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Regardless of debating who should have been first or second, if Mithra and Chronos had been the first two summoned, the course probably would be smoother now and much better planned.
I think that it is better to hold Asclepius ready as a surprise. If Taylor get amnesia then we wouldn't be able to seek her out with I.C knowledge about it, unless we can get someone else who can do something like universal healing.Asclepius is still one of the higher priorities after Mithra, Yggdrasil, Chronos, and then Leviathan, considering that not all the summons can self-resurrect if killed, so she would be needed to resurrect them. In this case, if Contessa had intended to at least kill Bahamut, well...
actually, if Yggdrasil is summoned after Mithra, would she be able to help extend Mithra's promised victory to other dimensions, along with opening gates to other worlds as easily as Doormaker? For that matter, if Chronos is summoned, will she be able to counter precognition from parahumans and Endbringers?
would Yggdrasil at least be able to open gates anywhere in the universe?
Also, if not Yggdrasil, is there a choice of summons that could deal with the problem of other dimensions?
As to Chronos, if one understand correctly, then Chronos can mask herself and others from precognitive sorts by tampering with time. If not Chronos, might there be a recommendation for which one would counter precognition?
Good question. Hm, @Levelgap, if Vishnu is summoned next, would they be able to enlighten and persuade the masses as to the true, blessed nature of the Tree of Life and its seeds, if in a different way than Mithra would do? That is, is Vishnu no less charismatic in their own way?
I think we can still do that. Have the Endbringers killed by the Hopebringers and have the Trimurti fight the Shards. The Hopebringers may be powerful, but they are outclassed by the multidimensional nature of the Shards and Entities. The dimensional powers of the Trumurti can, hopefully, allow them to go to the earths that the Shards have taken over and go through a full cycle. Destroy, Create, Maintain. Only concern is if it would draw in the wrong attention more than we already have.I'm kind of hoping that we can counter the Endbringers with our hope bringers first, because it would be create a more satisfying narrative. Simurgh reclaims her name by returns hope by restoring the ecosystem, Behamut raises the lands sunk by the leviathan and leviathan can eat the Endbringers. And then we take their names from the fake idols as an icing on the cake.