The Spirit of Humanity

[x] Plan More Actions Ahead(Copper Focus)
- [x] Uh Oh, Stinky!
- [x] A Very Copperiscius Mineral
- [x] This Is A Repeatable Action, Isn't It?
- [x] Moooosic To My Ears
- [x] (Not) Ebony and (Not) Ivory, Live Together In Perfect Harmony
- [x] Researching The Resources - Copper
- [x] Researching The Weapons, Mark 2
- [x] To Boldly Go...
-- [x] Another Village
Probably a bit too late, but I would have gone with 'Expand the Supply - Cotton' instead of 'Moooosic to my Ears'.
We don't have enough Cotton production to make enough clothing for the whole village yet.
In the country I live in, we do not celebrate Halloween, but I still want to wish a great day for everyone of you guys that does celebrate it. Have a great day tomorrow! :D
Voting will close in three hours, if anyone still wants to vote the spooky time is now
Voting results #20
It seems that, against all odds, plan More Actions Ahead(Copper Focus) has won after an intense fight. Congratulations yet again to @LordEdric that, at this point, seems to have made most of the plans for this story
Scheduled vote count started by Mossr on Oct 28, 2021 at 5:48 PM, finished with 17 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan More Actions Ahead(Copper Focus)
    -[X] Uh Oh, Stinky!
    -[X] A Very Copperiscius Mineral
    -[X] This Is A Repeatable Action, Isn't It?
    -[X] Moooosic To My Ears
    -[X] (Not) Ebony and (Not) Ivory, Live Together In Perfect Harmony
    -[X] Researching The Resources - Copper
    -[X] Researching The Weapons, Mark 2
    -[X] To Boldly Go...
    --[X] Another Village
Mossr threw 12 100-faced dice. Total: 672
34 34 90 90 78 78 32 32 51 51 79 79 97 97 11 11 80 80 8 8 72 72 40 40
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Well just found this adorable little quest. I use the words because obviously (Ranald) RNGesus has decided to give humanity a bit of a break after the debacle a few generations ago and let humanity get the ball rolling. I do enjoy the whole "there is literally a wall of monsters outside x distance". Makes the pressure present without it being stressing and allow us to focus evenly without forsaking any true branch.

I do like the action economy overall. So many quests bloat their numbers with a million options that make deciding them a difficult and vexing process, but you've done well in keeping the choices concise and focused on what a burgeoning society needs to establish first and foremost.

These people probably appreciate their literal TotallyNotPharaoh keep the people prepared for the monsters that have hounded them for generations.

But I will ask this, how did they lose such fundamental aspects of culture like writing? I can imagine it evolving to a very primitive script but the unless Jonathon and his daycare were the ones that survived it feels a bit sad really
Well just found this adorable little quest. I use the words because obviously (Ranald) RNGesus has decided to give humanity a bit of a break after the debacle a few generations ago and let humanity get the ball rolling. I do enjoy the whole "there is literally a wall of monsters outside x distance". Makes the pressure present without it being stressing and allow us to focus evenly without forsaking any true branch.

I do like the action economy overall. So many quests bloat their numbers with a million options that make deciding them a difficult and vexing process, but you've done well in keeping the choices concise and focused on what a burgeoning society needs to establish first and foremost.

These people probably appreciate their literal TotallyNotPharaoh keep the people prepared for the monsters that have hounded them for generations.

But I will ask this, how did they lose such fundamental aspects of culture like writing? I can imagine it evolving to a very primitive script but the unless Jonathon and his daycare were the ones that survived it feels a bit sad really

People in general tend to forget a lot when the only things in their mind is their survival and the survival of their children, especially over a thousand years of needing to hide and run away at the first sign of danger and even more so for a thing that does not present any immediate improvement to the chances of survival like writing.
A fair assessment as many tribes existing today have no recorded lexicon of their language. Just wanting to clarify that it was a Very Long Time since the Fall.
A fair assessment as many tribes existing today have no recorded lexicon of their language. Just wanting to clarify that it was a Very Long Time since the Fall.

Yes, there has been roughly 1200 years since the End, with humanity being free to procreate and learn for only 200 years, only barely enough for the global population to reach a sustainable level.
Next turn will come out today, hope you guys are ready for some hot, sexy, one on one stone age diplomacy!
Turn 19 - A Social Species
Date: Unknown
Location: Along the margins of the Nile, Village of Khonsu

-[X] - Uh Oh, Stinky!

After three long years of work, the project geared towards giving your people much greater convenience and security when washing has finally finished, with the inauguration of the bathing pool happening only a month ago and already showing promissing signs to it's worth, with your people being cleaner, healthier and happier than before, alongside creating a surprinsingly popular spot for people to hang out and talk, sharing their stories and ideas. Some elders also say that the addition of the heated waters has increased by much the effectiveness of the pools.

Unfortunately, all the water involved in this project need to be changed every day or two, each time requiring multiple walks to and from the village carrying several liters of water everytime by several workers. These workers receive a greater amount of food and benefits for their job, but it is still gruelling work. Perhaps it would be a good idea to see if your thinkers can come up with a solution to this problem.

[+++Morale, ---Disease, +Culture, Greater Boons Due To Higher Quality.]

-[X] - A Very Copperiscius Mineral

Some years ago now, you sent out some of your workers to see if they could find suitable materials for construction purposes in the areas nearby the village and they did indeed find some. Of the three major deposits of material found, your people had already begun to extract two of them, Clay and Marble, to be used in various ways inside the village. However, the third one, a black, grayish stone was the one the most baffled your fellow people, for they saw nothing interesting there, but you instead felt it was something more, something much more.

As the Spirit of Humanity, your very nature is to reflect the fundamental aspects of a human, including those such as curiosity and advancement. This property of your existence also gives you several strange abilities, included among them a 'sense' or 'feeling' that something may be importante for the beings you seek to represent. When you saw this ston- no, this ore, you felt that this was a gateway, something that would be fundamental to the rest of humanities' achievements in the future, bringing with it a new age for the species...

...But you don't know how to make use of it. The best you can do is starting the process of bringing the precious resource back to the village and giving the task of understanding and utilizing it to your incredibly qualified researchers.

[Locked for 2 turns]

-[X] - This Is A Repeatable Action, Isn't It?

It has finally come that time, that glorious, sacred time, for us to do unto the earth as our olden ancestors did upon it 15 years ago, for that time was a different time and these people are different people, and now it is our duty and honour to once more... expand the amount of land being used for farms.

Well, you tried to make it sound more exciting but there is not much to be done, though there needs to be some change in the effects of this action, for only one +Food was not enough to make it worth it, so this action from now on will give ++Food to give more incentive to use it... What? What are they talking about? You didn't say anything strange right now. You were simply explaining that due to the passage of time, more agricultural knowledge has been obtained by you people, so each expansion of the farming land will produce more food than expected. Nothing strange with that, right?

[Locked for 1 turn]

-[X] - Moooosic To My Ears

After the end of last year's research on the strangely docile animals that your village aquired some years back now, it was decided that the newly named beqra were to begin being raised by some of the farmers more experience with dealing with the creatures. While there were some initial concerns that perhaps this project would become a burden of the agricultural income of the village, this was no problem in the end as your thinker revealed these animals were adapted to life in desertic regions, requiring less food to be provided than expected and with the majority of their nutrition being provided by the hardy grass growing near their pastures.

The process is going very well for now, and most of the farmers incubed with this task saying that the first results of this operation will be visible sometime late next year, after the first culling of the older animals is over.

[Locked for 1 turn]

-[X] - (Not) Ebony and (Not) Ivory, Live Together In Perfect Harmony

Your people have had the wonderfully beautiful material known as marble for quite some years already, and it has found some small uses in the village, primarily in decoration and in the making of small statues, but it is obvious that the supply is much bigger than the demand, leading to a small but consistent acumulation of marble through the years.

This has reached a point where, though no detrimental, it seems like a shame to leave so much material unused. Seeing this, one of your elders suggested to gather the more artitically inclined among your people to organize a competition to see which one of them would be able to most skilfully utilize the white stone in a piece of art, of which you definitely approved and made for it to happen. For now everything is still being organized, with the competition itself happening next year, but you're already pretty excited to see what your people can do.

[Locked for 1 turn]

-[X] - Researching The Resources - Copper

Speaking of giving the task of understanding and utilizing the new ore to our incredibly qualified researchers, this is, in fact, exactly what you do. Several kilos of the material that were gathered before are given freely to the thinkers for them to experiment with and try to discover the what, how, when, who, which, where and the melting point of the ore. Firstly, like any rational human being, they tried to smash it with a rock. That didn't do much. Secondly, they tried to burn it. It also didn't do much. Thirdly, someone with absolutely no common sense decided to try heating up the crushed ore and, instead of failing miserably like it absolutely should, it actually gave reasonable results for no ancestor dammed reason!

...After a process slightly more complicated than the one described earlier, it was discovered that, when heated up to a sufficiently high temperature, the material melted and became easily mouldable, much more than any other substance we have available. It also had a surpringsinly high durability despite being relatively light, much lighter than pure rock or BenBen stone. These properties made for the perfect material in making tools and equipment by pouring the molten liquid into stone moulds, something that has been dearly wished for by almost everyone of your people by many years now. Besides that, these tools will much probably make the work of everyone in the village much easier, safer and even cheaper.

However, due to the limited current quantities of this material, we won't have enough material to support the creation of such tools for everyone without an increase in the supply. There is also a need to build a similar building to the one where BenBen stone is created if we wish to create more than a handful of the tools everytime. Overall pretty good, but too much water, 7.8/10.

[New Resource Unlocked: Copper Metal, Several New Actions]

-[X] - Researching The Weapons, Mark 2

With the discovery of metal, the creation of new weapons for our warriors has been relatively easy, with the simple addition of a sharp metal edge to most things giving it an easy upgrade. Yeah, there is not much more to be said. We have a wooden spear? Put a sharp metal spike in the front. We have a stick? Put some sharp metal thingies on the sides. We have some plant-fiber armor? Put a shar- Wait, that might not be the greatest idea. Maybe we can put some layers of cloth under the armour, making it more confortable and giving a bit more protection? Yeah, that can wor- Wait, am I talking to myself again? ...Anyways, that sounds like a good idea, though we would need more copper and cotton to make these changes.

Well, your thinkers also need a bit more time to review these changes and see if anything more can be done. So see ya next turn!

[Locked for 1 turn]

-[X] - To Boldly Go...
--[X] - Another Village

And finally, the thing you were most excited for. After finishing the training made to hep your warriors survive outside the village and clearing up the last monster surrounding Khonsu, it's finally time to do something you've been waiting for a while now, to send a group of your people to the village you've discovered nearby and talk, ask them if they need help, where they are from, these types of questions. Unfortunately, you yourself will not be able to visit the village just yet due to having to keep and eye on the matters of the village, but you sent the elders you felt would be most capable of diplomatic matters.

Even more unfortunately, unlike many other projects done outside Khonsu, you will not be able to able to receive any news of the situation until they come back next year dut to the ring of monster making any travel without a dedicated military force incredibly dangerous and suicidal. So for now you can only wait and hope for the best.

[Continued in Sidestory "Our Brothers And Sisters", Locked for 1 turn]


The revelation of your true nature to your people has finally unlocked the beginnings of the true abilities of the Spirit of Humanity. For now, your powers are still limited, but as you advance civilization, so will your own power. You have two available Miracles:

!Morale Milestone Reached!Power Upgrade Unlocked!Please Choose One Of The Below!
[] - Inspire Cost Reduced to 25%.
[] - Inspire Cooldown Reduced To 1 Turn.
[] - Empower Cost Reduced To 25%.
[] - Empower Cooldown Eliminated.

-Inspire: Inspire your people so that the results of their projects can be even better. The results of projects are increased by 1 level. Cooldown - 2 turns. / Cost - 50% project cost.

-Empower: Empower your people so that they can finish their projects earlier than expected. The duration of projects is decreased by 1 turn (Minimum is 1 turn). Cooldown - 1 turn. / Cost - 50% project cost.


Another relatively calm year for you and your family, though with the opening of the pools and your general excitement in finally sending an expedition to another village you have been going out more frequentely than normal, but almost everyone is anyways. It's good to relax after a good day of work by bathing in the heated waters and talking to your family, friends and general people. This has also been very good for Anipe as is finally getting to interact more with kids near her age, even making some friends! You and Anat ended up having some great conversations with the parents of these kids and they seems to be very good folk, so there probably won't be any problems there. Aziza and her not-so-little anymore puppies also loved the baths, spending all their time floating and playing in the waters.


Materials: 275 (+290 per turn)

Morale: 50 / 150 (Your people are content about their situation) (!Milestone Reached!)

Population: +- 1700 People

Action Points: 5

Security: Your people feel absolutely safe and there is no fear of the outside. They feel they can resist the attack of an army of monster and they have proven this belief. (Very High against current enemies, no chance of damage)

Food: All of your people have enough food to eat twice a day and still stockpile a little for the future. Your people have enough diversity in their food, for now. You have enough stored food for 1 turn.


- Infrastructure (1 Free Action):

[X] - A Very Copperiscius Mineral
Your people have recently found a few new resources that could prove to be very useful for the village in the future. One of them is what seems to you to be some sort of copper deposit, though you unfortunately do not have any more knowledge about this. Regardless, you feel deep within your being that this resource will be the begining of something truly extraordinary... even if you don't know how to utilize it yet.
Duration - 3 turns (Locked for 2 turns)
Cost - 90 Material
Reward - ++Material, New Resource: Copper

[] - If All You Have Is A Hammer...
(Locked Until Actions A Very Copperiscius Mineral and Copper? I Barely Know Her! Are Complete)

[] - Copper? I Barely Know Her!
(Locked until Action A Very Copperiscius Mineral is Complete)

[] - There Is Always More To Do - Clay
Your people have begun to harvest one of the valuable resources present in nature to use them and all sorts of incredible and amazing ways, but there is always more that can be done. In regards to Clay, the operation is easily expandable, only requiring that more people work on the fields of clay and bring them to the city and it would give your people greater access to this easily mouldable material.
Duration - 2 Turns
Cost - 80 Material
Reward - +Material, More access to Clay.

[] - There Is Always More To Do - Marble
Your people have begun to harvest one of the valuable resources present in nature to use them and all sorts of incredible and amazing ways, but there is always more that can be done. In regards to Marble, similarly to clay, the process is easily expandable as, with the quarry being fully exposed, the only work to be done to increase production is to increase the number of people working in carrying the beautiful material back to Khonsu, where it may be used for any artistically inclined project.
Duration - 2 Turns
Cost - 80 Material
Reward - +Material, More access to Marble.

[] - A Place Of Learning
After a recent surview, some of your people are showing an interest in learning from the thinkers of the village in order to better understand how they keep making these incredible discoveries year after year. Perhaps it would be a good idea to instruct your workers to contruct a place where one of these thinkers may talk to the people and teach them the best they can.
Duration - 3 turns
Cost - 80 Material
Reward - ++Morale, +Education.

- Nutrition (1 Free Action):

[X] - This Is A Repeatable Action, Isn't It?
It is. Go distribute even more of the land around the village to the farmers that need it. Is there much more to say about this? It's not gonna increase Material anymore though, that would be overpowered.
Duration - 2 turns (Locked for 1 turn)
Cost - 40 Material
Reward - ++Food, Maybe If You Do It A Hundred Times Something Interesting Will Happen?

[] - Expand The Supply - Healing Plant
Your farmers have recently started the production of the Healing Plant, that is an incredible medicine for whatever injury a person might have. In fact, it is so incredible and useful that you wish you had more, so it might be a good idea to ask you farmers to plant even more of these plants. Besides, it also increases the supply of food, so all is well
Duration - 3 turns
Cost - 60 Material
Reward - +Food, +Medicine

[] - Tools To Tirelessly Toil Trenches Throughly
(Locked Until Actions A Very Copperiscius Mineral and Copper? I Barely Know Her! Are Complete)

[X] - Moooosic To My Ears
After recent research done about the bovine animals that have come to populate and area near the village. Many in the village have come to the conclusion that these friendly animals have great potential for domestication and present and incredible opportunity to expand the possible sources of Food, Materials and Cores of the village and perhaps it would be a good plan to take these ideas and make them reality by giving the appropriate resources to those among your people more interested in such business.
Duration - 2 turns (Locked for 1 turn)
Cost - 70 Material
Reward - +++Food, ++Diversity, -Disease, New Supply Of Meat, Animal Skin, Milk And Very Small Cores.

[] - Expand The Supply - Cotton
Your farmers have recently started the production of Cotton in repectable quantities, and one of your workers has even discovered a way to change this fluffy plant into an incredible new fabric, of a much higher quality than anything we've had before. Unfortunately, there is not nearly enough material to create sufficient fabric to supply the entire village, so an expansion to the amount of such plant is needed for any further projects in the future.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 70 Material
Reward - +Material, Bigger Supply of Cotton, More Actions Available

- Society

[X] - (Not) Ebony and (Not) Ivory, Live Together In Perfect Harmony
You have recently obtained a supply of a very pretty white stone that, to the your knowledge, still doesn't have any other properties besides being nice to look at, so you might as well give it to those that might make good use of it. Gather the most artistically inclined of your people and ask them to do something nice with this new material.
Duration - 2 turns (Locked for 1 turn)
Cost - 70 Material
Reward - +Culture, +Morale, Probably Something Nice To Look At, Maybe Even More.

[] - You're Just A Tool Of The System
(Locked Until Actions A Very Copperiscius Mineral and Copper? I Barely Know Her! Are Complete)

[] - Of Writing And Boredom
Your elders have recently invented a new way to pass information and to have that be recorded for others or for the future and, while that is great, most of your people will unfortunately not have the required time in their daily lifes to learn to use this incredible new tool from the elders. Fortunately, one of the other elders gave you a possible solution after seeing your displeasure. Why not organize a specific time and place when your people were the most free and call all those that are interested in the language to help them learn it? It would not work instantely, but it would surely help much in accelerating the rate of learning.
(This is a bit of an experiment I'm doing to see how it goes, if you don't like this type of action please inform me)
Duration - Variable
Cost - 10 Material per turn
Reward - +5% Rate Of Literacy per turn, Various Bonuses When MIlestones Are Reached.

[] - That's Orthodoxical Bro!
After a recent surview, some of your people are showing an interest in religious matters, so perhaps it would be a good idea to talk with some of the religious elders not occupied with other projects and see if they could teach and maybe even employ these people, helping them in their work and fulfilling the desires of part of your people.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 60 Material
Reward - +Culture, ++Morale, Expanded Religious Hierarchy

- Learning (1 Free Action):

[] - Researching The Strange Effects.
A few years back, while experimenting with the supernatural properties of BenBen stone, your thinkers made a most curious discovery. When supernatural energy is directed through pathways in certain shapes, it seems to cause some strange effects such as heating or cooling their surroundings. Unfortunately, while they tried to do further research in this topic, nothing much was achieved and so it was gradually abandoned. However, after the completion of the written language your elders had been working on for some years, you feel as if more progress in this topic could now be done, so you could incentivize your thinkers to focus on this subject yet again.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 80 Material
Reward - The Basics Of Enchanting, The Begining Of Supernatural Development.

[] - A Ruler A Ruler Must Have
(Locked Until Actions A Very Copperiscius Mineral and Copper? I Barely Know Her! Are Complete)

[] - Researching The Water Problem
The construction of the new baths inside the village has brought many benefits to your people, but have also revealed the still present trouble of bringing water anywhere not directly nearby the Great River. While for now this has not proven itself to be particularly problematic, you're sure that with the ever growing population of the village and its ever growing need for water in everyday operation, this will grow to be a major problem relatively soon. Perhaps you could try to prevent this problem from appearing in the first place by giving your thinkers the task of finding an easier way of transporting water from the river to wherever it may be needed.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 70 Materials
Reward - A Better Way Of Transporting Water, Perhaps The Start Of Something More.

[] - Researching The Resources
Your people have recently found some new potentialy useful resources and brought some with them. You could give those to your thinkers and ask them to figure out what it is, how we can utilize and what can it do. If you do not know that, the utility of these new resources will be almost zero. Researchable Resources: Marble, Clay, Cotton, Beqra.
Duration - 1 turn each
Cost - 60 Material
Reward - More Information About Researched Materials, Possibly Various New Actions.

[X] - Researching The Weapons, Mark 2
A recent tragedy has hit a group of your warriors that were assigned to patrol outside the village, and you feel it is your duty to prevent something like this from happening, ever again. To this, you could ask your thinkers to, once again, look into the equipment of your warriors and see in which way it could be improved.
Duration - 2 turns (Locked for 1 turn)
Cost - 70 Material
Reward - Better Equipment For Our Warrior, Smaller Chance Of Death.

[] - Just Research Something, Anything!
Your thinkers have proved themselves repeatedly to be very capable at their jobs, so that gave an interesting idea. What can they do if you do not request anything in particular of them but still give them enough Material for them to experiment on? Regardless of what actually ends up being made, it should be very interesting.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 50 Material
Reward - Completely Random, Could Be Almost Anything.

- Military:

[] - These Deep, Turbulent Waters...
Your people have long known of the Great River, that snakes it's way out from the heart of the desert and presents your people with the incredibly fertile soils they used in their agricultural efforts. However, they have also long know not to go near the deeper part of the river, for great monsters dwelled in those dark depths. In fact, even the group of fishers you organized some time back dares not to stray from the margins of the river, making further expansion of their operation much harder than normally. To solve this, one of the only possible solutions is to see if a group of your warriors could approach these feared parts of the Nile and disperse the aquatic monsters that surely lived in there, doing so every so often to guarantee the safety of others.
Duration - 2 Turns
Cost - 90 Material
Reward - +Security, Further Aquatic Expansion Into the Nile Possible.

[] - Give Me Those Cores! Part - 1
Recently, it has been discovered that, for some reason, there is a large amount of monsters surrounding Khonsu in almost all direction. They haven't done anything yet, but that doesn't mean you can't try to solve this problem before it even begins. Coincidently, it seems your thinkers need more of the cores present inside these beast to continue their research. You could end up solving two problems at once if you simply commited a bit of monster culling.
Duration - 3 turns
Cost - 100 Material
Reward - ++Security, Less Problems In The Future, New Learning Action.

[] - ...Everything Looks Like A Nail
(Locked Until Actions A Very Copperiscius Mineral and Copper? I Barely Know Her! Are Complete)

[X] - To Boldly Go...
Your warriors have finished searching the area directly around you village for any potential threat or any interesting find and, lucky them, they have found a few of them. You could then organize an expedition to these areas, searching to find a reason they're so anomalous or simply intriguing.
The following is the list of places you could send an expedition to, for now:
- Animal Graveyard
- Deep Chasm
- Ring of Monsters
Duration - 2 turns each (Locked for 1 turn)
Cost - 90 Materials each
Reward - More information about the location, New actions, ???.

Hello everyone, hope you guys had a happy Halloween! I also hope you like this chapter. Sorry for not including the meeting in this turn, but it would get way too long and not fit in the chapter, so I decided to split it into a separate one, hope you guys don't mind. Also don't forget to answer what Milestone Reward you guys want. Until next time! :D
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-[X] - Inspire Cooldown Reduced To 1 Turn.

-Plan: Supernatural Studies
-[X] - A Very Copperiscius Mineral
-[X] - Empower(A Place Of Learning)
-[X] - This Is A Repeatable Action, Isn't It?
-[X] - Moooosic To My Ears
-[X] - (Not) Ebony and (Not) Ivory, Live Together In Perfect Harmony
-[X] - Researching The Weapons, Mark 2
-[X] - Inspire(Researching The Strange Effects.)
-[X] - To Boldly Go...

Resources used: 240
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[] - Empower Cost Reduced To 25%.
Our Material income is falling short now. So I feel like this one is way to go.
However, we do have many +Material projects available, but those might not provide enough.

Locked actions are:
[] - A Very Copperiscius Mineral
[] - This Is A Repeatable Action, Isn't It?
[] - Moooosic To My Ears
[] - (Not) Ebony and (Not) Ivory, Live Together In Perfect Harmony
[] - Researching The Weapons, Mark 2
[] - To Boldly Go...

Which leaves 2 actions available anywhere.
I think that [] - Researching The Resources - Beqra should be a priority, so we can get more out of them.
And perhaps [] - A Place Of Learning to get some more infrastructure built.
Not much point chasing material extraction until we have time to study their use properly.

And people seem to be missing that voting isn't open yet...
Edit: Well it is now.
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[X] Inspire Cooldown Reduced To 1 Turn.

[X] Plan boost 1 thing turn
-[X] A Very Copperiscius Mineral
-[X] A Place Of Learning-Inspire/Empower
-[X] This Is A Repeatable Action, Isn't It?
-[X] Moooosic To My Ears
-[X] (Not) Ebony and (Not) Ivory, Live Together In Perfect Harmony
-[X] Researching The Weapons, Mark 2
-[X] Researching The Resources - Beqra
-[X] - To Boldly Go...