The Spirit of Humanity

Hrm... I guess we'll need to bust this blockade, or face starvation.
Get that Clay harvested and increase food production so that we can increase our food storage?

Our Cotton plantations are not big enough for clothing yet. :/
[X] Plan Dealing with Disaster
-[X] Time To Clay-Empower
-[X] Uh Oh, Stinky!
-[X] Woman Fear Me, Fish Love Me
-[X] Funny Letters Religious Man
-[X] Researching The Animals
-[X] Patrolling The Sahara Almost Makes You Wish For The End Of The World
-[X] They're Surrounding Us!

So the only thing that wasn't locked was the clay, and I used empower to finish in 1 turn. Also picked the end of the disaster
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[X] Plan Dealing with Disaster
-[X] Time To Clay-Empower
-[X] Uh Oh, Stinky!
-[X] Woman Fear Me, Fish Love Me
-[X] Funny Letters Religious Man
-[X] Researching The Animals
-[X] Patrolling The Sahara Almost Makes You Wish For The End Of The World
-[X] They're Surrounding Us!

So the only thing that wasn't locked was the clay, and I used empower to finish in 1 turn. Also picked the end of the disaster

The fish action is locked but we have the action from it. Since its only locked because it cant complete till the monsters surrounding us our gone..
Anyway, I should remember to vote.

[X] Plan Dealing with Disaster

Hopefully we have some flexibility next turn.
Voting will close in 8 hours. If you still want to vote the time is now. And if anyone has a good name for the sister village to ours I would really like if you shared it as I will choose the one I find the best.
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[x] Plan Dealing with Disaster
- [x] Time To Clay-Empower
- [x] Uh Oh, Stinky!
- [x] Woman Fear Me, Fish Love Me
- [x] Funny Letters Religious Man
- [x] Researching The Animals
- [x] Patrolling The Sahara Almost Makes You Wish For The End Of The World
- [x] They're Surrounding Us!
Voting results #19
I will close the voting now, it seems pretty clear that plan Dealing with Disaster has won, congratulations to @LordEdric again, and I'm sorry for the lack of choices this time but this should clear up a bit next turn. You're also nearing the next and final natural increase in action points in this story, so cheers for that.
Edit: I keep screwing up the number of dice I actually need to roll, so please disregard the last roll below. Also, I suggest you begin researching the material you have unlocked because, if you don't, you will need to rely on luck to get any new tech or information from them.
Scheduled vote count started by Mossr on Oct 23, 2021 at 8:09 PM, finished with 14 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Plan Dealing with Disaster
    -[X] Time To Clay-Empower
    -[X] Uh Oh, Stinky!
    -[X] Woman Fear Me, Fish Love Me
    -[X] Funny Letters Religious Man
    -[X] Researching The Animals
    -[X] Patrolling The Sahara Almost Makes You Wish For The End Of The World
    -[X] They're Surrounding Us!
    [X] Amun
Mossr threw 4 100-faced dice. Total: 177
87 87 66 66 6 6 18 18
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well, hopefully, we wont have to fight anything next turn and with the research action freeing up, I think we will be good. I'm going to plan for copper first
Copper will take 2-3 turns before we can use it though.
Researching something we have already got unlocked would be better.
Turn 18 - Mind Bending Language
Date: Unknown
Location: Along the margins of the Nile, Village of Khonsu

-[X] - Time To Clay

Some years back now, you sent some of your people to search the area around the village for the presence of any interesting material they could find and that could be used as aditional building materials alongside the miraculous BenBen stone in the works of the village and one of those found was a field of clay, that immediately attracted their attention by being easily harvested and shaped.

After they returned and this information was brought to your attention, some of your elders proposed some projects to begin the extraction of this new material, being curious about it's many potential uses. Unfortunately, there were other projects that you considered to be more important at the time, so this proposal has been sitting abandoned in the back of you mind for some time now.

Nonetheless, you eventually decided to finally organize the begining of this operation in the begining of this year, shortly after the last of the monsters surrounding the village were finally killed off and, just to make the process quicker and safer, you empowered your people with your second power and gave them the ability to do much more in much less time, practically cutting the estimated duration in half and receiving the first shipment of the mouldable material just one week ago. And best of all, just like the marble operation, this one is just as easily expandable.

[+Material, New Resource Available: Clay]

-[X] - Uh Oh, Stinky!

The work on the 'internal pool' continues at the same pace as last year, unnafected by the military operations that happened outside the village, with the necessary modifications being made to acomodate the changes suggested by one of your workers last year with the guidance of those from the thinker group, making sure that these supernatural symbols will only affect the water and not your people through a series of troughs for the water to be deposited first before falling into the pool.

Besides this, the rest of the work is progressing at a respectable rate and the lead workers say that by this time next year your people will able to take advantage of this new building to clean themselves and their clothes or to simply relax in the pool with heated water. You almost can't wait!

[Locked for 1 turn]

-[X] - Woman Fear Me, Fish Love Me

After being forced to stop the new fishing operation due to the arrival of monsters last year, you were afraid that perhaps you would have further trouble when your restarted the process shortly after the end of this year's military operations but, to your relief, it seemed that your fishers also wanted to begin their new jobs, so thing went very smoothly overall and, near the end of the year, there was already a steady supply of different types of fish being transported to Khonsu nearly everyday, diversifying even more the diet of your people. You can now regularly eat delicious catfish, so it was all worth it in the end.

[+Food, +Diversity, -Disease due to increase in food diversity.]

-[X] - Funny Letters Religious Man
Finally, after three years of almost constant work by your elders, the most basic foundations of a writing system have come to be. Containing 36 different symbols, each one representing one of the most frequentely used sounds one used while talking, that could be rearranged to form different words, this new language has already begun to be used very infrequentely by the elders that created it to leave short messages to themselves in mud plaques.

Unfortunately, due to the high complexity of the language and the amount of effort required to learn it properly, it seems that without your direct effort, most of your people will not be able to take the time off from their busy work schedules to actually learn it without taking off people from crucial work that keeps the village running. Nonetheless, this new invention should eventually see a little use in the next few years, especially among the elders and thinkers, but some of your other people should use it too.

[The Beginnings of Written Language, Learning Action unlocked, +Culture, Many undiscovered effects.]

-[X] - Researching The Animals

After last year's excellent observations, your thinker spent the majority of the last months analyzing the information they had aquired about the bovine creatures and making further observations of their behaviour. There was something peculiar that happened in this period however, as one of your thinkers were observing a newly born beqra when they saw it drinking a white fluid from the strange organ the female ones had beneath their torso.

This had seen before, of course, but it seems this particular thinker had a strange idea when he saw this happening as he decided, after the process was over, to try to obtain the liquid from the same animal. After a few 'acidents', as he called it, he managed to obtain a handful of the substance, alongside an injury in the side of his head that was totally unrelated. After doing this, it seems that, for some reason unknown to all but himself, he decided to drink the liquid. He said it was very sweet. Well, at least something was discovered with this.

[New Animal Species Discovered: Beqra. New Beqra Materials Discovered: Skin, Meat, Milk. New Possible Source For Cores. New Actions Available.]

-[X] - Patrolling The Sahara Almost Makes You Wish For The End Of The World
-[X] - They're Surrounding Us!

Enemy Performance Roll: 6

Near the end of last year, when you were preparing to finally finish the project started years ago to patrol the area around the village, a large group of monsters detached from the ring that surrounded the city and came to threaten our village. Thankfully there was no damage done to either your people or Khonsu, but this heavily limited the projects that could be done outside the village.

Seing this, you had an idea. Your warrior had been training for years on how to better protect themselves and others from the monster that hunted in the outside world, so you felt as if they were more than well prepared to take on these monsters given that most of them were not particularly strong or dangerous, just in great quantities and as disgusting as ever.

You then began one of the biggest operations in the history of the village and more than 80 of your warrior left the walls of Khonsu, leaving behing only the necessary to protect the village. Thankfully, everything went well with no deaths and only minor injuries. In fact, the monsters seemed to be much weaker than usual in general in their confrontation with the warrior. Some of them later suggested that perhaps they were tired or hurt from their journey here.

Nonetheless, after only slightly more than a month and a half, the surroundings of Khonsu were as safe as they were before, perhaps even more. And to guarantee that, a part of the warriors that participated in this operation gained the permanent ocupation of patroling the surrounding are for any incoming danger, giving your people more security in their daily lives.

[++Security, A Better Reaction To Any Approaching Danger, Temporary ++Material (1 turn only) due to abundance of corpses, +Morale due to action synergy. No Penalties for lack of Food Production due to sufficient stockpiled Food. Disaster! Finished.]


The revelation of your true nature to your people has finally unlocked the beginnings of the true abilities of the Spirit of Humanity. For now, your powers are still limited, but as you advance civilization, so will your own power. You have two available Miracles:

-Inspire: Inspire your people so that the results of their projects can be even better. The results of projects are increased by 1 level. Cooldown - 2 turns. (1 turn left) / Cost - 50% project cost.

-Empower: Empower your people so that they can finish their projects earlier than expected. The duration of projects is decreased by 1 turn (Minimum is 1 turn). Cooldown - 1 turn. (1 turn left) / Cost - 50% project cost.


This year would've been tha same as the last ones if not for a very unfortunate event near the middle of the year where your father ended up breaking his leg in an accident. Your father is nearing 65 year now and his body is begining to show the debilitating effects of age, but his energetic and youthful personality remains just the same and this resulted in the accident. He had to spend more than a month in his bed and this time would be much bigger without the dose of Healing Plant Salve he received every few days. Besides this, however, the year was very calm for you and the rest of the people in your life. You also organized a little party for Anipe's birthday with the rest of your families, and that went very well.


Materials: 475 (+290 per turn)

Morale: 35 / 150 (Your people are content about their situation)

Population: +- 1625 People

Action Points: 5 (This is the last natural action point growth you will have, as a reward for reaching 1600 people)

Security: Your people feel absolutely safe and there is no fear of the outside. They feel they can resist the attack of an army of monster and they have proven this belief.

Food: All of your people have enough food to eat twice a day and still stockpile a little for the future. Your people have enough diversity in their food, for now. You have enough stored food for 1 turn.


- Infrastructure (1 Free Action):

[] - A Very Copperiscius Mineral
Your people have recently found a few new resources that could prove to be very useful for the village in the future. One of them is what seems to you to be some sort of copper deposit, though you unfortunately do not have any more knowledge about this. Regardless, you feel deep within your being that this resource will be the begining of something truly extraordinary... even if you don't know how to utilize it yet.
Duration - 3 turns
Cost - 90 Material
Reward - ++Material, New Resource: Copper

[X] - Uh Oh, Stinky!
After a recent surview, some of your people are complaining about the lack of an easily available way to clean themselves besides making the relatively long journey to reach the Great Rivers, so it may be a good idea to build a place within the village itself where people may bathe. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to get the water from the river to the village yet, so manual labor will be needed to transport it.
Duration - 3 turns (Locked for 1 turn)
Cost - 100 Material
Reward - ++Morale, --Disease

[] - There Is Always More To Do - Clay
Your people have begun to harvest one of the valuable resources present in nature to use them and all sorts of incredible and amazing ways, but there is always more that can be done. In regards to Clay, the operation is easily expandable, only requiring that more people work on the fields of clay and bring them to the city and it would give your people greater access to this easily mouldable material.
Duration - 2 Turns
Cost - 80 Material
Reward - +Material, More access to Clay.

[] - There Is Always More To Do - Marble
Your people have begun to harvest one of the valuable resources present in nature to use them and all sorts of incredible and amazing ways, but there is always more that can be done. In regards to Marble, similarly to clay, the process is easily expandable as, with the quarry being fully exposed, the only work to be done to increase production is to increase the number of people working in carrying the beautiful material back to Khonsu, where it may be used for any artistically inclined project.
Duration - 2 Turns
Cost - 80 Material
Reward - +Material, More access to Marble.

[] - A Place Of Learning
After a recent surview, some of your people are showing an interest in learning from the thinkers of the village in order to better understand how they keep making these incredible discoveries year after year. Perhaps it would be a good idea to instruct your workers to contruct a place where one of these thinkers may talk to the people and teach them the best they can.
Duration - 3 turns
Cost - 80 Material
Reward - ++Morale, +Education.

- Nutrition (1 Free Action):

[] - This Is A Repeatable Action, Isn't It?
It is. Go distribute even more of the land around the village to the farmers that need it. Is there much more to say about this? It's not gonna increase Material anymore though, that would be overpowered.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 40 Material
Reward - +Food, Maybe If You Do It A Hundred Times Something Interesting Will Happen?

[] - Expand The Supply - Healing Plant
Your farmers have recently started the production of the Healing Plant, that is an incredible medicine for whatever injury a person might have. In fact, it is so incredible and useful that you wish you had more, so it might be a good idea to ask you farmers to plant even more of these plants. Besides, it also increases the supply of food, so all is well
Duration - 3 turns
Cost - 60 Material
Reward - +Food, +Medicine

[] - Moooosic To My Ears
After recent research done about the bovine animals that have come to populate and area near the village. Many in the village have come to the conclusion that these friendly animals have great potential for domestication and present and incredible opportunity to expand the possible sources of Food, Materials and Cores of the village and perhaps it would be a good plan to take these ideas and make them reality by giving the appropriate resources to those among your people more interested in such business.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 70 Material
Reward - +++Food, ++Diversity, -Disease, New Supply Of Meat, Animal Skin, Milk And Very Small Cores.

[] - Expand The Supply - Cotton
Your farmers have recently started the production of Cotton in repectable quantities, and one of your workers has even discovered a way to change this fluffy plant into an incredible new fabric, of a much higher quality than anything we've had before. Unfortunately, there is not nearly enough material to create sufficient fabric to supply the entire village, so an expansion to the amount of such plant is needed for any further projects in the future.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 70 Material
Reward - +Material, Bigger Supply of Cotton, More Actions Available

- Society

[] - (Not) Ebony and (Not) Ivory, Live Together In Perfect Harmony
You have recently obtained a supply of a very pretty white stone that, to the your knowledge, still doesn't have any other properties besides being nice to look at, so you might as well give it to those that might make good use of it. Gather the most artistically inclined of your people and ask them to do something nice with this new material.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 70 Material
Reward - +Culture, +Morale, Probably Something Nice To Look At, Maybe Even More.

[] - Of Writing And Boredom
Your elders have recently invented a new way to pass information and to have that be recorded for others or for the future and, while that is great, most of your people will unfortunately not have the required time in their daily lifes to learn to use this incredible new tool from the elders. Fortunately, one of the other elders gave you a possible solution after seeing your displeasure. Why not organize a specific time and place when your people were the most free and call all those that are interested in the language to help them learn it? It would not work instantely, but it would surely help much in accelerating the rate of learning.
(This is a bit of an experiment I'm doing to see how it goes, if don't like this type of action please inform me)
Duration - Variable
Cost - 10 Material per turn
Reward - +5% Rate Of Literacy per turn, Various Bonuses When MIlestones Are Reached.

[] - That's Orthodoxical Bro!
After a recent surview, some of your people are showing an interest in religious matters, so perhaps it would be a good idea to talk with some of the religious elders not occupied with other projects and see if they could teach and maybe even employ these people, helping them in their work and fulfilling the desires of part of your people.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 60 Material
Reward - +Culture, ++Morale, Expanded Religious Hierarchy

- Learning (1 Free Action):

[] - Researching The Strange Effects.
A few years back, while experimenting with the supernatural properties of BenBen stone, your thinkers made a most curious discovery. When supernatural energy is directed through pathways in certain shapes, it seems to cause some strange effects such as heating or cooling their surroundings. Unfortunately, while they tried to do further research in this topic, nothing much was achieved and so it was gradually abandoned. However, after the completion of the written language your elders had been working on for some years, you feel as if more progress in this topic could now be done, so you could incentivize your thinkers to focus on this subject yet again.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 80 Material
Reward - The Basics Of Enchanting, The Begining Of Supernatural Development.

[] - Researching The Resources
Your people have recently found some new potentialy useful resources and brought some with them. You could give those to your thinkers and ask them to figure out what it is, how we can utilize and what can it do. If you do not know that, the utility of these new resources will be almost zero. Researchable Resources: Marble, Clay, Copper, Cotton, Beqra.
(I will not be so cruel to make you research each part of a cow separately, so it will all be done together)
Duration - 1 turn each
Cost - 60 Material
Reward - More Information About Researched Materials, Possibly Various New Actions.

[] - Researching The Weapons, Mark 2
A recent tragedy has hit a group of your warriors that were assigned to patrol outside the village, and you feel it is your duty to prevent something like this from happening, ever again. To this, you could ask your thinkers to, once again, look into the equipment of your warriors and see in which way it could be improved.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 70 Material
Reward - Better Equipment For Our Warrior, Smaller Chance Of Death.

[] - Just Research Something, Anything!
Your thinkers have proved themselves repeatedly to be very capable at their jobs, so that gave an interesting idea. What can they do if you do not request anything in particular of them but still give them enough Material for them to experiment on? Regardless of what actually ends up being made, it should be very interesting.
Duration - 2 turns
Cost - 50 Material
Reward - Completely Random, Could Be Almost Anything.

- Military:

[] - These Deep, Turbulent Waters...
Your people have long known of the Great River, that snakes it's way out from the heart of the desert and presents your people with the incredibly fertile soils they used in their agricultural efforts. However, they have also long know not to go near the deeper part of the river, for great monsters dwelled in those dark depths. In fact, even the group of fishers you organized some time back dares not to stray from the margins of the river, making further expansion of their operation much harder than normally. To solve this, one of the only possible solutions is to see if a group of your warriors could approach these feared parts of the Nile and disperse the aquatic monsters that surely lived in there, doing so every so often to guarantee the safety of others.
Duration - 2 Turns
Cost - 90 Material
Reward - +Security, Further Aquatic Expansion Into the Nile Possible.

[] - Give Me Those Cores! Part - 1
Recently, it has been discovered that, for some reason, there is a large amount of monsters surrounding Khonsu in almost all direction. They haven't done anything yet, but that doesn't mean you can't try to solve this problem before it even begins. Coincidently, it seems your thinkers need more of the cores present inside these beast to continue their research. You could end up solving two problems at once if you simply commited a bit of monster culling.
Duration - 3 turns
Cost - 100 Material
Reward - ++Security, Less Problems In The Future, New Learning Action.

[] - To Boldly Go...
Your warriors have finished searching the area directly around you village for any potential threat or any interesting find and, lucky them, they have found a few of them. You could then organize an expedition to these areas, searching to find a reason they're so anomalous or simply intriguing.
The following is the list of places you could send an expedition to, for now:
- Animal Graveyard
- Another Village
- Deep Chasm
- Ring of Monsters
Duration - 2 turns each
Cost - 90 Materials each
Reward - More information about the location, New actions, ???.

Hello guys, sorry for the wait, real life has been very busy for me these past few weeks and will unfortunately continue to be so for the forseeable future (I actually got a promotion at work!) but I hope you guys like the new chapter. Besides that, I recomment that you guys start research the material you've aquired as I said before and maybe consider visiting the nearby village? IDk could be interesting :D
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[X] Plan More Actions Ahead(Copper Focus)
-[X] Uh Oh, Stinky!
-[X] A Very Copperiscius Mineral
-[X] This Is A Repeatable Action, Isn't It?
-[X] Moooosic To My Ears
-[X] (Not) Ebony and (Not) Ivory, Live Together In Perfect Harmony
-[X] Researching The Resources - Copper
-[X] Researching The Weapons, Mark 2
-[X] To Boldly Go...
--[X] Another Village

So, I just like copper better than clay or marble, it had many more uses than either, and we can boost speed next turn to make it finish fast
the food is because I expect that if we can increase income enough, that we will be able to expand storage eventually
Cows because they just give us soooo much
weapons because we keep getting invaded and I want to keep us ready for when the invaders actually do something other than die pitifully
going to a village because of all the obvious hints
Sorry guys, I had forgotten to put that you also get a supply of Very Small Cores from the Cows