Let Nadia lead. Your pride is not so fragile as to overrule your good sense. Let your comrade win the allegiance of these Carrion, that you might focus on getting out of here without making more enemies than you need to.
These are not resources that leave you with a lot of prospects, but you throw in One (1) tribe of feral abhumans worth of muscle, that's something you can bootstrap your way up with.
I don't see much value in them.
They will require far more in food, cost of transportation, and in drawing attention than they will gain us in combat viability.
On top of that, estabilishing us as warlord by challenge will be an incredibly precarious position.
Any of our current party members can take it from us easily with a challenge, and if we give the tribals special weaponry (which they'd need to be combat effective) there might be many among them who could as well.
Thus, it sets up a more hostile relationship with Nadia and with the tribe (the queen will have a significant amount of supporters, many of which won't be happy with us) at very little gain.
We do not have the ability to hold the tribe together. We don't have any lieutenants to trust, any informants to rely upon to tell us accurate information or sycophantic lies, we don't have any support among the tribespeople to keep the whole ordered and in line. The idea that one outsider can come in and trivially take over is a silly legacy of the
mightey whitey trope, with all the colonialist messaging about the inferior tribals and superior westerns still intact.
In practice, if we get this tribe I doubt it'll retain cohesion until after we leave the vessel, if we even get that far.