[X] Hang out with Uzumaki Karin and Naruto. You should keep an eye on his training. As famous as Jiraiya is, he sure is squirrelly. And maybe you could get a jutsu out of it too.
[X] Train with Uzumaki Karin. You want her to put on a good showing so the Hokage would surely accept her within the village
[X] Train your pokemon. You're reasonably sure that Giga Drain could dent his enormous amounts of chakra and Haunter could definitely bypass his sand all together. But no use borrowing trouble.
[X] Honedge
Over the week, Karin taught Saya a few things about medical jutsu and taijutsu while Saya taught her kenjutsu and genjutsu as well. They were resting in a field when Karin spoke up.
"Your teacher's chakra feels weird. Like there are two sets of chakras," Karin said tentatively. Oh.
"Well it's not really a big secret so I guess I should explain that he's a jinchuriki," Saya explained.
"What? Really?" Karin exclaimed, eyes wide.
"I mean, he fought openly in the last war so it's not like no one knows," Saya explained.
"You know ... I feel the same thing from Gaara," Karin said quietly. Saya blinked. Oh. Oh shit.
Naruto was learning how to summon and Saya was beginning to feel dubious about Jiraiya as a teacher because it was clear it wasn't working too well for him. Saya wasn't much help as her style of summoning didn't involve any chakra at all which was unusual. Jiraiya asked to take a look at the scroll but Saya refuses, not trusting the man yet.
"His control isn't that bad, it's that he simply doesn't have enough chakra," Saya spoke up, angry at Jiraiya and Naruto arguing once again about the summoning. "What are you trying Lord Jiraiya? You force him to empty his reserves before doing this technique and that's why he's summoning tadpoles!"
Jiraiya made a face before grabbing Saya and pulling her to the side behind some trees.
"Kid you're asking questions that'll get you killed," he warned, before sighing. "Look I'm going to do something that will seem dangerous to Naruto to get his inner strength out. Knowing his cousin, she'll ruin the exercise and this entire two weeks will be for nothing. I'll give you something nice if you and her can get the hell out of my business for the day. She'll listen to you, you saved her life afterall."
"Like what?" Saya asked.
Jiraiya smirked and pulled out a couple of scrolls. "Take a look."
What do you choose? Choose two. Unless you pick the refuse option.
[ ] A chakra blade. I picked it off some traitor samurai, don't worry about it.
[ ] The swamp consuming jutsu. Itll turn the entire landscape in front of you into sludge and fuck up any footing. It'll take a lot of your chakra but that's a given at your age.
[ ] Prolonged incineration orb jutsu. It'll take a lot of your chakra but that sand of the suna kid will be glass guaranteed.
[ ] Basics of fuinjutsu book. Oh this? I wrote it myself.
[ ] Refuse. You're going to hold Naruto back if you do this, you know?