Mythological Summoner (Worm/Altpower!Taylor)

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-[X] Chronos

Saw her image card when I googled her. She has space mastery, teleport and rewind. She could help us get the others back n lock the space so contessa can't port in. Or even lock the entire bay under a grey boy like bubble .

Can't find Vishnu though's card though
I am not sure why people want to summon a literal baby eater. I mean yeah, Taylor shot a baby in Canon but still.....
I am not sure why people want to summon a literal baby eater. I mean yeah, Taylor shot a baby in Canon but still.....
Well it's not actually going historical mythology. For one they are female . Depending on how creative the author is It would be like Dragon ball vs the journey to the west. Bulma was actually supposed to be the monk in journey to the west.
Well it's not actually going historical mythology. For one they are female . Depending on how creative the author is It would be like Dragon ball vs the journey to the west. Bulma was actually supposed to be the monk in journey to the west.
It is a mixture of myths. The appearance is from the game but if they were evil in the myth they would be summoned evil, just loyal to Taylor.
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Adhoc vote count started by Levelgap on Sep 22, 2021 at 7:45 PM, finished with 29 posts and 16 votes.

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Response 3.4
A girl appeared. She is shorter than Taylor, having a silver hair with a lotus put on it's side. She is a beautiful girl with a composed look.

Taylor have already seen a pattern in her summoning. So she mistook her to someone else.

"Are you Leviathan?" She asked.

The girl's composed look broke for an instant, like she just felt like facepalming, but it quickly came back to her calm visage without letting Taylor see the changes in her expression.

"Good evening Miss. I apologized if you are anticipating for someone, but I am not Leviathan." She said before continuing. "I am Vishnu, The Preserver. The one who upholds the truth, justice, and the balance of the world." She introduces herself with a composed and dignified pose.

"... Wait, what?" Taylor can only gawked at her in surprised after she hears what she said. 'Vishnu. As in, one of the major three gods of Hinduism!?' She thought in fear. 'I summoned a real god!?' She suddenly look at her in suspicion. 'But wait. Vishnu is widely known as a man. Why is she a girl!?' She thought.

It seems like Vishnu quickly discern her confusion because she answered what she is asking for herself.

"I am widely known as a man, but that's only a lie. This is my true gender." She told her with an amused expression.

"What!?" Taylor said with a surprised gawked.

"Still, this is surprising." Vishnu muttered without reacting to Taylor's surprise. "You managed to summon me. I am not even a fragment, but the original one." She said in curiosity. "It seems like you are a lot more stronger than any Masters I have met." She said.

"... Huh?"

"It seems like you are still in shock. But I think you should stop gawking at my presence. I won't be able to talk to you properly if you kept being shocked like that." She said.

".... Okay... sorry...?" Taylor replied while feeling a bit sheepish.

"It's fine." Vishnu said before asking. "Now then, currently you are my Master. As part of the Covenant made by every Myths, I will obey your orders, so long as it is reasonable." She stated before continuing. "So, what is it that you want from me?" She asked.

"... Can you pick up my friends. They are Bahamut and Simurgh. Someone suddenly throws them to another place and I don't know what I should do anymore... I feel so helpless..." Taylor requested with a bit of anticipation.

"Oh. Is that so. Then let me pick them up." She said calmly before flicking her hand.

Instantly, Simurgh and Bahamut pop up by her side. There are no fanfares or any special effects, they just appeared out of thin air.


Bahamut and Simurgh are both surprised at the sudden change on their environment. Though seeing Vishnu, they quickly lower their heads in respect to her.

"This Bahamut greets the pantheon of another cosmos!"

"Likewise. I am honored to see one of the Trimurti!"

The two of them told Vishnu in respect.

"It is fine. You don't need to be so formal. I have been summoned by this mortal. So I am just doing what she told me." Vishnu dismissed them with a calm tone.

"I see." Simurgh said with a tone of amazement.

It seems like she isn't expecting Taylor to summon an Ancestral God, and someone from Trimurti itself.

"Simurgh! Bahamut!" Taylor said as she throws herself to their way.

Seeing that, Bahamut quickly catches her.

"Master!?" Bahamut said in confusion.

"I'm glad. I am so glad that you two are fine!" She said in relief and joy.

"... This Bahamut is sorry for making you worry, Master." Bahamut said in apology.

"I also apologize for my inattentiveness, young girl." Simurgh followed.

Taylor only shook her head as she hugs Bahamut.

After becoming comfortable enough, Taylor decided to finally talk to Vishnu.

Vishnu is just there, calmly looking at them. While she is not showing any feelings about their quick reunion, it seems like she is considerate enough to give them time.

It's just a single day, but Taylor is already attached to her friends. Even Taylor noticed how her summons became more important to her despite not even a week has passed since she met one of them.

Anyway, Taylor wanted to talk to Vishnu right now.

"So... first of all. Thank you very much for taking them back. I thought it will take long..." Taylor said in gratitude. "After that... well, I don't know what else to do. I'm still not sure if I can even request something from you, knowing that your a real goddess..." Taylor continued while feeling a bit sheepish.

"It is fine. You may request whatever you want. So long as it doesn't contradicts my own nature, I am willing to acquiesce with your wishes." She told her calmly. "Though, let me tell you. I can't raise the dead. That is something I can't do."

"Then...." Taylor left off as she thinks about it. 'I am facing a real god. If she will accept most of request, then...'

She thought about the ones who assailed her, threatening her without giving her any reason. They just attacked her without any warning.

She also thought about the city. How this city is slowly declining due to the gangs, and the many many problems that was caused by those gangs.

She also thinks about the world. How the S Class Threats and the Endbringers are slowly putting this world to the brink of extinction.

'Maybe I can ask her about all of it?' She thought to herself.

[]Ask her to take care of all the problems on this world
[]Ask her to destroy the one who attacks you awhile ago
[]Ask her to give those who attack you a warning, and threaten them back
[]Ask her to fix the city
[]Ask her to take care of the Endbringers and other national threats
[]Ask for her help about the issue on Tree of Life
[]Don't ask her. You don't want to abuse her willingness to accept your demands.

Voting time will end in 16 ~ 720 hours.

So I updated the two informational section. You can look into it if you want.

Oh, and I have to tell you something.

Unlike the other characters that you can summon, the Trimurti are part of the cast of Moekuri. Basically, they are Canon Characters there. While Brahma is the only one seen there and have a conversation with Iruse (Main FMC of Moekuri), the series heavily implies the existence of Vishnu and Shiva, and it seems like their priestesses on that world even have a chance to meet them.

So the version of Trimurti here are closely related to the one seen on the game instead of their mythical versions.

Well, that doesn't mean I will put their Moekuri abilities. They are heavily nerfed in there. I am still going to use the abilities seen on their Myths.

... Though, Moekuri!Brahma has shown the capability to create a whole new universe. It's not on the game mechanics... so I will use their mythical versions of abilities.


SP : 1
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[X] Explain the situation and ask for her advice.

Honestly all those options seems like stuff Taylor would ask (save the first because the question itself seems a bit too demanding unless Taylor says it in an exasperated tone due to her indecision. )

IMO the best thing to do atm is to ask everyone's opinions on what to do next and what to focus on.
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[X] Explain the situation and ask for her advice. Also ask advice on who Taylor should Summon the next time that she has enough power stored to do so.
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Hm, it would be within Vishnu's ability to fix all of it, but even with Vishnu's own consent, it seems presumptuous to ask for all of it immediately.

Asking for her counsel would be more proper and courteous. Most likely, first things first, the most pressing, time-limited issue is the Tree of Life. Then, Vishnu can start working through the other matters.

After all, there need to be some matters left for Shiva and Brahma to address once they are summoned.

In the midst of correcting the cosmic order and upholding Dharma, Vishnu and eventually Shiva and Brahma should take Taylor with them, to see the world and other dimensions, truly understand and connect with other people and cultures. At the moment, Taylor's perspective and aims are narrow and limited. They must grow and expand, make it such that the whole world is her home.
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[X] Explain the situation and ask for her advice.
-[X] Ask if summoning her isn't causing trouble where she came from.

By the way, having checked Vishnu's sheet, it is no less impressive than expected of a Hindu deity, one of the Trimurti, no less. If one thought Bahamut and Simurgh were impressive, they are nothing compared to Vishnu.

One is rather regretting not starting with one of the Trimurti as the very first summon.

Behold Vishnu's might and be awed:



: Vishnu is known as the Preserver. The one who exist everywhere. She is aware and present on any section of the Multiverse where she is currently located. She can be anyone, whether the air, the insects, the stars, or even the reality that you are currently living on.

Create Avatar : Vishnu has been known as the one who actively intervenes on worldly matters when order and balance is on the verge of being disturbed. She creates Avatars in advance and use those avatars to deal with the threat to the cycle. Can create any avatars that have a sliver of her power, which she can use. She can create any avatars that she thought of, even if it's a dinosaur, a human, an ant, etc.

All Manipulation : As the one who preserves everything, she is also known to hold every element imaginable. She can manipulate every element existing in the Multiverse. Regardless of what element it is. Every physical, elemental, conceptual, spiritual, and metaphysical elements can be manipulated by her.

Ancestral God : One of the Gods who created everything. She has been known as one of the Origin of her Multiverse, and thus, is immune to anything that creation can throw at her. Only those of the same rank can affect her.

All Mastery : Being anyone, she is a master of everything. She is a master of every profession, talents, skills, and knowledge that is both imaginable and unimaginable.

True State of Enlightenment : It is impossible to sway her opinion. She has achieved true enlightenment, which is the central concept of life from Hinduism, Moksha. Her desires are always pure and nothing can influence her.

Vestis : In the world where Masters are prevalent, Susu Larke, her priestess, is capable of using a fraction of Vishnu's power. This is known as Vestis, the power to bear the elements of the world. Vishnu is also capable of doing this, being the one that Susu follows.


: The Divine Conch taken by a Denava after she killed it. This is one of the iconic items that she always holds with her. It symbolizes her as one of the God of Music, and is known to be very good at using this. She also uses this to warn enemies of their inevitable defeat after provoking her or challenging her. If an enemy hears the sound of this conch, they will lose, no matter what happens.

Sudarshana Chakra : The serrated disc created by the Architect of Gods, Vishvakarma and was later owned by Hayagriva. After killing the Denava, Vishnu took this Chakra and turned it into her own aide. This serrated disc is a sentient item that can turn into a deity that symbolizes the destruction of the universe. This disc can cut through everything in creation, destroying them completely. It also have the ability to cause a fake weather, like creating a fake sunset. It is also capable of cutting through abstract concepts, like evil thoughts or any metaphysical existence.

Kaumodaki : One of the iconic items of Vishnu. It is a sentient mace that can turn into a deity capable of smiting all evil. In mace form, it is also capable of destroying every demon in a single swing. It is also the only thing that the serrated disc of Vishnu can't destroy.

Padma : A lotus usually worn in her hair. This lotus symbolizes her state of transcendence and purity. Anyone who wears this lotus will become immune to anything in the world and is impossible to be tainted by worldly thoughts, essentially going straight to the true state of enlightenment, Moksha.

Sharanga : A bow that Vishnu possesses. It is capable of shooting through the cosmos, ignoring the layers of dimension to hit what it desires. It is also capable of shooting abstract concepts like time, space, life, and death.

Nandaka : A sword that Vishnu possesses. It symbolizes knowledge and truth, and is capable of cutting through lies and ignorance, essentially breaking all illusions and allusions both mentally and physically.

Kaustubha : The most precious gem in the whole Multiverse. Taking a glance of it will show the pure brilliance of the consciousness, making them see the beauty of everything in cosmos. Nothing can withstand the temptation of keeping it to themselves except Vishnu.

Vaijayanti : A sentient flower that Vishnu wore as a garland. This flower represents victory and civilization. Anyone who wears it will acquire increase chances of winning or the deity within it can teach the wearer everything, even magic or witchcraft. This can also turn into a Deity, which can support the whole civilization and lead it by her lonesome.

Shrivatsa : A symbol hidden on her hand where her partner, Lakshmi, resides.

It is only the start. Brahma and Shiva are equal to Vishnu. One cannot wait to summon them and see their abilities and possessions. Aside from Aslcepius, with all the Trimurti summoned, any other choice is thoroughly unnecessary, redundant. Once the Trimurti are complete, the choice of summons will simply be a matter of vanity projects more than anything else.

For the time being, Taylor needs great improvement of self, which is quite fortuitous with such a great teacher as Vishnu. One recommends that, at the earliest possible opportunity, Vishnu allow Taylor to momentarily wear Padma in order to reach Moksha and free herself of all worldly thoughts and desires. Next, allow Taylor to glance at Kaustubha in order to see and understand the beauty in all the cosmos, to truly appreciate existence in its entirety and develop a sincere desire to protect all of it.
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[X] Explain the situation and ask for her advice.
-[X] Ask if summoning her isn't causing trouble where she came from.

Taylor has been humble until now and I think that that is a good thing.
Panchajanya, Sudarshana Chakra, Kaumodaki, and Sharanga combined are more than enough to permanently destroy Zion, all 20 Endbringers, all shards, and malicious parahumans with insulting ease.

Nay, instead, perhaps it is best to contemplate as such an enlightened one would. Since those weapons can cut through abstract and metaphysical concepts and states of existence, perhaps certain concepts and abstract parts of all those threats and dangers should be excised, to allow them a chance at redemption. Is it not what Shiva would do? To cleanse the evil and weight of worldly thoughts staining the psyche in order to help one reach Moksha?
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