Hellgate Hotel

[x][GENDER] Non-binary
[x][MAGIC] Body Savant

This is my first-choice combo for the raw "am i a boy? am i a girl? who knows!! but everyone finds me hot and that makes everyone gay" energy that combining them contributes to

These are also fun:

[x][MAGIC] Purifier
[x][MAGIC] Shadow Dancer
[x][MAGIC] Ghost
[x][MAGIC] Phrase Flyters
[X][GENDER] Non-binary
[X][GENDER] Female

I'm fine with any magic, but I can be swayed into adding an approval vote.
[X][GENDER] Whatever works best for the punchline.
[X][GENDER] Non-binary
[X][GENDER] Female
[X][MAGIC] Phrase Flyters
[X][MAGIC] Shadow Dancer
[X][MAGIC] Ghost
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@picklepikkl I see this list, and I think to myself: We have Air, we have Fire, we have Water if you squint, but where's the Earth? Where are the mages capable of conjuring quicksand traps or mighty Earthen walls? THIS MUST BE RECTIFIED!
[X][Magic] Geologist: A Magic responsible for not only drawing up great constructions from the earth but also of detecting the slightest shift in the leylines underground, Geologists are those whose magic can range from raising walls of stone to turning the ground into quicksand traps, and further mastery can enable stranger things to be dredged up, such as diamond blades of incredible density, or buried lodestones able to draw magic to themselves, and even rocks that when removed from their homes within the world, explode for lack of pressure to keep them in one piece.
[X][GENDER] Female
[X][MAGIC] Silver Knight
[X][MAGIC] Purifier
[X][MAGIC] Archivist
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@picklepikkl I see this list, and I think to myself: We have Air, we have Fire, we have Water if you squint, but where's the Earth? Where are the mages capable of conjuring quicksand traps or mighty Earthen walls? THIS MUST BE RECTIFIED!
[X][Magic] Geologist: A Magic responsible for not only drawing up great constructions from the earth but also of detecting the slightest shift in the leylines underground, Geologists are those whose magic can range from raising walls of stone to turning the ground into quicksand traps, and further mastery can enable stranger things to be dredged up, such as diamond blades of incredible density, or buried lodestones able to draw magic to themselves, and even rocks that when removed from their homes within the world, explode for lack of pressure to keep them in one piece.
This is very similar to a form I had in my notes but did not put in the OP:

[][MAGIC] Stonelaw Enforcer
Though Stonelaw Enforcers are visible on the battlefield for the walls they raise, the terrain they manipulate, and the boulders they hurl, their true power does not rest in mere manipulations of soil and rock. Rather, they wield the conceptual essence of the earth: the principles of weight and mass, of absorption and solidity, are theirs to command. While found all over the world, they are most prized in Morleas, for the tense peaces and wary alliances of that continent are ever in need of those who can help raise fortresses and suppress raiding parties.

Since you requested an earth magic, I've gone ahead and added it.
[][GENDER] Male
[][MAGIC] Purifier

Gonna get Paladin up in this hizzouse.

EDIT: New/revised vote posted later.
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[x][GENDER] Non-binary
[X][MAGIC] Silver Knight
[X][MAGIC] Ghost

Why yes I am amused by first the Stormlight Archives resemblance of Silver Knight. Ghost is just incredibly trolly and I can't pass it up.
I'm off to bed for the night. First of all, I'd like to say that I'm humbled by the response this has gotten, this was way more engagement for a first post by a first-time QM than I had any right to expect. I am deeply flattered and more than a little nervous.

Second of all, I am closing write-ins for spirit magic, since I did get much more engagement on that count as well than I was expecting. However, I did add one more to the OP: the Echo Caller, a spirit magic type focused around mimicking the powers of enemies and allies alike. If you have a cool idea for spirit magic, though, go ahead and toss it in the thread anyway! I still have all the NPC heroes to generate and I will absolutely be using quester-originated ideas for them, so the design might still see the light of day.

Third of all, voting will be open for at least 24 hours from opening (so, at least ~19.5 more hours), so plenty of time left!

Thank you all again; looking forward to seeing the hero you end up being.
[X][MAGIC] Archivist
Their magic revolves around fighting entropy: preserving things in their current form, preventing collapse and erosion. The physical aspect of their power usually manifests as ice manipulation. Archivists are invaluable in logistics, albeit some act as front-line fighters. Masters of this discipline seem to be capable of halting their ageing altogether. Archivists tend to be conservative and rigid.
[X][MAGIC] Archivist
As many hours of browsing TV troups have taught me Libartians are scary mofos.
As we close up for the night I wanna continue the fight
and tell you why it's right to start voting to flyt
As I explain the hypothetical allow me to wax poetical
If a word smith can smith words will a Will Smith Smith -
is a phrase theoretical that a Phrase Flyter can make practical.

Engaging in a flyt is a perhaps a flight of fancy,
and I'm confident we can show off a brilliancy or two,
But only if we take the chance will we be asked to this dance
this wordplay, this new way, this celebration of our wit each day!

Vote Phrase Flyter!
Hello, I'm another of the authors of the original RPG, and while I feel I need to recuse myself from voting at any point in this, I would like to whistle innocently while surreptitiously gesturing towards Mnemonist. For what I will term No Particular Reason.
[X][MAGIC] Ghost
To tread in the realms of the ethereal and unreal, to walk out of step with the rest of reality- that is what it means to be a Ghost. At its most basic, this magic allows one to pass through solid objects as though they were nothing but the wisps of a dream, but with skill and practice a Ghost can step out of phase with any aspect of existence. Light, gravity, even magic itself; to a true Ghost, all of these and more are nothing but fragile constructs, to be indulged in or ignored as the whim takes them. There are even whispered tales that the greatest Ghosts are able to walk outside of the very fabric of space and time... but those are surely only fanciful rumours, and nothing more.
[X][MAGIC] Archivist
[X][MAGIC] Phrase Flyters
...I'm not ACTUALLY that sold on the concept but...It's also like 5-star in a gatcha game rare to see, at least from my perspective.
[X][MAGIC] Ghost
Curious how this one does anything but witness fights.
[X][MAGIC] Purifier
FIYAH! We all know deep down we want to be the guy with the most firepower.
[X][MAGIC] Archivist
To preserve this world IS the point of our quest, is it not?
[X][MAGIC] Phrase Flyters
Demonic Hordes from different worlds + Illusions = indiscriminate friendly fire between demons.

[X][MAGIC] Purifier
Fight hellfire with spiritfire.

[X][MAGIC] Body Savant
Marvel has pit wolverine against a sufficient variety of foes that I shouldn't need to tell you that this kind of violence is always an effective solution, but why let that stop me.

[X][MAGIC] Ghost
Intangibility is a universal defense against multi planet delon horde thats going to otherwise be to varied to defend against.
[X][MAGIC] Stonelaw Enforcer
I'm a suck for terrain warfare and I just like the idea of of pancaking enemies be5ween earth walls.

All that said we really need to negotiate some kind of concensus if we want any of these options to pull into the lead.