So I was going to make this plan, then realized it was kind of indirect and maybe Adam hits a different place and so I decided to put together a plan thats a bit more direct and KILLy.

[X] Plan call your son
-[X] Go punch Oscar in the face and lock him in a cell at the watch house.
-[X] Tomorrow go to Maggie's class, when it ends tell her she isn't allowed to leave until Adam comes.
--[X] If she tries break her leg.
---[X] Kill Adam

Hmmm, I feel like this isn't actually using Oscar at all, and I'm worried that Maggie has countermeasures. She's been apparently unconcerned about us just nabbing her within Adam's area of influence, despite that Adam knows he loses if he takes Buffy on outside of it.

I'd want to dangle a carrot in front of his face, while we use Oscar to give him bad info that Buffy / Willow will be elsewhere. He hit the supercomputer last time, but Willow can guard that and possibly only guard that with her ritual. What else do we have that he might want? The Box of Gavrok is the only thing that comes to mind as something he might want that we have, but I'm not sure if he'd want it.
So I was going to make this plan, then realized it was kind of indirect and maybe Adam hits a different place and so I decided to put together a plan thats a bit more direct and KILLy.
That might be a little too direct. Maybe just leak something to 'Sam' about a secret project we're working on to uproot the Initiative, but one that we can't let their 'secret weapon' get near at any costs, then claim we're busy preparring other stuff which is why we need to leave him in charge (mostly Xander would tell him this stuff), then we wait till Adam comes and surprise! It's like a bunch of explosives and we blow up Olvikan again. And if Adam survives it, Buffy and our best forces would still be in play to cut off support and finish the job.
What would people think of leaking to the initiative that we "have" to move the box of Gavrok - say to the supercomputer and Buffy will be indisposed (not sure of a good cover story yet), and then if Adam takes the bait we hammer him? Or if the Initiative does we knock em out with the mushroom gun and stick them in a hole? Justification for moving the box could be that we don't want Adam or the Initiative to go for it if Buffy is indisposed in the future?

I was originally thinking that we could have the "plan" be for Buffy to be there but then she's suddenly called away, but we don't know that Oscar has a direct line (or that he would use it in that case).

Another thing that might be a juicy target for him would be Warren's factory?

We could just leak that Buffy will be indisposed and then see what he goes for, with Buffy hitting him wherever he turns up.
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What would people think of leaking to the initiative that we "have" to move the box of Gavrok - say to the supercomputer and Buffy will be indisposed (not sure of a good cover story yet), and then if Adam takes the bait we hammer him? Or if the Initiative does we knock em out with the mushroom gun and stick them in a hole? Justification for moving the box could be that we don't want Adam or the Initiative to go for it if Buffy is indisposed in the future?

I was originally thinking that we could have the "plan" be for Buffy to be there but then she's suddenly called away, but we don't know that Oscar has a direct line (or that he would use it in that case).
It's decent, but I think there's other traps we can spring that might work better. Is the supercomputer still at the university? Cause I'd like to draw Adam out further away from the base. We might claim we'd found the artifact that boosted Buffy's Slayer powers, her increased prowess definitely will have been noticeable to them. Saying the others are busy and we need Sam to guard it (while making the fake artifact too big/entrenched to be removed) could be a decent way to get Adam out.
Hmmm, I feel like this isn't actually using Oscar at all, and I'm worried that Maggie has countermeasures. She's been apparently unconcerned about us just nabbing her within Adam's area of influence, despite that Adam knows he loses if he takes Buffy on outside of it.
It isn't about Oscar, it is entirely about Maggie. Frankly I don't give a shit about Oscar, he only matters in how he is helping Maggie and Adam. If there is another plan that kicks off the war then I'd be down for that. The box of gavrok trap idea is a pretty good one.

I'm just kind of tired of Maggie sitting with her finger a quarter inch from our eye and relying on 'I'm not touching you!' to keep her safe from all consequences.
@DeAnno when Adam hit the supercomputer was he moving just within his own zone of influence, and if not, was CW able to track him outside of it?

Adam's zone of influence is a sphere centered on his own position. When he's underground in the Initiative base, it projects a circle on ground level which covers about half the ground area of campus (it used to be the whole campus and a bit more.)
Adam's zone of influence is a sphere centered on his own position. When he's underground in the Initiative base, it projects a circle on ground level which covers about half the ground area of campus (it used to be the whole campus and a bit more.)

Ah, okay. So we can't really just tell him we'll be gone and play whack-a-mole, we need some idea of where he'd head if we're gone or some way to control that.
[X] Plan Whack-A-Mole
-[X] Call Angel and co secretly and get them in on the plan
-[X] Angel calls us / the watch house and informs us of some big issue in LA prophesized by Doyle (or whoever is doing his prophecies)
-[X] Xander will inform Oscar Carlson that Buffy will be heading to LA in order to deal with it, and that they need to be on extra alert and careful to conceal this as a result. The trip to LA will take place after Oscar has an opportunity to slip the info to Professor Grant and the Initiative.
-[X] Extra: If a Buffybot would be ready in time, we'll also get Warren on board, and Xander will leak to Oscar that Buffy will be replaced by a duplicate Buffy-bot from a line of stronger-than-human androids being produced by Warren. The "purpose" of this will be to conceal that Buffy will actually be out of town. This will also give Adam a target (Warren / Warren's factory) that we can use as our starting assumption for what he'll hit.
-[X] Buffy will still be in town but under a veil by Jonathan
-[X] Wherever Adam hits she intercepts and kills him
How soon could Willow and Warren make a Buffy-bot?

The bots right now are more artisanal crafts than something they can produce on assembly line, and you couldn't really re-use the Willowbot-in-progress because her build/hair/etc is different. Willow thinks if they dropped everything else they could get it done and working from scratch in about a week. It wouldn't have the VI, but CyberWillow could pilot it remotely.

You could finish the Willowbot in a day, and if you were trying to get a Buffybot it'd probably involve finishing the Willowbot too to work out the bugs in parallel.
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[X] Plan Whack-A-Mole

I like the plan, though I don't think we need to go as far as making a Buffy bot. The Initiative can't track everything in LA and we don't want to make Wolfram and Hart think we're breaking the deal by a Buffybot showing up there. Leaving a hint of some special location to guard were the trap is would be the icing on the cake, if we can manage it to draw Adam out, getting him to hope to use his Corruption on whatever artifact we claim is there (hinting at it being something he can use that on means they'll be less likely to just send Faith for a smash and grab.
I like the plan, though I don't think we need to go as far as making a Buffy bot.

Yeah. I agree that the Buffy-bot was overcomplicating things. I think it's best to just cut it out.

[X] Plan Whack-A-Mole
-[X] Call Angel and co secretly and get them in on the plan
-[X] Angel calls us / the watch house and informs us of some big issue in LA prophesized by Doyle (or whoever is doing his prophecies)
-[X] Xander will inform Oscar Carlson that Buffy will be heading to LA in order to deal with it, and that they need to be on extra alert and careful to conceal this as a result. The trip to LA will take place after Oscar has an opportunity to slip the info to Professor Grant and the Initiative.
-[X] Buffy will still be in town but under a veil by Jonathan
-[X] Wherever Adam hits she intercepts and kills him
The Initiative can't track everything in LA and we don't want to make Wolfram and Hart think we're breaking the deal by a Buffybot showing up there.

I'd like to make it clear that Sam, along with most of the rest of the organization, knows about the deal with WRH and its provisions.

You could act like you're breaking the deal, or act like WRH invited you in for this, but it's an additional complication.
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I'd like to make it clear that Sam, along with most of the rest of the organization, knows about the deal with WRH and its provisions.

You could act like you're breaking the deal, or act like WRH invited you in for this, but it's an additional complication.

Right. Could have us going into the desert instead but staying out of LA county with the same prompting from Angel though, right?
"Alright," Willow said, reassured. "Let's pause the movie then. I'm ready for background check round two and time's a wastin'."

"Really?" Buffy felt surprised. "But, day off? Movies?"

"Movies are good. We can have more movies later," Willow said. "But this is hard to cast, and it's going to take forever to clear everyone as it is. I don't want to skip a night."

"Well, if you're sure," she responded. Maybe she'd misjudged the situation before. Willow liked to be productive, and she could tell the idea of doing the spell again was cheering her up.
Welp, looks like @Temes1066 was right.

RE: Oscar plans, I'm gonna put in a bid that under no circumstances should Buffy be the one to go after Oscar, if dealing with him directly is the direction this goes. That's just begging for KILL to rear its head, and letting that have free rein is liable to create problems and/or trauma for us that'll be a pain to deal with.
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-[X] Buffy will still be in town but under a veil by Jonathan
-[X] Wherever Adam hits she intercepts and kills him

I was thinking this through, and I realized there's an issue that the Scoobies would realize here. Veils work by blurring out the perception of the people under them; we saw this most recently in E7 when CyberWillow lost track of Jonathan under his Veil, and importantly didn't notice losing track of him in a critical location. When under a Veil, other people don't exactly forget you exist, but they stop thinking too hard about your location, especially if they would otherwise think you were nearby.

As far as Willow and CyberWillow can figure spitballing this, what would happen is the Initiative would all still believe Buffy was known to be somewhere out of town and not examine that knowledge in detail. That's good. What's bad is everyone on Buffy's side, including CyberWillow (who still has not figured out piercing Veils from the outside, maybe if she'd picked SPY), is going to be varying levels of confused about where Buffy is. She's probably around somewhere? Maybe? Surely it isn't a big deal.

The upshot of this is that coordinating with Buffy and Jonathan will be difficult, and it will be essentially impossible to convey information directly in or out of that group. The best you could do is have CW note to herself that she was supposed to announce Adam's movements over the radios to everyone with a radio: this would include Buffy and Jonathan's radios and they could follow him around this way, but anything more complicated might not work.
I damn love Drusilla's plans! I wanna do one of them at one point.
[X] Drusilla's Plan v2 - Slightly subtler:
-[X] Buffy finds Oscar Carlson and tells him she knows.
-[X] She makes him run from her until sunrise, and breaks one of his bones each time she catches him.
-[X] Have what's left of his body stuffed after, and leave his dog tags in Maggie's desk.

Enjoyed the update -- definitely felt the finger tapping on that Fourth Wall pretty hard, tho.

[jk] Alt-S6 Test-Run
-[jk] Willow sounds angry. Egg that on a bit.
--[jk] "Y'know, it's really Sam's fault Oz left. If he weren't spying on us, we wouldn't have needed to go all Skynet and made Oz unhappy."
--[jk] "Who knows, maybe he was whispering things in Oz's ear the whole time, turning him against you. We should ask him. With spells and pointy things."
-[jk] "Bored now."
-[jk] Leave a taunting, horrific display of what's left of the spy for Adam and Walsh to find. Maybe missing some major parts; there's something poetic about implying Walsh's men are not only brainless and heartless, but dead men walking if they don't leave while they still can.

why no I haven't been watching Hannibal recently why do you ask
God, I love that too!
Disagree with this direction - the only reason demons would be more loyal than humans is that they are more likely to explicitly know Buffy is the Slayer, and they are probably more predisposed to following the strongest thing around (since that's how many demon realms appear to work). But this is fundamentally pretty shaky ground - what happens when a peer or stronger individual shows up? Like Adam sort of is and Glory likely will be?
Demons have the benefit that Buffy can just KILL them for being racist against Harmony, no moral justification shenanigans needed. Like with the runaway princess who wanted to pretend being a human. So if a demon is disloyal you can just kill em with maybe a bit of fuss.

Androids for the watch... alternatively Cyberwillow getting a physical presence for herself, making a super android body for herself! Hype! I mean, we totally should push Cyberwillow into making one if she's not thinking it herself.
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[X] Plan Bait Hook
-[X] Have CyberWIllow plant digital proof of Oscar defrauding the city government and have a few trusted/bribed/volunterily mind whammied for cash or favours members of the public come forward about him misusing his authority as a Watch member to abuse members of the sunnydale public. Pretend that this is what our internal investigations found.
-[X] Have the normal police force arrest him, hold him and charge him (with Xander cooperating making a show of this being an oppertunity for the Watch to hold themselves to a higher standard of behaviour).
-[X] Have the DA set the bail so high that Maggie can't meet it without giving away that he's her spy. She will probably know we know but this will hopefully either make her risk an open assault or just piss her off a lot while also removing her spy.
-[X] Buffy should keep distant from this. Both to prevent a KILL at an inoppertune moment and to reinforce the illusion that this was Oscar being mundanely corrupt.
[X] Plan Bait Hook
-[X] Have CyberWIllow plant digital proof of Oscar defrauding the city government and have a few trusted/bribed/volunterily mind whammied for cash or favours members of the public come forward about him misusing his authority as a Watch member to abuse members of the sunnydale public. Pretend that this is what our internal investigations found.
-[X] Have the normal police force arrest him, hold him and charge him (with Xander cooperating making a show of this being an oppertunity for the Watch to hold themselves to a higher standard of behaviour).
-[X] Have the DA set the bail so high that Maggie can't meet it without giving away that he's her spy. She will probably know we know but this will hopefully either make her risk an open assault or just piss her off a lot while also removing her spy.
-[X] Buffy should keep distant from this. Both to prevent a KILL at an inoppertune moment and to reinforce the illusion that this was Oscar being mundanely corrupt.

This seems like a good idea.
This seems like a good idea.
Especially the part where we make our young AI conduct even more illegal actions)

Here is my idea

[X] Plan CyberBait
-[X]Slip Oscar information that Willow designed new ritual that will make CyberWillow unstoppable and fully capable of Adam destruction
-[X]Make sure that for the next couple of days Buffy stays close to Willow at all times to provide her protection and to sell illusion of important preparations being conducted.
-[X] At some point of time make Buffy "leave" on important interdimensional business and make sure that Oscar is aware of it.
-[X]Replace Willow with Willowbot, and wait for response from initiative, with Buffy nearby to spring this trap on them. Arm Willowbot with hidden tranquilizer to deal with Faith if she comes after her instead of Adam.