Bulwark Against The Terror (Warhammer 40k Chapter Master Quest)

[X] Captain N'Varr of the 4th Company, Master of the Fleet.

I like the idea of playing a young leader coming into his own more than I do the idea of playing Vulkan's scavenger hunt.

Our business is to be a bulwark against the terror, not kids on easter.
Should Forge Father win I really want to double and triple down on the Salamanders traditions of making their own war gear. Make it so each brother is equipped with gear near totally made with their own hands. Have each of their panoply's be unique to them.
forgefather really does not appeal to me just going around looking for stuff when we could still be able to do that with the other options it just wouldn't be our main focus, much rather be a bulwark against the dark, fighting for our subsector than scavenger hunt
You can still look for He'Stan and the Artefacts if you choose a non-Forgefather option, but at the same time choosing Tor'Kell doesn't mean you'd be somehow exempt from your duty to defend the Imperium, far from it. Would Vulkan be happy to know his sons ignored the people they were sworn to protect in favor of trying to find him?

It's more about the level of focus, and how much it influences your Chapter culture. Ko'Tan will push you towards being great fighters and honourable protectors of the common man, N'Varr will influence you towards diplomacy, naval warfare and organization, while Shal'Dar's deal is being aggressive hunters of the Imperium's many enemies. Tor'Kell will push you towards being artefact-seekers and tech/craftsmanship oriented (he was a Techmarine before becoming Forgefather, after all), but even then the Quest for Vulkan will not be the totality of your Chapter.
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That's more or less my thought process, but still. We're a chapter master, and I'd much prefer to play as a character who's focus is on doing chapter master things instead of artifact building and the quest for vulkan.

Granted, I do acknowledge we'll get to do that anyways and I'm here for the ride, but characters who's primary prerogative is to lead appeal to me on a stronger level.

That and I've always been partial to putting the space in space marines. Strike Cruisers and Battle Barges are just fucking cool and I'd love to play the character who leans into that.

Edit: Blackout, I assume you're gonna be taking mechanical cues from GoD?
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[X] Captain N'Varr of the 4th Company, Master of the Fleet.

A new way of thinking for a new chapter.
You know what? I switch my vote to N'varr. His narrative appeals more to me. I'll go back to my post and switch.

The Imperium needs unity- and who better than a salamander to mend rifts between its many factions?

Naval warfare- let's beat the dark elder at their own game and leave wrecks of their slave ships.

Organisation- logistics and strategy are key in this new Dark Imperium, and we shall set an example for all other chapters to follow.
[X] Captain N'Varr of the 4th Company, Master of the Fleet.