Oh please, do tell when the imperium created such a thing as:In all honesty with the exception of daemonhosts, I'd say the Imperium commits horrors analogous to every one of these.
1) A Demonculaba which is a woman shackled naked within iron cages and force-fed nutrients which caused her body to widen and bloat to grotesque proportions. Then chaos space marines aspirant are unbirthed inside her to be transformed into astartes. Those aspirants are reborn skinless.
2) Caused an entire civilization to either physiologically need to torture sapients beings(Dark Eldar) or regiments their entire live around a job to the point it cause mental illnesses(Craftworld Eldar being lost to the path).
I will admit that Chaos do not have the monopoly of fates worse than death, but whether you are transformed into a servitor or an archo-flagellant, it stops when you die and according to different sources either your soul dissolve after death or go to the golden throne. When you are inflicted a fate worse than death by Chaos, it does not stop at the end of your life: You are then the plaything of demons.
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