Mythological Summoner (Worm/Altpower!Taylor)

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Response 3.a - Cauldron
"So the one who did this are some Capes on one of our experimental cities?" David said.

They nod to his query.

"Okay. Then what's our plan of action?" He asked.

Currently, there are some people sitting in this round table. One is a woman wearing a fedora, the other is a black woman wearing a white lab coat, a guy wearing glasses, and the other two are the well known heroes themselves, Alexandria and Eidolon.

"Contessa, is it possible to turn them to our side?" The woman in the lab coat asked.

"128,777 Steps. It will take three years before it happens. Most of our plans will be greatly delayed or halted if we do this path." Contessa, the woman in a fedora, replied.

"Then it's impossible." The woman in the lab coat said. "Chances of leading them to be a part of one of our affiliate organization?"

"45,820 Steps. One year. Again, most of our plans will be greatly delayed or must be stopped indefinitely." She said.

"I see." Doctor Mother, the woman in the white coat, said with a frown.

"Wait. What if we kidnap them and erase their memories?" Eidolon asked.

"No paths available. It is impossible to do so." Contessa answered.

"If we can't do anything. Then what else can we do? Harpy is causing a global scale panic on the world! The board is getting messy! We need to do something before Scion notices it!" Alexandria stated.

They don't know what the Golden Guy is doing now. Though, because they don't know, so they are wary what he will do next.

They don't have any info on the tree other than it looks very beneficial. Though, if it have any hidden properties, then they wanted to hide it at Scion's eyes as much as possible.

"Then, might I suggest banishing them to another world?" Kurt, Number Man, the one with glasses, suggested to them.

"... I think that is true. If we let them stay on that world, it seems like most of our countermeasures will be taken out. We can't let them reduce our chance of saving the world." Doctor Mother agreed to his suggestion. "So Contessa, is it possible?" She asked.

"23 Steps. It can be done now." Contessa replied.

"Good. Then we will proceed to this plan."

"What about the tree that Harpy has created?" Alexandria asked.

"Make an official announcement in your Triumvirate forms. It's a great timing that the UN is asking for the PRT's help, so we can use your guise as Alexandria to announce your participation on this operation." Doctor Mother said before turning to Contessa. "Also, I am sure Mustira is still indebted to us. Let's use that so we can get access to Iraq."

Contessa nodded at Doctor Mother's words.

With that, they started with their plan.

To save the world from the brink of destruction. They will force the one they designate as Harpy and Strongarm to be banished to an alternate world. To make it sure that they can't do anything, they will be put into two different worlds.

As for the one they designated as the Hierophant, they decided to leave her alone.

She is someone living on their experimental cities. They think that if she was in enough stress, she might be able to summon someone strong enough to become a trump card against Scion.

Harpy and Strongarm are already strong enough, as stated by one of their affiliates on their experimental city. Harpy can create plants that seems capable to terraform lands, while Strongarm seems to have enough power to sink a city, if his simulation can be trusted.

They will wait for the Hierophant to summon more Parahumans. If she tries to do something that will greatly hinder on their goals, they will dispose of her then.

So.... yeah... that happened...
Sigh it would be better if they give her Taylor the full details honestly i like Cauldron in that they're interesting even if it is illogical with their decision-making.
[X]Try to call them to your side

Yeah, Mithra's Promised Victory is now very needed here. It is essentially a Path to Victory and we will need it on our side.

@Levelgap does Mithra's promised victory work to counter Contessa?
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…ok I have a few issues with the way you handle, among which if their aware of the benefits then why bother targeting Taylor's summons? Also one of them can literally toss planets with Bahamut strength alone she can rip Endbringers apart and even destroy their cores. Also why isn't the Simurgh using her own Precogition? That should be able to warn her to even maybe countering contessa a bit.

There also the issue of cauldron getting involve in something like this, in my opinion Taylor summons should have reduce steps to save the worlds and should have left them alone. Also
"Chances of leading them to be a part of one of our affiliate organization?"

"45,820 Steps. One year. Again, most of our plans will be greatly delayed or must be stopped indefinitely." She said.

This just straight up doesn't make sense, if they wanted them as allies then why do it that way at all? Like why not just go to Taylor talk to her and clear her villain labeling, and have her at least affiliated to the PRT, it wouldn't be that difficult to manipulate Taylor in order to do so without Kidnapping the summons, and basically wouldn't have taken that many steps. PTV should shown that to Contessa this feels like a bit too contrive, like Despite everything Cauldron did they aren't that foolish, heck even I can think of a few ways to manipulate this Taylor to work with the PRT. This feels like unnecessary antagonism, they could just even send Legend to talk to Taylor and help her

Edit: I like to remind you that contessa manage to manipulate/convince Bonesaw enough that the little monster switch sides. Yeah it took about a year but you have to consider Jack slash influence and other stuff. In this scenario Taylor should have been easier compare to Bonesaw heck it shouldn't even take a year, I give it days or even a month at worst.

Edit2: I'm not trying to demand or pressure to make any changes it just my own personal SOD how cauldron is being handle here. Anyway it doesn't mean I'm going to dropping this quest. I just want to say my piece that's all. Also sorry if I ranted I might either edit or delete this if it seem like I went too far.
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[X]Try to call them to your side

Whether Taylor and Danny want it or not, with Cauldron now interfering, along with Coil, it may simply be safer and more practical to move to Baghdad. The Tree of Life needs to be protected, and they cannot keep going back and forth in this way.
does Mithra's promised victory work to counter Contessa?

Yes. Contessa PtV can only simulate the most efficient way she can achieve her goals. Mithra's blessing for victory straight up bend reality to turn things into her favor.

Though, Mithra's blessing only covers the whole universe, and doesn't involve other dimensions.

Also why isn't the Simurgh using her own Precogition? That should be able to warn her to even maybe countering contessa a bit.

Simurgh can only predict things that she already knows. Without knowledge about it, she can't even make conjectures about it.

Her form of precognition is only limited to how civilization will go and how humanity will act, which is a bit unreliable now because there is a new factor on this world known as the Parahumans, Endbringers, and Scion.

This just straight up doesn't make sense, if they wanted them as allies then why do it that way at all? Like why not just go to Taylor talk to her and clear her villain labeling, and have her at least affiliated to the PRT, it wouldn't be that difficult to manipulate Taylor in order to do so without Kidnapping the summons, and basically wouldn't have taken that many steps. PTV should shown that to Contessa this feels like a bit too contrive, like Despite everything Cauldron did they aren't that foolish, heck even I can think of a few ways to manipulate this Taylor to work with the PRT. This feels like unnecessary antagonism, they could just even send Legend to talk to Taylor and help her

I took the fandom interpretation that PtV is working against the interest of humanity. Basically, the PtV shard is guiding them to their destruction, which will end in the Entity's victory.

That's why it made those baseless steps so it will lead to them making a decision to banish them to an alternate world.
Ok plan is summon Mithra, get protection from Contessa AND start working on PR.

Once we are secure, we summon Yggdrasil and get those two back.
Hm, other dimensions are a problem. One is not certain if any summons can do something about it or those portals of Doormaker.

Another search of the wiki is needed.

Either way, one could think of it as a push to leave the nest, so to speak, going to Baghdad. It will finally be time to summon Mithra, and Taylor might as well stand alongside her, Simurgh, and Bahamut, fully revealed to the world in the process, as Mithra wins heart and minds.

Considering that Cauldron will not hesitate to kill Taylor, there is nothing left to lose on that front.
Hm, other dimensions are a problem. One is not certain if any summons can do something about it or those portals of Doormaker.

Another search of the wiki is needed.

Either way, one could think of it as a push to leave the nest, so to speak, going to Baghdad. It will finally be time to summon Mithra, and Taylor might as well stand alongside her, Simurgh, and Bahamut, fully revealed to the world in the process, as Mithra wins heart and minds.

Considering that Cauldron will not hesitate to kill Taylor, there is nothing left to lose on that front.
On the top of my head, Yggdrasil can open doors to other worlds. Odin may via Bifröst.
I took the fandom interpretation that PtV is working against the interest of humanity. Basically, the PtV shard is guiding them to their destruction, which will end in the Entity's victory.
It's debatable if even that's true plus PTV focuses on efficiency if those factors can serve a purpose to tip the odds on PTV favor(notice how I didn't say humanity) it will definitely take it especially when the benefits out weight the detriments and because it can reduced more step to its goal to kill Zion. Because there's WoG that confirm that without Cauldron things would have turn out way worst with the possibility to even beat Zion being unknown.

Also they shouldn't even consider the thought of eliminating someone that useful, usually those that can serve as factor to win against Zion are either allies or dump in the birdcage to save for later. Cauldron doesn't often eliminate people neither does contessa, that especially shown in canon when contessa allow the Faultline crew to live and let Weaver to live too.
Yggdrasil is probably the best candidate, unifying the 9 worlds as it does. Besides, Yggdrasil would further reinforce the Tree of Life and serve as a site of conference for all the various divinities and spirits.

What should be the order, then? Call Simurgh and Bahamut back, summon Mithra, win hearts and minds, then summon Yggdrasil by the next summoning turn?
What should be the order, then? Call Simurgh and Bahamut back, summon Mithra, win hearts and minds, then summon Yggdrasil by the next summoning turn?

Though clarification in that the Entire universe is located IN Yggdrasil which includes the nine worlds. So she is connected to literally everywhere.

Added bonus is that she is a master mediator. So between Mithra and her, we would be able to talk to Cauldron.
[X]Try to call them to your side

I think that Chronos could be a good precog counter, because of Chronos' domain over time.
But if we need a worldwalker then we could also Skeipnir, because I suspect that her ability to travel from heaven to hell will also allow for her to travel between worlds.
Also they shouldn't even consider the thought of eliminating someone that useful, usually those that can serve as factor to win against Zion are either allies or dump in the birdcage to save for later. Cauldron doesn't often eliminate people neither does contessa, that especially shown in canon when contessa allow the Faultline crew to live and let Weaver to live too.

They only took that decision because they are wary if Taylor will summon someone that might become more troublesome than the Endbringers.

They only meant three things when they said they wanted to "Dispose" her. It's either kill her, put her in an alternate world, or wipe her memories and change her appearance before throwing her on one of the alternate earth that have civilization (Let's say, Earth Aleph)

If they go with the dumping her to another world, it will be a way to force her to summon someone. Though they are unsure she will survive in another world, so they wanted to leave her be on the city first.
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Well, Yggdrasil will probably suffice for world-walking, in addition to the other benefits for the Tree of Life and mediation.

As to summons after Yggdrasil, hm, Chronos may well be the next priority in further securing against precognition.

The best-laid plans of mice and men and all that. The narrative flow is forcing different priorities for summoning than one might prefer.

@Levelgap, actually, if Yggdrasil is summoned after Mithra, would she be able to help extend Mithra's promised victory to other dimensions, along with opening gates to other worlds as easily as Doormaker? For that matter, if Chronos is summoned, will she be able to counter precognition from parahumans and Endbringers?
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They only took that decision because they are wary if Taylor will summon someone that might become more troublesome than the Endbringers.

They only meant three things when they said they wanted to "Dispose" her. It's either kill her, put her in an alternate world, or wipe her memories and change her appearance before throwing her on one of the alternate earth that have civilization (Let's say, Earth Aleph)

If they go with the dumping her to another world, it will be a way to force her to summon someone. Though they are unsure she will survive in another world, so they wanted to leave her be on the city first.
This unfortunately lowers Asclepius on my priority list, because I want to have her be summonable in the case of that Taylor needs a cure for amnesia.
[X] Get kidnapped by Coil and be forced to help him take over the world, because that what will happen now that you are without protection.
Asclepius is still one of the higher priorities after Mithra, Yggdrasil, Chronos, and then Leviathan, considering that not all the summons can self-resurrect if killed, so she would be needed to resurrect them. In this case, if Contessa had intended to at least kill Bahamut, well...
Hm, it occurs to one that if Genbu had been summoned as the first advisor instead of Simurgh, Taylor may have had more time to acclimatise before being pushed this swiftly to the world stage. Genbu perhaps could have performed a display of divinity to convince Taylor without triggering Cauldron's interference. Then again, Coil would still be there, plotting away in the background, telling Cauldron everything like a good dog.

In retrospect, perhaps Chronos should have been summoned first to counter prying precognition and more ably plot the course.
Hm, it occurs to one that if Genbu had been summoned as the first advisor instead of Simurgh, Taylor may have had more time to acclimatise before being pushed this swiftly to the world stage. Genbu perhaps could have performed a display of divinity to convince Taylor without triggering Cauldron's interference. Then again, Coil would still be there, plotting away in the background, telling Cauldron everything like a good dog.

In retrospect, perhaps Chronos should have been summoned first to counter prying precognition and more ably plot the course.
Nah. Mithra should have been summoned first. Her powers are not global in the way Simmy was but she also had the Path to Victory+ which would have rendered Taylor and any person who Mithra blesses to be undefeatable. Better Social would have avoided Bahamut's little oopsy too.
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