Animus Ex Nihilo - A God Quest

I am still going hard on Team Lamprey, but if we had to make a non-Lamprey psychopump, I would like to put forward a whale. We've known about them since at least Turn 6.

There are always lots of dead people, and whales are both huge and known for swallowing immaterial things. Our burial ritual already includes having the bodies get "swallowed" by the sea (Proud Waters made a theatrical display of it and everything), so having a whale then carrying the wayward souls to their final resting place is a good extension of that. Plus, whales are cool and this way we get to make both Jonah and Pinnochio references! Yes, I know that neither of those were originally whales, but to my knowledge we do not have access to Basking Sharks, so whales will have to do.

And as an extra bonus, if our peoples ever get to the industrial stage, having whales be sacred guardians of the dead would probably do wonders to keep their numbers up.
The only thing is that otters stay in family groups, so they might get lonely...

@Azel when it comes to creating a servant, can we use groups of animals? Like, can we empower a school of fish or a gang of otters rather than just the one?
You will have to learn more about imbuing power or tinkering with living things.

Yes, I know that neither of those were originally whales, but to my knowledge we do not have access to Basking Sharks, so whales will have to do.
While not explicitly mentioned so far, basking sharks are known to Proud Waters and available.
I'm more down on a ferryman or coachman be our psychopomp. A guide or a caravan leader are more attractive figures than a creature that does the same thing as basically the devil.
I'm more down on a ferryman or coachman be our psychopomp. A guide or a caravan leader are more attractive figures than a creature that does the same thing as basically the devil.

Can we even imbue a human(oid) to do that? Maybe requires more testing, although using our worshipper as testsubjects seems wraught with the risk of backlash...

Perhaps the death domain allow for undead ferryman.
Can we even imbue a human(oid) to do that? Maybe requires more testing, although using our worshipper as testsubjects seems wraught with the risk of backlash...

Perhaps the death domain allow for undead ferryman.
It doesn't have to be a man. May that creature be fish or beast, they may serve under us, driving the vehicles of those that had passed away.
Overall we need practice imbuing plants and animals, fortunately with the anticipated surplus of power from the Deep Reefs we should have enough to spare for that.
If we're able to take out the Devourer we should take Give Signs so that we'll hopefully communicate with our followers, and be able to stop them from straying from us. If, we combine that with actions such as healing, bless the plants, bless the goats, and bless the fishers I bet we'll even be able to start making ground back up rather than losing it as we have been.
Maybe we can inbue a shrine if we plan to do something like this again? That way at least we don't leave completely without help.
We've tended to lose our people too hard times throughout the quest rather than anything else so I'd put fishing on both shrines.
I do not think there is a silver bullet for food problems. What we need is to take more care of the fishing in each and every plan. As of right now the highs of our population are not based on the technology and skills of our worshipers, they are based on magic. If Proud Waters was to vanish tomorrow they would die and we have to take that into account. Our blessings may be miracles on an individual scale, but on mass it is part of how the sea people work.
Perhaps putting more on divine inspirations will allow our worshippers to handle hardship easier too. Even better boats!
Maybe blessing the goats will get us those weird goats irl who love seaweed. I think they're somewhere on the Scottish isles or something. Or maybe they're cows. Either way, fishy goats.
Maybe blessing the goats will get us those weird goats irl who love seaweed. I think they're somewhere on the Scottish isles or something. Or maybe they're cows. Either way, fishy goats.

I'm pretty sure normal goats will eat seaweed. They eat most everything else after all. I think the main problem is that we made the whole tribe interconnected and the settlements in the forest, which do not know the land that well, have a food deficit.