Bulwark Against The Terror (Warhammer 40k Chapter Master Quest)

[X] XVIII Salamanders

My favorite legion . Altough i dont mind the mystery box winning i guess. The mystery box might come with a few extra battle barges maybe even if they are damaged or something ?

Also yeah 1000 isnt a hard limit asfar as u said urself as long as you use them i think. I imagine 2k is the actual hard limit and if you hit that you might be best served by splitting ur chapter off maybe but you would need help doing it mainly cause i doubt that you can afford to split off the navy and gear for them mainly. And you can send out excess out on detachments and deathwatch aswell .

Dont know why 40k chapter master quests arent more popular considering the genre itself and the game.

This isnt primaris marines right and the super dark otl timeline of 40k right of 13th black crusade hopefully?
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[X] XVIII Salamanders

Salamanders deserve some love as the nicest of the chapters bar perhaps the Blood Angels. Plus literal fire power. Whats not to love?
I gotta say I'm surprised there wasn't anyone who voted for the Dark angels.
Hey, @Blackout, I was wondering if we lose this vote, is it okay if we can vote for these guys as some friends for the chapter when the next update comes.
This isnt primaris marines right and the super dark otl timeline of 40k right of 13th black crusade hopefully?
There will be no Primaris, yes. Though Primaris equipment might make an appearance, because honestly I just like their aesthetic. But no "Space Marine v2" nonsense.

Hey, @Blackout, I was wondering if we lose this vote, is it okay if we can vote for these guys as some friends for the chapter when the next update comes.
Yes, I was already planning on it, though not necessarily quite by next update. Even if an option doesn't win I'll take note of the interest it garnered, and try to include elements of it in the Quest going forward if feasible.
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the salamanders are leading right?

Vote Tally : Bulwark Against The Terror (Warhammer 40k Chapter Master Quest) Sci-Fi | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 4-92]
##### NetTally 3.1.4

[X] XVIII Salamanders
No. of Votes: 25

[X] ??? Tempest Blades [MYSTERY BOX MODE]
No. of Votes: 21

[X] VI Space Wolves [HARD MODE]
No. of Votes: 4

[X] XIX Raven Guard
No. of Votes: 4

[X] V White Scars
[X] XVIII Salamanders
No. of Votes: 2

[X] V White Scars
No. of Votes: 1

[X] V White Scars
[X] ??? Tempest Blades [MYSTERY BOX MODE]
No. of Votes: 1

[X] VII Imperial Fists
No. of Votes: 1
Total No. of Voters: 59
[X] ??? Tempest Blades [MYSTERY BOX MODE]
[X] VI Space Wolves [HARD MODE]

Hoping for traitor loyalists, but wolf boys are cool too.