Damn it, now i can't read about something deep or profound without thinking about xianxia.

Cultivator crabs? They even have their own caves, are we in a mountain?

[X] Plan Homely Snappy Spring.
-[X] Save Snippy!

If they are dead then they are dead, but if they are alive we can make them Better, Stronger, Faster.

-[X] Crabs in houses? House Crabs?

Crabs with their own small caves in a cave with crabs inside! Caveception, Crabception?

-[X] Driftwood? Crab Construction? Upgrade: Crabs learn construction. They're not very good at it yet though…yet.

We shall give Snippy the longest stick for his bravery, to show that he has the biggest rank. Maybe wood legs.

-[X] Geothermal Spring (cost: 3 Depth): warms all water in a flooded area, becoming a hot spring: Increases our attractiveness to Delvers and reduces their hostility towards us.

Am i the only one who likes taking a nap in hot water?

-[X] Log-istics, A Log Delivery System (Cost 1 Depth) - a tripwire will send a log (or similar) hurtling towards any Delvers on this tile, if triggered (on hit deals up to 6 damage).

Right at the entrance of the hot spring, for anyone who dares to disturb.
Driftwood and Hermit Crabs are mutually exclusive.

As for where we are, well, people keep dragging soggy sand inside, and we're definitely surrounded by rocks and cliffs.
its still alive, so it may become stronger....or atleast, learns how to jump back from the walls :V

damn it! i want both T_T hermit crabs just so, they combine into a living armor (when we get there) and the construction... because i want a crab spa! :V
By crabs, with crabs, for crabs (or those who are friends of crabs!)! they just gotta get through....

Next round, i would be totally down for thermal springs!

[X] Plan: securing the estate
-[X] Save Snippy!
-[X] [X] Driftwood? Crab Construction? Upgrade: Crabs learn construction. They're not very good at it yet though…yet.
-[X] Crab… Mermaids? (aquatic) (Cost 1 Depth) into the flooded room's entrance
  • Max Damage: 2
  • Health: 1
  • Replenishment: Fast
  • Abilities (Weight class 1):
    • Exoskeleton – if you are weight class 2 or less, you have an exoskeleton that provides 3 armour to your torso and head, and 2 to every limb.
    • Vicious Claw – monsters adapted for clawing attacks deal 1 extra damage with claws. If this is their main mundane attack, this ability is free.
    • Remaining Ability slots: 3 (no terrestrial adaptations)
-[X] Cordite Claws (cost: 1 Depth) Crab... Mermaids?

-[X] Expand sideways (1 Depth per tile) X tiles (write-in, For example [East, 14 Tiles, New Room "Corridor", 1 width in tiles])
--[X] 2 blind corners, from the flooded room's 2 corners, see visual
C= Corridor, F= Flooded room, CM= Crab... Mermaids?

Edited because my original plan needed 11 depth... we only have 10 T_T
This current plan is on 8, by the way. Also, features and upgrades rotate, geothermal springs may not be around next time.
I am sorry, I am confused.
here it says
if two tiles touch there will either be a door or it will be the same room.

if two tiles touch there will either be a door or it will be the same room.
but in the update describing the Delve by the Tortle and her bodyguard, there is no mention of the doors.
Shouldn't there be doors on both ends of the L corridor, or is that supposed to be something that needs to be specified?
I am sorry, I am confused.
here it says

but in the update describing the Delve by the Tortle and her bodyguard, there is no mention of the doors.
Shouldn't there be doors on both ends of the L corridor, or is that supposed to be something that needs to be specified?
That's our bad: "door" is being used as a word meaning "transition from one space to another" and does not literally include a door every time
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-[X] Cordite Claws (cost: 1 Depth) Crab... Mermaids?
Just to be clear, you're doing this to save the available slots on regular crabs? Because you can apply this upgrade to both the creatures you purchase this turn, and to the ones you already have (it will count any purchases on the same turn as happening prior to applying the upgrade). Likewise, cost is as listed, and not per upgraded creature.

Also, your visual shows the entrance in the centre (it's in the north western corner, 1 tile to the left), are you planning on having the Crab Mermaids in the room, in general or are you specifically aiming for the entrance?
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Just to be clear, you're doing this to save the available slots on regular crabs? Because you can apply this upgrade to both the creatures you purchase this turn, and to the ones you already have (it will count any purchases on the same turn as happening prior to applying the upgrade). Likewise, cost is as listed, and not per upgraded creature.

Also, your visual shows the entrance in the centre (it's in the north western corner, 1 tile to the left), are you planning on having the Crab Mermaids in the room, in general or are you specifically aiming for the entrance?
Yes I want to keep the slots clear on the normal crabs for now.

As for placement, I just put it in the center north flooded tile because it's flooded and if they need water anyways, why not? Although.... I do admit that their survival might be better somewhere else in the room.
Yes I want to keep the slots clear on the normal crabs for now.

As for placement, I just put it in the center north flooded tile because it's flooded and if they need water anyways, why not? Although.... I do admit that their survival might be better somewhere else in the room.
Technically they're just as safe anywhere in the room (creatures can move, and don't exactly obey arbitrary 10x10 tile restrictions for some reason) tbh, we might even let you move them around if you want to place another feature there in future.
Technically they're just as safe anywhere in the room (creatures can move, and don't exactly obey arbitrary 10x10 tile restrictions for some reason) tbh, we might even let you move them around if you want to place another feature there in future.
I see.... Well, put them to the.... oh... I just realized I made the visual wrong. *Facepalm*
Keep them in the center north tile of the flooded room please.

Edit: fixed the visual
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With no new votes for 24 hours, I hereby close the thread. Update is incoming, please wait warmly.
Scheduled vote count started by KlinkerKing on Dec 27, 2021 at 10:18 AM, finished with 25 posts and 7 votes.
  • 4

    [X] Plan: securing the estate
    -[X] Save Snippy!
    -[X] [X] Driftwood? Crab Construction? Upgrade: Crabs learn construction. They're not very good at it yet though…yet.
    -[X] Crab… Mermaids? (aquatic) (Cost 1 Depth) into the flooded room's entrance
    -[X] Cordite Claws (cost: 1 Depth) Crab... Mermaids?
    -[X] Expand sideways (1 Depth per tile) X tiles (write-in, For example [East, 14 Tiles, New Room "Corridor", 1 width in tiles])
    --[X] 2 blind corners, from the flooded room's 2 corners, see visual
  • 3

    [X] Plan Homely Snappy Spring.
    -[X] Save Snippy!
    -[X] [X] Driftwood? Crab Construction? Upgrade: Crabs learn construction. They're not very good at it yet though…yet.
    -[X] Geothermal Spring (cost: 3 Depth): warms all water in a flooded area, becoming a hot spring: Increases our attractiveness to Delvers and reduces their hostility towards us.
    -[X] Log-istics, A Log Delivery System (Cost 1 Depth) - a tripwire will send a log (or similar) hurtling towards any Delvers on this tile, if triggered (on hit deals up to 6 damage).
4 - Delve 3 - High Tide
Delve 3 - High Tide

It is wetter. Is this how it's meant to be? It is. The Brilliant Sky Pearl pulls the water over us for a time. How do we know this? How would we not know this? We feel Blessed.

Acquired Named Character - Snippy (Crab Warrior)
Racial Traits
(Crab - weight class 1)
  • Exoskeleton
  • Aquatic Adaptation
  • Short - of diminutive size for his weight class, Snippy can squeeze into smaller holes etc.
  • Any 1.5 (short is a half–trait)
Starting Skills (Bonuses: Martial +2, Leader: +1)
  • Called Shot – you may lose one level of vantage on a strike, loose, or throw to target a specific hit location, or two to target an area smaller than the standard target areas (eg the eye slit of a visor) you may not do this if it would put you below -2 vantage (martial)
  • Courageous – you are immune to fear; when rallied, this also ends the effects of fear on yourself and allies. When routed this removes fear immunities (leader, martial)
  • Crab of the Crabby Cave (+2)
Response to fear: Fight

Snippy ponders under the occasional beams of light from the Brilliant Sky Pearl. The Magnificent Sleeping Shelterer saved Snippy. But why? Snippy ponders, but makes little headway. Has Snippy failed the Grand Sleeping Shelterer, and in its Great Mercy, it saved Snippy anyway? Snippy fought, yes, but the aid did not come to Snippy, until Snippy's defeat. Did the Glorious Sleeping Shelterer disapprove of fighting? Snippy has many questions, but no answers seem forthcoming. What truly is the wish of the Lordly Sleeping Shelterer?

[X] That you may grow stronger, Snippy
[X] That your wisdom may expand, Snippy
[X] That you may live to learn the wonders of this world, Snippy
[X] Write-in

Snippy has been blessed to hear the voice of the Majestic Sleeping Shelterer! Snippy will ponder their words until he understands… This may take some time. He is, in fact, still a crab.

A cloud crosses the Brilliant Sky Pearl.

There is danger in this dark…

A long, still, shade floats at the cave entrance. An eye, the size of a crab, blinks once at the cave mouth. A deep, dark purple head, with fins fluttering slowly slides in, smoothly and silently.

Another still moment passes, and another 2 metres of eel slides into the cave: the full, enormous size of the creature is now apparent to us. Another large head peers into the cave.

Hostile Delver - CONGER EEL (Weight Class 3 - Predator - Eater of Crabs)

Oh dear.

The Delve

A large head peers into the cave. Teeth flash for a brief moment.

Hostile Delver - CONGER EEL (Weight Class 3 - Predator - Eater of Crabs)

Snippy knows this is a fight for survival, a life or death struggle with only one acceptable outcome: Survival. Snippy will not disappoint the Grand Sleeping Shelterer.

The other crabs coalesce into a combat-ready shape, claws snipping. A small handful skitter off to alert the Crab Mermaids; Snippy and the crabs make ready to fight.

An eerie screech and a flick of a large, dark purple tail appears above. Large, horrid eyes and gleaming teeth bared, Snippy is taken off-guard by the eel, but not so off-guard as the other crabs, who scatter in fear!

Snippy feels a mote of anger at the eels as they send his brethren skittering every which way. Not good. The eel from the mouth of the cave lashes out, catching a crab. A crunch echoes, and Snippy's mote of anger blossoms.

Snippy sees muscles tense: the dappled yellow and purple eel is going to eat another sibling! Snippy will not have it! As it's terrible jaws open, Snippy slams them down from above, short of his sibling. The eel that came from above has a small yellow stripe around its neck lunges toward Snippy, who feels the water displace and skitters, burying his claws in the ground. The eel's jaws fail to grasp his hard carapace, and slide off.

The eels seem to realise Snippy has too much fight in him, and begin to chase down more of the scattering siblings.


Snippy tries, but cannot skitter fast enough. More siblings fall.


The eels again take siblings that have strayed too far from Snippy


Snippy is failing again! This will not be!

The proverbial crabalry has arrived, and Snippy seizes the opportunity granted by their distraction. As the yellow stripe turns and eyes the horde of black-blue claws and sprouts menacingly, Snippy leaps, snapping at the tail. The eel shrieks, and lashes out with its massive jaws toward the Crab Mermaids, its tail shaking almost dislodging Snippy. The Crab Mermaids dash backwards, folding their tails for maximum speed.

Crunch! Another sibling falls to the dappled one.

Again, Snippy faces the eels alone, but now he has a hold of the Striped one.

There is little Snippy can do about the gluttony of the dappled one, but with a hold on Stripe, Snippy pulls hard to the side, diverting its strike from another sibling.

Once more, the dark armour of the Crab Mermaids appears. This time, they move swiftly and strike true, their snapping claws booming with power . Others use their large claws to divert the bites of the slippery creatures. Snippy takes heart, and strikes again. He feels his claws sink in, and the eel trembles underneath his grip.

Another screech, and the striped eel's shake finally throws Snippy off, but a Crab Mermaid is still holding on and manages one more snip, before finally being thrown off as the eels slink out of the cave.

Survival against this foe is a tremendous victory, but not one all crabs won this day.


Horde of Crabs (20)
Eel 1
Eel 2

Eel 1 Stealth :17 (6, 5, 4 at 1 vantage)
Eel 2 Stealth :8 (3, 2, 2 at 1 vantage)
Snippy perception: 14 (5, 4, 3 +2 at 0 vantage)
Crab perception: 12, 11, 10, 9, 9, (4, 3, 3 as horde)

No creature is surprised in the first round, but Eel 1 will gain 1 level of vantage on actions next turn, and cannot be struck by creatures with the same or lower initiative

Round 1

Snippy: 13+2=15
Crabs (horde of 20): 8
Eel 1: 15
Eel 2: 7

Declare actions (and rolls):
Eel 2: attack on crabs (horde of 20) 6 (1, 1, 4, at 0 vantage)
Crabs (horde of 20): strike, defend, get help 12, 10, 7, 4, 3 (2, 1, 4 as horde)
Snippy: strike on eel 2 9 (5, 2, 2 vantage 0)
Eel 1: intimidate all crabs 15 (1, 5, 4, +2 vantage)

Eel 2 deals 0 damage with bite, deals 1 damage with Pharyngeal Jaws. Crab dies.
Eel 2 takes 1 damage from crabs on the off arm location = 0 damage
Eel 2 takes 1 damage from Snippy on the main arm location = 0 damage
Eel 1 Intimidates. Crab horde: All crabs feared for flight (takes effect next round), scatters. Snippy is immune to fear.

Round 2

Snippy: 9+2 = 11
Eel 1: 16
Eel 2: 9

Declare actions:
Eel 2: Attack on Crab 5 (1, 1, 3)
Snippy: Intercept - Defend Crab 7+2 (2, 1, 4)
Eel 1: Attack Snippy 7 (2, 1, 4)

Snippy Successfully Defends

Round 3

Snippy: 9+2 (4, 4, 1)
Eel 1: 9 (3, 4, 2)
Eel 2: 12 (5, 5, 2)

Declare actions:
Eel 1: Move, Grab Crab 13 (4, 3, 6)
Snippy: Intercept - Defend Crab from Eel 1: 10+2 (6, 3, 1)
Eel 2: Move, Grab Crab 15 (6, 4, 5)

Eel 2 deals 0 damage with bite, deals 1 damage with Pharyngeal Jaws. Crab dies.
Eel 1 deals 0 damage with bite, deals 1 damage with Pharyngeal Jaws. Crab dies.

Round 4

Snippy: 14+2 = 16 (6, 6, 2)
Eel 1: 12 (5, 4, 3)
Eel 2: 8 (1, 5, 2)

Declare actions:
Eel 2: Move, Grab Crab 14 (5, 6, 3)
Eel 1: Move, Grab Crab 10 (5, 4, 1)
Snippy: Intercept Eel 1 - Defend Crab 6+2= 8 (1, 4, 5, -1 Vantage)

Eel 1 deals 0 damage with bite, deals 1 damage with Pharyngeal Jaws. Crab dies.
Eel 2 deals 0 damage with bite, deals 1 damage with Pharyngeal Jaws. Crab dies.

Round 5

Snippy: 11+2 = 13 (2, 3, 6)
Eel 1: 10 (2, 2, 6)
Eel 2: 12 (5, 1, 6)

Declare actions:
Eel 1: Move, Grab Crab 8 (4, 3, 1)
Snippy: Intercept Eel 1 - Defend Crab 3+2 (critfail) (1, 1, 4, -1 Vantage)
Eel 2: Move, Grab Crab 16 (5, 5, 6)

Eel 1 deals 0 damage with bite, deals 1 damage with Pharyngeal Jaws. Crab dies.
Eel 2 deals 0 damage with bite, deals 1 damage with Pharyngeal Jaws. Crab dies.

Round 6

Snippy: 12+2 = 14 (4, 5, 3)
Crab Mermaids (horde of 20): 13 (4, 5, 4)
Eel 1: 13 (6, 4, 3)
Eel 2: 11 (4, 3, 4)

Declare actions:
Eel 2: Move, Grab Crab 10 (1, 3, 6)
Crab Mermaids (horde of 20): 10 attacks, 10 defends, 5 each (3, 2, 2)
Eel 1: Intimidate (defend) 16 (11) (1, 6, 4, +1 vantage (0 vantage))
Snippy: Attack Eel 1 to interrupt 11+2 = 13 (5, 3, 3)

Eel 2 deals 0 damage with bite, deals 1 damage with Pharyngeal Jaws. Crab dies.
Eel 1 Intimidates. Crab Mermaids are feared for flight. Snippy is immune to fear.
Snippy deals 1 damage to Eel 1's tail.
Crab Mermaids rout.

Round 7

Snippy: 13+2 (2, 5, 6)
Eel 1: 4 (1, 1, 2)
Eel 2: 15 (6, 4, 5)

Eel 1: Move, Grab Crab 13 (6, 1, 6)
Snippy: Intercept Eel 1 - Defend Crab 13+2 = 15 (5, 5, 3 0 Vantage)
Eel 2: Move, Grab Crab 13 (6, 3, 4)

Snippy successfully defends
Eel 2 deals 0 damage with bite, deals 1 damage with Pharyngeal Jaws. Crab dies.
Crab Mermaids: Away from Fear, Regroups

Round 8

Snippy: 10+2 = 12 (2, 3, 5)
Crab Mermaids: 13 (5, 4, 4)
Eel 1: 12 (2, 4, 6)
Eel 2: 11 (1, 4, 6)

Eel 2: Defend 7 (1, 3, 3)
Eel 1: Defend 11 (6, 2, 3)
Snippy: Attack Eel 1 16+2 = 18 (6, 6, 4)
Crab Mermaids: Attack 5, Defend 10, Split 15, 15, 10, 3, 3 (5, 1, 4)

Eel 1 takes 1 damage to the torso from Snippy.
Eel 2 takes 1 damage to the tail from Crab Mermaid (Horde)
Eel 1 takes 1 damage to the head from Crab Mermaid (Horde)

Round 9

Snippy: 10+2 = 12 (6, 2, 2)
Crab Mermaids: 11 (4, 1, 6)
Eel 1: 9 (2, 6, 1)
Eel 2: 15 (5, 4, 6)

Eel 1: Flee (Defend) 15 (5, 5, 5)
Crab Mermaids: Attack! Defend! 10/10 12, (5, 5, 2)
Snippy: Attack Eel 1 8+2 = 10 (1, 1, 6)
Eel 2: Flee (Intimidate) 9 (2, 2, 3 +1 Vantage)

Eel 1 Flees
Eel 2 takes 1 damage to the torso location from Crab Mermaids (Horde), Flees.

Tally of dead
Crabs 9

55% of Crabs Remain. Tile Uncleared.

Decisions, Decisions

Thanks to Snippy's heroics, and the mermaid crabalry, the Crab tile was not cleared this turn.

We have 21 Depth

recycle options, features, and upgrades will recur, but vanishingly few of them will appear in two consecutive turns.

[X] 5 Depth
[X] Conveniently Shaped Pebbles:
Perhaps useful in crab construction?
[X] Large Shell: It's a large, white shell. Conical, too. (Obtain ???)

[X] Expand sideways (1 Depth per tile) X tiles (write-in)

Features - (Must Pick 1, and Can Only Pick 1)
[X] Shrine to The Brilliant Sky Pearl (Cost: 10 depth, discounted to 5 this turn) (Comes with 1 Tile)
[X] Red Bulbous Algae (Cost: 2 Depth) -
Algae favoured by crustaceans and smaller fish. Can grow on cave walls. Increases attractiveness to Delvers.
[X] Labyrinthine Coral (Cost: 3 Depth)
- Crabs, and other weight class 1 creatures may take refuge in this structure. Prevents any of those creatures in this room from being eradicated (but not from being cleared), unless this structure is completely destroyed.
[X] Dangerous Vent (Cost: 3 Depth)- this vent applies a force to unwary creatures that enter its tile, pushing them. This works both above and below water, and may deal damage if they are pushed into a wall.

Upgrade (Can Only Pick 1):
[X] Crab-Fu (cost: 2 Depth):
All Crabs in a room of your choice gain +1 martial (room costs 1 extra Depth per tile to expand after applying this upgrade)
[X] Lively Lake (cost: 3 Depth): Creatures in this underwater room can be projected up to 2 tiles through a tendril of water. Applies both to and from the water.
[X] Colossal Crustaceans (cost: 7 Depth): Whenever you Expand a Crab tile (of any kind), you may choose to apply the Large trait to either the new tile or the old tile. If you have no free ability slots, you may replace an existing ability.
  • Large – your weight class increases by 1 (to 2). (Tiles required to support and sustain creatures is their weight class squared (In this case increased from 1→4) and the number that occupy this space is divided by their weight class, rounded down. (In this case decreased from 20→10)
[X] Crab Mermaids (Cordite) Expand (cost: 2 Depth): Our existing crabs have multiplied, and may occupy another tile. (Costs 1 extra for every room they enter on the way to the new room. Corridors count as a room).

Vote by Plan! Or Snippy WILL snip you!
Also please show your work when planning Depth costs to help us spot errors and enact plans :V (Welcome back to school kids, we open at 8)
If you spot an error let us (or the plan maker, in case of plans) know!
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[X]Plan Crab Prophet (17 depth)
-[X] That your wisdom may expand, Snippy
-[X] Large Shell: It's a large, white shell. Conical, too. (Obtain ???)
-[X]Expand West from blue flooded/CM Room, 1 tile corridor then 3x3 room (10 depth)
--[X] Shrine to The Brilliant Sky Pearl (Cost: 10 depth, discounted to 5 this turn)
-[X] Crab-Fu (cost: 2 Depth): All Crabs in a room of your choice gain +1 martial (room costs 1 extra Depth per tile to expand after applying this upgrade)
--[X]Entry hall

10 + 5 + 2 = 17
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[X]Plan Crab Prophet (17 depth)
-[X] That your wisdom may expand, Snippy
-[X] Large Shell: It's a large, white shell. Conical, too. (Obtain ???)
-[X]Expand East from blue Tide Pool Room, 1 tile corridor then 3x3 room (10 depth)
--[X] Shrine to The Brilliant Sky Pearl (Cost: 10 depth, discounted to 5 this turn)
-[X] Crab-Fu (cost: 2 Depth): All Crabs in a room of your choice gain +1 martial (room costs 1 extra Depth per tile to expand after applying this upgrade)
--[X]Entry hall

10 + 5 + 2 = 17
I would like to point out that it's flooded nota tide pool room, nice plan otherwise.

Edit: WHY, QUEST MASTERS!!!! Why would you torment us with such wonders, and only let us take one from each? My greed is choking on it's tears!
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