Bulwark Against The Terror (Warhammer 40k Chapter Master Quest)

[X] Fleet-Based Chapter (Delkor IV)

Lot of materials and paperwork for a lot of ships and supplies. I have a feeling the other world will leave us undermanned and under supplies.
@Blackout, what's Kolokhios like besides the Titan factory? And how much of the planet does the factory take up, as I know the Mechanicus's definition of "factory" can go up to practically continent size.
Fair question.

It's an ocean world dominated by shifting tides, with loads of archipelagoes. There's two polar landmasses with mangrove forests, swamps and jungles, and mountain ranges near the poles. The Titan Factory was built underneath one such mountain to maintain secrecy, but since it's been discovered the Mechanicus has been expanding it into a more overt fortress. You won't have to compete for space, it is one factory, albeit a ridiculously important one, on a whole-ass planet. The natives are extremely primitive, but have been vetted as compatible.

I'll add the info to the post.
[X] Armageddon
I was torn between Armageddon and Kolokhios. Ultimately I decided on Armageddon as that gets the chapter a fantastic place to train new Marines, great supporting elements (if needed) in the form of experienced PDF and Guard forces and plenty of connections to various factions.

But i will admit that there is only a single reason i considered Kolokhios...

I just love Titans XD Having the backing of even a SINGLE Titan would be extremely valuable
[X] Talovon

Talovon seems the most interesting to me since we won't be tied down with any other obligations like the Mechanicus or greedy nobles. I love the idea of protecting the natives of the planet from Drukhari and raising them up to a more advanced standard, far better than the primitive yet hardy natives that they currently are. Armageddon just feels like a poor choice in general since the Orks just love fighting there, which could make all of our progress worthless.
[X] Fleet-Based Chapter (Delkor IV)

Lot of materials and paperwork for a lot of ships and supplies. I have a feeling the other world will leave us undermanned and under supplies.
Well, most/many Chapter operate off of Death Worlds. They get supplied through the Administratum/Mechanicus rather than the homeworld, I believe. It's certainly better in some ways to have a homeworld that also supplies materiel, but not necessary. Populated worlds have problems of insurrection and possible Chaos infiltration, and they're more strategic targets, so it's not all upside.
Well, most/many Chapter operate off of Death Worlds. They get supplied through the Administratum/Mechanicus rather than the homeworld, I believe. It's certainly better in some ways to have a homeworld that also supplies materiel, but not necessary. Populated worlds have problems of insurrection and possible Chaos infiltration, and they're more strategic targets, so it's not all upside.
The Adeptus Mechanicus is obligated to support you and provide you with wargear by ancient treaties, yes. Unless you manage to piss them off you can usually get enough power armor, boltguns, combat blades, that sort of stuff, to get by. But getting them to part with the Nice Stuff can be tricky, unless they owe you favors or you happen to be friends with them so they let you jump the queue.

This is why almost all Chapters maintain smaller forges of their own, to maintain their existing gear and help produce more specialized stuff that doesn't require mass production like power weapons and tanks and so on, made by Techmarines, artificier serfs or even line Marines in the case of the Salamanders. Having the civilian population possess industry that can help is nice but rare, typically their output is more directed towards themselves, or sometimes used as a bargaining tool by the Chapter when dealing with outsiders.

Exceptionally few Chapters are capable of entirely supplying themselves due to the complexity and amount of wargear they require, and also because the High Lords don't like giving them too much leash.
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[X] Armageddon

A great source of recruits and has significant industries It also has TONS of potential as a chapter home world. That said there WILL be more wars for Armageddon and it needs to be held.
I'm not going to lie, the options are really grinding my gears.

Talovans singular redeeming quality is that no one else cares about it. It would give us a degree of autonomy none of the others can even come close to approaching. Besides that, it's a desert with exactly zero infrastructure and the inhabitants are few and far between Hunter gatherers. It's not even a deathworld where it could be argued that the inhabitants themselves are worth setting up there for. We'd have too build it up from total scratch, though, to a degree that could be seen as a good thing. Blank slate and all that.

Delkor, as the description itself states, on the surface seems great. It, however, has a singular GLARING issue. It wouldn't be ours. We would be residents, not owners. It wouldn't be our World.

Kolokhios has a couple of the same issues as Talovan, namely zero infrastructure (that isn't the factory which wouldn't be ours) and primitive natives. It also has another issue, namely that it's an ocean world thus making the vast majority of it completely undevelopable where as Talovan at least has a solid amount of landmass to it to develop.

However we would have a huge amount of Admech support there which would make building it up a swift thing, but at the same time it's obligations would bind us to the planet hard severely limiting our ability to go out and, y'know, do stuff.

And then there's Armageddon. Probably the Best and Worst option. The world would be ours, unlike Delkor. It's has plenty of existing infrastructure, unlike Talovan and Kolokhios.

At the same time the planet itself is a shithole, it just got its shit kicked in by Gazgul and is in desperate need of fixing up, and it's the planet with the galactic sized target on it back. It's where Angron went for a murder stroll. It's Gazgul Mag Uruk Thraka's favorite battleground, and there's already hints of it being under threat by something else.

It's also important to the Imperium for propaganda purposes, so we can fully expect exactly the bare minimum amount of autonomy from the rest of the Imperium.

[X] Kolokhios
[X] Talovon
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I'm not going to lie, the options are really grinding my gears.
I am sorry that you feel that way, but all of the options are intentionally set up to also have downsides. It's the same as with the bloodline and chapter master selections.

Chapters don't usually get handed model worlds no strings attached because A) the Imperium would generally prefer those worlds keep pumping out men and resources for them and B) those worlds have the influence to avoid getting saddled with Space Marine overlords. Most Chapters that have those fantastic homeworlds usually built them up to that point with their own sweat and blood.

This Quest isn't about playing an already-estabilished Chapter, it's about estabilishing a Chapter.

Talovans singular redeeming quality is that no one else cares about it. It would give us a degree of autonomy none of the others can even come close to approaching. Besides that, it's a desert with exactly zero infrastructure and the inhabitants are few and far between Hunter gatherers. It's not even a deathworld where it could be argued that the inhabitants themselves are worth setting up there for. We'd have too build it up from total scratch, though, to a degree that could be seen as a good thing. Blank slate and all that.
Talovan's inhabitants are in fact notable for their high individual quality, as emphasized in the writeup. It might not be Fenris or Catachan, but it's still a highly unforgiving world teeming with reptilian monsters. The downside is, yes, that they can't really offer you much else other than Aspirants. The Mechanicus outpost may be able to, however.
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I am sorry that you feel that way, but all of the options are intentionally set up to also have downsides. It's the same as with the bloodline and chapter master selections.

Chapters don't usually get handed model worlds no strings attached because A) the Imperium would generally prefer those worlds keep pumping out men and resources for them and B) those worlds have the influence to avoid getting saddled with Space Marine overlords. Most Chapters that have those fantastic homeworlds usually built them up to that point with their own sweat and blood.

This Quest isn't about playing an already-estabilished Chapter, it's about estabilishing a Chapter.

Talovan's inhabitants are in fact notable for their high individual quality, as emphasized in the writeup. It might not be Fenris or Catachan, but it's still a highly unforgiving world teeming with reptilian monsters. The downside is, yes, that they can't really offer you much else other than Aspirants. The Mechanicus outpost may be able to, however.
I get that, I do. It's just that, in my eyes, they all seem defined by their downsides rather than their upsides.

The sheer lack of, well, anything on Talovon makes it look like it's going to be a while before we actually get the planet in a good place where it could supply us and defend itself. Meanwhile it's inhabitants quality as Aspirants seems like a consolation prize.

The same lack of resources on Kolokhios, the planet itself not being very appealing as an ocean world, and the duties from the Admech makes the upside, heavy Admech support, seem small in comparison.

Delkor being great is completely offset by all that greatness not actually being ours. Might as well set up in the next system over on a planet like Talovon, effect would still be being near the resources of Delkor but it not being ours.

And just the sheer amount of FUCK that is Armageddon completely invalidates what benefits it does have.

Sorry if I'm being a downer about it but *shrug* that's just how it looks to me.
[X] Armageddon

As much as I like Titans, I don't think that we are likely to be fighting alongside one too often even if we choose Kolokhios. They're simply too valuable and destructive. We chose a Chapter that cares about collateral damage after all.