Bulwark Against The Terror (Warhammer 40k Chapter Master Quest)

[X] Captain N'Varr of the 4th Company, Master of the Fleet.
[X] Veteran Sergeant Ko'Tan.
Adhoc vote count started by thefoolswriter on Nov 18, 2021 at 12:54 PM, finished with 29 posts and 25 votes.
[X] Captain N'Varr of the 4th Company, Master of the Fleet.
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[X] Forgefather Vulkan Tor'Kell

As @UlseDovThur said, choosing Tor'Kell gives us an actual goal. I like this idea
[X] Forgefather Vulkan Tor'Kell.

This seems pretty cool, having the chapter dedicated to finding and retrieving the Artifacts of Vulkan. Gives us an overall goal besides "go here, kill this thing".

Also, someone needs to find He'Stan, might as well be us.
[X] Captain N'Varr of the 4th Company, Master of the Fleet
[X] Forgefather Vulkan Tor'Kell

Just got there. Hope this quest doesn't stop after 5 updates.
I've played several Chapter quests but never one with a purpose beyond the usual. Forgefather, following trails and hints across the galaxy, is unique, and sounds fun.