Bulwark Against The Terror (Warhammer 40k Chapter Master Quest)

Bulwark Against The Terror (Warhammer 40k Chapter Master Quest)
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The year is 030.M42, and the Imperium is still standing.

Barely, but it is standing.

Time and time again in the last thirty years the Imperium has come to the brink, but by the grace of the Emperor it has clawed back from the abyss each time.

Cadia, forever shall her sacrifice be remembered, has fallen. Annihilated by the hulk of the Blackstone Fortress crashing onto it, nothing but a lifeless, volcanic rock remains of the once mighty bastion of Imperial power, and the foul forces of Chaos pass freely through the Cadian Gate.

More and more Hive Fleets approach the galaxy, and though the eternal meatgrinder of Octarius has kept their greatest number occupied, a thousand Splinter Fleets ravage the Ultima Segmentum. Of Baal there is no word, for the Shadow shrouds all, the last transmission out of the system being that of Dante leading an Angelic Host of Blood Angels and their successors against the numberless hordes of the great Leviathan.

Orks are on the move in numbers never before seen, and the mighty Warboss Ghazghkull has been spotted in each of the five Segmentums, whipping nascent Waaaghs into full gear.

Even the undying Legions of the Necrons are arising, and reclaiming their long-lost empires. Imotekh the Stormlord rules over large swathes of the Segmentum Ultima, and there are whispers of a ruler even greater than he returning from the depths of aeons.

But the realms of the Emperor are vast, and His armies mighty. Entire Sectors have been stripped bare of defences, their populations either conscripted en-masse or tithed to the point of starvation. The Adepts of Mars have tapped into their deepest wells of knowledge, unleashing techno-arcana not seen since the days of the Heresy. Even the Adeptus Custodes, the eternal sentinels of Terra, have been spotted leaving the Throneworld in their thousands to bolster faltering frontlines.

And through unimaginable sacrifice and heroism, the Imperium stands.

Armageddon is in imperial hands once more, the Orks relegated to ever-smaller warbands marauding across the ash wastes. Cadian Gate may have been lost, but already the Arch-Enemy has begun to fracture and a defensive cordon has been established across Segmentum Obscurus, the 13th Black Crusade ground down into a bloody standstill.

Counterattacks all across the galaxy have seen the Xenos and the Heretics held at bay, and though swathes of territory have been forced to be abandoned as indefensible, the Imperium stands now in a position to consolidate its position, to secure its flanks and strike back.

To such an end, the 27th Founding has been declared. Over a hundred Chapters have gone extinct in the last hundred years alone, and those that survive are badly understrength. New blood is needed to bolster the Imperium's premier fighting force.

And that task falls to you. You are one of the newly-elevated Chapter Masters, a veteran of your bloodline and a savant of warfare, now given the duty of raising a new brotherhood to fulfill His will.
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Chapter Info, Chapter Creation Part 1


Fed By Comments
Who knows?
Name: Steel Dragons


Founding: 27th (030.M42)
Progenitor: Salamanders
Homeworld: Armageddon

-Sons of the Forge: Craftsmanship comes to the Sons of Vulkan naturally, the heat of the forge and the striking of the anvil etched into their souls. [Bonuses to Forge actions.]
-Legacy of Vulkan: The Eighteenth Primarch bade his sons to protect the common man of the Imperium. And for ten thousand years, they have fulfilled this duty, no matter the cost to themselves. [Bonus to diplomatic actions with the common mortals of the Imperium. Increased casualties in battle, locks certain options and actions.]
-Genetic Instability: The gene-seed of the Salamanders is unusually prone to mutation and divergences. [Chance of Mutation: Moderate.]

Greater Imperial Relations
Adeptus Mechanicus: Good
Administratum: Bad
Ecclesiarchy: Neutral
Imperial Guard: Suspect
Imperial Navy: Suspect
Ordo Xenos: Neutral+
Ordo Hereticus: Neutral
Ordo Malleus: Neutral
Adeptus Astra Telepathica: Neutral
Segmentum Ultima Command: Good
Segmentum Solar Command: Suspect
Adeptus Custodes: Neutral+

Individual Imperial Relations:

Space Wolves: Neutral
Dark Angels: Suspect
Blood Angels: Good
Imperial Fists: Neutral
Ultramarines: Neutral
Raven Guard: Neutral
Iron Hands: Neutral
Salamanders: Exalted

Armageddon Common Populace: Exalted
Armageddon Nobility: Honoured
Armageddon Defence Forces: Suspect
-Lord-General Vladimir Raukov: Hated

Armageddon Sector Command: Liked
-Sector Governor Amadeus Parol: Honoured
Battlefleet Armageddon: Liked
-Lord-Admiral Ishmael Kuzmathoff: Suspect

Forge World of Voss-Prime: Good+
-Archmagos Dominus Kartos Vahn: Liked-


Chapter Master N'Varr

-Calm: This one does not easily lose his cool. Bonus to resisting mental conditions.
-Master Diplomat: Talented in making others see his viewpoint. Bonuses to diplomatic actions.
-Logistical Genius: Has an eye for organization, and the flow of supplies and manpower. Bonuses to administrative actions.
-Fleetmaster: Gifted in void warfare and in leading fleets into battle. Bonuses to naval combat actions.
-Inexperienced: This one is yet to be truly tested upon the anvil of war. Penalties to command actions and personal combat.

-Hammer of Salvation (Relic Heavy Thunder Hammer)
-Urokarr's Mantle (Hide of an Elder Firedrake, provides additional protection)
-Burning Halo (Relic Iron Halo that repels attacks with bursts of fire)
-Artificer Power Armour
-Master-Crafted Inferno Pistol
-Master-Crafted Hand Flamer

Master of the Forge Kor'Hadron

-Enginesmith: Skilled with the principles of thrust and velocity, plasma reactor and void-hardening, this one has a talent for building and repairing craft of all sizes and shapes, from antigrav skimmers to warships. Provides a bonus to repairing and maintaining aircraft and voidships.
-Machine Ascendant: Devoted belief in the Omnissiah often has a way of producing mindsets that seem alien to outsiders. Provides a personal defensive boost and a bonus to diplomacy with Adeptus Mechanicus, and a penalty with everyone else.

Artificer Armour
Omnissian Axe
Master-Crafted Combi-Melta

Junior Techmarine Ve'Nir (Artificer Armour, Omnissian Axe, Master-Crafted Storm Bolter, Servo-Arm)
Junior Techmarine Har'Stan (Artificer Armour, Omnissian Axe, Master-Crafted Combi-Plasma, Servo-Arm)
Junior Techmarine Zen'Tal (Artificer Armour, Omnissian Axe, Master-Crafted Storm Bolter, Servo-Arm)
Junior Techmarine Akadar Praetatone (Artificer Armour, Omnissian Axe, Master-Crafted Combi-Flamer, Servo-Arm)

(Stationing Techmarines at the Armoury allows them to assist in production of wargear and grants a chance to create Relics each turn. Assigning Techmarines to Companies increases combat effectiveness and reduces maintenance costs.)

Standard Issue Wargear:
Tactical: Boltgun, Combat Knife, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Mark VII Power Armour
Assault: Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Mark VII Power Armour, Jump Pack
Devastator: Missile Launcher, Combat Knife, Bolt Pistol, Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, Mark VII Power Armour

Chapter Armoury:
x1 Castraferrum-Pattern Dreadnought Chassis
x8 Land Speeders
x1 Razorback
x2 Xiphon-Pattern Interceptor
x1 Grav-Cannon
x4 Fire Raptor Gunship
x3 Flamer
x2 Meltagun
x4 Plasma Cannon
x2 Combi-Plasmas
x3 Power Fists

Damaged Equipment:
x3 Rhino Transport (25FC/Each to repair)
x1 Razorback (25FC to repair)
x2 Predator Destructor (50FC/Each to repair)
x1 Thunderhawk Gunship (100FC 50FC to repair due to Kor'Hadron's Traits)
x6 Tartaros-Pattern Terminator Armour (25 FC/suit to repair)
x33 Corvus-Pattern Power Armour (10 FC/suit to repair)

-Relic Achilles-Pattern Land Raider Scipio's Respite, with a bonus to Machine Spirit operation and crew survival.
-Relic Plasma Shotgun Radiant Flare, combines the firepower of a Plasma Cannon with the weight and handling of a Plasma Gun, at the expense of being shorter-ranged than either.

Chief Librarian Va'Sor

-Enigmatic: Mysterious and closed off even to his brethren, this one does not reveal his thoughts and secrets easily. Penalty to diplomacy, bonus against read and analyzed.
-Boneseer: This one has a talent for foresight and precognition, harnessed through the ancient mystic traditions of Nocturne. Provides a chance to receive advance warning of threats on the rise, or other foreknowledge of events yet to come.

Artificer Armour
Psychic Hood
Master-Crafted Force Staff
Master-Crafted Storm Bolter

(Stationing Librarians at the Librarius increases chance of finding relevant information when needed, and boosts astropathic communications. Assigning Librarians to Companies provides a versatile combat bonus.)

Master of Sanctity Elysoth

-Critical: This one does not hold back on offering criticism regardless of whether it's wanted, even if it is true. Especially if it's true. Penalty to diplomacy, but may offer advice or insights that would otherwise go unsaid.
-Fiery Orator: This one is skilled in getting his point across, whether that be during a sermon in the Reclusiam or on the battlefield. Bonus to inspiring morale and teaching.
-Traditionalist: Holds to the core values of the Eighteenth Legion and the teachings of Vulkan above all else.

Artificer Armour
Crozius Arcanum
Master-Crafted Combi-Flamer

(Stationing Chaplains at the Reclusiam improves Chapter's spiritual health and forestalls internal issues. Assigning Chaplains to Companies provides a morale and combat bonus.)

Chief Apothecary Fal'On

-Sarcastic: An irreverent joke or a cynical remark can go a long way, or they might . Provides a bonus to diplomacy with certain individuals, and penalty with others.
-Compassionate: Even among the Salamanders, this one possesses exceptional empathy for the suffering of others, no matter who they may be.

Artificer Armour
Relic Narthecium Sunset, with a bonus to gene-seed recovery and preservation on the battlefield.
Master-Crafted Power Axe
Master-Crafted Storm Bolter

Junior Apothecary Navath (Artificer Armour, Narthecium, Master-Crafted Power Sword, Master-Crafted Combi-Plasma)

500 Steel Dragons Gene-seed

103 Twilight Crows Gene-seed

(Stationing Apothecaries at the Apothecarion improves recruitment rate and reduces chance of gene-seed degradation. Assigning Apothecaries to Companies reduces casualties and increases gene-seed recovery rate.)

-Captain: None

Command Squad 1-0 Strength: 0/10

-Champion: None
-Ancient: None
-Techmarine: None
-Librarian: None
-Chaplain: None
-Apothecary: None
-Company Veterans: 0/4

Company Strength: 0/120

Company Notables:

Company Armoury:

Captain: Pra'Tar, Master of the Watch

-Anvil of Strength: Vulkan was renowned as the strongest of the Primarchs, and his genetic heritage lends this son of Nocturne great physical might.
-Inspirational Warrior: Through deeds and words, this one exalts his comrades to ever greater glories. Provides a morale bonus to those fighting alongside him, and a boost to diplomacy.
-Boisterous: Loud and full of enthusiasm, this one does not hide their thoughts or deeds.

Artificer Armour
Jump Pack
Master-Crafted Power Sword
Master-Crafted Storm Bolter

Command Squad 2-0 Strength: 1/10
-Champion: None
-Ancient: None
-Techmarine: None
-Librarian: None
-Chaplain: None
-Apothecary: Junior Apothecary Ikreus (Artificer Armour, Narthecium, Master-Crafted Power Sword, Master-Crafted Storm Bolter)
-Company Veterans: 0/4

Company Strength: 71/120
7x Tactical Squads (2-1, 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7), 2x Assault Squads (2-8, 2-9), 3x Devastator Squads (2-10, 2-11, 2-12)

Company Notables:

Company Armoury:
Artificer Armour
Master-Crafted Combi-Melta
Master-Crafted Combi-Plasma
Master-Crafted Combi-Flamer
Master-Crafted Power Maul
Master-Crafted Power Axe
Master-Crafted Storm Shield
2x Master-Crafted Thunder Hammer
1x Heavy Bolter
1x Heavy Flamer
1x Meltagun
1x Power Fist
1x Plasma Gun
2x Lightning Claws

Captain: Xiaphian Mox, Master of the Arsenal

-Tactical Genius: This one executes deadly and decisive strategies on the battlefield, and can direct his troops flawlessly even in the maelstrom of battle. Bonus to battlefield command.
-Cynical: One cannot be disappointed if they always expect the worst. Bonus to seeing through feints, traps and other deceptions, but a penalty to morale and diplomacy.

Artificer Armour
Master-Crafted Thunder Hammer
Master-Crafted Storm Shield

Command Squad 3-0 Strength: 0/10
-Champion: None
-Ancient: None
-Techmarine: None
-Librarian: None
-Chaplain: None
-Apothecary: None
-Company Veterans: 0/4

Company Strength: 70/120
7x Tactical Squads (3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 3-7), 2x Assault Squads (3-8, 3-9), 3x Devastator Squads (3-10, 3-11, 3-12)

Company Notables:

Company Armoury:
Artificer Armour
Master-Crafted Combi-Melta
Master-Crafted Combi-Plasma
Master-Crafted Combi-Flamer
Master-Crafted Power Maul
Master-Crafted Power Axe
2x Master-Crafted Storm Shield
Master-Crafted Thunder Hammer
1x Heavy Bolter
1x Heavy Flamer
1x Meltagun
1x Power Fist
1x Plasma Gun
2x Lightning Claws

Captain: Gargidemi, Master of the Fleet

-Destructive Zeal: The fires of Nocturne burn brightly in this one. Bonus to command when collateral damage is not a concern.
-Lord of the Burning Skies: Even the greatest of Space Marines cannot win a battle if he cannot reach it. Bonus to offensive void/aerial combat operations.
-Aggressive: The best defense is a good offense. Bonus to offensive operations, penalty to defensive.

Artificer Armour
Master-Crafted Power Axe
Master-Crafted Combi-Plasma

Command Squad 4-0 Strength: 0/10
-Champion: None
-Ancient: None
-Techmarine: None
-Librarian: None
-Chaplain: None
-Apothecary: None
-Company Veterans: 0/4

Company Strength: 71/120
7x Tactical Squads (4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6, 4-7), 2x Assault Squads (4-8, 4-9), 3x Devastator Squads (4-10, 4-11, 4-12)

Company Notables:

Company Armoury:
Master-Crafted Combi-Melta
Master-Crafted Combi-Plasma
Master-Crafted Combi-Flamer
Master-Crafted Power Maul
Master-Crafted Power Axe
Master-Crafted Power Sword
Master-Crafted Storm Shield
Master-Crafted Thunder Hammer
1x Heavy Bolter
4x Heavy Flamer
1x Meltagun
1x Power Fist
1x Plasma Gun
2x Lightning Claws

Captain: Pyrion Zeon, Master of the Rites

-Disciplinarian: This one does not tolerate idle hands or lapses of judgement. Penalty to morale for those under his command, but also a boost to battlefield command.
-Student of History: This warrior's knowledge of historic victories and defeats allows him to perceive the flow of battle unerringly, but ancient wisdom cannot always be applied. Bonus to battlefield command, but a penalty to adapting to unforeseen circumstances.

Artificer Armour
Master-Crafted Thunder Hammer
Master-Crafted Combi-Melta

Command Squad 5-0 Strength: 0/10
-Champion: None
-Ancient: None
-Techmarine: None
-Librarian: None
-Chaplain: None
-Apothecary: None
-Company Veterans: 0/4

Company Strength: 64/120 (5 wounded)
7x Tactical Squads (5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, 5-7), 2x Assault Squads (5-8, 5-9), 3x Devastator Squads (5-10, 5-11, 5-12)

Company Notables:

Company Armoury:
Master-Crafted Combi-Melta
Master-Crafted Combi-Plasma
Master-Crafted Combi-Flamer
Master-Crafted Power Maul
2x Master-Crafted Power Axe
Master-Crafted Storm Shield
Master-Crafted Thunder Hammer
1x Heavy Bolter
1x Heavy Flamer
1x Meltagun
1x Power Fist
4x Razorback
1x Plasma Gun
2x Lightning Claws

Captain: Zo'Tal, Master of Arms

-Bladelord: A veteran of the duel, a peerless swordsman and an exquisite example of fighting form. Those who lock swords with this one do so at their peril. Bonus to personal combat.
-Stoic: Quiet and impassive, this one rarely shows emotion or reaction.

Artificer Armour
Sunfang, Relic Drakeblade
Master-Crafted Power Sword
Master-Crafted Combi-Plasma

Command Squad 6-0 Strength: 0/10
-Champion: None
-Ancient: None
-Techmarine: None
-Librarian: None
-Chaplain: None
-Apothecary: None
-Company Veterans: 0/4

Company Strength: 69/120
7x Tactical Squads (6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 6-6, 6-7), 2x Assault Squads (6-8, 6-9), 3x Devastator Squads (6-10, 6-11, 6-12)

Company Notables:

Company Armoury:
Master-Crafted Combi-Melta
Master-Crafted Combi-Plasma
Master-Crafted Combi-Flamer
Master-Crafted Storm Bolter
Master-Crafted Power Maul
Master-Crafted Power Axe
Master-Crafted Power Sword
Master-Crafted Storm Shield
Master-Crafted Thunder Hammer
1x Heavy Bolter
1x Heavy Flamer
1x Meltagun
1x Power Fist
1x Plasma Gun
2x Lightning Claws

Captain: Drukeus Ado, Master of the Marches

-Dependable: This one can always be counted upon to do their part, but rarely more. Reduced chance of critical success and critical failure.
-Versatile: Having fought in countless battlefield roles and conditions, this one can adapt to be whatever the situation calls for. Bonus to adapting to new circumstances.

Artificer Armour
Master-Crafted Power Maul
Master-Crafted Storm Bolter

Command Squad 7-0 Strength: 1/10
-Champion: None
-Ancient: None
-Techmarine: None
-Librarian: None
-Chaplain: None
-Apothecary: Junior Apothecary Tho'Var (Artificer Armour, Narthecium, Master-Crafted Power Maul, Master-Crafted Combi-Melta)
-Company Veterans: 0/4

Company Strength: 69/120
8x Tactical Squads (7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4, 7-5, 7-6, 7-7, 7-8), 4x Devastator Squads (7-9, 7-10, 7-11, 7-12)

Company Notables:

Company Armoury:
Master-Crafted Combi-Melta
Master-Crafted Combi-Flamer
Master-Crafted Storm Bolter
Master-Crafted Power Maul
Master-Crafted Power Axe
Master-Crafted Power Sword
Master-Crafted Storm Shield
Master-Crafted Thunder Hammer
1x Heavy Bolter
1x Heavy Flamer
1x Plasma Gun

Captain: Kar'Thelar, Master of the Relics

-Inexperienced: This one is yet to be truly tested upon the anvil of war. Penalties to command actions and personal combat.
-Idealistic: Genuine belief in that one can make a difference in this galaxy combined with a need to prove oneself has a way of motivating a warrior. Bonus to morale.
-Stubborn Defiance: Sometimes, victory means simply never giving up. This one can keep fighting through wounds that would have killed most others, and inspire his warriors to do the same.

Artificer Armour
Master-Crafted Power Sword
Master-Crafted Storm Shield

Command Squad 8-0 Strength: 0/10
-Champion: None
-Ancient: None
-Techmarine: None
-Librarian: None
-Chaplain: None
-Apothecary: None
-Company Veterans: 0/4

Company Strength: 70/120
4x Tactical Squads (8-1, 8-2, 8-3, 8-4), 8x Devastator Squads (8-5, 8-6, 8-7, 8-8, 8-9, 8-10, 8-11, 8-12)

Company Notables:

Company Armoury:
Master-Crafted Combi-Melta
Master-Crafted Combi-Flamer
Master-Crafted Storm Bolter
Master-Crafted Power Maul
Master-Crafted Power Axe
Master-Crafted Power Sword
Master-Crafted Storm Shield
Master-Crafted Thunder Hammer
4x Heavy Bolters
1x Heavy Flamer
1x Meltagun
1x Plasma Gun

Captain: Tul'Ra Helion, Master of Recruits

-Indomitable: Once you've fought and killed just about everything the galaxy has to throw at you, its dangers and horrors start to lose their effect on you. Bonus to morale anto resisting mental effects and conditions.
-Analytical: Centuries of experience combined with an eye for detail make for invaluable tools for any commander. Bonus to assessing the situation and predicting enemy actions.
-Grizzled Survivor: For a Space Marine to grow old, they must by necessity have a talent for surviving against all odds. Bonus to personal survival.
-Unconventional: In war, there is no such thing as honour. Only success and failure. This one does not shy from whatever means will bring about the former.

Scout Armour
Master-Crafted Sniper Rifle
Bolt Pistol
Chiptooth, Master-Crafted Power Sword
Master-Crafted Combi-Plasma

Command Squad 9-0 Strength: 0/10
-Champion: None
-Ancient: None
-Techmarine: None
-Librarian: None
-Chaplain: None
-Apothecary: None
-Company Veterans: 0/4

Company Strength: 8

x8 Scout Sergeants

Company Notables:

Company Armoury:

Infernus-class Battleship Voidflame (Chapter Flagship)
-Thunderhawks 12/36 (10x Gunship, 2x Transporter)
-Gladius Frigate Squadron 4/4

Strike Cruiser Forge Sentinel
-Thunderhawks 5/12 (4x Gunship, 1x Transporter)
-Gladius Frigate Squadron 4/4

Strike Cruiser Hammer of Light
-Thunderhawks 5/12 (4x Gunship, 1x Transporter)
-Gladius Frigate Squadron 4/4

Strike Cruiser Fidelitas Mallus
-Thunderhawks 5/12 (4x Gunship, 1x Transporter)
-Gladius Frigate Squadron 4/4

Strike Cruiser Harbinger of Fire
-Thunderhawks 5/12 (4x Gunship, 1x Transporter)
-Gladius Frigate Squadron 4/4

Strike Cruiser Ignis Aeterna
-Thunderhawks 5/12 (4x Gunship, 1x Transporter)
-Gladius Frigate Squadron 4/4

Mount Heartflame
-Fortification: Level 5
-Expanded Armoury

The year is 030.M42, and the Imperium is still standing.

Barely, but it is standing.

Time and time again in the last thirty years the Imperium has come to the brink, but by the grace of the Emperor it has clawed back from the abyss each time.

Cadia, forever shall her sacrifice be remembered, has fallen. Annihilated by the hulk of the Blackstone Fortress crashing onto it, nothing but a lifeless, volcanic rock remains of the once mighty bastion of Imperial power, and the foul forces of Chaos pass freely through the Cadian Gate.

More and more Hive Fleets approach the galaxy, and though the eternal meatgrinder of Octarius has kept their greatest number occupied, a thousand Splinter Fleets ravage the Ultima Segmentum. Of Baal there is no word, for the Shadow shrouds all, the last transmission out of the system being that of Dante leading an Angelic Host of Blood Angels and their successors against the numberless hordes of the great Leviathan.

Orks are on the move in numbers never before seen, and the mighty Warboss Ghazghkull has been spotted in each of the five Segmentums, whipping nascent Waaaghs into full gear.

Even the undying Legions of the Necrons are arising, and reclaiming their long-lost empires. Imotekh the Stormlord rules over large swathes of the Segmentum Ultima, and there are whispers of a ruler even greater than he returning from the depths of aeons.

But the realms of the Emperor are vast, and His armies mighty. Entire Sectors have been stripped bare of defences, their populations either conscripted en-masse or tithed to the point of starvation. The Adepts of Mars have tapped into their deepest wells of knowledge, unleashing techno-arcana not seen since the days of the Heresy. Even the Adeptus Custodes, the eternal sentinels of Terra, have been spotted leaving the Throneworld in their thousands to bolster faltering frontlines.

And through unimaginable sacrifice and heroism, the Imperium stands.

Armageddon is in imperial hands once more, the Orks relegated to ever-smaller warbands marauding across the ash wastes. Cadian Gate may have been lost, but already the Arch-Enemy has begun to fracture and a defensive cordon has been established across Segmentum Obscurus, the 13th Black Crusade ground down into a bloody standstill.

Counterattacks all across the galaxy have seen the Xenos and the Heretics held at bay, and though swathes of territory have been forced to be abandoned as indefensible, the Imperium stands now in a position to consolidate its position, to secure its flanks and strike back.

To such an end, the 27th Founding has been declared. Over a hundred Chapters have gone extinct in the last hundred years alone, and those that survive are badly understrength. New blood is needed to bolster the Imperium's premier fighting force.

And that task falls to you. You are one of the newly-elevated Chapter Masters, a veteran of your bloodline and a savant of warfare, now given the duty of raising a new brotherhood to fulfill His will.

But from whence does your Chapter hail?

Select the bloodline of your new Chapter. This will greatly impact the direction of your new Chapter and the options available to you, though you may gain additional traits or modify or even remove existing ones via later choices in the Chapter generation process, when picking your new Chapter Master, Homeworld, and the boons that your Parent Chapter and/or the High Lords bestow upon your nascent brotherhood. For an example if you pick Dark Angels you will later get the option to play as a radical who's not part of the Unforgiven, or if you pick Imperial Fists you can select to be a descendant of the Black Templars instead of the First Founding Chapter. Also, Blood Angels are not available.

[] I Dark Angels
The Sons of the Lion are mysterious and aloof, but their record in warfare is matched by few and exceeded by none. You are of the Unforgiven, a secret brotherhood that seeks to stamp out an ancient shame by any means necessary.
-Unforgiven: To be one of the Sons of the Lion is to be part of a Legion in all but the name. The Supreme Grand Master gives the order, and you obey. [As long as you remain Unforgiven, you are honorbound to hunt the Fallen above all else and answer the missives of the Dark Angels, but start at Honoured relationship with fellow Unforgiven. Gain additional veteran personnel to form the Deathwing and Ravenwing.]
-Mysterious: You are well versed in secrecy, but it leaves you with precious little allies outside your own bloodline. [Bonuses to Intrigue actions, but penalties to Diplomatic actions and relationships with certain factions start at Suspicious.]

[] V White Scars
The Sons of the Great Khan have never been numerous, and often have a way of going their own way regardless of what others may think of them, but they have always been reliable defenders of the Emperor's realm.
-Windriders: To be a White Scar is to feel the wind on your face as you run your enemy down. The Sons of the Khan are the fastest of the Angels of Death, and this extends to every section of their way of war, from their warriors to their ships and vehicles. [Increased mobility on tactical, operative and strategic scale. Unlocks additional options and increases the chance of success for certain actions.]
-Hunters Among the Stars: The Sons of Khan have ever been an independent lot, ill suited to such close brotherhoods as those of other bloodlines. [Relationship with Parent and Brother Chapters start at Neutral.]

]} VI Space Wolves [HARD MODE]
Though the legacy of the Wolf Brothers hangs over you, the High Lords have seen the value in expanding the bloodline of Leman Russ. An ambitious program of transplanting Fenrisian genetic material into another world promises success, or that is what the Magos Biologis say. The Rout themselves are less than convinced, but they have reluctantly given their assent, if not their approval.
-Legacy of the Wolf Brothers: The Sons of Russ were burned once, and they are recalcitrant about committing to repeating old follies. You can expect little in the way of support from them. [Relationship with Parent Chapter starts at Neutral, limited to maximum of 1 Chapter-specific Boon during Chapter creation.]
-Savagery of the Wolf: In close quarters combat, the Space Wolves unleash the famed ferocity of their gene-father. [Bonus to Shock Assault combat actions.]
-Curse of the Wulfen: The geneseed of the Sixth has ever been unstable, and though the Mechanicus promises it has solved the issue it would be wise to take the lessons of the Cursed Founding to heart. [Chance of Mutation: Severe. Cannot recruit outside of Homeworld. Also you have no Brother Chapters.]

[] VII Imperial Fists
The Sons of Dorn are preferred by the Adeptus Terra to guard key worlds containing critical strategic assets or placed on an important warp junction, their natural inclination towards fortification and defense lending themselves well towards such a task. But it would be a fool indeed who mistakes such traits for passivity, for their line has also produced some of the most notorious crusading Chapters in the Imperium.
-Wall-Holders: Since the Legion's dispersal into Chapters, the Imperial Fists have taken care to instill the legacy and traditions of the Seventh Legion into their Successors, for one day they may be called upon to defend Terra once more. [Bonus to defensive actions.]
-Masters of Stone and Steel: When it comes to the building of fortifications, whether they be constructed on the ground or in the blackness of the void, Sons of Dorn reign supreme. [Chapter starts out with either a full strength fleet or an upgraded Fortress-Monastery.]
-Unbending, But Not Unbreaking: To the scions of the Seventh Legion, failure is not just not an option, but wholly unconceivable. And when they fall short of their own high standards, such imperfections must be purified with pain; physical, mental and spiritual. [After failed actions, defeats in battle or lost campaigns, chance to temporarily lose action slots as time is spent in the Pain Glove, or otherwise castigating one's self.]

[] X Iron Hands
Some say that the Successor Chapters of the Iron Hands take their orders from Mars, rather than Terra. While such rumors are, for the most part, unfounded, it cannot be denied that they share a connection with the Adeptus Mechanicus far closer than any other. In battle they are relentless, fighting with grim determination and cold logic, casting aside foolish notions of glory and petty emotion.
-Scions of Iron: The sons of Ferrus Manus have always held an affinity for the mechanical and technology of all kinds, which has helped bring them close with the Red Brotherhood of Mars. [Bonuses to Forge actions. Relationship with Adeptus Mechanicus starts out at Friendly.]
-Echoes of Istvaan: Where most of the Loyal Nine see their Primarchs as paragons of all that they aspire to be, to the Iron Hands Ferrus Manus is a cautionary tale of how unchecked emotion and human error can allow one man, no matter how great, to lead an entire Legion unto ruin. Ever since, they have sworn to purify such weaknesses from themselves, never allowing a single leader to take them down an erroneous path unchallenged. [Chapter Master authority not unquestioned.]
- The Weak Perish: Competition and struggle breeds strength. Such are the tenets of the Iron Tenth, as laid down by Ferrus Manus, and so they pit themselves against one another, warrior against warrior, squad against squad, company against company, to weed out weakness amongst their ranks. [Increased internal dissent and factionalization.]

[] XIII Ultramarines
The Successors of the Thirteenth Legion are disproportionately represented in every Founding, for while they may not possess the degree of specialization found in other bloodlines, so too do they lack many of their flaws, their sheer versatility allowing them to adapt to and match all that the universe throws at them.
-Primogenitors: The scions of Guilliman comprise upwards of fifty percent of all active Chapters whose parentage is known. This opens up a massive pool of manpower to draw from for the creation of your nascent Chapter. [Chapter starts out at full strength. +1 Personnel Boon during Chapter creation.]
-Administrators Par Excellence: Amongst the Adeptus Astartes, the sons of Ultramar have long displayed their inclination towards organization and discipline. [Bonuses to Administrative actions.]

[] XVIII Salamanders
Fire runs through the veins of the Salamanders, for theirs is a fury burn of a connection to the common man that exceeds any other bloodline, coming to terms with the horrors of an uncaring, unforgiving galaxy. In battle they are resolute, never hesitating to throw themselves into the fray to safeguard those under their protection. This self-sacrificing tendency has led to their bloodline being the smallest of the Loyal Nine, save the Space Wolves. But now, the Adeptus Terra have marshalled enough gene-seed and resources to attempt to expand it, for in these dark times, even a spark of hope can account for much.
-Sons of the Forge: Craftsmanship comes to the Sons of Vulkan naturally, the heat of the forge and the striking of the anvil etched into their souls. The Armouries of Prometheus overflow with masterwork wargear, and all manner of relics. [Bonuses to Forge actions. +1 Artefact Boon at Chapter creation.]
-Legacy of Vulkan: The Eighteenth Primarch bade his sons to protect the common man of the Imperium. And for ten thousand years, they have fulfilled this duty, no matter the cost to themselves. [Bonus to diplomatic actions with the common mortals of the Imperium. Increased casualties in battle, locks certain options and actions.]
-Genetic Instability: The gene-seed of the Salamanders is unusually prone to mutation and divergences. [Chance of Mutation: Moderate.]

[] XIX Raven Guard
Where the Raven Guard tread, every shadow conceals the promise of death, delivered by warriors who see all and forgive nothíng. They often spend extended periods of time out of contact with the rest of the Imperium, behind enemy lines or fighting Mankind's enemies in the darkness of the stars. Even their homeworlds are frequently hidden and their location known only to a select few, all the better to prosecute a war beyond sight.
-Shadows of Deliverance: It is the way of the Sons of the Corax to work from the shadows, and bring death to the enemies of the Emperor with the hidden blade and silenced rifle. [Bonuses to stealth and Intrigue actions.]
-Clipped Wings: Never numerous to begin with, the Successors of the Nineteenth Legion have suffered greatly in the ravages of the turn of the millenium, harder than any save the Ninth. Much of the gene-seed stocks from the Adeptus Mechanicus reserves have been dispatched to reinforce mauled Chapters, leaving little for the new founding. [Chapter starts out badly understrength.]
-Ancient Sins: The Raven Guard gene-seed has never been the most stable, and actions during the Horus Heresy only served to exacerbate the issue. [Chance of Mutation: Moderate.]

[] ??? Tempest Blades [MYSTERY BOX MODE]
A mysterious Chapter of unknown lineage and founding, records of its origins lost to the ravages of time. Nonetheless, they have acquitted themselves well in battles along the southern reaches of Segmentum Pacificus, and earned themselves much glory and renown. And now they are dead to the last man after an assault by a splinter of Hive Fleet Leviathan, reinforcements arriving just in time to save the planet from consumption, but too late for the Tempest Blades themselves. The High Lords have seen fit to repopulate the Chapter from tithed geneseed stocks, to take up their mantle once more to carry their torch into the 42nd Millenium.
-????? [??????]
-??????? [???]

So yeah, I thought I'd try my hand at running a Quest for a change. The timeline diverges after the events of the Fall of Cadia, so there's no Great Rift, Guilliman is still in stasis on Macragge and there's no such thing as a Primaris Marine. Elements of the post-8th storyline may appear in the Quest, but you should expect nothing.
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[X] ??? Tempest Blades [MYSTERY BOX MODE]
A mysterious Chapter of unknown lineage and founding, records of its origins lost to the ravages of time. Nonetheless, they have acquitted themselves well in battles along the southern reaches of Segmentum Pacificus, and earned themselves much glory and renown. And now they are dead to the last man after an assault by a splinter of Hive Fleet Leviathan, reinforcements arriving just in time to save the planet from consumption, but too late for the Tempest Blades themselves. The High Lords have seen fit to repopulate the Chapter from tithed geneseed stocks, to take up their mantle once more to carry their torch into the 42nd Millenium.
[X] XVIII Salamanders

The Imperuim needs someone to reforge it's weakness, and the Iron Hands don't care for those who can't defend themselves. Best let the Sons of Vulkan be the heroes of the new age.
[X] XVIII Salamanders
The one chapter that actually cares about the lives of regular humans in the Imperium. The hardest challenge. MUST SAVE CIVILIANS!!!

Seriously, actually trying to save the civilians has to be among the hardest challenges the Salamanders face.
Well, its not just the salamanders, its just how much they take to the task, and how much they get portrayed, because there are others. Its just never talked much.
[X] ??? Tempest Blades [MYSTERY BOX MODE]
Glad we aren't trying to do @Swordomatic style blood angle quest. Doesn't mean it was bad just, don't want to get a comparison to that. Hope you enjoy this quest your making @Blackout . And hey, if y'all want a actually semi decent chapter, you can make them one. It doesn't need to come from the Salamanders to be a decent human being.
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[X] VI Space Wolves [HARD MODE]

Every time I seen a chapter quest that has space wolves as a option not once have they been picked
Hey, um, how long will this voting last for? 24 hours? 48 hours?