[x] Hang out with Uzumaki Karin and Naruto. It seems the girl feels like she owes you her life and wants to get to know you better.
[x] Train your pokemon. You're reasonably sure that Giga Drain could dent his enormous amounts of chakra and Gastly could bypass his sand all together. But no use borrowing trouble.
[x] Visit Kyoko in the emcampment before she leaves with the rest of the Iwa shinobi.
"Ehhh? So she saved your life?!" Naruto said, amazed. They were headed to the hospital to meet Naruto's teacher so he could get some training.
"Yes, she was so cool too!" Karin gushed to Saya's embarrassment.
"It was nothing," Saya tried to wave it off, but Karin shook her head.
"No way, you're the best Saya!" Karin exclaimed. "You're going to beat everyone in the exam, I just know it!"
They got to the hospital at that moment and stumbled into Hatake Kakashi. He eyed them carefully before speaking to Naruto. "Naruto I know what you're about to ask, but I already arranged for another teacher to guide you."
"What?! But you're my teacher!" He protested.
"I've got other things going on, I can't give you my full attention," Kakashi explained. Naruto pouted.
"Let me guess, you're training Sasuke!" Naruto accused, folding his arms.
"Don't worry, he's a better teacher than me," Kakashi said, gesturing to the side. A man in dark glasses approached, wrinkling his nose at the sight of Saya.
"What are you doing hanging out with a Iwa shinobi?" He asked.
"Wha-, super perv?!" Naruto exclaimed. "Why would choose such a weak guy as my teacher?! He even fell for my harem technique and-"
The man's arm quickly covered Naruto's mouth and whispered something to him. Then he proceeded to go into a lecture about chakra the Saya learned in the academy and so she and Karin began talking.
"So what's Iwagakure like?" Karin asked.
"Terrible," Saya said bluntly. Karin blinked.
"Really? But you grew up there right?" Karin prodded.
"Well, some things are rotten," Saya muttered. Karin went quiet.
"I know what that's like too," she said, softly. Saya smiled at her and Karin mysteriously blushed as the man, Ibisu, finished up his lecture.
They headed to the hot springs and went to the unisex bath in the middle. Saya suddenly realized what Naruto was learning. She groaned as Ibisu proceeded to outline the water walking technique. He frowned at them.
"You don't have to be here," he said sharply. "Naruto does need to learn this type of chakra control."
"Yeah, but it's boring for the rest of us," Saya complained. Karin and Saya turned to a complex shinobi game of patty cake where you made handsigns with the other person at high speed in order to pass the time. Then, just as Naruto was getting the hang of it, Ibisu attacked the pervert who was spying in the woman's bathroom. Saya squinted.
Wait, was that ... ?
"Lord Jiraiya ... " Karin spoke next to her in a breath. He easily dispatched Ibisu and they watched as Naruto and Jiraiya got into a squabble. Saya shook her head at the fact Jiraiya peeped on women to get inspiration, though she wasn't about to blow his cover as she doubted anyone here could give him the beating he deserved for such shameful behavior. Saya blinked as Naruto turned into a naked girl and manipulated the man into supervising his training.
"Alright, guys, watch me!" Jiraiya seemed to finally note the presence of Karin and Saya, and he blinked.
"What, are an Iwa and Kusa nin your friends?" He asked, incredulous.
"Hey, shut up, one of them's my cousin! And Saya saved her life so she's cool too!" Naruto yelled, as he sank into the hot water.
"Cousin ... Uzumaki?" He asked, in disbelief. "The whole clan was wiped out."
"Not me," Karin murmured.
"Huh. Well, kid, come over here and lemme check something on your stomach. Take off your shirt," Jiraiya ordered. "Manipulate your chakra okay?"
"Huh? Fine you weirdo," Naruto muttered as he channeled chakra. Saya and Karin approached, wondering what he was doing, when he jabbed his hand at Naruto's stomach. Saya grabbed Naruto to cover him defensively and Karin channeled her chakra chains instantly.
"What the hell was that?!" Karin snarled. Jiraiya held up his hands, unalarmed, though he did raise an eyebrow.
"I stimulated his relaxation points," he said.
"That's a lie!" Karin snapped. "I know enough medical jutsu to know that!"
He sighed. "Look just get off him and let him go on the water okay?"
They reluctantly did so and Naruto was able to stand on the water perfectly fine. Saya was impressed.
"Alright! This is awesome!" Naruto shouted.
"Alright kid, I have to have a secret conversation with you, without your nosy Iwa friend and Kusa cousin." Jiraiya said, shooing them away. Saya rolled her eyes, but waited for them to finish as they stood far away. Then they went to eat at Ichiraku Ramen, a place that Naruto swore by. While they ate, Karin looked at Saya hesitantly.
"I know we're competitors in the exam, but could we train together?" Karin asked. Saya blinked.
"Eh? Why? Don't you have your jounin teacher for that?" Saya asked. Karin shook her head sadly.
"He's punishing me for not allowing my teammates to heal from me and leaving to Kusa tonight," Karin said quietly.
"What?! What a jerk!" Naruto griped, while Saya pinged on something else.
"What do you mean, heal from you?" Saya asked frowning. Karin wordlessly pulled up her sleeve and revealed a bite?
"I can heal people if they bite me though it drains my chakra. It's my bloodline limit," Karin said quietly.
"That's fucking terrible," Saya stated, feeling her appetite drop. Even Naruto slowed down. He seemed to have a moment of introspection.
"Karin, after the chuunin exams, I'm going to ask the old man Hokage to make you a Konoha genin," Naruto declared. Karin's eyes went wet before she shook her head.
"Naruto it doesn't work that way. I can't, can't just join another village. I'd be a second class citizen for the rest of my life," Karin murmured.
"Then once I become Hokage, I'll make you a first class citizen!" Naruto yelled. Saya couldn't help herself. She laughed.
"Are you making fun of me?" Naruto asked, surprised.
"No, no. I just, I like your attitude Naruto. And your apparent connections," Saya said, smiling. She turned to Karin. "Let's be honest, would it be better in Kusa where they're like parasites or Konoha where a kid who knows the Hokage well enough to make you a citizen?"
"I ... " Then Karin burst into tears. Naruto panicked. And Saya laughed.
Saya carefully navigated the camp under a genjutsu. All of the jounins here had their teams lose and wouldn't be happy to see the sole winner amongst their number. She found Kyoko taking some pills with a canteen of water, before dropping the genjutsu and approaching. Kyoko turned and blinked in surprise.
"What are you doing here? If the jounins catch you, they'll beat the shit out of you. Probably make you unable to participate in the exams," Kyoko hissed as she set her own genjutsu over the two of them.
"I didn't know you cared," Saya said, surprised.
"Well ... Han saved my life. If he didn't do that substitution with the kage bunshin, I'd be dead right now," Kyoko said sourly. She looked down. "What do you want?"
"I uh, just wanted to check up on you," Saya said, uncomfortable. Kyoko shook her head in exasperation.
"You risk all this, just to check on me? Saya you're way too soft hearted to be a shinobi," Kyoko said, before pulling out a box and giving it to her. "Here. These are all my explosive tags."
Saya estimated how much they were by the weight of the box and blanched. "This is at least 100,000 ryo of tags in here."
"Yeah. You're going to need every one for Gaara." Kyoko said darkly. "No dying okay? I want to see you whole and healthy back in Iwa."
Saya gave her a bittersweet smile. That was a promise she wouldn't be able to keep. "Okay."
Saya and Han found a spot in Konoha without any spying nins and they relentlessly trained her pokemon. Gastly evolved into a Haunter and learned a bunch of moves while Roselia and Fearow grew ever more powerful.
What do you do for the week? (Write In three)
[ ] Hang out with Uzumaki Karin and Naruto. You should keep an eye on his training. As famous as Jiraiya is, he sure is squirrelly. And maybe you could get a jutsu out of it too.
[ ] Train your pokemon. You're reasonably sure that Giga Drain could dent his enormous amounts of chakra and Haunter could definitely bypass his sand all together. But no use borrowing trouble.
[ ] Recon the other contestants using Ryouga and Han.
[ ] Train with Uzumaki Karin. You want her to put on a good showing so the Hokage would surely accept her within the village.
[ ] Train your other abilities (Genjutsu and Kenjutsu are capped.)
-[ ] Taijutsu
-[ ] Ninjutsu
-[ ] Medical Jutsu
-[ ] Write In.
[ ] Write In.
Your scroll shines blue again. What do you choose?
[ ] Magikarp
[ ] Honedge
[ ] Ditto
[ ] Beldum
[ ] Scyther