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we already are a pretty capable melee fighter with our focus being kenjutsu (swordsmanship) so I don't think it's necessary to branch out into taijutsu just yet, and while we should learn more ninjutsu at some point it wont be much help in a fight against gaara unless we learn something really big. we can also help out at a long range using genjutsu but that is a lot less direct.
If anything, we should look into buffing ninjutsu, if thats even possible. id much rather play support for our pokemon rather than get up there and fight hand to hand; the entire point of summons is to create distance
[X] Train your pokemon. You're reasonably sure that Giga Drain could dent his enormous amounts of chakra and Haunter could definitely bypass his sand all together. But no use borrowing trouble.
[X] Train with Uzumaki Karin. You want her to put on a good showing so the Hokage would surely accept her within the village.
[X] Train your other abilities (Genjutsu and Kenjutsu are capped.)
-[X] Medical Jutsu

[X] Honedge
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[X] Train your pokemon. You're reasonably sure that Giga Drain could dent his enormous amounts of chakra and Haunter could definitely bypass his sand all together. But no use borrowing trouble.
[X] Train with Uzumaki Karin. You want her to put on a good showing so the Hokage would surely accept her within the village.
[X] Train your other abilities (Genjutsu and Kenjutsu are capped.)
-[X] Kenjutsu

[X] Honedge

Er, kenjutsu is not going to rise.
If anything, we should look into buffing ninjutsu, if thats even possible. id much rather play support for our pokemon rather than get up there and fight hand to hand; the entire point of summons is to create distance
the entire reason I originally wanted to hang out with naruto was because the option says we might learn a new jutsu from jiraiya, but I'm putting more value into learning about our opponents at the moment
You're really good, at the point where further study will be intensive and really obvious.
holy shit we're that good???
I guess I just never got an idea of how good we were at kenjutsu/genjutsu since it didnt really see much use, and there wasnt much description about our skill. I just didn't expect us to hit a cap so quickly. wow.

I guess it just feels like not that much time has passed, despite the fact each training round was like a week
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holy shit we're that good???
I guess I just never got an idea of how good we were at kenjutsu/genjutsu since it didnt really see much use, and there wasnt much description about our skill. I just didn't expect us to hit a cap so quickly. wow.

I guess it just feels like not that much time has passed, despite the fact each training round was like a week

You guys went into it pretty hard, much to the disappointment of your other skills haha. Also fun fact I should share is that Han is a full fledged medic nin.

anyways; if our kenjutsu is really that good I'd like to get some supplementary ninjutsu, like turning our sword into a lightsaber.

In all seriousness, having some ninjutsu to make us faster or stronger could make our skill in kenjutsu way more valuable

I'm considering talking to jiraiya now because upon seeing how much we've trained in kenjutsu he might give us a ninjutsu to support our blade skillz

[X] Hang out with Uzumaki Karin and Naruto. You should keep an eye on his training. As famous as Jiraiya is, he sure is squirrelly. And maybe you could get a jutsu out of it too.
[X] Train your pokemon. You're reasonably sure that Giga Drain could dent his enormous amounts of chakra and Haunter could definitely bypass his sand all together. But no use borrowing trouble.
[X] Train your other abilities (Genjutsu and Kenjutsu are capped.)
-[X] Taijutsu

[X] Honedge

holding honedge like a sword would be funny

Hitting harder and moving faster translates into cutting deeper as well, so taijutsu is a good choice.
Imagine how much damage lee and guy could do with a weapon able to hold up to their strength
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anyways; if our kenjutsu is really that good I'd like to get some supplementary ninjutsu, like turning our sword into a lightsaber.

In all seriousness, having some ninjutsu to make us faster or stronger could make our skill in kenjutsu way more valuable
I'm pretty sure we'd need to get a chakra blade for something like that... I think that's what they were called? the special weapons made from metals that channel specific types of chakra
I'm pretty sure we'd need to get a chakra blade for something like that... I think that's what they were called? the special weapons made from metals that channel specific types of chakra
I guess so. Still though, we might get a useful self-buff from jiraiya, and anything that gets us closer to naruto I view as a win. even beyond practical purposes, naruto could use a friend, and we seem to be in the perfect position to do so, with our bond with Han. We don't care about him being a jinchuuriki so thats good.
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Hitting harder and moving faster translates into cutting deeper as well, so taijutsu is a good choice.
Imagine how much damage lee and guy could do with a weapon able to hold up to their strength
this got added after I posted my first reply, but guy actually does have weapons (a pair of nunchucks), he just doesn't take them out very often for some reason
this got added after I posted my first reply, but guy actually does have weapons (a pair ofnunchucks), he just doesn't take them out very often for some reason
huh, whaat? was that in like a side movie, cause I dont remember anything of the sort

anyways, tally says karin social is at 7 votes, pokemon training at 7 votes, naruto social at 4 votes and honedge at 6 votes

So the winning combo right now is

karin social
naruto social
pokemon training

Recon and scyther are both at 3 votes
Sage training for Arceus is just literally turning into Mewtwo. Calling it now, lmao.
She's a good friend of mine but I try to keep secrets from her because she has a big mouth and is a stinking cheater at dice rolls. >: V
That happened once, how could you slander me so, baby boo?

Scheduled vote count started by iolande on Jan 25, 2022 at 1:20 AM, finished with 49 posts and 9 votes.
  • 11

    [X] Train with Uzumaki Karin. You want her to put on a good showing so the Hokage would surely accept her within the village
    [X] Train your pokemon. You're reasonably sure that Giga Drain could dent his enormous amounts of chakra and Haunter could definitely bypass his sand all together. But no use borrowing trouble.
    [X] Honedge
    [X] Hang out with Uzumaki Karin and Naruto. You should keep an eye on his training. As famous as Jiraiya is, he sure is squirrelly. And maybe you could get a jutsu out of it too.
    [X] Recon the other contestants using Ryouga and Han.
    [X] Scyther
    [X] Train your pokemon. You're reasonably sure that Giga Drain could dent his enormous amounts of chakra and Haunter could definitely bypass his sand all together. But no use borrowing trouble. x 3
    [X] Magikarp
    [X] Train your other abilities (Genjutsu and Kenjutsu are capped.)
    -[X] Taijutsu
    -[X] Ninjutsu
    [X] Train your other abilities (Genjutsu and Kenjutsu are capped.)
    [X] Ditto
    [X] Train your other abilities (Genjutsu and Kenjutsu are capped.)
    -[X] Medical Jutsu
    [X] Train your other abilities (Genjutsu and Kenjutsu are capped.)
    -[X] Taijutsu
2.9 Bribery
[X] Hang out with Uzumaki Karin and Naruto. You should keep an eye on his training. As famous as Jiraiya is, he sure is squirrelly. And maybe you could get a jutsu out of it too.

[X] Train with Uzumaki Karin. You want her to put on a good showing so the Hokage would surely accept her within the village

[X] Train your pokemon. You're reasonably sure that Giga Drain could dent his enormous amounts of chakra and Haunter could definitely bypass his sand all together. But no use borrowing trouble.

[X] Honedge

Over the week, Karin taught Saya a few things about medical jutsu and taijutsu while Saya taught her kenjutsu and genjutsu as well. They were resting in a field when Karin spoke up.

"Your teacher's chakra feels weird. Like there are two sets of chakras," Karin said tentatively. Oh.

"Well it's not really a big secret so I guess I should explain that he's a jinchuriki," Saya explained.

"What? Really?" Karin exclaimed, eyes wide.

"I mean, he fought openly in the last war so it's not like no one knows," Saya explained.

"You know ... I feel the same thing from Gaara," Karin said quietly. Saya blinked. Oh. Oh shit.


Naruto was learning how to summon and Saya was beginning to feel dubious about Jiraiya as a teacher because it was clear it wasn't working too well for him. Saya wasn't much help as her style of summoning didn't involve any chakra at all which was unusual. Jiraiya asked to take a look at the scroll but Saya refuses, not trusting the man yet.

"His control isn't that bad, it's that he simply doesn't have enough chakra," Saya spoke up, angry at Jiraiya and Naruto arguing once again about the summoning. "What are you trying Lord Jiraiya? You force him to empty his reserves before doing this technique and that's why he's summoning tadpoles!"

Jiraiya made a face before grabbing Saya and pulling her to the side behind some trees.

"Kid you're asking questions that'll get you killed," he warned, before sighing. "Look I'm going to do something that will seem dangerous to Naruto to get his inner strength out. Knowing his cousin, she'll ruin the exercise and this entire two weeks will be for nothing. I'll give you something nice if you and her can get the hell out of my business for the day. She'll listen to you, you saved her life afterall."

"Like what?" Saya asked.

Jiraiya smirked and pulled out a couple of scrolls. "Take a look."

What do you choose? Choose two. Unless you pick the refuse option.

[ ] A chakra blade. I picked it off some traitor samurai, don't worry about it.

[ ] The swamp consuming jutsu. Itll turn the entire landscape in front of you into sludge and fuck up any footing. It'll take a lot of your chakra but that's a given at your age.

[ ] Prolonged incineration orb jutsu. It'll take a lot of your chakra but that sand of the suna kid will be glass guaranteed.

[ ] Basics of fuinjutsu book. Oh this? I wrote it myself.

[ ] Refuse. You're going to hold Naruto back if you do this, you know?
[X] Basics of fuinjutsu book. Oh this? I wrote it myself.

[X] The swamp consuming jutsu. Itll turn the entire landscape in front of you into sludge and fuck up any footing. It'll take a lot of your chakra but that's a given at your age.
[X] A chakra blade. I picked it off some traitor samurai, don't worry about it.

[X] The swamp consuming jutsu. Itll turn the entire landscape in front of you into sludge and fuck up any footing. It'll take a lot of your chakra but that's a given at your age.

would we even be able to use the swamp jutsu? it sounds like something that would require water style.

I looked it up and apparently Jiraiya's swamp jutsu is purely earth style, and the samurai's chakra blades allow them to fire blasts of chakra at people so we'll have a good ranged attack. in light of this I'm swaping out the flame orb to the swamp
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