Fates Adrift
Twenty Seventh Day of Olweje-eza (Olweje Ascending) 1348 A. L. (After Landfall)
As though to balance out all the clear skies you had enjoyed of late the Marcella's second day out from harbor dawns grey, the light of the unseen sky barely managing to pierce the heavy clouds, the rain falls in sheets and the wind gusts hither and yon such that even the overhang at the stern of the ship is no protection, driving you into the cabin and the company of the captain. Not that you mislike the latter, but you to make sure the beer is of the lighter sort than what you had drunk when last you spent a day in his company.
Fortunately Antonio himself is less in the mood for hard drinking and more for talking, a tale for a tale. Once you might have balked on speaking of your House and your kin to a man of low and foreign birth, but many a day had gone into the west since then and you had come to trust and count upon the Genoan captain as a companion in a strange world. Thus you recount how your own kin can trace their line to Sicily where the Verley yet have kin, how you had fought in the Baron's War and not on the winning side. Upon the matter of your participation in the crusades you are yet silent, not having yet the words to share what you had seen and learned there with another soul, or perhaps not wishing to hear those words upon your lips.
In return the captain is less generous with the family history, though you gather they pass for nobility such as there can be in a land with no lord or king, and speaks more of his own youthful doings. "I left Genoa angry, proud and full of vinegar as many young men do. As you may guess a woman was involved..." The smile involved leaves you to guess some sort of salacious tale, but there is something about the look in his eye that gives lie to the notion, a flash of sorrow perhaps. But if that is so than it is quickly pushed aside for other fonder memories. "Not to say that I left destitute or with curses ringing in my ears. My family, like many in the city had, still has I suppose in a world lost to us, the habit of sending troublesome sons to the east to make their fortune and prove their boasts, my first ship she was not the Marcella eh?" He laughs and pats the wall of the cabin as one might do to a beloved pet.
Principessa was I think given her name deep in the cups, she would have been kindling out in these deep waters, but she did the task she was meant for well enough and mayhap for her poor showing dissuaded brigands who would have otherwise come upon me. Bloody Venetians, like bilge rats they are always hungry always looking for fresh meat. I was there when they sacked the City you know, running supplies for whoever would pay the most to be honest I had plenty of flags to run going to one side or the other and my second in command was a Greek from Corinth... we stayed well out to sea when the city finally fell, but you could still see the flames reflected off the water. Wasn't worth going back for almost five years after that, mostly sailed out of Rhodes traded with the east then, with the despots and he Saracen emirs, they'd give me a roa deal sometimes, but at least they would not try to draft my ship in the name of Christ and the Holy Mother Church. Always a shit deal that, listen here never take pay in plunder if you can help it..."
"Aye, you'll not hear me argue with that..." You had not really been paid in anything for the last war, such is the fate of the defeated.
Before you can reply a call comes from the deck the deck, faint from distance and the sound of the rain: "Ship ho! Ship ho!"
A ship there is indeed off the starboard side, an Anwa longship neither small nor large for its kind. It is dark against the grey of the rain, but it seems to have foundered in the water and from what little you can see shielding your eyes with your hand against the rain... "No oars in the water and I can't see a single soul on deck," you say, as much to yourself as to Antonio. "Inge, can you..."
Before you can finish the girl shakes her head. "Birds won't go near it. There's something nor right with it."
"Reckon we should be about our way and not risk whatever misfortune they came to catching us," the second in command and former carpenter of the ship says, softly enough not to spread to the rest of the crew should the captain decide against it.
Antonio turns to you. "It's you and yours who'd have to do most of the clearing of the wreck, what say you?"
[] Leave the strange ship to its fate and sail on, no sense looking for more peril than will find you on its own
[] Try to hail and board she ship, there may be something of worth aboard, mayhap even the ship itself is worth salvaging
[] Write in
OOC: Not doing the character pieces back to back, I had you guys vote on two so I would have one in reserve for the next quiet patch. How now looks like you rolled a strange drifting ship. Not yet edited.