Journeywoman's Journeys, A Fantasy Age of Exploration Worldbuilding Quest (Updated Daily)

Naming the Mundane
[x]The Atheist

[x] [Resilient Farmers] - Orisatl ("The People" in original tongue)
[x] [Exiled Dissidents] - Harakai ("The people of spirit and flesh" in original tongue)
[x] [Religious Thinkers] Kal Ymi (The Anointed)
[x] [Ruthless Merchants] Amravolk (The People With Integrity)
[x] [Founded by Arcane Warriors] Silef (the Royal Guard)

3d100= 15, 61, 28 Mixed species, one Silef parent (mother), one Harakai parent (father)
1d100= 31, Imharite faith. (The Patroness)

Naming the Mundane​

The City is one of freedom of faith and creed, perhaps not unsurprising for a place founded by Harakai exiles who value knowledge and were themselves refugees of conscience.

A plurality of the city's population, nearly half are a kind of what are termed "Atheists" in this world: Individuals who do not recognize the authority of the supernatural world, but studied it and treat with gods, as equals.

The next largest creed are the spiritualist followers of the Channelers who speak with the spirits of all things and call upon colourful incarnations of mortal emotions to work their miracles.

Not surprisingly most Harakai are seen to be Atheists or Spiritualists, though many of the Cat-like Silef are also known to be Spiritualists as well -Though many Silef are also followers of the Imharel Zalaar, the blood sacrifice demanding Divine Patroness of a number of cosmopolitan City congregations.

Also Ancestor worship of the indigenous centauroid Kal Ymi still remains, with most following the old ways and worshipping their Sainted ancestors.

Many smaller religions also thrive on the City's islands, two being the worshippers of TAL'VAH, The Fire In The Void, and the small churches dedicated to The Tranquil Mother, the Death Goddess, whose priestesses often find themselves comforting the grieving, the ill, and poor.

And in the hidden places are secretive cults, such as the Cult of Whisperers, who hear calls from beyond the Veil, and the Veltama Mystery Cult, who withhold knowledge from the unworthy.

The Exile's City, this great city of learning, is a bustling place, a quarter million souls calling the islands home, and that many again living under the city-state's influence in the surrounding region.

To its many peoples, this City of Exiles is known as…

[ ] [City] …Write In

On one of the City's islands districts a woman in a floor length vividly purple robe raises her hands high into the air, one bleeding a thin line of red from the palm and the other holding the red-scarred knife that performed the deed.

She calls out for her Patroness, the Goddess Imhar Zarel, to bless the child held in front of her. Beseeching loudly as she drips a small drop of her blood onto the child's forehead and washes the rest out into a basin set into the altar in front of her.

The Child is young, barely out of the womb, but awake and curious, peering out from her mother's arms at the strange sights and sounds around her. She's strong, and with the blessings of the Patroness and the knowledge of City she will near certainly reach the age of adulthood.

Her mother is one of the Catlike Silef, who now kneels in front of the temple's altar with her daughter in her arms, having already given blood earlier in the ceremony, the red stuff clouding the basin.

The Priestess recites an ancient parable handed down over generations of Divine Sisters such as her, stretching all the way back to the first of the so-called "Hungry Ones" that made a pact with a River Goddess.

Then she holds a hand towards the babe's father, a man of the half-spirit Harakai, who had been standing next to his wife, his hand on her shoulder, contemplating the enormity of the miracle of life.

He knows what to do. He holds out his hand and the Divine Sister makes a quick and efficient prick of his index finger, and moves to let a drop of blood fall on his child and wishes the rest into the basin.

It stings, he thinks, but he's fine with the ritual despite being an atheist. The Imharites only care that he performs the ritual properly and he himself has no problem with exchanging a bit of his life so that a powerful being will bless his child.

The Divine Sister smiles and looks down at the mother, "Mother, bearer of the flow of life from Her to this babe."

The mother takes in a deep breath, she knows what comes next.

"Mother of this Child, what is to be this babe's first Name?"

The Silef woman resists the urge to look over at her grandmother, the powerful mage and clan matriarchy she would be honoring with this naming, and she exhales, "Her first Name will be…"

[ ] [Baby] …Write In

We're transitioning from high level worldbuilding to lower level by naming both the CIty we've created and the protagonist whose perspective we will follow. Naturally, I will veto inappropriate names.
As threatened, today is for names, feel free to explain what the names mean if you want, no word limit this time.

Also: my first draft was 900 words. Had to cut a bunch of stuff, but tomorrow we'll start taking a look at ground level stuff by deciding what kind of professions her parents work at, likely by deciding what associations or guilds they're part of. Then I plan to vaugly follow her as she grows up, and then we'll exit this stage of the game at the end of the week when she hits adulthood and the ADVENTURE section begins.
We're transitioning from high level worldbuilding to lower level by naming both the CIty we've created and the protagonist whose perspective we will follow. Naturally, I will veto inappropriate names.

Li G'mab All is fine right?
As threatened, today is for names, feel free to explain what the names mean if you want, no word limit this time.

Also: my first draft was 900 words. Had to cut a bunch of stuff, but tomorrow we'll start taking a look at ground level stuff by deciding what kind of professions her parents work at, likely by deciding what associations or guilds they're part of. Then I plan to vaugly follow her as she grows up, and then we'll exit this stage of the game at the end of the week when she hits adulthood and the ADVENTURE section begins.

Does ADVENTURE mean lesbian sex?
[X] [City] The Ex-Isle city, Odus.

The Exiles finished their Exodus, founding a new home.
If Exodus = to depart, then Odus = to stay. (Odus is not a real word, made shit up)
Exile >> Ex-Isle
Ex-Isle city, Odus >> Exodus

[X] [Baby] Anne-Seht

To add some worldbuilding flavor.
The common practice for mixed race children, is to receive a double-barrel firstname; usually two shorter names typical of both parents' races. (e.g. Mary-Jane)

Anne; named after the mother's Clan Matriach. (her name can be Ann+[something]; Annabeth, Annabelle, whatever make shit up).
Seht; meaning (1. settlement, arrangement; agreement; truce. 2. friendship; peace)
Named after the father, who is is named Seth (meaning "seed").

Anne-Seht wasn't solely a product of love between her parents, Clan politics are involved somehow.
Perhaps she ties two clans together?
Or maybe the merging of two islands?
Very open-ended.

For bonus points, in broken ingrish, Silef Anne-Seht(Self Insert)... :V
[X] [Baby] Alea-Afra (the exalted color of the earth)
[X] [City] khot-Sen-Ianua (city of a thousand doors. with the doors being a metaphor for opportunities of course)
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[X] [Baby] Anne-Seht
[X] [City] khot-Sen-Ianua (city of a thousand doors. with the doors being a metaphor for opportunities of course)
[X] [Baby] Anne-Seht [X] [City] khot-Sen-Ianua (city of a thousand doors. with the doors being a metaphor for opportunities of course)
Oki dokie

Got my booster shot today, but the worst I'm feeling is army hurting, so let's get this vote closed and let's get updating!
Scheduled vote count started by AKuz on Jan 11, 2022 at 1:28 AM, finished with 12 posts and 9 votes.
The Early Years
[x] [BABY] Anne-Seht
[x] [CITY] Khot-Sen-Lanua

The Early Years​

The young Anne-Seht's early years are spent in the embrace of her mother's clan. Her mother, Resennai, is technically one of the many "Elders" who follow the direction of the matriarch that heads her clan.

At the direction of the Matriarch, Annesavai, room is made on one of the middle floors of a residential island compound for Resennai and her young family.

As Resennai and her husband Seth have their own professional responsibilities, Resennai's extended family contribute to Anne-Seht's upbringing as she is considered one of the clan's many children and responsibility for raising her lies as much with the clan's Elders as it does with her biological parents.

Though it is a childhood with little privacy, Anne-Seht never lacks for companions or care as the family is prosperous under the leadership of their canny Matriarch.

Annasavai is herself a mage of no small repute, she being a commanding and highly intelligent woman who made her reputation as a leading member of the…

[ ] …Tattooists Guild

Inspired by the arcane birthmarks of the Harakai, certain patterns of arcanely fixed metallic inks allow an individual to channel their natural life force and ambient magical energy into a variety of magical effects.

However, "Marked Magic" can be lethally dangerous, as an untrained mage can all too easily expend their entire life force. On the other hand a trained Tattoo Mage can call forth powerful magical effects with barely more than muscle memory and a focused will.

The Tattooists guild oversees training and application for these tattoos as well as research, development, and acquisition of required materials.

[ ] …Archaeologists Compact

The world is old, and many corners of it contain lost knowledge and treasures. The scholars of Khot believe that no knowledge should be left to lie forgotten and unknown, so Compact was formed so Archaeologists could pool resources and knowledge, and support expeditions.

Responding to accusations of being tomb robbers, the Compact has also implemented strict ethical standards on its members… which are only sometimes waived.

The Compact also operates the City's great museum, and are called upon as brokers and authenticators for rare items, giving the Compact a lucrative sideline as a highly reputable auction house.

[ ] …Oarsmans' Association

Originating long ago as a mutual aid organization for the operators of the many flat bottomed rowing boats that the early Harakai universally relied on for transport around the islands of the city, the Association now oversees nearly all transportation and warehousing within the city's region.

As a rule Oarsmen are experts at logistics, small watercraft operation, tend towards stubbornness, and have a sometimes friendly rivalry with a mainly Amravolk guild that oversees caravaneers and travelling merchants.

Aside from urban transport, the Association also runs several hostels for out of city sailors and travellers that are highly regarded.

[ ] …Glittering Spears

Half adventurers, half scholars, all mercenaries, the Glittering Spears were the answer to a proliferation of armed bands split between the guilds which threatened to tear the city apart.

Thankfully, making a unified body of armed professionals reliant on the city as a whole prevented strife and gave Khot a semi-professional military.

Though city guilds are pledged to only hire Spear companies, they also offer the services of their various Companies to protect travelling merchants and academic expeditions. The excellent education and arcane training afforded to Spears makes them stand out in the Confederation of Cities' crowded marketplace.

…of which Resennai is also a member, following in the footsteps of both her grandmother and many of her clan elders.

Little Anne-Seht's father has also come to live with his wife's clan, as inter-family adoptions are common for the Khot-Sen-Lanua Harakai. He sometimes finds their ways odd but he endures them in good humour, feeling almost anthropological about the whole affair, determined to learn and grow from the experience.

Seth's marriage with Resennai wasn't entirely a love match, as his own kin had long desired a partnership with Annasavai's clan, but he is glad for Resennai, a woman he has genuine affection and romantic attraction towards.

For his part, Seth is a member of another guild and his marriage links them to Annasavai's clan as well as his own extended family.

Today, the leading two results will be the organizations associated with Anne's parents, and any votes that have at least two votes I will also consider as being present in Koht in some capacity, barring veto. So I encourage you to come up with Write-Ins as they'll still exist in some capacity.

[X] Bonebinders Guild:
Necromancers specializing in Osteomancy; the use of bones to create tireless laborers bound to the will of the Binder who is hired out as a Supervisor for the often monotonous or dangerous tasks that these Bonemen are hired.

The Bones used are always, the Guild insists, donated or bought. But unsavory rumors persist that a Skilled Bonebinder, properly paid, can make someone disappear...only to add the bones to their collection.

Osteomancy requires a firm grasp of mundane medicine, and so the Guild is just as often hired to set bones as it is to use them.

[X] ... Augurs' Society
Each of the peoples of Khot-Sen-Lanua brought their own divinatory traditions to the city, each valuable in their own right. However, these techniques have achieved new heights under the auspices of the Augurs Society. Multiple parallel divinations, combined and cross-referenced by Guild Augurs, can produce startlingly accurate predictions.

The Augurs have used these abilities to produce effective long-range weather forecasts for the many ships that pass through Khot-Sen-Lanua's harbor, and to offer insurance to the city's merchant-adventurers. The Augurs guard their monopoly jealously, and many travelling mystic have been tossed out of the city on the charge of "unlicensed divination"
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that's it for me tonight, arm hurty, brain light. time 2 vibe
[X] …Tattooists Guild
[X] …Glittering Spears
[X] Herald League
[X] Gunpowder Makers

Tattoos and mercenaries. Quite the fitting bunch. Hrm.
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I like both tattoos and mercenaries, those are my jam.

[X] …Tattooists Guild
[X] …Glittering Spears
[X] …Oarsmans' Association
[X] Bonebinders Guild:
[X] …Archaeologists Compact
[X] ... Augurs' Society

EDIT: okay actually I like all of these
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[X] …Tattooists Guild
[X] …Glittering Spears

I like the tattoos and spears idea. Very cool.
[X] …Tattooists Guild
[X] …Oarsmans' Association
and my Write in! Bonnneeeeezzzzzz
[X] Bonebinders Guild:
Necromancers specializing in Osteomancy; the use of bones to create tireless laborers bound to the will of the Binder who is hired out as a Supervisor for the often monotonous or dangerous tasks that these Bonemen are hired.

The Bones used are always, the Guild insists, donated or bought. But unsavory rumors persist that a Skilled Bonebinder, properly paid, can make someone disappear...only to add the bones to their collection.

Osteomancy requires a firm grasp of mundane medicine, and so the Guild is just as often hired to set bones as it is to use them.
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