executive Residence, uninvited and unallowed. He scattered the Secret Service detail, casually subdued their Metahuman commander, and had a five-minute conversation with the President. To this day, no one knows what he said. To the day of his death, Major Patriot would only say that "that skeleton should stay in the closet."

All that is certain is that the next day, President Reagan vetoed the act, citing constitutional concerns. A fig leaf that, for all its validity, fooled no one. The simple fact was, the greatest power on earth had moved to assert its authority over metahumans… and when challenged, it had blinked first.

The next week, the Spanish military cornered metahuman terrorist Atómico after a bombing spree, and he reduced five hundred soldiers and a dozen tanks into radioactive dust on the wind. It took another four hours and the intervention of the international metahuman team the Multiversal Guardians for Atómico to be taken into custody.

In June, when the KGB's Metahuman Task Force pursuing the anarchist rebels Sons of Freedom adopted their standard strategy for dealing with rogue metahumans – used friends and family as hostages to force a stand-down rather than an all-out battle – a misunderstanding escalated, and the Taskforce killed the hostages.

The resulting brawl of unchecked, enraged superhumans out for blood left hundreds dead and tens of thousands homeless.

In July, the vigilante Dervish ambushed his long-time nemesis, the crimelord Snake Eyes, in his civilian guise while his target was out to see the opera and killed him. Two days later, Dervish's apartment complex exploded, killing dozens, in apparent retaliation.

And finally, on August 1, 1985, the group that would come to be known as the Seven made a simple declaration, one broadcast on every screen and audio device in the world. The group of "heroes" and "villains" and "independents," each world-class powers in their own right, had determined that the nature of metahuman conflicts needed to be changed. No longer would metahumans war without restraint, no longer would governments seek to control them as a class of people, and no longer would their private identities, should they wish to have them, be valid targets. The Seven laid down a simple set of rules:
  1. No entity or group will attempt to artificially create or trigger Metahuman awakenings (mystical initiations excepted).
  2. No Metahuman will run for political office.
  3. No Metahuman will engage in violent revolutionary action.
  4. No Metahuman will knowingly or recklessly create genetic weapons, self-replicating intelligences, or any other form of catastrophic threat to wide-spread human life.
  5. No entity will utilize, create, or possess, weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear, chemical, or biological weaponry.
  6. No government will attempt to imprison, disenfranchise, or otherwise oppress metahumans as a class.
  7. Should a Metahuman wish to hold a private identity, this identity is sacrosanct. It will not be publicized, nor will this identity, or associated individuals, be targeted for purposes of retaliation, control, criminal prosecution, or similar. Should a metahuman deliberately publicize their identity, they waive the personal protection in their private life.
Each attempt to deviate from these rules since has been met with overwhelming force, whether the attempt was undertaken by Metahuman or by government. Thus ended the Metahuman Era, with a septet of Metahumans handing down law from above as if gods of old.

And, contrary to all expectations, it worked.

The year is 2022, it is the Superhuman Era, and for as long as you have been alive, superheroes and supervillains have been the norm. Masked villains and vigilantes, engaging in crime and crime fighting. Metahuman awakenings continued to increase in scope, and while not exactly common, today Metahumans can be found in all walks of life, whether using their powers actively or not. The Seven Rules remain in place, nearly sacrosanct, and these days the Seven rarely need to enforce them directly – a breach of the Rules leads to swift and decisive responses from fellow Metahumans (or, more rarely, governments), lest others believe the rules that protect all of them are simple suggestions.

You learned about this in your civics lessons, but it's been the subject of some research for you of late. After all, you plan to join these icons of heroism and/or villainy in their activities.

But what are your powers? Metahumans – or Supers, or Capes, or Paras, or Ultras, or any number of terms with slightly different shades of meaning – have a few rough classifications of power.

Physical powers affect and alter you or things you make contact with, typically with reasonably "non-exotic" effects. They frequently involve things like enhanced strength and durability, but othings like flight, shape changing, and similar fall into this category. Many healers can be categorized this way as well.

Energetic powers generate and/or manipulate, well, energy. This can include kinetic energy, as with telekinetics, or fire (not technically a discrete form of energy, but try telling a pyrokinetic that), plasma and electrical control, and so on.

Mental powers vary, and honestly the category is a grab-bag, but effectively combines everyone whose power is primarily mental. They cover a wide possibility space, ranging from advanced sensory processing to heightened intelligence and creativity to near-precognitive planning and analytical ability to outright telepathy.

Esoteric powers are the true catch-all category. Esoteric powers are those that do not fit into the other three categories, typically being conceptual or metaphorical. Powers involving fortune, narrative logic, time, or other abstract notions fall into this category.

Your powers are…

[ ] [NUMBER] Within a single category
[ ] [NUMBER] Stretching across two categories
[ ] [NUMBER] Stretching across three categories

(Vote for as many as desired, the top N will win)
[ ] [TYPE] Physical
[ ] [TYPE] Energetic
[ ] [TYPE] Mental
[ ] [TYPE] Esoteric

Powers come from a variety of sources, but there are three rough categories of those.

Metahuman powers are the awakening of a dormant "potential" that exists within all humans, which can happen for myriad reasons, from chemical accidents to great stress to simple chance. Inhuman powers are much the same, but come from inhuman biology rather than metahuman activation.

Artificial powers come from external sources, but cannot be meaningfully separated from the user. Beings with artificial powers are frequently artificial constructs, whether artificial intelligence or biological creature or sapient golem. Their existence runs up against Rules One and Four in theory, but in practice it doesn't become an issue unless the entity is likely to be a substantial threat (runaway grey goo, xenomorphs, etc). Even in the cases when the Seven intervene against a creator, they often allow constructs to go free after ensuring that they don't pose an existential threat.

Mystical powers come from magic. Mystical powers are frequently highly conceptual, and include learned magic like occult rituals, as well as innate magic as possessed by beings such as faeries, and bonded magical artifacts like the fabled Starlight Lance.

Note: For "inventor" type heroes or gadgeteers, you will be the source of your own toys. This vote is to choose the nature of your own power, even if that includes hyperintelligence or technopathy; later votes will determine their specifics. For the "totally just a normal human" types like Hawkeye or Batman, well… in this setting, they're not. They categorize under metahumans, typically with enhanced durability, agility, and mental capacity.

[ ] [ORIGINS] One source
[ ] [ORIGINS] Two sources

(Vote for as many as desired, the top N will win)
[ ] [SOURCE] Metahuman/Inhuman
[ ] [SOURCE] Artificial
[ ] [SOURCE] Mystical
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    • Nicknames: Aly, Cat, Alley Cat
      Full Name: Alysanne Emily Kelly
      Age: 23

      You. An ordinary, high school educated girl. You work a variety of jobs to pay the bills for yourself and your sister. You have scraped and clawed your way to get to where the two of you are, and you're determined not to let anything get away of that.
    • Motivations
      Motivations are your core motivating beliefs and emotions.
      Family First
      You'll move heaven and earth to keep your loved ones safe, and you're not going to think too hard about the things that you break in the meantime.
      You've made mistakes. Too many mistakes. If you'd done things better, if you'd just been better, if you just were better... you could fix things. Never make that kind of mistake again, repair the damage you've caused.
      Traits are less defining, but cover core approaches, skills, and so forth.
      Friends Keep a Shovel Handy
      You're ready to drop everything to help your family, and if that means a body has to disappear, or appear, then so be it. You will not be shocked to the point of inaction or caught in indecision by anything you need to do for your family, nor will you linger overmuch on moral compunctions.
      She Deserves a Normal Life
      Your sister needs your protection and assistance, not just a further source of guilt. She already feels bad over how much you do for her. You can't let her find out about the risks you take or unsavory things you do in her name. That would just hurt her more, and risk her doing something stupid.
      Fear of rejection couldn't possibly be involved.
    • Liz (Elizabeth Kelly)
      Your younger sister. You'll support her, keep her safe, and make sure she gets the opportunities to shine you never did. Woe betide anyone who tries to hurt her.

      Mads (Madison Bridges)
      Your best friend. She's got your back through thick and thin, and you've got hers. She's family, whatever her genetics say.

      The only one you've told about your powers.

      Christopher & Suzanne Kelly
      Your parents. Neglectful, abusive asses. They can rot for all you care.

      Alexander Kelly
      Your grandfather, recently deceased. The necklace that gave you your powers was inherited from him; he seems to have had some secrets he wasn't sharing.
    • Currently undetermined
    • Powers
      Powers are the broad-strokes abilities you possess.

      Mage Sight
      You can perceive the traits of things in the world through the lens of your Mystic Metaphor, granting you additional insight. You perceive this as code. You are aware that there are deeper levels of sight you can activate, but you cannot yet intensify your sight to that extent for more than a moment, and suffer a splitting headache afterwards.
      Magical Girl Transformation
      You can transform into a magical girl state, enhancing your capabilities to an unknown degree.
      You have been told that you will eventually recover from any injury that doesn't kill you. What that means in practice remains unclear.
      You have been told that you can heal others with your magic, and have some idea of how to make that happen. You currently lack knowledge of what the limitations of this healing ability are.
      Plant Control(?)
      You can make plants grow, un-grow, or change, and you're confident in your ability to use this to animate binding vines and so forth. You are unsure how much further this capability goes, or if it's actually limited to plants.

      Others as-yet undetermined.

      Traits are skills, approaches, specific proficiencies with powers, et cetera

      Mystical Aspect (Life)
      Your magic is innately aspected toward life and the manipulation of living things. The most instinctive expression of this is healing and plant control, but that is not its limit.
      Mystical Metaphor (Programming)
      You perceive magic and the world by through the metaphor of code and programming. You can see the functions that define how something works and what something is with your Sight, and altering the effects of your magic is done by altering that code.
      An Eye for the Mystical
      You have a good eye for detecting and understanding magic itself, as well as the capability of seeing the world through the lens of your Mystic Metaphor. Provides a form of magic-sight, though not necessarily the ability to understand what you're seeing.
    • Capybara
      Your... mascot, you suppose? They appeared when you first transformed, and tried to rope you into fighting monsters without pay or benefits. They allowed themself to be talked into helping you make some money off of these Ruin Beasts.

      Has proven mildly helpful when learning to use your magic, but not much more than that.

      Someone else's mascot... probably? Appearing as a translucent fox, she showed up as you were about to give the capybara the bird, and pointed out ways you could make money off of killing Ruin Beasts, by turning their cores into valuables. Far more interestingly, she (unbeknownst to the capybara) also suggested you go into operation as an independent cape, whether hero or villain or mercenary and make money that way. She told you that she'll arrange to get some job offers sent your way once you do something public and capely to give her plausible deniability.

      Another point in her favor, the capybara doesn't like her.

  • Nicknames: Liz
    Full Name: Elizabeth Grace Kelly
    Age: 20

    Your little sister. You got her out from under your toxic, neglectful parents and you'll be damned if you let anything keep her from reaching her goals.

    Currently attending a local university, undecided as to her major, and doing part time work at the university library.
  • Nicknames: Mads, Maddy
    Full Name: Peony Madison Bridges
    Age: 23

    Your best friend. The two of you have been inseparable since you were little, and you can't imagine anything breaking that now.

    A digital artist, barely scraping by on a mixture of freelance contracts and commissions.
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[X] [NUMBER] Stretching across two categories
[X] [TYPE] Esoteric
[X] [ORIGINS] Two sources
[X] [SOURCE] Artificial
[X] [SOURCE] Mystical

I know I'm voting for two categories but only one type. But that's because I want multiple types of powers but only particularly care that one of them is Esoteric. In other words, I like the idea of some sort of Inventor that's got a conceptual ability/secondary power as much as a telekinetic blessed by fortune or a Healer that always manages to turn up in the critical moment to defuse a disaster or save lives. Just to give an idea on some possibilities.

As for the powers themselves... I will admit, I very strongly want the Artifical Source and was unsure about the second source until I saw the mention of mystical artefacts. Which had me decide what the secondary power source would be for my vote, even if I won't be disappointed by Metahuman winning either.
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In other words, I like the idea of some sort of Inventor that's got a conceptual ability/secondary power as much as a telekinetic blessed by fortune or a Healer that always manages to turn up in the critical moment to defuse a disaster or save lives.
Thanks for the elaboration! This sort of thing really helps me get the pulse of the thread for when I'm working on more specific options.
Thanks for the elaboration! This sort of thing really helps me get the pulse of the thread for when I'm working on more specific options.
Whoops. Thanks for quoting that. Realised I'd forgotten to add a sentence to that paragraph.

Don't take those possibilities as the only ones I'm interested basically. Those were just the ones that came to mind at the time. The inventor for Mental+Esoteric power because frankly, the Inventor is the archetypical example of a mental power and a cool one at that. Telepaths being the archetype example of an offensive mental power. Meanwhile when I looked through the energetics description, the first idea that popped into my head was 'just how scary would be a telekinetic who just doesn't care about how they're throwing around their powers. Because they'll always collapse a building such that no one inside it dies in the collapse unless they want the person dead, that pillar they just shattered because their enemy dodged is going to fall on top of said enemy, and similar stunts happen all the time.'

The healer idea was actually something that I had to think on because I wanted something more exotic than the standard 'Human Tank' with maybe an aura of heroism or the like. Then I saw the Narrative Logic+Time in Esoteric and the Healer powers falling under Physical and wondered 'Just how odd yet useful would it be to have a Healer who's just always there when you need a healer. Even if there's no way they could have learned they were needed and they themselves don't actually know they were needed until they arrive?'
[X] [NUMBER] Stretching across two categories
[X] [TYPE] Esoteric
[X] [ORIGINS] Two sources
[X] [SOURCE] Artificial
[X] [SOURCE] Mystical
[X] [NUMBER] Within a single category

I like a well defined power-set over a possibly weird mashup, which is also why I'll vote for:
[X] [ORIGINS] One source

For the type, the most appealing to me are:
[X] [TYPE] Mental
[X] [TYPE] Esoteric

With emotions being the specific area I would like our super (alter) ego to affect.

As for the source:
[X] [SOURCE] Metahuman/Inhuman
[X] [SOURCE] Mystical

Because I really dislike Artificial.
When i read the Seven i thought this was a The Boys quest, and those rules make me think of Worm.

[X] [NUMBER] Stretching across two categories
[X] [TYPE] Esoteric
[X] [TYPE] Mental
[X] [ORIGINS] Two sources
[X] [SOURCE] Artificial
[X] [SOURCE] Mystical

I am thinking about some kind of magical AI, magical robot, or something like that.
When i read the Seven i thought this was a The Boys quest, and those rules make me think of Worm.
Argh, I knew there was a reason I initially went with Six instead of Seven. Ah, well. This is very much not The Boys, though.

And yeah, the rules contain some of the things that fall under Worm's "unwritten rules" and general PRT type policies.
[X] [NUMBER] Stretching across two categories
[X] [TYPE] Physical
[X] [TYPE] Esoteric
[X] [ORIGINS] Two sources
[X] [SOURCE] Artificial
[X] [SOURCE] Mystical

I jive with this; Two strange unusual powers folded a million times. I like the idea of being something artificial. Maybe you were a purpose built kill being meant to cleanse other worlds by breaching the barrier between dimensions, so some sort of weird void powers. But the seven previously took out your creator (maybe punched them into a blackhole?) and you were mystically bound for awhile. In the process of suffusing you down with mystical energies to hold your original powers in place for decades, you've been lathered in mystical energy, changing the nature of your original powers, and eventually the aging wizard talked and convinced you to experience life outside of your magic bubble. Life outside of being Kill Borg Dimension Ripper 9000 whose purpose was to rip and tear (reality).

You agreed, because you heard chocolate was delicious.

Just throwing something of that nature out as an idea.
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I think you should close the vote, it is almost one sided for:

[X] [TYPE] Esoteric
[X] [TYPE] Mental
[X] [SOURCE] Artificial
[X] [SOURCE] Mystical

And this is now on the lead:

[X] [NUMBER] Stretching across two categories
[X] [ORIGINS] Two sources

Adhoc vote count started by notthepenguins on Feb 14, 2022 at 10:46 AM, finished with 9 posts and 5 votes.
[X] [NUMBER] Within a single category
[X] [TYPE] Physical
[X] [ORIGINS] Two sources
[X] [SOURCE] Metahuman/Inhuman
[X] [SOURCE] Artificial

Oh boy! I love a good old human found to have a semi interesting power that had horrifying experiments tested on them ridding them of their humanity and turning them into a monster! Also, meat molding powers!
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[X] [NUMBER] Stretching across two categories
[X] [TYPE] Mental
[X] [TYPE] Esoteric
[X] [ORIGINS] Two sources
[X] [SOURCE] Metahuman/Inhuman
[X] [SOURCE] Mystical
Origins, pt. 2
Alright, character creation phase two! This varies a bit too widely for me to put a single narrative framing, so we're going to step into meta-space for a few.

Yes, please ignore the tentacles reaching through the Fourth Wall, that's normal, they're more afraid of you than you are of them.

Now, to define some terms:

As you have an Artificial origin, some rules of thumb. What I am, in extremely rough shorthand, dubbing Sociability, describes the fact that there is a chance you will not understand or interact with humans on a, well, default socially-normative human level. The categories here are Inhuman, Muted, Aberrant, Mundane, or Hypersocial.

Inhuman beings fundamentally do not process the world in the ways that generic humans do. Perhaps they have positronic brains that fail to parse humanity, perhaps they are just so alien that they don't engage in the ways that humans do. They are capable of interacting, but substantial disconnects can be expected.
Ex: Legion (Mass Effect), Sovereign (Mass Effect), GLaDOS (Portal), The Investigator (The Expanse), Xur (Destiny), Warlock (Marvel Comics)

Muted beings interact in ways that are similar to socially normative humans, but in a manner that is more subdued, with lessened emotional affect, whether due to experiencing more muted emotions or not demonstrating emotions clearly.
Ex: Rei Ayanami (Evangelion), Data (Star Trek)

Aberrant beings interact in ways that are typically like those of socially-normative humans, but with notable "tics" or patterns of behavior that break that behavior. Perhaps interacting with things that are not readily apparent, responding to sensory input that is not perceptible to others, or reacting with significantly increased or subdued emotions to specific stimuli.
Ex: Bruce Banner/The Hulk (Marvel), Glaistig Uane (Worm), many examples of Fair Folk, some examples of vampires

Mundane beings interact like socially-normative humans. This doesn't mean they're nice and sociable people, but they're fairly comprehensible to others and don't flag as inhuman.

Hypersocial beings are much like Aberrant beings, but with the social graces and self-control to maintain a mundane facade while grappling with emotional impulses or additional sensory input. This doesn't necessarily mean they are good with people, but they at least have the capacity to be. This category nearly always comes with heightened senses.
Ex: Charles Xavier (Marvel), Tattletale (Worm) (sometimes), many examples of Fair Folk, many examples of vampires

Powers are starting powers, and can potentially be expanded over time. All characters begin somewhere around city-level, but can potentially grow beyond that.

You are… (Rank as many as you feel like)
Artificial Being

[ ] [ ] [BACKGROUND] The Golem.
You are an artificially-constructed being, a physical construct animated with mystical energies. You have difficulty understanding humans. Your construction was technically illegal, but your existence is not; while your creator is dead or imprisoned, you are free to make your way in the world like any other metahuman.
Initial Powers: Physical strength, durability, psychometry, tremorsense
Sociability: Inhuman (you communicate with spirits of the earth and with some crafted objects)

[ ] [ ] [BACKGROUND] The Chimera
You were, originally, a normal human being, save for the taint of an eldritch god on your soul. You were abducted, experimented on, warped, and changed, and when your creator was finally destroyed for breaking the Seven Rules you are left to find your way in the world.
Initial Powers: Durability (inhuman biology), regeneration, partial shape changing
Sociability: Aberrant (while you have a mostly-human mentality, you are overcome with alien instincts periodically and overwhelmed by enhanced senses in ways that make an extended facade of normalcy difficult)

Summoned Being

[ ] [ ] [BACKGROUND] The Combat Summon
You were called up as part of a particularly megalomaniacal sorcerer's bid for world domination, to slay their enemies and provide distractions. You were captured for study during the conflict, and eventually set loose when the Seven deemed you safe under the Rules. Your time locked away, or perhaps your captor's studies of you, have changed your nature, and while you still have similar capabilities, you have developed a higher consciousness.
Initial Powers: Physical strength, durability, "enemy sense," mystic senses, magic resistance
Sociability: Muted (you do not understand humans well, but the experiments performed on you resulted in you absorbing a semblance of a human mentality)

[ ] [ ] [BACKGROUND] The Guide
You were called up as part of a particularly megalomaniacal sorcerer's bid for world domination, to feed them information and guide their actions. You were captured for study during the conflict, and eventually set loose when the Seven deemed you safe under the Rules. Your time locked away, or perhaps your captor's studies of you, have changed your nature, and while you still have similar capabilities, you have developed a higher consciousness.
Powers: Mystic senses, aura sight, enhanced perceptions, information synthesis, limited precognition, probability manipulation
Sociability: Aberrant (you have a keen understanding of humans on some levels, but very faulty on others, and have difficulty with social context)


[ ] [ ] [BACKGROUND] The Inheritor
In a package you received from your dead grandfather, you found a strange pendant; on touching it, you were inducted into a mystical legacy, and instructed to face evil. Regardless of whether or not you intend to follow this instruction, you possess a magical alternate form which you can transform into, as something much like a "magical girl." You wonder if those anime were based on something…
Powers: Mystic transformation, enhanced physical abilities, "purifying" special attacks which dispel magic, wound mystic beings, and disrupt some metahuman powers.
Sociability: Mundane (You're an entirely ordinary human)

[ ] [ ] [BACKGROUND] The Occultist
You spent years studying and researching, seeking a particular mystical artifact you heard of as a child. Finally, you found it, a mystic gem, said to grant great power to its wielder. When you performed the attunement ritual, however, it attached itself physically to your body, fusing to your chest at the breastbone. You cannot remove it, but its powers certainly are great… though perhaps not worth the side effects.
Powers: Ritual magic (slow cast time, high flexibility), mystic telepathic "links," emotional manipulation, always-on empathy powers
Sociability: Aberrant to Hypersocial (depending on mental fatigue, ability to control emotional input)

And then, the big question: alignment. Are you a hero? Are you a villain? Something else entirely? Well, that depends on you.
Note: even the most villainous protagonist options will be far from the worst of the worst. No Jokers here.

You are… (Rank as many as you feel like)
[ ] [ ] [ALIGNMENT] Squeaky Clean
You're not just heroic, you're painfully heroic. Some might even call you naive, but you want to help everyone, and let no one get hurt. You'd even rather talk your foes down!

[ ] [ ] [ALIGNMENT] Heroic
You're a superhero, but you're not exactly blind to the world either. You're going to beat bad guys, and rescue people, and not going to feel too torn up about the adrenaline rush of a good fight or the urge to punch a villain into next week.

[ ] [ ] [ALIGNMENT] Antihero
You may be a hero, but you're not above giving the bad guys a taste of their own medicine. You may not break the Rules – you're not an idiot – but you'll get a few licks in while your opponent is down, if it means they're not back up and at it any sooner. And if a villain is bad enough, you're willing to give them a quick exit into the afterlife.

[ ] [ ] [ALIGNMENT] Mercenary
You're out for your own self-interest. You'll fight for money, or for the people you care about, but sometimes that means beating up the villains, and sometimes it means helping them beat up the heroes.

[ ] [ ] [ALIGNMENT] Antivillain
You're a villain, but you have larger goals than simple self-interest. Maybe you're pursuing vengeance and the resources you need to make it. Maybe someone has a hold over you and you don't really have any other choice.

[ ] [ ] [ALIGNMENT] Villain
You've got an agenda, and that agenda is yourself. You're far from the most despicable villain out there, but you're not averse to a good heist or a classic bank robbery. Wouldn't turn your nose up at a kidnap-and-ransom scheme either.
[X] [BACKGROUND] The Chimera
You were, originally, a normal human being, save for the taint of an eldritch god on your soul. You were abducted, experimented on, warped, and changed, and when your creator was finally destroyed for breaking the Seven Rules you are left to find your way in the world.
Initial Powers: Durability (inhuman biology), regeneration, partial shape changing
Sociability: Aberrant (while you have a mostly-human mentality, you are overcome with alien instincts periodically and overwhelmed by enhanced senses in ways that make an extended facade of normalcy difficult)

[X] [BACKGROUND] The Combat Summon
You were called up as part of a particularly megalomaniacal sorcerer's bid for world domination, to slay their enemies and provide distractions. You were captured for study during the conflict, and eventually set loose when the Seven deemed you safe under the Rules. Your time locked away, or perhaps your captor's studies of you, have changed your nature, and while you still have similar capabilities, you have developed a higher consciousness.
Initial Powers: Physical strength, durability, "enemy sense," mystic senses, magic resistance
Sociability: Muted (you do not understand humans well, but the experiments performed on you resulted in you absorbing a semblance of a human mentality)

[X] [BACKGROUND] The Guide
You were called up as part of a particularly megalomaniacal sorcerer's bid for world domination, to feed them information and guide their actions. You were captured for study during the conflict, and eventually set loose when the Seven deemed you safe under the Rules. Your time locked away, or perhaps your captor's studies of you, have changed your nature, and while you still have similar capabilities, you have developed a higher consciousness.
Powers: Mystic senses, aura sight, enhanced perceptions, information synthesis, limited precognition, probability manipulation
Sociability: Aberrant (you have a keen understanding of humans on some levels, but very faulty on others, and have difficulty with social context)

[X] [BACKGROUND] The Inheritor
In a package you received from your dead grandfather, you found a strange pendant; on touching it, you were inducted into a mystical legacy, and instructed to face evil. Regardless of whether or not you intend to follow this instruction, you possess a magical alternate form which you can transform into, as something much like a "magical girl." You wonder if those anime were based on something…
Powers: Mystic transformation, enhanced physical abilities, "purifying" special attacks which dispel magic, wound mystic beings, and disrupt some metahuman powers.
Sociability: Mundane (You're an entirely ordinary human)

[X] [ALIGNMENT] Mercenary
You're out for your own self-interest. You'll fight for money, or for the people you care about, but sometimes that means beating up the villains, and sometimes it means helping them beat up the heroes.

The Guide is what i was going for in character creation, the combat summon is something that i think is the first time i see as a protagonist, i am interested in Eldritch Shapechanging(Totallly not because the tentacles in the fourth wall are telling me to go with this) and the other option is the Magical Girl option!

I believe Mercenary is the "do whatever we want" option while having a... idk, something like a moral compass but not that exactly.

Idk if i voted correctly, there were two [ ] so i just erased one and put an X in the other.
Idk if i voted correctly, there were two [ ] so i just erased one and put an X in the other.
The intent was ranked choice voting, which is formatted as [x] [1] (choice), [x] [2] (choice). I should have specified, sorry. Without being explicit in numbering, the tally assumes the first vote is priority 1, second is priority 2, etc.

You can cut out the italicized chunks too if you want, they're a new line so they dont need to be included.
The intent was ranked choice voting, which is formatted as [x] [1] (choice), [x] [2] (choice). I should have specified, sorry. Without being explicit in numbering, the tally assumes the first vote is priority 1, second is priority 2, etc.

You can cut out the italicized chunks too if you want, they're a new line so they dont need to be included.

How would the priority work? It sounds like priority 1 would be the one you really really want, but usually when the votes are like that the one with the biggest number is that one, and the option with the biggest number wins.
How would the priority work? It sounds like priority 1 would be the one you really really want, but usually when the votes are like that the one with the biggest number is that one, and the option with the biggest number wins.
In this case the vote tally can be set to use instant runoff voting.

Shorter version is, you're choosing your first choice, 1, second choice, 2, etc. The system looks at all the first choice votes, removes the least popular option. People who voted for the removed option as their current top choice instead use their second choice, and the pattern repeats.

So if it was say, 12 for A, 8 for B, 7 for C, 4 for D, it would eliminate D and transfer those votes to the next in line. Say 3 of the D voters had B as #2, and one had C, it would then become 12 A, 11 B, 8 C. The pattern continues until a winner is selected.
[X] [4] [BACKGROUND] The Combat Summon
[X] [2] [BACKGROUND] The Guide
[X] [1] [BACKGROUND] The Inheritor
[X] [3] [BACKGROUND] The Occultist

[X] [2] [ALIGNMENT] Squeaky Clean
[X] [4] [ALIGNMENT] Antihero
[X] [3] [ALIGNMENT] Mercenary
[X] [1] [ALIGNMENT] Antivillain

So this is how to vote correctly?
[X] [1] [ALIGNMENT] Squeaky Clean
-How fun would it be to play/read about a principled, uncompromising, almost saint-like hero in a grey world?

[X] [2] [ALIGNMENT] Heroic
[X] [3] [ALIGNMENT] Antihero
-I'm not really interested in the villainous routes, personally.

[X] [1] [BACKGROUND] The Occultist
-A researcher with emotion-related powers and ritual magic? That's almost exactly what I wanted!

[X] [2] [BACKGROUND] The Guide
-I like the perception-enhancements enough that I don't mind the less appealing computing-like bent.
Voting is open