Monster (A Star Wars Imperial Navy Defector Quest)

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There's also that little voice in the back of her mind - the one that never really accepted all of the excuses she gave - that will be happy to remind her that without the Empire to run interference for her, she might be held accountable for all of the terrible things she's done, and that is likely the most horrifying prospect of all.
Not with a fleet under her and no central authority over her...
Not with a fleet under her and no central authority over her...
The New Republic has a significantly larger fleet, and just came off of a battle where they absolutely scattered the backbone of the Imperial Fleet, so she can't even count on backup.

Without the overwhelming power of Empire to back her up, yes, for the first time in her career she might actually see consequences.
The New Republic has a significantly larger fleet, and just came off of a battle where they absolutely scattered the backbone of the Imperial Fleet, so she can't even count on backup.

Without the overwhelming power of Empire to back her up, yes, for the first time in her career she might actually see consequences.
The chance is definitly there.

Though I would not call it certainty yet. We don't know how well the New Republic will consolidate, which Imperial Remnants they will go after first and so on.
I don't even think we know for sure which potential issues will come up. Will it be Thrawn as the major antagonist, or that weird variant with the Emperor's three-eyed son, or will we go with the Disney-version and the New Republic never really happens, staying a Rebellion for years and decades to come?

I think there will be chances for an ambitious admiral to secure something for herself, be it a Warlord's domain by her own fleet, or an amnesty from the New Republic in exchange for her support.
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That's not what happened with the Disney version. The rebels won much more quickly as opposed to Legends.

Then why did the new trilogy start with an Empire-successor as the dominant power and the Rebellion being a rebellion again?
Edit: Serious question, I didn't read up on any material of the Disney version between the end of the old movies and the start of the new.
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Then why did the new trilogy start with an Empire-successor as the dominant power and the Rebellion being a rebellion again?
Because JJ Abrams is a hack.

The First Order isn't supposed to be the dominant power; it's supposed to be an imperial remnant. It's just that Abrams was all over the place and didn't want to bother to explain boring shit like 'where did a small Imperial splinter get the resources to build something like Starkiller Base' and 'Why the fuck isn't the New Republic doing anything about this obviously revanchist fascist state on its doorstep?'
[X] -Terror. Utter terror

I like this option more. The idea that you justify you beliefs on the information you're given, on a set of rules you followed and then when it's ripped away and suddenly you can't justify what you did... yeah that's terrifying. It's 'I was only following orders' only discover that the orders where pointless.
Because JJ Abrams is a hack.

The First Order isn't supposed to be the dominant power; it's supposed to be an imperial remnant. It's just that Abrams was all over the place and didn't want to bother to explain boring shit like 'where did a small Imperial splinter get the resources to build something like Starkiller Base' and 'Why the fuck isn't the New Republic doing anything about this obviously revanchist fascist state on its doorstep?'
I mean, it's not just that, in the second movie they seem to have vastly greater ressources and fleet strenght as well?
It looks like the First Order is hunting down the remnants of a rebellion, not fighting a successor-state of the Republic and the Empire, with all the resources that would imply.

Then why did the new trilogy start with an Empire-successor as the dominant power and the Rebellion being a rebellion again?
Edit: Serious question, I didn't read up on any material of the Disney version between the end of the old movies and the start of the new.

The First Order is a secret Imperial Remnant hanging out in the outer Rim. It's just that with the first shot of their Nostril of Palpatine, they blew up the entire new Republic and all it's fleets, because apparently they all have the habit of hanging out near the same place. And they didn't even pick a plot important planet like Coruscant, so they had no defense at being blown up at once.

Anyway, the basic timeline goes like this

1) Death Star II gets blown up
2) The Imperial falls apart in civil war, Rebellion makes massive gains
3) The New Republic is formed, while the Empire spits out dozens of mini-states. The Confederacy comes back, as do the corporate states
4) The Imperial Remnants are defeated decisively at the battle of Jakku. A peace treaty sees the Imperial remnants withdraw to the outer Rim [interestingly that they go to the outer rim, which is traditionally the region that the Empire controlled least. It seems that Star Wars has a thing with always having their invading forces come from the Rim, and never from the center. When the CIS attacks, they do so from the Rim. When the rebels attack, they do so from the Rim. When the First order attacks, they do so from the Rim. When the final order attacks, they do so from an even rimmier rimworld. ]
5) Mon Motha promptly disarms the New Republic, cutting it's military sharply
6) The centrists (who prefer a strong, centralized imperial style government) throw a fit, and the system gets stuck in perpetual gridlock
7) The First Order emerges and eats all non-republic states , and regularly raids Republic territory
8) The Senate orders the New Republic military to avoid engaging the enemy at all costs, doing only defensive patrol. The military wisely ignores this order and cladestinly supports Leia's new rebellion
9) The First Order fires their superweapon, destroying the entire New Republic fleet and senate in one fell blow
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I mean, it's not just that, in the second movie they seem to have vastly greater ressources and fleet strenght as well?
It looks like the First Order is hunting down the remnants of a rebellion, not fighting a successor-state of the Republic and the Empire, with all the resources that would imply.

The Reistance isn't the New Republic, it's more of a Private Milita of Leia's on a Personal Mission to fight Imperial Remnants after she got kicked out of politics (someone leaked that Darth Vader, second most hated man in the Galaxy, was her father. Luke survived that association because everyone believed that he'd personally killed both Vader and the Emperor on the Death Star).

The Resistance is essentially a small group using out of date equipment on a mission that turned out to be larger than originally intended, but they couldn't convince the New Republic of the threat.
5) Mon Motha promptly disarms the New Republic, cutting it's military sharply
6) The centrists (who prefer a strong, centralized imperial style government) throw a fit, and the system gets stuck in perpetual gridlock
7) The First Order emerges and eats all non-republic states , and regularly raids Republic territory
8) The Senate orders the New Republic military to avoid engaging the enemy at all costs, doing only defensive patrol. The military wisely ignores this order and cladestinly supports Leia's new rebellion
9) The First Order firest their superweapon, destroying the entire New Republic fleet and senate in one fell blow
The part before that seems vaguely reasonable, but this here looks like someone deliberatly put a big red button with the word "RESET" on it in the middle of the screen and then hammered on it like mad.

The Resistance is essentially a small group using out of date equipment on a mission that turned out to be larger than originally intended, but they couldn't convince the New Republic of the threat.
Okay, if that's what happened I can't argue against you.
It just seems massivly weird that the single alpha-strike of the Starkiller Base (before it got instantly destroyed) can effectivly destroy everything the New Republic and all its military and industrial capacity just like that.
The part before that seems vaguely reasonable, but this here looks like someone deliberatly put a big red button with the word "RESET" on it in the middle of the screen and then hammered on it like mad.

Okay, if that's what happened I can't argue against you.
It just seems massivly weird that the single alpha-strike of the Starkiller Base (before it got instantly destroyed) can effectivly destroy everything the New Republic and all its military and industrial capacity just like that.
Oh yeah, it's very much Abrams deciding to go back to standard Star Wars plot regardless of how much he has to coerce the worlbuiling.
Honestly, I like some of the ideas with the ST New Republic, it really does strike me the kind of compromise government that a big tent rebellion would create, with a lot of the structure influenced by people who are obessed beyond pragmatism with the idea of 'NEVER AGAIN' in terms of the Republic becoming an empire. Considering the NR had leadership that still had memories of the 'good ol days' when the Republic didn't have a military, and also a lot of them with some very bad memories of foreign warships in the skies of their worlds, the NR even having the one fleet that's obligated to remain near the capital is probably a political achievement in itself.

It's just the JJ Abrams has utterly no interest in anything that isn't shiny and cool in the current instant, and completely ignored any real development of the world outside of it being the OT all over again.
To tip my hand a little, (and to reveal stuff that I've openly talked about on the discord channel) I'm planning to draw on elements from both canons. Buuut, I'm going to primarily leaning into Legends as the post Endor warlord era both has a more detailed timeline, and would make a far more exciting setting for this exact quest.

I will still be using some elements from DisCan in order to keep things spicy and to keep a rote retelling of Legends from getting predictable without me just making stuff up. (Arguably Vaere herself is already leaning into DisCan by utilizing Disney's penchant for #GIrlboss warcriminals in the ranks of the Imperial Navy (Rae Sloan for instance).)
(Arguably Vaere herself is already leaning into DisCan by utilizing Disney's penchant for #GIrlboss warcriminals in the ranks of the Imperial Navy (Rae Sloan for instance).)
Technically, the fact that Shara holds a high position in the Imperial Navy on her own initiative at all—girlboss war criminal or not—is Discanon, since in Legends the Empire was sexist on top of being speciesist and refused categorically to recruit women. The few who did make it in generally did so through nepotism; Daala was Tarkin's mistress and Ysanne Isard was the daughter of the previous head of the ISB, Armand Isard.
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