Age of Ice and Blood: A Pathfinder System Heroic Fantasy Quest

Voting is open
In the meantime until we decide on what to do with it, @DragonParadox, could you maybe add the magical loot to a spoiler tab in the resources post?
Maybe also all notable items we have? As far as I remember, we have:
  • Okunrin Okomo's Hollow Drums (might be used for enchantment)*
  • Broken Wyrd Lantern (might serve as the base for future enchantments)*
  • Stone Egg (and a Gold Sheet)*
Edit: We could also add other notable possessions:
  • Hedon's skull*
  • Dragon's corpse
  • Red Lion's head*
  • Ulk's head
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I'm going to refrain from getting my heart set on any of the magical loot we found until we find out if we'll need to trade some or all of it for help during our men.

In the meantime until we decide on what to do with it, @DragonParadox, could you maybe add the magical loot to a spoiler tab in the resources post?

I'll do that in the morning, if I forget please remind me.

[X] Goldfish

@DragonParadox , which Hugh is cursed?

The younger.
@DragonParadox, editing:
Reavers' Fall

Sixth Day of Ikomi-eza (Ikomi Ascendant) 1348 A. L. (After Landfall)

Durendal ends Isele Okomo's life with a hiss of blood-quenched flame, but the battle is far from done. Cries still resound all around you, some of pain, some of fury, some of urgent need. "Water! Water!"

"For Verley!" you hear your men call out as often as prayers to God and to Saint Nicholas by which you had named your fellowship.

"Ikomi Asawi!" Some even shout in the tongue of the isles, 'death take you', as men that might once have met on the docksides of Apuku are caught in desperate battle amidst the sound of smoke and blood and fouler things that battle spills out onto the deck of Marcella in a foul torrent. Most of the fallen are among the enemy, you remind yourself over and over again, but some are not.

Archers who dare not shoot into the fray pull out potions of healing instead. Some fall, sending their life giving contents spilling into the muck and hissing on the deck of the ship, but a few find their way to the lips of the wounded and the dying. You hope they are enough, but your eye is elsewhere.

John and George heal to max HP
Tom heals 5 Damage, no longer unconscious (1 HP)
Luc heals 7 Damage, no longer unconscious (2 HP)

The beast of war is still fighting, claws of steel against Silver's hooves. More fire arcs and falls from Zaia's hands, burning greedily into the strands laid upon the deck, and the thing screams for the first time not in rage but fear and anguish. Skin of steel, but heart yet of flesh and blood. You do not know the thought for your own or for some conjuring born of the shield in your hand.

Arrows fly, hissing like angry hornets, a pair clattering against your armor, but one by skill of the foe or ill fortune cuts into your cheek, blood fills your mouth and blood is in your eye from some small cut you did not even notice.

Roland takes 6 damage

"Now!" you hear Silver shout, loudly enough to cut the din of battle like a knife, and then he charges with as much speed as the narrow deck will allow him, bringing both his hooves down where the head of the beast would have been.

Never aim for the head unless you are sure of the stroke, easier to get the head out of the way than the body, you can distantly hear your father's advice echoing through the halls of memory and beast or man he is proven right, but Silver was not trying to land the blow... only to keep its eyes off you. The thing is not all one piece of metal that moves by some sorcery but jointed like the brass men you had fought in Orinilu, and like those it can be pierced and it can be broken.

As the blade drives home an all too human scream echoes from inside the metal beast... bleeding and almost broken it falls upon you ripping and tearing not at your flesh, but at the armor as though in the grip of some desperate hunger, heavy steel chain snapping and tearing like silk thread. By the time Marc drags the thing off you with his net and Silver delivers one final kick to the head your armor barely hangs on you.

Armor gains Broken Condition
Roland takes 2 Damage from the fall
Tom heals 4 Damage (5 HP)
Luc heals 5 Damage (7 HP)

You curse or try to with a torn cheek as you take a potion from Tom, still not wholly mended himself of course. Damn the man for not looking out for his own life. Biting off the wax seal of the vial you pour it down your throat and damn near choke on it when you notice that the beast that had all but torn you to pieces a moment ago seems to have shrunk. Where before there had been a fearsome beast of war now lays nothing but a man broken by hooves and cut by enspelled bronze.

You heal 9 damage (23 HP)

With their leader and the beast dead the raiders become more cautious, seeking to drive you back with arrows... and doing a poor job of it indeed against Inge's nets and Zaia's fire. The sound of battle shifts, arrows flying slow, and then as the final nail in the coffin Esha emerges from below, running on the wings of her own magic, words of soft enchantment on her lips.

Men fall to slumber and tumble into the cold sea... only to wake on Ripper's claws. There is little doubt as to how the battle will turn and not just in your mind it seems, the ships still able to draw back, three of the five who had sprung the trap, begin to row backwards.

"After them! Run the rats down!" you hear Neios shout, his sword is wet with blood from where he had been fighting beside the sailors, but Antonio looks with worried eyes to the Pride.

"Afke and his lot don't have any healers and if they didn't get hammered I'm one of those riverfolk," he mutters, wiping his hands off on his now bloodied shirt. "Lose anyone?"

You shake your head, daring to breathe a sigh of relief. "No, you?"

"Five, would have been a lot more if we weren't handing out healing like cheap wine in a whorehouse," he sighs.

Used 19 Healing Potions

What do you do?

[] Try to chase down the remaining three ships

[] Stay and offer what healing you can to the Pride

OOC: Looks like the Zentragt was some kind of transformation, you did not get anything from beating it because you all ganged up on it which is not really that rad in the eyes of Olweje.
Remnants Fair and Foul

Ninth Day of Ikomi-eza (Ikomi Ascendant) 1348 A. L. (After Landfall)

Eighteen dead... you had heard it called the butcher's bill, that dreadful tally of men who had been parted from their lives, as though in death they were no more than a haunch of meat to be dealt with. You try not to judge it too harshly for you are no stranger to the wish that it were so, that you could just wish away the sight reflected in unseeing eyes. At least by Inge's and Zaia's arts you would not have to see men in the grip of fever, burning alive in their own skin.

If you had neither the eye of Ikomi nor the concoctions of Zaia's conjuring odds are you would be struggling to limp off with even the Pride in tow, more than half of its crew dead or too wounded to work. As is as you pass by you see one man with smooth skin grown over the stump of his hand, a fellow at home in the rigging, or so he had been at least. Over the past three days there had been as much in the way of giving new tasks to the living as there had been delivering the dead into the embrace of the sea.

Scale coats and weapons of every description, from crude stone disk maces to the heavy axes of bronze favored by the Anwa nobility had been gathered up and tossed into Marcella's hold, with Antonio far too busy assessing the damages and seeing how he can make four working crews from two already somewhat short-handed ones to assess what value they might hold, though the same could not be said about Inge and Esha who are quick to assess what powers Isele Okomo carried with him beyond his songs of power.

First of these are the drums themselves, carved of pinewood stained black with some lustrous paint that not even Zaia can name and covered in rawhide, likely from a deer, antelope or some other swift-footed creature, they have the power in the right hand to drive a handful of men not merely to fury, but to such swiftness as you had seen in the company of Isele.

"They say a warrior is twice as skilled under the song of these drums," Esha explains, then with a smile and a shake of her head she adds: "Then again they say you can only make their like from the hide of a holy beast of Nikure and misfortune shall follow you to your doom if you play them. Their last owner seems to have had quite a long and successful piratical reputation for that."

"He did die in the end," you point out.

"So do most people, if that is what passes for gods' wrath then they are sadly slothful."

You try to swallow the shocked laugh, you do not manage it very well, but you at least have the grace to change the subject as quickly as you can. "What about the rest?"

"He was wearing a bit of fey gold..." she opens her hand to reveal an innocently glinting lump of gold about the size of one's thumb. "You were lucky perhaps to put him down when you did, else you might have felt the touch of ice as much as fire, though I can't think of any way to summon that now since it was a gift to him and not to us. Still, it should be a bit of luck 'round your neck. The gifts of the fey are fickle things."

"Still not that encouraging, the luck doesn't seem to have done him much good," you mock grumble, drawing a small laugh from Zaia from where he was enjoying a rare patch of winter sunlight on deck.

"Well then at least you will enjoy the club, it did all in its power to keep him alive and worshiping the Lord of War as he most enjoys. Granted it does also do its best to make sure you start a fight." For all her tone is light you notice that this, unlike the drums and the talisman, she had left in Esha's keeping.

Given the sort of will that is supposedly bound into those crude runes you cannot say you blame her, a weapon that thirsts for war.

Gain Northern Fury
Northern Fury
Description: This heavy oaken club, roughly carved, is not quite sentient, but still seems drawn to violence, dragging its wielder into battle with it if it can.

  1. +1 Greatclub
  2. The wielder takes a -2 penalty on Will saves against any spells or effects that incite rage, compel hostility or otherwise contribute to starting a fight.
  3. With the first hit made in a combat the club casts Deadly Juggernaut as a free action, but also requires the wielder to make a DC 14 Will save to retreat from melee-range of any opponent still standing. The spell can only be activated once per day.

By contrast the last of Isele's treasures is as finely wrought as the work of any king's treasury, a horn in form but not of horn wrought, rather it seems to have been carved from a single piece of ivory by most skillful and loving craft. Carved all about its length with scenes of war that feature men and bears as well as the obviously quite painful transformation between them. It's purpose is clear as day carved into its length, though even with Inge's assurance that it 'should be safe' you are in no hurry to experience its fel power.

Gain Horn of the Werebear
Description: A horn in form but not of horn wrought, rather it seems to have been carved from a single piece of ivory by most skillful and loving craft. Carved all about its length with scenes of war that feature men and bears as well as the obviously quite painful transformation between them.

Power: A sacred relic of Olweje, when this horn is blown it can temporarily transform a warrior into large, armored monstrosity of a bear, a Zentragt. The warrior must accept the transformation willingly and after the battle for which he was transformed sacrifice the arms and armor of all foes he has slain to Olweje (by eating them in his bear-form), or else the warrior remains a Zentragt and is driven battle-mad to attack his former comrades.

The transformation takes a full round and lasts for an hour, the target of the transformation must be within 10 feet of the hornblower.

Yet even as she is giving this account Inge seems distracted, not distant as you had seen her before, looking upon vistas hidden to your eyes, rather she seems to be looking past you in a very physical sense... over your shoulder and right at Tom. "I think..." her voice is soft, barely heard. "I think he has been cursed from the fight, him, John, Hugh and Pete as well. I can't tell what it is really, just there waiting like coils of mist barely seen."

You bite your tongue against a vicious curse, not at her, but at fate and misfortune. Never had you thought you would regret sending a pirate's corpse into the sea so badly before.

What do you do?

[] Tell the men, they deserve to know

[] Keep it back for now, no need to cause a panic

OOC: Just to be clear the curse does not seem to be doing anything at the moment and no one has reported anything odd, that is part of the reason why it took her so long to realize what she is seeing.
In the last update, when Esha finishes speaking,
For all her tone is light you notice that this, unlike the drums and the talisman, she had left in Esha's keeping.
shouldn't "left in Esha's keeping" be "left in Inge's keeping", or with someone else's name?
Arc 10 Post 15: Writ in Blood and Memory
Writ in Blood and Memory

Tenth Day of Ikomi-eza (Ikomi Ascendant) 1348 A. L. (After Landfall)

Inge does not know much, no more than she had told you, though with her help Esha and even Silver are able to spot the curse, but no matter the source it is still sight beyond sight, something none of your men can see for themselves. Fearful and dreadful news to even the most seasoned folk, and of the four that she had named only Tom had seen his Thirty fifth year and Hugh had not even lived two dozen years. Oh they had faced demons and wizards, and in the hour of greatest need even a dragon, but all of those were foes clearly before them, that might be shot with arrows or pierced with spears. This was a formless nameless fear, an evil they could not fight.

"There are ways to break curses," Inge tries to assure them. "There's the Black Fish of Ulaka that eats the curses right off your skin as the Goddess wills and there's the Trial of the Three Peaks where the spirits of the air take them away if you are fair in the sight of Elnu and... Moru told me he even has a way to cleanse curses and sickness in the flame of Inoko."

By now the poor girl is almost babbling as she sees the men grow more and more troubled as her words sink in. She means it of course, but it is not any great riddle why Hugh looks on with a pale face and wide eyes as he had not been even covered with the blood of the pirate he had killed at the battle's end.

What will we have to give up? The question hangs in the air unanswered and unanswerable for now as the silence grows and grows. You are about to break it yourself when Tom snorts: "Cursed, and not even any cabbage stew to show for it. Not much point carving a cross into a pirate's skull, is there?"

Pete gives a small laugh at the macabre humor... a nervous laugh, but still enough to break the tension.

At Zaia's ever curious look you explain the custom of carving a cross into cabbages before eating them to cast out the spirits that are said to dwell in the leaves, not without a bit of embarrassment to be recounting folk tales to a learned man whom you know to be most harsh on tales of sorcery in the world you had left behind.

Yet he does not seem scornful, falling instead into his own thoughts a long moment. "You would all have had at least one head to carve up, yes?"

"We wouldn't actually..." Tom starts, obviously surprised, but Zaia waves him off.

"Forgive an old man's jest. What I meant to ask was that each of you killed at least one of the raiders, yes? You all fought and killed, you were not merely present and chosen by some hidden mechanism?"

"Yeah, we all stood in the line, even Hugh here who had no business being in the line seeing as he was supposed to fly goose feathers," Tom grumbles goodnaturedly.

"Weren't no geese in this land, just the ducks for feathers," the younger man replies cheekily. By now they had all learned when Tom was being serious and when it was safe to jape a bit.

"All of you fought and all of you were wounded?" Zaia presses on with his questioning, undeterred by the byplay.

"Wasn't wounded at all," Pete objected, throwing the scholar a dark look at the presumed affront to his skill, or more likely just from having something, anything, to bend his fear and ire towards.

"Not even a scratch, not even enough to break the skin?" The doctor does not relent.

"It is hard to keep track of such things in the midst of battle," you cut in before things can get out of hand. "A warrior questions if he can keep up the fight, not if they have spilled a single drop of blood on the field."

"Ah... but the field is not quite a field, is it?" Zaia asks shrewdly, tapping a foot against the floor of the cabin, ringing a bit too loud, mayhap with the voice of what lies below. "Mayhap we can ask it whose blood it has tasted."

Questioning Marcella is a long process and one that costs the life of yet another goat, but in the end the answer is clear and firm as can be. The boards of the ship had not tasted of Pete's blood, not in the battle and not ever.

"So it must have been the killing then and not the shedding of their own blood," Zaia muses. "Some unwelcome gift of Olweje perhaps, he would certainly have cause to look over the battle given all the treasures of his we have recovered. Perhaps there is more to be found there, in the study of the other ships themselves. Mayhap there are even records, scant though the hope might be."

While Roland is still learning the language what do your mages focus on?

[] Study the pirate ships, perhaps there is something left on them that hints at the curse

[] Restock the supplies of potions
-[] Write in (No more than 500 Gold worth of potions)

[] Spell sharing and study (Each gains 1d3 spells from various sources)

[] Write in

OOC: It takes a while to learn a language and given the focus on the curse I thought, why not give you a bit of a say in what the mages do?
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@DragonParadox, State of the Company with added notable possessions tab, latest loot included:
The Fellowship

Motto: Truth from the Unknown

Triumvirate Antonio, Roland, and Zaia as joint council

Fleet of the Company
Basic Construction: Eastern Mediterranean Galley 121 ft length 21 ft width 130 Metric tons of Cargo

Touched by the Far Realm: The ship has passed though the Realm Between and it has been... changed. It Hungers for life and yet it seems bent on preserving the life of its crew
  • Sails upon the Dreaming Wind: Marcella no longer sails solely with the wind of mortal realms, able to even travel against it at great need, though to linger among its rigging grows more of a strain upon the mind of man
64 Sailors not counting the captain
  • 8 Armed with short bows
  • 57 armed with a variety of melee weapons
A pair of enchanted crossbows on tripods (+1 to attack and Damage; can be fired with a voice command/free action)
Soldiers of the Company
Names and Feats

Sheets and Equipment

8 Melee Men at Arms (Warrior 3)
Man-at-Arms (Melee)
Alignment: [Varies]
Age: [Varies]
Race: Human
Level: 3
Class: Warrior
Feats: Deft Maneuvers, Pikeman's Training, Weapon Focus (Spear Weapons)
Traits: Threatening Defender
HP: 19/19
AC: 10 + 4 (Chainshirt) + 2 (Shield) = 16
Initiative: +0
  • Spear: +3 (BaB) +1 (STR) +1 (Weapon Focus) = +5 [1d8 + 1, Critical: x3 Piercing]
  • Special: +2 bonus when using the Trip, Disarm, Dirty Trick, Feint, Reposition, or Steal Combat Maneuvers, and does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.
Weapon proficiency: Dagger, Shortsword, Spear, Longspear

12 (+1) Strength
11 (+0) Dexterity 13 (+1) Constitution
9 (-1) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
8 (-1) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 3 + 1 (CON) = 4
REFLEX: 1 + 0 (DEX) = 1
WILL: 1 + 0 (WIS) = 1

Perception: 3
Ride: 4 Survival: 3
Man-at-Arms (Melee; Net-Fighters)
Alignment: [Varies]
Age: [Varies]
Race: Human
Level: 3
Class: Warrior
Feats: Deft Maneuvers, Net Adept, Net Maneuvering
Traits: Threatening Defender
HP: 19/19
AC: 10 + 4 (Chainshirt) + 2 (Shield) = 16
Initiative: +0

  • Net: +3 (BaB) [Special]
  • Spear: +3 (BaB) + 1 (STR) = +4 [1d8 +1, Critical: x3 Piercing]
  • Special: +2 bonus when using the Trip, Disarm, Dirty Trick, Feint, Reposition, or Steal Combat Maneuvers, and does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.
    • You can use a net in melee to Trip or Disarm opponents instead of Entangling them. You gain a +2 bonus on Disarm checks made to use a net in this way (stacks with Deft Maneuvers).
    • If you have an opponent Entangled in your net, you can attempt to Drag or Reposition that opponent as long as he is within your net's reach or you control the trailing rope on your net.
Weapon proficiency: Dagger, Longspear, Net, Shortsword, Spear
12 (+1) Strength
11 (+0) Dexterity
13 (+1) Constitution
9 (-1) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
8 (-1) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 3 + 1 (CON) = 4
REFLEX: 1 + 0 (DEX) = 1
WILL: 1 + 0 (WIS) = 1

Perception: 3
Ride: 4
Survival: 3

5 Ranged Men-at-Arms (Warrior 3)
Man-at-Arms (Ranged)
Alignment: [Varies]
Age: [Varies]
Race: Human
Level: 3 Class: Warrior
Feats: Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (Bow Weapons)
Traits: Killer
HP: 16/16
AC: 10 + 4 (Chainshirt) + 1 (Dex) = 15
Initiative: +1
  • Shortsword: +3 (BaB) + 1 (STR) = +4 [1d6 + 1, Critical: 19-20x2; Slashing]
  • Composite Shortbow: +3 (BaB) + 1 (DEX) + 1 (Weapon Focus), Range Increment: 70ft.
    • Normal: +5 [1d6 + 1, Critical: x3; Piercing]
    • Rapid Shot: +3/+3 [1d6 + 1, Critical: x3; Piercing]
  • Special: You deal additional damage equal to your weapon's critical hit modifier when you score a successful critical hit with a weapon; this additional damage is added to the final total, and is not multiplied by the critical hit multiple itself.
Weapon proficiency: Dagger, Shortsword, Longbow, Shortbow

12 (+1) Strength
13 (+1) Dexterity
11 (+0) Constitution
9 (-1) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
8 (-1) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 3 + 0 (CON) = 3
REFLEX: 1 + 1 (DEX) = 2
WILL: 1 + 0 (WIS) = 1

Perception: 3
Ride: 4 + 1 (DEX) = 5 Survival: 3

1 Knikut Barbarian
Name: Wanderer
Alignment: CN
Age: 21
Race: Neanderthal
Level: 2
Class: Barbarian 2 (Invulnerable Rager)
Feats: Extra Rage Traits: Indomitable Faith
Special: Hardy (+6 HP), Low-Light Vision, Mental Fortitude Class Features: Damage Reduction (1/--), Rage (15 rounds/Day), Rage Power (Reckless Abandon)
HP: 33/33
  • HP w/Rage: 37/37
AC: 10 + 1 (Natural) + 1 (DEX) = 12
  • AC w/Rage: 10 + 1 (Natural) + 1 (DEX) - 2 (Rage) = 10
    • AC w/Rage & Reckless Abandon: 10 + 1 (Natural) + 1 (DEX) - 3 (Rage) = 9
Movement: 30 feet + 10 feet (Fast Movement) = 40 feet Initiative: +1 Attack:
  • Cold Iron Spear: +2 (BaB) + 3 (STR) = +5 [1d8+3, Critical: x3 Piercing]
    • when using Power Attack: +4 [1d8+6]
  • Cold Iron Spear w/Rage: +2 (BaB) + 5 (STR) = +7 [1d8+5, Critical: x3 Piercing]
    • when using Reckless Abandon: +8 [1d8+5]
      • when using Power Attack: +6 [1d8+8]
        • when using Power Attack & Reckless Abandon: +7 [1d8+8]
Weapon proficiency: Club, Dagger, Spear, Longspear

16 (+3) Strength
12 (+1) Dexterity
16 (+3) Constitution
8 (-1) Intelligence
8 (-1) Wisdom
10 (+0) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 3 + 3 (CON) = 6
REFLEX: 0 + 1 (DEX) = 1
WILL: 0 - 1 (WIS) + 1 (IF) = 0 Special: +2 bonus to Will and Fortitude saving throws while Raging. +2 Racial bonus to saving throws against Illusions and Enchantments.

Climb: 4 + 3 (STR) = 7
Knowledge (Nature): 5 - 1 (INT) = 4
Perception: 5 - 1 (WIS) = 4
Survival: 4 - 1 (WIS) = 3 Special Abilities:
  • Fast Movement (Ex): When you are not wearing Heavy Armor or carrying a heavy load, your land speed is increased by +10 feet.
  • Rage (Ex): You can enter a Rage or leave that state as a Free Action for up to 15 rounds per day (10 + CON modifier + 2 per level after 1st). Temporary Constitution increases do not affect your daily ability to Rage. When you stop using Rage, you are Fatigued for twice as long as you Raged, and you cannot enter a Rage while Fatigued or Exhausted. If you fall unconscious, your Rage immediately ends. Your ability to Rage is renewed each day after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.
    • Reckless Abandon (Ex): While Raging, you can further reduce your AC by -1 to increase your attack bonus by +1
    • Rage Effects: +4 Morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, +2 Morale bonus to Will saves, and -2 penalty to AC. You cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-linked skills (except Acrobatics, Intimidate, and Ride), or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
Equipment of Note: Cold Iron Spear
Finances of the Company
Company Animals
-18 Horses (Two pregnant mares)

Soldier Salaries [Per Payment/Loot]
1% per man at arms
2% for Tom
Total Salary Cost 16%

Ship Costs :
Sailor's Pay: 2040 gp/season
Provisions: 910 gp/season
Upkeep (Marcella): 90 gp/season
Total ship Costs: 3040 gp/season

Trade Goods
  • Tin

Total Funds: 26622 gp
Fame and Infamy
Anwa Islands 4/10: Strangers you are seemingly risen up from the foaming waves of a storms come upon the island, strange is your ship and strange is your manner. Some call you aid unlooked for in a time of need, some birds of ill omen, come to pick over the bones of the True Folk
-Lirman: 6/10: You were welcomed by the king into his hall, yet you have made few freinds among the clans, even those who were once you allies now speaking ill of your deeds. Yet none can deny that you came in timely manner with news of the darkness growing over Korman. It is said you have slain a dragon, and a dragon's head you brought forth for song and saga
-Korman: 3/10: Champions of Olweje, and bearers of His shield you have been named outlaw and kidnapper by the new king of the Island. It would be death for you to show your face in the capital, though perhaps other lords might thing better of you

Orinilu 2/10: One of your leaders is a member of the League of Captains and honored for it.

The White Lands 1/10: Your deeds are great , but they have not yet resounded upon the frozen plains from the horns of the Wyrdoki and the drums of the Danuk
Notable possessions
Fey Gold

Northern Fury
Northern Fury
Description: This heavy oaken club, roughly carved, is not quite sentient, but still seems drawn to violence, dragging its wielder into battle with it if it can.

  1. +1 Greatclub
  2. The wielder takes a -2 penalty on Will saves against any spells or effects that incite rage, compel hostility or otherwise contribute to starting a fight.
  3. With the first hit made in a combat the club casts Deadly Juggernaut as a free action, but also requires the wielder to make a DC 14 Will save to retreat from melee-range of any opponent still standing. The spell can only be activated once per day.

Horn of the Werebear
Description: A horn in form but not of horn wrought, rather it seems to have been carved from a single piece of ivory by most skillful and loving craft. Carved all about its length with scenes of war that feature men and bears as well as the obviously quite painful transformation between them.

Power: A sacred relic of Olweje, when this horn is blown it can temporarily transform a warrior into large, armored monstrosity of a bear, a Zentragt. The warrior must accept the transformation willingly and after the battle for which he was transformed sacrifice the arms and armor of all foes he has slain to Olweje (by eating them in his bear-form), or else the warrior remains a Zentragt and is driven battle-mad to attack his former comrades.

The transformation takes a full round and lasts for an hour, the target of the transformation must be within 10 feet of the hornblower.

Okunrin Okomo's Hollow Drums (might be used for enchantment)*

Broken Wyrd Lantern (might serve as the base for future enchantments)*

Stone Egg (and a Gold Sheet)*

Hedon's skull*

Dragon's corpse

Red Lion's head*

Ulk's head
Tab 7

Also if it's still relevant, editing for two previous updates is in my previous post just before the vote closed post.
That Fire godling we helped has cl 12 remove curse at will so worst comes to worst we can maybeee ask them for help?

Edit: whoops this is what I get by posting before reading the new chapter i look dumb now :V
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A curse or a blessing from a war god?

Inge cannot tell. It clings to people and weaves into their flesh in a way that is more permanent that any normal spell, so her first thought is 'curse', especially since she did not see anyone bless them. Zaia's point was that any blessing of Olweje may well look like a curse. Keep in mind this is Zaia so he would not think much of war gods.
Inge cannot tell. It clings to people and weaves into their flesh in a way that is more permanent that any normal spell, so her first thought is 'curse', especially since she did not see anyone bless them. Zaia's point was that any blessing of Olweje may well look like a curse. Keep in mind this is Zaia so he would not think much of war gods.
I think it might be a blessing mainly because this Olweje could be the type of war god who looks at someone good at killing and think hey I like you and then stamps them with his mark despite how one of their followers died.
I just realized I oopsed by forgetting to add Drums of Haste; @DragonParadox, I apologize for making you do more than necessary, could you update State of the Company again?
The Fellowship

Motto: Truth from the Unknown

Triumvirate Antonio, Roland, and Zaia as joint council

Fleet of the Company
Basic Construction: Eastern Mediterranean Galley 121 ft length 21 ft width 130 Metric tons of Cargo

Touched by the Far Realm: The ship has passed though the Realm Between and it has been... changed. It Hungers for life and yet it seems bent on preserving the life of its crew
  • Sails upon the Dreaming Wind: Marcella no longer sails solely with the wind of mortal realms, able to even travel against it at great need, though to linger among its rigging grows more of a strain upon the mind of man
64 Sailors not counting the captain
  • 8 Armed with short bows
  • 57 armed with a variety of melee weapons
A pair of enchanted crossbows on tripods (+1 to attack and Damage; can be fired with a voice command/free action)
Soldiers of the Company
Names and Feats

Sheets and Equipment

8 Melee Men at Arms (Warrior 3)
Man-at-Arms (Melee)
Alignment: [Varies]
Age: [Varies]
Race: Human
Level: 3
Class: Warrior
Feats: Deft Maneuvers, Pikeman's Training, Weapon Focus (Spear Weapons)
Traits: Threatening Defender
HP: 19/19
AC: 10 + 4 (Chainshirt) + 2 (Shield) = 16
Initiative: +0
  • Spear: +3 (BaB) +1 (STR) +1 (Weapon Focus) = +5 [1d8 + 1, Critical: x3 Piercing]
  • Special: +2 bonus when using the Trip, Disarm, Dirty Trick, Feint, Reposition, or Steal Combat Maneuvers, and does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.
Weapon proficiency: Dagger, Shortsword, Spear, Longspear

12 (+1) Strength
11 (+0) Dexterity 13 (+1) Constitution
9 (-1) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
8 (-1) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 3 + 1 (CON) = 4
REFLEX: 1 + 0 (DEX) = 1
WILL: 1 + 0 (WIS) = 1

Perception: 3
Ride: 4 Survival: 3
Man-at-Arms (Melee; Net-Fighters)
Alignment: [Varies]
Age: [Varies]
Race: Human
Level: 3
Class: Warrior
Feats: Deft Maneuvers, Net Adept, Net Maneuvering
Traits: Threatening Defender
HP: 19/19
AC: 10 + 4 (Chainshirt) + 2 (Shield) = 16
Initiative: +0

  • Net: +3 (BaB) [Special]
  • Spear: +3 (BaB) + 1 (STR) = +4 [1d8 +1, Critical: x3 Piercing]
  • Special: +2 bonus when using the Trip, Disarm, Dirty Trick, Feint, Reposition, or Steal Combat Maneuvers, and does not provoke an Attack of Opportunity.
    • You can use a net in melee to Trip or Disarm opponents instead of Entangling them. You gain a +2 bonus on Disarm checks made to use a net in this way (stacks with Deft Maneuvers).
    • If you have an opponent Entangled in your net, you can attempt to Drag or Reposition that opponent as long as he is within your net's reach or you control the trailing rope on your net.
Weapon proficiency: Dagger, Longspear, Net, Shortsword, Spear
12 (+1) Strength
11 (+0) Dexterity
13 (+1) Constitution
9 (-1) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
8 (-1) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 3 + 1 (CON) = 4
REFLEX: 1 + 0 (DEX) = 1
WILL: 1 + 0 (WIS) = 1

Perception: 3
Ride: 4
Survival: 3

5 Ranged Men-at-Arms (Warrior 3)
Man-at-Arms (Ranged)
Alignment: [Varies]
Age: [Varies]
Race: Human
Level: 3 Class: Warrior
Feats: Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (Bow Weapons)
Traits: Killer
HP: 16/16
AC: 10 + 4 (Chainshirt) + 1 (Dex) = 15
Initiative: +1
  • Shortsword: +3 (BaB) + 1 (STR) = +4 [1d6 + 1, Critical: 19-20x2; Slashing]
  • Composite Shortbow: +3 (BaB) + 1 (DEX) + 1 (Weapon Focus), Range Increment: 70ft.
    • Normal: +5 [1d6 + 1, Critical: x3; Piercing]
    • Rapid Shot: +3/+3 [1d6 + 1, Critical: x3; Piercing]
  • Special: You deal additional damage equal to your weapon's critical hit modifier when you score a successful critical hit with a weapon; this additional damage is added to the final total, and is not multiplied by the critical hit multiple itself.
Weapon proficiency: Dagger, Shortsword, Longbow, Shortbow

12 (+1) Strength
13 (+1) Dexterity
11 (+0) Constitution
9 (-1) Intelligence
10 (+0) Wisdom
8 (-1) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 3 + 0 (CON) = 3
REFLEX: 1 + 1 (DEX) = 2
WILL: 1 + 0 (WIS) = 1

Perception: 3
Ride: 4 + 1 (DEX) = 5 Survival: 3

1 Knikut Barbarian
Name: Wanderer
Alignment: CN
Age: 21
Race: Neanderthal
Level: 2
Class: Barbarian 2 (Invulnerable Rager)
Feats: Extra Rage Traits: Indomitable Faith
Special: Hardy (+6 HP), Low-Light Vision, Mental Fortitude Class Features: Damage Reduction (1/--), Rage (15 rounds/Day), Rage Power (Reckless Abandon)
HP: 33/33
  • HP w/Rage: 37/37
AC: 10 + 1 (Natural) + 1 (DEX) = 12
  • AC w/Rage: 10 + 1 (Natural) + 1 (DEX) - 2 (Rage) = 10
    • AC w/Rage & Reckless Abandon: 10 + 1 (Natural) + 1 (DEX) - 3 (Rage) = 9
Movement: 30 feet + 10 feet (Fast Movement) = 40 feet Initiative: +1 Attack:
  • Cold Iron Spear: +2 (BaB) + 3 (STR) = +5 [1d8+3, Critical: x3 Piercing]
    • when using Power Attack: +4 [1d8+6]
  • Cold Iron Spear w/Rage: +2 (BaB) + 5 (STR) = +7 [1d8+5, Critical: x3 Piercing]
    • when using Reckless Abandon: +8 [1d8+5]
      • when using Power Attack: +6 [1d8+8]
        • when using Power Attack & Reckless Abandon: +7 [1d8+8]
Weapon proficiency: Club, Dagger, Spear, Longspear

16 (+3) Strength
12 (+1) Dexterity
16 (+3) Constitution
8 (-1) Intelligence
8 (-1) Wisdom
10 (+0) Charisma

FORTITUDE: 3 + 3 (CON) = 6
REFLEX: 0 + 1 (DEX) = 1
WILL: 0 - 1 (WIS) + 1 (IF) = 0 Special: +2 bonus to Will and Fortitude saving throws while Raging. +2 Racial bonus to saving throws against Illusions and Enchantments.

Climb: 4 + 3 (STR) = 7
Knowledge (Nature): 5 - 1 (INT) = 4
Perception: 5 - 1 (WIS) = 4
Survival: 4 - 1 (WIS) = 3 Special Abilities:
  • Fast Movement (Ex): When you are not wearing Heavy Armor or carrying a heavy load, your land speed is increased by +10 feet.
  • Rage (Ex): You can enter a Rage or leave that state as a Free Action for up to 15 rounds per day (10 + CON modifier + 2 per level after 1st). Temporary Constitution increases do not affect your daily ability to Rage. When you stop using Rage, you are Fatigued for twice as long as you Raged, and you cannot enter a Rage while Fatigued or Exhausted. If you fall unconscious, your Rage immediately ends. Your ability to Rage is renewed each day after resting for 8 hours, although these hours do not need to be consecutive.
    • Reckless Abandon (Ex): While Raging, you can further reduce your AC by -1 to increase your attack bonus by +1
    • Rage Effects: +4 Morale bonus to Strength and Constitution, +2 Morale bonus to Will saves, and -2 penalty to AC. You cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-linked skills (except Acrobatics, Intimidate, and Ride), or any ability that requires patience or concentration.
Equipment of Note: Cold Iron Spear
Finances of the Company
Company Animals
-18 Horses (Two pregnant mares)

Soldier Salaries [Per Payment/Loot]
1% per man at arms
2% for Tom
Total Salary Cost 16%

Ship Costs :
Sailor's Pay: 2040 gp/season
Provisions: 910 gp/season
Upkeep (Marcella): 90 gp/season
Total ship Costs: 3040 gp/season

Trade Goods
  • Tin

Total Funds: 26622 gp
Fame and Infamy
Anwa Islands 4/10: Strangers you are seemingly risen up from the foaming waves of a storms come upon the island, strange is your ship and strange is your manner. Some call you aid unlooked for in a time of need, some birds of ill omen, come to pick over the bones of the True Folk
-Lirman: 6/10: You were welcomed by the king into his hall, yet you have made few freinds among the clans, even those who were once you allies now speaking ill of your deeds. Yet none can deny that you came in timely manner with news of the darkness growing over Korman. It is said you have slain a dragon, and a dragon's head you brought forth for song and saga
-Korman: 3/10: Champions of Olweje, and bearers of His shield you have been named outlaw and kidnapper by the new king of the Island. It would be death for you to show your face in the capital, though perhaps other lords might thing better of you

Orinilu 2/10: One of your leaders is a member of the League of Captains and honored for it.

The White Lands 1/10: Your deeds are great , but they have not yet resounded upon the frozen plains from the horns of the Wyrdoki and the drums of the Danuk
Notable possessions
Drums of Haste
This set of kettle drums is carried on a shoulder strap and played one-handed using a single two-sided mallet. By making a DC 20 Perform (percussion) check, the bearer can grant the effects of a haste spell on up to 5 creatures. The drums can affect up to 25 creatures per day.

Fey Gold

While wearing a Fey Gold nugget around the neck, the wearer gains fire resistance 1 and a +1 resistance bonus on Will saving throws.

Northern Fury
Northern Fury
Description: This heavy oaken club, roughly carved, is not quite sentient, but still seems drawn to violence, dragging its wielder into battle with it if it can.

  1. +1 Greatclub
  2. The wielder takes a -2 penalty on Will saves against any spells or effects that incite rage, compel hostility or otherwise contribute to starting a fight.
  3. With the first hit made in a combat the club casts Deadly Juggernaut as a free action, but also requires the wielder to make a DC 14 Will save to retreat from melee-range of any opponent still standing. The spell can only be activated once per day.

Horn of the Werebear
Description: A horn in form but not of horn wrought, rather it seems to have been carved from a single piece of ivory by most skillful and loving craft. Carved all about its length with scenes of war that feature men and bears as well as the obviously quite painful transformation between them.

Power: A sacred relic of Olweje, when this horn is blown it can temporarily transform a warrior into large, armored monstrosity of a bear, a Zentragt. The warrior must accept the transformation willingly and after the battle for which he was transformed sacrifice the arms and armor of all foes he has slain to Olweje (by eating them in his bear-form), or else the warrior remains a Zentragt and is driven battle-mad to attack his former comrades.

The transformation takes a full round and lasts for an hour, the target of the transformation must be within 10 feet of the hornblower.

Okunrin Okomo's Hollow Drums (might be used for enchantment)*

Broken Wyrd Lantern (might serve as the base for future enchantments)*

Stone Egg (and a Gold Sheet)*

Hedon's skull*

Dragon's corpse

Red Lion's head*

Ulk's head
Tab 7
I'm really tempted by the spells, but Olweje is an asshole god, who's to say his blessing does not come with unacceptable downsides? We should check, well-being of our men comes first.

[X] Study the pirate ships, perhaps there is something left on them that hints at the curse

@DragonParadox, could spell-sharing and study be done during downtime in Orinilu?
Yes of course, so could ship study for that matter. The question is which do you try next, and for that matter if you even think there is something to find on those ships. It's a bit of a shot in the dark right now.
Thinking further, now I'm not so sure; we could just go to the Temple of Olweje in Orinilu and ask, paying in gold or favours, and we should arrive in Orinilu before the next full moon, if it's still relevant. Wouldn't talking with Olweje priests be a more sure bet than studying the ships?

And time is money, and spells known are one of the most precious resources there is in this world.

[X] Spell sharing and study (Each gains 1d3 spells from various sources)
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I really hope this is some sort of divine blessing rather than a curse.

As for the next mage action, I'm in favor of restocking our potions. As we just saw, they're a serious lifesaver, and we've depleted our stock significantly in a single battle. Before more crap happens, can we please restock?

Spell sharing would be great, but it can be done later, IMO. Inge won't get anything out of it, either, since she is a spontaneous caster. There is also relatively poor overlap between all of the mages' various spells, so this doesn't seem super pressing to me.

inspecting the ships for magic-related stuff might be helpful, but probably not. Would rather do a quick Detect Magic scan on each of them and save a more thorough inspection for later.

[X] Restock the supplies of potions
-[X] x20 Cure Light Wounds Potions (500 gold)
Voting is open