Looks like the Crabby Cave won, now we just need to figure out how to make knives and give them to crabs.

Step 1: Give a knife to a crab.
Step 2: ???
Step 3: Profit.
And now that that is done, @KlinkerKing can I trouble you, perchance, for a reaction to my joke-y nonsense?
I tried to go for ponderous and confusing, with dualistic, kinda Yin-Yang underpining, so I'm wondering how that resonated with you?
And now that that is done, @KlinkerKing can I trouble you, perchance, for a reaction to my joke-y nonsense?
I tried to go for ponderous and confusing, with dualistic, kinda Yin-Yang underpining, so I'm wondering how that resonated with you?
He liked it. For my part, I thought it would be a nightmare to write for

EDIT: this website's smiley face is terrifying
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And now that that is done, @KlinkerKing can I trouble you, perchance, for a reaction to my joke-y nonsense?
I tried to go for ponderous and confusing, with dualistic, kinda Yin-Yang underpining, so I'm wondering how that resonated with you?
Just for funsies
[X] Plan: No-sense nonsense
-[X] Write-in: Yes, and then again no? It depends, except when it does not. Which is always.
-[X] Something about our place in the world?
-[X] Write-in: A confused cacophony that somehow, inexplicably, resolves itself into a symphony of mirth
-[X] Write-in: an assortment of constantly shifting platforms and bridges, locked in an eternal dance of braking and reforming a thousand and one paths

-[X] Write-in: No, not now, probably never, and occasionally have never been
-[X] Write-in: A competing drives towards corruption and cleansing, quite a bit similar to standing between your wacky best friend inviting you to come over, play and make a mess, and a strict parent looming over you impatiently tapping their foot and demanding to know when are you going to clean up your room and do the rest of your chores.
-[X] Write-in: Outwards and inwards!
As Angus said, I enjoyed it, it felt in tune with some of the more whimsical ideas I had for this. I had some ideas about how to make it make sense in the Dungeon system through the use of the powerful tool known as the GM curtain. Angus was less convinced :V
2 - Delve 1 - A Rude Awakening
Delve 1 - A Rude Awakening

The clicking and clacking has come inside. Many tiny legs and claws are with us now

We have gained Room Feature "Crabs" in the entrance room.
  • Feature: Crabs
    • Max Damage: 1
    • Health: 1
    • Replenishment: Fast
    • Abilities (Weight class 1):
      • Climate adaptation (aquatic) - you are adapted to an extreme climate of your choice (e.g. hot desert, underwater) and have all the necessary traits to thrive in that environment
      • Exoskeleton – if you are weight class 2 or less, you have an exoskeleton that provides 3 armour to your torso and head, and 2 to every limb.
      • Remaining Ability slots: 2

Zzz. Naptime.

"Kira, it's just a cave, that stupid Iron III is winding us up with this test."

Hm? They're dragging in wet, soggy, sand into your cave on their clinking metal feet.

"Just because you can't see anything, Steven, doesn't mean there's nothing here."

"He does have a point though. All I can see are these blasted crabs and, let me tell you, their nerves are not that interesting. Celty, would you be so kind as to light this place up?"

A soft crimson glow fills the cave. The crabs don't seem bothered by it.


Every crab eye turns.

Steven freezes, the butt of his spear covered in crab ichor and exoskeleton.

The clicking and clacking picks up a clear rhythm and begins to advance towards the delvers.

"Steven, Move! Everyone out! Kira, Celty watch his sides. I'll take the rear. I don't know what Steven pissed off, but we aren't sticking around to find out."


One of our crabs is broken. Broken?

[X] Our Crab!!!
[X] Huh. Guess the crabs can die.
[X] There will be blood on these walls…
[X] Write-in

"Congratulations on making it through your first delve!"

A voice? It comes from out the doors?

"As you all know this was your first test - find anything useful? No? Ha! Guess you aren't making Bronze II today!"

Bronze comes in numbers? Clearly this is an exposition of some kind. The ones out the doors feel small. Weak. Like maybe a 1? Except the talker. That one might be like, at least a 6. They are leaving.

Our dead crab... What should we do with the body?

[X] Well, un-break it! (Gain 1 Necro-crab)
[X] Bury it in the sand. (Gain room feature "Crab graveyard" to place this turn)
[X] Burn it. (Gain room feature "Crab pyre" to place this turn)
[X] Waste not… (Entrance room Crabs gain trait "recycler")
[X] Let it rot. (Gain room feature "Macabre display" in the entrance room)

Hmm. We have ideas. And power.

We have 14 Depth, and our entrance room opens to the outside on the north. Tiles are square, and if two tiles touch there will either be a door or it will be the same room.

Expansion (at the end of each delve, in each room with an uncleared feature score 1 Depth on each tile per delver level for each delver)

[X] Expand sideways (1 Depth per tile) X tiles (write-in, For example [East, 14 Tiles, New Room "Corridor", 1 width in tiles])

New Room Features (choose up to 1)
[X] Crabs (cost: 1 Depth) - 1 tile worth of crabs
[X] Permanent Flooding (cost: 2 Depth) - 1 room; all tiles in this room are underwater. Delvers and creatures must swim. (room costs 1 extra Depth per tile to expand after applying this upgrade)
[X] Tide pools (cost 1 Depth) - 1 room. Tiles in this room have pools where sea creatures live. Sometimes there may be treasure there
[X] Shrine to the Great Space Crab (cost 10 Depth) (New 1 tile room, can expand later)

Upgrades - pick up to 1
[X] Kung-Fu Crabs (cost: 2 Depth) - All Crabs in a room of your choice gain 1 threat (room costs 1 extra Depth per tile to expand after applying this upgrade)
[X] Crabs expand (cost: 1 Depth) - Our existing crabs have multiplied, and may occupy another tile. (costs 1 extra for every room the new room they enter on the way)
[X] Blank? Acquire more features to see more upgrade options
[X] Blank? Acquire more features to see more upgrade options


Co-GM'd by @Angus512

Merry Christmas Day, everyone!

Vote by Plan, guys.
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[X] Plan: Sad Crab Gets Fed
-[X] Our Crab!!!
-[X] Well, un-break it! (Gain 1 Necro-crab)
-[X] Expand west, 4 tiles, Crab Cafeteria, 2 width, Tide Pools (9 depth)
-[X] Kung-Fu Crabs (cost: 2 Depth) - All Crabs in a room of your choice gain 1 threat (room costs 1 extra Depth per tile to expand after applying this upgrade)

We must protect crab at all costs!
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Do they dare harm the Holy CRAB??? They must die...
[X] Plan: Crab Dies=Revenge
-[X] There will be blood on these walls…
-[X] Well, un-break it! (Gain 1 Necro-crab)
-[X] Expand west, 4 tiles, Crab Cafeteria, 2 width, Tide Pools (9 depth)
-[X] Kung-Fu Crabs (cost: 2 Depth) - All Crabs in a room of your choice gain 1 threat (room costs 1 extra Depth per tile to expand after applying this upgrade)
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[X] Our Crab!!!
[X] Well, un-break it! (Gain 1 Necro-crab)

[X] Expand west, 4 tiles, Crab Cafeteria, 2 width, Tide Pools (9 depth)

[X] Kung-Fu Crabs (cost: 2 Depth) - All Crabs in a room of your choice gain 1 threat (room costs 1 extra Depth per tile to expand after applying this upgrade)

We must protect crab at all costs!
[X] There will be blood on these walls…

Do they dare harm the Holy CRAB??? They must die...

[X] Well, un-break it! (Gain 1 Necro-crab)

[X] Expand west, 4 tiles, Crab Cafeteria, 2 width, Tide Pools (9 depth)

[X] Kung-Fu Crabs (cost: 2 Depth) - All Crabs in a room of your choice gain 1 threat (room costs 1 extra Depth per tile to expand after applying this upgrade)
Ah, this one's on me. Please format these as plans, or the crabs will get snippy.
[X] Plan Crab-Shells for the Crab-Shell-Throne!
-[X] There will be blood on these walls…
-[X] Well, un-break it! (Gain 1 Necro-crab)
-[X] Expand sideways (1 Depth per tile) 8 tiles total: [South, 2 Tiles, New Room "Corridor", 1 width in tiles] followed by [South, 2 Tiles, New Room "Tide Pools", 3 width in tiles, centered on "Corridor"]
-[X] Crabs (cost: 1 Depth) - 1 tile worth of crabs 3x along the southern boarder of "Tide Pools"
-[X] Tide pools (cost 1 Depth) - 1 room. Tiles in this room have pools where sea creatures live. Sometimes there may be treasure there @ Room "Tide Pools"
-[X] Kung-Fu Crabs (cost: 2 Depth) - All Crabs in a room of your choice gain 1 threat (room costs 1 extra Depth per tile to expand after applying this upgrade) @ "Tide Pools"
Ha! Guess you aren't making Bronze II today!

I have been playing LoL since the first season, and i have never reached beyond Bronze III, i am surprised about this coincidence.

[X] Huh. Guess the crabs can die.
[X] Waste not… (Entrance room Crabs gain trait "recycler")

Crabs replenish fast, and we have many

We have 14 Depth, and our entrance room opens to the outside on the north. Tiles are square, and if two tiles touch there will either be a door or it will be the same room.

How big are we exactly and which shape do we have? I can make a simple map in paint to make it easier to visualize the Crabby Cave, i will just use squares with a colored border for each tile and a different border color to separate rooms, and bad quality images for the features, and another color inside the tiles that are flooded or something.

4 people entered, each worth one per uncleared feature, so 4 Depth, 14 isn't divisible by 4, so we probably had a starting Depth of 10, and got 4 from one uncleared feature.
How big are we exactly and which shape do we have? I can make a simple map in paint to make it easier to visualize the Crabby Cave, i will just use squares with a colored border for each tile and a different border color to separate rooms, and bad quality images for the features, and another color inside the tiles that are flooded or something.
Updated this post with a map!
[x] Only living crabs need apply
-[X] Huh. Guess the crabs can die.
-[X] Waste not… (Entrance room Crabs gain trait "recycler")
-[X] Expand sideways east 2 tiles, then south 1 tile from south-easternmost tile (bottom right) - L corridor (3 depth)
--[X] Expand 3x3 room at the end of L corridor, room connects to the corridor by the north-westernmost tile (upper left) - prep room; Permanent Flooding (9+2=11 depth)

E - entrance
X - room/corridor tile
C - crabs
F - flooded tiles
@KlinkerKing @Angus512
Just to clarify, I have two questions
1) Can rooms be adjacent without needing to be connected by corridors?
2) Can we combine features in a single room? for instance, a room that is both flooded and has tidal pools?
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I spent like 20 minutes finding an app that i could use to draw something pixelated and drawing what i thought we were like, i am going to post it even though you already made a map.

I thought we were just a tile with some crabs so i drew a square with a crab, and added that green thing to mark where the entrance was.
@KlinkerKing @Angus512
Just to clarify, I have two questions
1) Can rooms be adjacent without needing to be connected by corridors?
2) Can we combine features in a single room? for instance, a room that is both flooded and has tidal pools?
1) They must be connected by corridors - between room space exists to support the ceiling
2) You must have 1 tile in the room per feature (unless otherwise specified), but some features spread out somewhat, eg crabs. Additionaly some features are mutually exclusive eg tidal pools + permanent flooding because there's no tide in permantly flooded places, though we may offer similar effects with different flavours that aren't exclusive.
I spent like 20 minutes finding an app that i could use to draw something pixelated and drawing what i thought we were like, i am going to post it even though you already made a map.

I thought we were just a tile with some crabs so i drew a square with a crab, and added that green thing to mark where the entrance was.
Permission to use this image on the first post :V ?
Damn, missed the first vote.... oh well, onto the next one!
Not in the mood for necro now... recycle it is then!
lets see, kung fu or expand..... kung fu would be fun, but i am a sucker for passives, but first....
@KlinkerKing are the kung-fu crabs and crabs expand are traits for the crabs? or for the room?
Damn, missed the first vote.... oh well, onto the next one!
Not in the mood for necro now... recycle it is then!
lets see, kung fu or expand..... kung fu would be fun, but i am a sucker for passives, but first....
@KlinkerKing are the kung-fu crabs and crabs expand are traits for the crabs? or for the room?
Expanding Crabs is a "tile without feature gains feature" deal. It grants no ability, there are just (in this case) twice as many crabs
Kung-Fu Crabs is a room buff: the crabs are undergoing martial training in the specified room, it is not a heritable trait.
i see.... thank you for clarification.

some more questions:
can we flood corridors as well? or only rooms?
can we choose multiple options from the "what to do with the crab" vote? and if not, will those options be there next time?

Edit: silly me, forgot to vote.
[x] Only living crabs need apply