One idea I've been toying with is a Situational Upgrade for way later on to give Exia extra Bulk.

Think about it, GN particles alter Mass and Weight - It's why Exia is able to fly despite having the Aerodynamic ability of a very sexy brick, and why even something as inefficient as the initial GN Drive Tau was such a game changer.

Having a way to give the Exia additional bulk whilst retaining its speed would be very useful for fighting opponents like the Mobile Armours (Who, by the way, apparently also had GN Drives as standard issue), or even some of the Super Robot opponents. Doubly so if we can find a way to make it like full armour in the Games, shedding the bulk in an emergency.

That being said, this is probably only an option if we can't get a Twin Drive system going, but even if we do, I'd like for us to have a different Aesthetic brand of Bullshit than the 00 Raiser. Think Buffer Coustwell, but also with Swords, Ideally combining into a Giant Claw for our finishing move.
Clearly the unique evolution of the Exia ends up giving it the Gundam equivalent of the First Tsurugi. Because the only thing better than "more swords" is "more swords that can Gattai into a bigger sword".
5. Bite
"Just get out of there. I'll keep him busy." It occured to you that the Aestevalis Batta did not actually have a gender, but that didn't really matter to you. After all, it was in the way, and needed to go.

"You'll struggle to control the fangs, you know."

"Then you do it." You spat, as you guided the Exia forward. "Time to get to it." Shoving your hands forward, the thrusters erupted in full force, taking the Exia straight off the ground. It was a magical feeling, lifting off the ground, even if it rocketed you back into your chair. You could only hack this thing apart with one arm. That'd have to be enough.

"... Right. Deploying fangs."

The cape on the Exia's right side billowed as three glowing green blades shot out from beneath it, moving almost faster than you could see. They were definitely faster than the Slash Rippers. You had to wonder if they were particularly more deadly. They were more like flying knives than anything.


Your attention immediately returned to the battlefield. One beam shot at you. Then another, and another. You weaved and bobbed, skidding and dancing along the ground, but sooner or later one was going to hit you.

"Tell me we have a shield."

"Block it with the cape. The Anti-Beam Coating is really old, but it should still work."

And work it did, you realised as you caught a beam on the cape covering the Exia's right side. It worked incredibly well, actually.

"How many times can it do that?"

"If you asked us two hundred years ago we'd have said for days. Now, probably a lot less."

"Well. Crap." You shot forward, tachi swinging like an axe at the Aestevalis's head, but it danced backwards as fast as you danced forwards, bouncing and bobbing up and down like a jack-in-the-box as it bounced over the Fangs as they swept past. "How? Nothing can move like that!"

"We can. Presuming your health is not important."


You suddenly jerked around as the Exia flipped upside down, tachi swinging incredibly low to the ground, though from your perspective it was quite high. You could hear the crunch of metal as the world went black and white, and then you blinked.

"That is why you are in control." You blinked again. The battle was still going. You were sure of it. You could see the Aestevalis, quickly returning to color. Its left leg was gone.

It clicked almost immediately what happened.

"The Exia can move that fast?"

"Faster. But we would have snapped your spine doing it. You are not sufficiently secure."

It was a truly terrifying thought. You hadn't felt the effects of G-Force blackout since the days you were going for your Mobile Worker licence. That the Exia could essentially and casually induce them highlighted just how handicapped you were making your own weapon.

You licked your lip, breathing in deep and shuffling in your seat. Feeling was returning to your limbs. You could do this. You knew you could.


Another two beams from the Battas. You pulled the Exia's left leg back, ducking under the first beam and catching the second on your cape. The tufts and frays along its edge had ignited for a brief moment. You had a feeling there were only a few more blocks in it.

Your right eye closed. You lined up the blade of your GN Tachi. You stabbed forward.

The Aestevalis shot forward, straight past the blade. Then it rocketed upwards, steel grinding and ripping as a Fang clipped its side. It couldn't really attack. The Battas could, but the Aestevalis itself was not maneuverable enough to attack the Exia.


"Right. Time to rock and roll." The gruff voice over the radio told you all you needed to know. "Kid! Move! I'm firing the Split Missiles!"

"The what!?"

"Oh. Wow."

The decision to move was wrenched out of your hands. The Exia lurched into the air straight up. You were sure Sakura had made the decision, and a mere moment later, as a hailstorm of missiles flew through where you had been only a moment before, you were glad it had.




The Aestevalis' response was to shoot down the missiles, blasting them apart. The explosion ignited everywhere you could see. The world felt incredibly hot.

You shot forth. The Aestevalis was not harmed. You were sure of it. The only advantage an AI had over a person was its response time and accuracy. The right side of the Exia was on fire.

"We have enough juice for one shot. Make it count."

"Trans-AM Activated."

You shot forth. The world turned different shades of pink and then black and white again. You were moving far too fast.

You swung. If you bisected the Aestevalis, it'd be over.

"Trans-AM Safety Engaged."

The Aestevalis shot up and to the right. You'd missed.


"Awesome work, kid! You're all mine now! CHESTOOOOOOOO!"

You weren't sure what, exactly, you were looking at. One moment, the Aestevalis was moving up. The next, the Gespenst's foot had smashed into its central block, sending both hurtling to the ground like a shooting star. The Gespenst's throttle opened to maximum, grinding the Aestevalis more and more into the ground as they skidded along. Crunch's mech raised the machine gun, cleared the line, and then aimed down. "Get bent! Get bent! Get bent!"

The song of a screeching machine gun was music to your ears. Joints and fuel lines erupted as they skidded past, until finally, the movement stopped. All you could see was fire.

Then a black shadow, as the Gespenst strode out.

"Got 'em." Crunch panted. You could hear his voice straining.

"Are you okay?"

"The Gespenst's shock absorbers weren't made for that kinda action. Gonna have to tell the eggheads back on Aidoneus to pump them up," He admitted. "You okay? I'm sure you blacked out there."

"I did." You admitted. "I don't have a pilot suit."

"Something we will have to rect- look out!" Sakura's voice rang out explosively in your ears.


"Shit!" The Gespenst barely moved in time. You would not. You couldn't dodge that. The cape was gone. You were going to-

"Trans-AM Safety Disengaged. Activating."

You blinked. The world turned pink. You were already moving, skidding around the beam. You could see great green wings of light erupting behind you.

"Burst Mode Engaged."


You shot into the inferno. You felt something rumble as your left arm plunged forth. Sakura lifted the Exia's left arm, and with it, you could feel the entire Aestevalis lift up. Four Battas moved on its corpse. You were sure they were taking ai-


A giant crystal erupted from the body of the Aestavalis. It caught a Batta as it ripped through the right shoulder.



A second and third crystal erupted.





The final crystal ripped the Aestevalis' head free. In the end, the Aestavalis and the Batta were a simple mess of crystals, dark liquid you knew was fuel, and… red.

"... It isn't very good." Sakura muttered. "But it's enough."

"F-for what?" You asked hesitantly.

"For what, what?" Crunch asked. Right, he couldn't hear Sakura.

"This." The crystals exploded away into little shards, the rotten and stripped husk of metal and frame that had once been a complete Aestevalis falling to the ground. The left arm of the Exia was now more armoured, and a great… something was folded along its side. It looked almost like a sword, shield and gun all in one.

"Huh…" You glanced to your left. The console said it was a 'GN Sword'. It had two modes. Sword mode and rifle mode. "Couldn't have made an arm, huh?"

"That would lower the performance of the Exia by 42%. We would be better off without."


"The Aestevalis doesn't have the material to make proper E-Carbon or a GN Condenser. The GN Sword we made from it is already of fairly low quality, relatively speaking. We must insist in Trans-AM you do not use it. It will fall apart." You glanced to the right. Trans-AM wasn't even available. It was in something called rest mode.

"How long will that last?"

"We used Burst mode for twelve seconds. It will take twelve minutes for the GN Drive to disengage operational safety. Until then, you won't be able to use the beam saber."

"I have a beam saber!?"

"You do?" Crunch's words brought you back to reality. Right. "Still discovering features, huh?"

"It is a very complicated machine." You sniff. "How are you holding up?"

"Annoyed. The Split Missiles should have worked." Crunch retorted. "You sure you don't want to bolt? You've been a great help, but-"

"Even if you ran, where would you go?"

"I don't have anywhere to go." You mutter. "Where to next? There were still people fighting at the camp."

"There probably aren't many left." Crunch muttered. "Do you need a moment? Feeling okay?"

"I'm fine." You glance to the right. The Fangs had returned to the Exia's side. You flicked the GN Tachi in a quick circle, before returning it to the Exia's side. "Pity about the cape though."

"What did it do?"

"Well, it blocked beams." You muttered. "Ah well. Let's do this."

Guiding the Exia out of the Mountain Cycle wasn't difficult. You could see the blasted wasteland that was once the canyon that the camp had existed in. You were sure that if you'd stayed behind, you'd definitely be dead.

The ground was littered with scorch marks and gouged machines, ripped apart. Mobile workers missing their cockpits. Cars and trucks missing their drivers' seats. The Battas had been merciless.

"Cocky son of a- AAAAH!" A scream rang out over the radio. You could hear the sound of a demolition charge exploding. You could see nothing but horror.

The Heavygun that had been wielding the great pillar from the Galba IV was standing over what was certainly once a mobile worker. Atop its backpack was a Batta. Its visor glowed red as it looked up, lifted a demo-charge from its side, and affixed it to the tip of its spear.

"That doesn't look good." Crunch grumbled. "Shit. Two more bogeys, to the right. They're Heavyguns."

"There are still five of the bugs buzzing around too." You blinked. Another Heavygun leaped from atop the canyon wall. The thrusters on its back and left leg ignited to soften the landing, the two on its right concerningly silent. "Good to see survivors. From the mountain cycle?"

"Aye." Crunch declared. "The machine's from inside. How long until reinf-"

Whatever he was about to say was cut off entirely. You heard the sound of roaring fire, and a plume of destruction rose in the distance. A quick look at the compass confirmed the direction. Chryse.

"What the hell is-"

"Damn lizards." Crunch spat. "We need to mop up. We gotta get back to the city."

"We will… save you the details. There is an SOS call coming from what appears to be a city." Sakura noted. "Casualties are already severe."

You glanced to your right. Two minutes.

You licked your lips.

"Who takes point?"

Votes are by plan.

[ ] Rain will.
[ ] Crunch will.
[ ] The Heavygun will.

[ ] Harass the enemy with the GN Sword and your superior mobility.
[ ] Get up close and personal with the GN Tachi.
[ ] Let Sakura take the lead.

Rain (Sakura Flag)
Rain: Neutral
Unit Integrity: Compromised

-GN Sword (1/1)
–GN Sword | Rifle Mode (20/20)
-GN Fang (3/3) (Undeployed)
-GN Tachi (1/1)
-GN Beam Saber (1/1)

-GN Condenser Low (Risk of performance drop)
-Trans-AM Safety Mode Engaged (2 Minutes)
-Right arm missing
-GN Shield missing
-GN Condenser 4 missing
-Armour condition minimal
-ELS Integrated
Crunch (Gespenst Test Type)
Crunch: Neutral
Unit Integrity: Good

-Machine Gun (Running low)
-Plasma Cutters (2/2)
-Split Missiles (1/2)
-Slash Rippers (4/6) (4 Undeployed)

Unknown (Heavygun Excavator Type)
Unknown: Neutral
Unit Integrity: Compromised

-Beam saber (1/1)
-Demolition charges (7/8)

-Two thrusters disabled (Movement imbalanced, Decreased maneuverability)
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[X] Crunch will.

He seems happy to and can make it work, I say let him.

[X] Harass the enemy with the GN Sword and your superior mobility.

If Crunch is on point, we play support. We've got a beam thing, I think.
[X] Crunch will.
[X] Harass the enemy with the GN Sword and your superior mobility.

So I feel like the person with a pilot suit and an undamaged mech should probably be the one taking point.
Less sure on our own course of action, but the aforementioned lack of a pilot suit means the acceleration of running in melee might be dangerous to our health. Well, more dangerous than staying at range. Meanwhile, Sakura specifically remarked that we have control because if they go hard, we black out.

"We can. Presuming your health is not important."


You suddenly jerked around as the Exia flipped upside down, tachi swinging incredibly low to the ground, though from your perspective it was quite high. You could hear the crunch of metal as the world went black and white, and then you blinked.

"That is why you are in control."
That's what I got from this, at least. So Sakura taking the lead might be a bad idea, better to use them as the emergency button.
[X] Crunch will.
[X] Get up close and personal with the GN Tachi.

The only real logic I have for the second is that at the moment, getting up close and personal with the GN Tachi might be more manageable for us than focusing on harassing with mobility.
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Minovsky Physics 101: The microfusion reactors powering Universal Century MSes like the Heavygun will explode catastrophically if breached by a beam weapon. And with the Battas themselves covered by distortion fields using the GN Sword's rifle mode is a lose-lose situation. Either a hit to the unit controlling the Heavyguns will be deflected, or we hit the reactor and get a sudden test of Exia's pilot safety performance.

But the I-Field that shapes the blade of a beam saber, if said saber is rotated quickly enough, can also be used to improvise a beam shield. That's probably the trick Crunch was managing with the Slash Rippers, and I'd bet the last Heavygun standing is still up because the pilot knows the same one.

The Gespenst has four Rippers left, ammo in the gun, and a second canister of missiles. It's the only friendly on the field that can safely fight at range, even if the pilot might be better suited to close combat. The Heavygun's mobility is down and ranged capability looks non-existent according to the status screen.

If the latter still has a working saber, I think we should put it at the front of our formation to draw fire and have Exia flank with the Tachi, with the Gespenst on anti-air duty at the rear.
Minovsky Physics 101: The microfusion reactors powering Universal Century MSes like the Heavygun will explode catastrophically if breached by a beam weapon. And with the Battas themselves covered by distortion fields using the GN Sword's rifle mode is a lose-lose situation. Either a hit to the unit controlling the Heavyguns will be deflected, or we hit the reactor and get a sudden test of Exia's pilot safety performance.

But the I-Field that shapes the blade of a beam saber, if said saber is rotated quickly enough, can also be used to improvise a beam shield. That's probably the trick Crunch was managing with the Slash Rippers, and I'd bet the last Heavygun standing is still up because the pilot knows the same one.

The Gespenst has four Rippers left, ammo in the gun, and a second canister of missiles. It's the only friendly on the field that can safely fight at range, even if the pilot might be better suited to close combat. The Heavygun's mobility is down and ranged capability looks non-existent according to the status screen.

If the latter still has a working saber, I think we should put it at the front of our formation to draw fire and have Exia flank with the Tachi, with the Gespenst on anti-air duty at the rear.
Interesting. How big is the beamy explosion?
"Punch a hole through the six meters of dirt and the metal wall of a space colony meant to endure meteor impacts" big? But GN particles are weird. Fuck knows how they'll interact.
Any realistic chance of using the rifle mode to shoot under things and knock them off balance via underfoot explosions? I'd be surprised if it was feasible, given what's been said of our opponents, but...
Any realistic chance of using the rifle mode to shoot under things and knock them off balance via underfoot explosions? I'd be surprised if it was feasible, given what's been said of our opponents, but...
You mean aside from that being one of the Setsuna/Lock-on duos signature tactics to cover Exia's approach?
You mean aside from that being one of the Setsuna/Lock-on duos signature tactics to cover Exia's approach?
People mentioned distortion fields, and shots getting deflected. I don't know how the distortion fields actually function; if 'shooting in the enemy's general direction' is still a bad idea, then obviously we can't use that tactic, hence why i'm asking.
On Distortion Fields
People mentioned distortion fields, and shots getting deflected. I don't know how the distortion fields actually function; if 'shooting in the enemy's general direction' is still a bad idea, then obviously we can't use that tactic, hence why i'm asking.
The broad strokes of it is that a distortion field's like a barely visible bubble of gravitational distension contained around a machine's body, which stretches charged particle emissions around the one being protected and dissipates the energy into the surroundings as waste. Larger ones powered by stronger engines offer some resistance against physical blows as well, but it's not nearly as potent.
Yeah, this chapter reinforces the idea that Heavyguns is indeed the Merc.

Still, at the very least, I can say that whilst Crunch's piloting ability is average, at the very least...
"Awesome work, kid! You're all mine now! CHESTOOOOOOOO!"
He knows how to be hype as fuck. Also please tell me this Gespenst has the 'Shout Now' screen prompt for the Gespenst Kick.
The broad strokes of it is that a distortion field's like a barely visible bubble of gravitational distension contained around a machine's body, which stretches charged particle emissions around the one being protected and dissipates the energy into the surroundings as waste. Larger ones powered by stronger engines offer some resistance against physical blows as well, but it's not nearly as potent.

In which case, the distortion fields on these things are weak enough that physical impacts aren't resisted. Soooo...

[X] The Heavygun will
[X] Get up close and personal with the GN Tachi.

The Gespenst main melee is beam focused, whilst it's the only one with Physical ranged attacks. We have Beam ranged and Physical melee, and Heavygun only has Physical melee. Sure we could take out Mobile Suits, but Lichte has a good point about Minovsky reactors and their tendency for very big, very pink detonations.

In other words, the best setup is likely Gespenst on range, Heavygun and Exia in melee

Heavygun is likely the most attractive target, but frankly it's pilot is good enough to last long enough for us to get to shredding Battas. The faster those things go down, the less our Pointman has to worry about incoming attacks.
[X] The Heavygun will
[X] Get up close and personal with the GN Tachi.

I will trust the word of those who understand the technical bits.
Yeah, this chapter reinforces the idea that Heavyguns is indeed the Merc.
Actually, looks like I was wrong here.
The Heavygun that had been wielding the great pillar from the Galba IV was standing over what was certainly once a mobile worker. Atop its backpack was a Batta. Its visor glowed red as it looked up, lifted a demo-charge from its side, and affixed it to the tip of its spear.
The Heavygun from the opening seems to have been taken over, pilot status undetermined but probably dead.
"There are still five of the bugs buzzing around too." You blinked. Another Heavygun leaped from atop the canyon wall. The thrusters on its back and left leg ignited to soften the landing, the two on its right concerningly silent. "Good to see survivors. From the mountain cycle?"
This is a different Heavygun.

So uh... RIP second post Heavygun, unless it's the same person that managed to find a different suit (Possible, to be fair)

And alright, out of the desire to be very careful with reactors...
nnnever mind, next post convinced me to keep original vote.
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On GN Particles & Weapons
People mentioned distortion fields, and shots getting deflected. I don't know how the distortion fields actually function; if 'shooting in the enemy's general direction' is still a bad idea, then obviously we can't use that tactic, hence why i'm asking.
The broad strokes of it is that a distortion field's like a barely visible bubble of gravitational distension contained around a machine's body, which stretches charged particle emissions around the one being protected and dissipates the energy into the surroundings as waste. Larger ones powered by stronger engines offer some resistance against physical blows as well, but it's not nearly as potent.
So building on this, GN Particles are actually highly concentrated and, more importantly, corrosive. What this means is that generally speaking, they punch through armour and explode when they collide with anything, like, say, an unusually high well of gravity. The GN Sword Rifle would just have its beams blow up if they didn't punch through the field.

The GN Sword, on the other hand (along with the GN Tachi and the other Seven Swords GN Sword weapons, of which the Fangs are probably part of as their part of the GN Sword V Seven Swords setup) are designed to puncture through armour and barriers like the distortion field. The Exia's designation among Celestial Being machines is actually Anti-Gundam operations. It's designed to deal with traitors, hence why its loadout is fairly lackluster for a terror weapon vs, say, Dynames or Virtue. The GN Sword wouldn't have issues with a Distortion Field that is mech sized. It took a GN Field from seven Tau Drives simultaneously to slow down the first model of GN Sword. We aren't using the original Exia.

The Gespenst main melee is beam focused, whilst it's the only one with Physical ranged attacks. We have Beam ranged and Physical melee, and Heavygun only has Physical melee. Sure we could take out Mobile Suits, but Lichte has a good point about Minovsky reactors and their tendency for very big, very pink detonations.
Exia's GN Sword is specifically designed to prevent reactor explosions and Heavyguns all use miniaturised reactors, which are a lot safer to begin with. With the weapons available to us, this risk is massively overblown. For a reactor to go nuclear, we're probably looking at a Batta deliberately blowing a Heavygun as a suicide bot.
Exia's GN Sword is specifically designed to prevent reactor explosions and Heavyguns all use miniaturised reactors, which are a lot safer to begin with. With the weapons available to us, this risk is massively overblown. For a reactor to go nuclear, we're probably looking at a Batta deliberately blowing a Heavygun as a suicide bot.
Did not know those two facts. The more you know

Though I still don't entirely get what the first part of your post is advocating for: I got the impression the Harrass with the GN sword was purely using the rifle mode, not rifle and physical, and the first part seems to be about using the GN sword in close range?