"Simurgh! Bahamut! You can come here right!? Didn't you tell me you can do things impossible for Parahumans! You can't be defeated just like that!" Taylor yelled in sorrow.
"Dammit!" Taylor slammed her fist to the floor.
She is angry and confuse. What happened is just too fast. She didn't want this to be real.
'What will happen right now?' Taylor thought. 'What if the PRT suddenly goes and arrest me, now that my two friends are gone? What if some villain decided to strike us?' She thought in a panic. 'Where are they even taken? Who are those people who attacks us?' Her thoughts turned to her summons, which makes her concerned.
She still recalls about the Cow Ear and how she have super regeneration. She have experienced that when she quickly recovered after falling to the floor awhile ago.
Though, it is still useless. It won't even help her in saving her friends.
She might have super regeneration, but she is still inexperienced. Also, she is still unprepared for high stress situations, mostly if it occurs unexpectedly.
'It's all because I am weak!' She thought in self-depreciation. 'If I have any sort of powers, maybe I could have help them. Maybe I can quickly react and strike back when that woman got to my back!' She thought in anger.
She thought of the what ifs, thinking what she should have done to prevent this from happening. Though, that's all just imaginations. She can't change anything with just that alone.
Taylor finally noticed her Dad who is closer to her and is trying to calm her.
She looks at herself and noticed that she have been clenching her fists so much that her nails is biting into her skin. She also felt a bit of a coppery taste in her mouth, which seems to be caused by biting her lips too much.
"... I'm.... fine...?" Taylor tried to assure her Dad without any confidence in it.
"Taylor... let's calm down and think things through together." He said.
Those words almost causes her to lash out. She didn't have the time to be calm right now.
But she manage to process what he is talking about. So she only fumed with her breathes.
"... Dammit!" Taylor can only say that in frustration. "Why is this happening?" She said with a bit of hurt in her tone.
"I'm sorry. I didn't manage to help." Danny said to her daughter in apology.
"This is unfair! Who is that woman! What did we do to her!?" Taylor yelled.
Danny can only try and calm his daughter down. He didn't know what else to do other than that.
The day has been spent with the two of them confused and depressed. It was night time when Taylor found herself being coherent again.
She found herself on her bed. It seems like the following events became a bit blurry for her while she was being comforted by her Dad.
It seems like she goes back to her room and just got a clear head after hours of lying on the bed.
"... Tch!"
Recalling about what happened to her friends makes her unconsciously click her tongue.
'I still can't even use my mysterious powers. If I can pull this mysterious energy within me, can I get Simurgh and Bahamut back to my side?' She thought and tried doing so.
Nothing really happens.
'Yeah right... of course that won't happen!' She thought in frustration. 'More likely, I'll get a new summon within me. I think they can't even help me in my predicament if I summoned whoever it is!' She thought.
Then, she felt it. It seems like she have enough amount of energy to summon someone again. Though instinctively, she knew she can't pull on those she already summoned, unless they are dead.
She wonders why she instinctively knew that but decided to think about it next time.
'This feeling...!?' She thought in shock before quickly trying to compose herself. 'Right. I am already at my weakest point as it is. I need to summon someone to at least guard me!' She thought before continuing with some hope. 'I hope whoever I summoned can at least return my friends back to my side!'
With that, she unhesitatingly pulled within her mysterious power. Once again summoning someone...
Vishnu (or Viṣṇu, Sanskrit: विष्णु) means 'all pervasive'[13] and, according to Medhātith (c. 1000 CE), 'one who is everything and inside everything'.[14]Vedanga scholar Yaska (4th century BCE) in the Nirukta defines Vishnu as viṣṇur viṣvater vā vyaśnoter vā ('one who enters everywhere'); also adding atha yad viṣito bhavati tad viṣnurbhavati ('that which is free from fetters and bondage is Vishnu').[15]
The Garuda Purana (chapter XV)[17] and the "Anushasana Parva" of the Mahabharata both list over 1000 names for Vishnu, each name describing a quality, attribute, or aspect of God. Known as the Vishnu Sahasranama, Vishnu here is defined as 'the omnipresent'.
You picking the wrong character for that then, the author gave us summon that can help with dimensional stuff and Yggdrasil isn't it here's a quote on that
Tzaphquiel said:
Also, if not Yggdrasil, is there a choice of summons that could deal with the problem of other dimensions?
The Trimurti, Chronos, and Thanatos. There is also Gremlin and some others, though I forgot who they are because it's been too long since I played the game (still farming more monsters because I started anew. My old save is gone.)
In my opinion pick Chronos because not only she can possibly get them back but with her time powers she will be able to mess with Precogs as strong as Ziz, Zion, Contessa, Coil and Dinah(if she had trigger her).
But the issue is Cauldron might interfere again, when getting Chronos and I saw conversations that Vishnu would also be a good option and that maybe we can wait a few days to get them back, just to make sure Taylor does have enough fire power. But I rather take the risks with Chronos possible time powers she may able to reverse anything until Cauldron wouldn't have any other option but to submit, if we're quick enough about it.
-[X] Vishnu
Edit: I've switch to Vishnu after thinking it over a bit more.
-[X] Chronos
-[x] Immediately have Chronos explained and activate her time powers to mess with precogs or reverse time or use any time powers to avoid being remove at play.
I could also getting Mithra, but I want our Hopebringers back and retaliate by raising Japan.
Err....Vishnu can do everything Chronos can do and more.
Besides which we are summoning them from the Myths and Chronos was a bad guy. He literally ate his children because he was afraid they would usurp him. He is someone we DO NOT want.
In Greek mythology, Cronus, Cronos, or Kronos (/ˈkroʊnəs/ or /ˈkroʊnɒs/, US: /-oʊs/, from Greek: Κρόνος, Krónos) was the leader and youngest of the first generation of Titans, the divine descendants of the primordialGaia (Mother Earth) and Uranus (Father Sky). He overthrew his father and ruled during the mythological Golden Age, until he was overthrown by his own son Zeus and imprisoned in Tartarus. According to Plato, however, the deities Phorcys, Cronus, and Rhea were the eldest children of Oceanus and Tethys.[2]
Well, Levelgap did state that any god counters precognition. It might as well be one of the Trimurti, amongst the most powerful of all gods. One would be hard-pressed to find any deities mightier than those of the Hindu pantheon, especially one of the Trimurti.
Besides, the Worm setting rather needs Vishnu, the one who descends in avatars to uphold cosmic order and restore Dharma when the world is wracked by evil, chaos, and destruction.
Besides which we are summoning them from the Myths and Chronos was a bad guy. He literally ate his children because he was afraid they would usurp him. He is someone we DO NOT want.
Isn't he a lady in this version? I mean there's a possible Alt history for this version of Chronos. Ok find then I guess those two can maybe wait a few days let me convince the other person that follow me on my choice.
Hey @WallFlower I'm switching to Vishnu, do you want to do the same? It seems like Vishnu can provide us what we need.
Nope. It is a mix of the myths. Villanious characters remain villanious. The only caveat is that they are loyal to Taylor but all myths apply.
It is why I went Vishnu. Vishnu has the PR, Precog blocker AND can get back Simmy and Bahamut. In addition, Vishnu can just lol nope Cauldron and any one wanting to attack either Taylor or Danny.
Hello, I am just putting this here because the wiki didn't include their images in it.
Refer to this image if you are curious what their Moekuri versions look like (because they are the ones you are going to summon).
EDIT : Here are their description based on their character cards.
Brahma : The being that creates the foundation of the world. She is one of the Three Gods that control the flow of the world, the ancestral god that governs "creation". She is the God of Creation that made this world, who creates with the power of heart. After she produces the beginnings of a world, she then goes to sleep until the world ends. Because of this, there are few people who know of Brahma, and there is only one temple where she is worshipped in the entire world.
Shiva : The being that destroys the order of the world. She is one of the Three Gods that control the flow of the world, the ancestral god that governs "destruction". Her job is to return the world to nothingness after it has been completely destroyed to prepare for the creation of the next world. As a symbol of primitive power, she passes on teachings that are based on the principles of destruction, power, and fear. She is also the god of dance and has an understanding of 108 types of dances from both the fine arts and martial arts.
Vishnu : The being that maintains the harmony of the world. She is one of the Three Gods that control the flow of the world, the ancestral god that governs "preservation". Although she does not directly intervene in the affairs of the world, she sends an 'avatar,' a sort of double of herself, to protect the balance of the world according to the principles of truth, justice, and order, by 'righting' evil powers and other dangers.
Anti-precog is definitely what we need now, plus it's two birds one stone situation. We get our friends back AND get to screw over Cauldron.
Wow, how did I miss three chapters!? Update times are screwing with me xD They used to be closer to noon around the beginning I think, but now they're around 6-7 am so I keep missing them.
It looks like Cauldron's plan is working! They took away Taylor's friends and put her into a position were she summons someone that could fight Scion. What they are going to do now that they have pissed her off, I don't know. I don't think that any of Cauldron planned that far or thought about the consequences to their actions.
Time for someone more powerful than Doormaker, Clairvoyant, and Alexandria combined.
It looks like Cauldron's plan is working! They took away Taylor's friends and put her into a position were she summons someone that could fight Scion. What they are going to do now that they have pissed her off, I don't know. I don't think that any of Cauldron planned that far or thought about the consequences to their actions.
Cauldron's plan was throw everything at the wall and hope something sticks.
In their defense, they knew that they would not survive the aftermath, either death by Scion or by their Silver bullet and tried to prepare a world that could survive without them.
Cauldron's plan was throw everything at the wall and hope something sticks.
In their defense, they knew that they would not survive the aftermath, either death by Scion or by their Silver bullet and tried to prepare a world that could survive without them.
I will say that they did succeed at their goal of stopping the destruction of humanity. I will, however, argue that they didn't do it in the best way possible.
While they were looking for a silver bullet they should have been constructing a gun. Each parahuman power isn't strong enough to kill an Endbringer or Entity on their own (which might be by design), but combining them together can. Think if Flechette and Quarrel worked together, shots that never miss and pierce anything. Such a good combo, wasted.
The way Cauldron did everything bothers the part in me that likes breaking video games by messing with the mechanics.
Oh, the collective expression upon Cauldron's faces when they are met by Vishnu the Preserver, it will be a masterwork.
If Cauldron is afraid now, just wait until Shiva is summoned. Then again, perhaps it would be good for them as well. Shiva, fierce but also compassionate, would help cleanse them of all the evils and sins that they have accumulated. There is much purification to be done before the members of Cauldron are worthy of moksha. Who better than Shiva to destroy the evil seeking refuge within their psyches?
Pity that she is unavailable for summoning, but if one truly wanted to terrify Cauldron senseless, then amongst the Hindu gods, one would summon Kali. Being the manifestation of Durga's unstoppable rage, well, when Kali's blood runs hot, Shiva may well be the only one who can cool that frenzy.