That is a pretty neat spell, but the duration is short and it doesn't seem like it would be useful in as many situations as Web.[X] Goldfish
Inge gets a new Hex and her first level 2 spell. A very important level.
Web is nice, but Winter's Grasp is also good at slowing foes, and quite thematic to her Patron.
And it doesn't allow for saves, unlike Web. The ground is now difficult terrain, that's it.
@Goldfish can Inge's next cantrip in her next lvl up be Detect Fiendish Presence?
Outsiders, Undead and Clerics have an aura even at lower HD.That is a valid spell, but just to be clear it works as detect evil and detect evil cannot see any sort of aura at 4 HD or less, so for instance something like a cacodaemon at 3 HD would leave no mark.
Outsiders, Undead and Clerics have an aura even at lower HD.
Detect Evil – d20PFSRD
Yeah, that really makes sense as a new spell for Inge, even with the restriction DP mentioned. Perfect timing for her to learn it, too. I'll add it to my plan when I get back to my computer.@Goldfish can Inge's next cantrip in her next lvl up be Detect Fiendish Presence?
Esha might have it, too, but it doesn't hurt to be a but more thorough on something so esoteric as Outsiders, particularly Daemons.Does Inge really need it? If Esha's next level up is soon, as expected, it would be obvious to give her rank or two in this skill, as she would have +3 from it being her class skill due to her Planewalker's Insight, and Inge's skill would become superfluous and would have to be retrained.
Edit: noticed now that it's also a class skill for Inge, but Esha's version is still slightly better due to +2 bonus to the skill check against outsiders, also from the feat.
Steal Breath is good, but kinda niche in what it does. Inge's spell knowledge is so limited, we need to try to pick spells that will get her the most bang for her buck. Summon Monster, on the other hand, is all around a great spell and one I want Inge and Esha to both learn eventually. Lots of good potential uses for Summoned creatures, even with the very limited duration.just some cool spells
steal breath looks good when fighting casters and summoning monsters is just awesome but maybe we should wait till we get th3 level spells
Steal Breath
Summon Monster
A good renaming for it would be something like Ikomi's Blessing.I'd love Aboleth's Lung actually. Both a curse and a blessing from the mistress of the sea and the dead
Ill Omen/Hermean Potential are the spell versions of the Misfortune/Fortune hexes and Witches can learn them. Ill Omen seems broken since it has no saving throw and is only affected by SR so maybe DP bans it though. Hermean Potential can be made into potions since its range is touch
Creature/Object | None | Faint | Moderate | Strong | Overwhelming |
Aligned creature1 (HD) | 4 or lower | 5-10 | 11-25 | 26-50 | 51 or higher |
Aligned Undead (HD) | — | 2 or lower | 3-8 | 9-20 | 21 or higher |
Aligned Outsider (HD) | — | 1 or lower | 2-4 | 5-10 | 11 or higher |
Cleric or paladin of an aligned deity2 (class levels) | — | 1 | 2-4 | 5-10 | 11 or higher |
Aligned magic item or spell (caster level) | 5 or lower | 6-10 | 11-15 | 16-20 | 21 or higher |
1 Except for Undead and Outsider, which have their own entries on the table.
2 Some characters who are not clerics may radiate an aura of equivalent power. The class description will indicate whether this applies.
Creature/Object | None | Faint | Moderate | Strong | Overwhelming |
Aligned creature (HD) | 3 or lower | 4-7 | 8-18 | 19-37 | 38 or higher |
Aligned Undead (HD) | — | 1 or lower | 2-6 | 7-15 | 16 or higher |
Aligned Outsider (HD) | — | 1 or lower | 2-3 | 4-7 | 8 or higher |
Cleric or paladin of an aligned deity (class levels) | — | 1 | 2-3 | 4-7 | 8 or higher |
Aligned magic item or spell (caster level) | 3 or lower | 4-7 | 8-11 | 12-15 | 16 or higher |
@DragonParadox, I was hoping you could take a look at this before closing the vote.@DragonParadox, not that Gust of Wind is a bad spell, per se, but it's not all that great, either, not for Inge with her limited spell selection. The 1st and 3rd level bonus spells from her Sea Witch Archetype, Touch of the Sea and Water Breathing, are both a lot more fitting for a Sea Witch than the 2nd level spell, IMO. Is there any chance we can change that for her? There are a lot of much more appropriate 2nd level choices that would fit the theme better than Gust of Wind; Aboleth's Lung, Aquatic Cavalry, Cloud of Seasickness, Eagle Eye, Sea Steed, or Track Ship all stand out as potential replacements.
Aboleth's Lung gives a target the ability to breath underwater for a very long duration, at the expense of losing the ability to breath air for that same time. Great for use with allies operating underwater and a devastating touch attack to use against an enemy when water isn't nearby.
Aquatic Cavalry Summons one or more aquatic mounts for a long duration. Only useful at sea or in other large bodies of water, but very thematic and good at what it does.
Cloud of Seasickness is a weaker version of Stinking Cloud, inflicting the Sickened condition rather than Nausea, so useful but hardly devastating.
Eagle Eye is a very limited sort of Divination spell, but one that would be great for anyone at sea. It creates a Divination sensor up to 400 ft +40ft/level directly over the caster's head which they can use to see everything around them as if they were that high. It would allow Inge to spot trouble, ships, land, etc., much sooner. A quick Google search shows just how much the difference in height to distance viewed can be. Assuming a lookout on Marcella is 30 feet up, they can see up to 7.25 miles to the horizon, while Inge's sensor more than 500 feet in the air would let her see for over 30 miles. Antonio would love this one, I'm sure.
Sea Steed isn't as effective at creating aquatic mounts as the Aquatic Cavalry spell, but it's still pretty good and has a decent duration. If cast on Silver, he would basically gain the same effects as Touch of the Sea, but it would last 10 times longer and he could also breath underwater.
Track Ship is really situational and generally less useful than Gust of Wind, but still seems more fitting for a Sea Witch. Very good at what it does, though I'm not sure if I wouldn't just prefer to keep Gust of Wind instead. Mentioned it for the sake of thoroughness.
@DragonParadox, I was hoping you could take a look at this before closing the vote.