[X] New Leg
You look over the mess of papers and empty cans of energy drinks and mountain dew you were drawn in by your ideas and the papers grew alive with your blueprints.
It was all simply a basic mind-machine interface can be installed then it can speak with the leg over short wave encrypted high and electromagnetic waves. The leg would run just like your limb, and the structure would allow you to operate any number of machines near you by your mind.
Already some ideas of mechanical tendrils that could carry a number of tools have come to your mind. You make some notes as various cybernetics jump to your mind.
Leg Cybernetics (117/100) [Complete]
Mechadendrite Framework (17/???)
[X] Image
You look over the PRT building as you are led deeper into the offices by an agent you don't know your wheelchair rolling over the tile then the door opens and you look up at a woman in a simple grey skirt suit.
She looks down at you over her long nose. "Ah yes, you are Codename Oscar-8?" You nod the internal systems for the wards needs to have a name before you can make a proper cape name so until you get one you are Oscar-8.
You look to your binder filled with your blueprints mostly your leg. "Hmm, tinker's can always be hard to get a profile for. Do you have any idea of your learning? No, you wouldn't have." You blink as she cuts you off from the question she just asked.
"Yes, we might want to lean into your secondary. Hmmm, obviously whatever we set up needs to accommodate any armor or gear you will make. We can cover this in a few ways, either we can go over the potential armor with a big cloak or robe, maybe a full cape though of course, it would have to be tear away." She reaches down grabbing your binder as you catch up to her words she is speaking faster than you do when you get started.
"Now the other idea is to set up a style and your armor will conform to that like Gallant's knight motif or the simpler but distinct color scheme of Armsmaster or Hero. You see that and you know who you are see?" You start to speak but she holds up a hand flipping through the blueprints.
"Ah, I see you are looking to make a prosthetic leg. Hmm, these mechanical snake things attach to armor? That could work grab some mystic stuff dark blues and greys go for a spooky squid antihero. Something out of Lovecraft. The team doesn't have an edgy member yet and you would balance out the upbeatness of clock and kid." She set down her book and look you overrunning a hand through your hair with no regard to personal space sushing you when you make a noise in protest.
"Your look is too friendly to pull that off so we would have to go full face mask normally you avoid that personable and stuff but if you are going dark and edgy we can ignore that. Hmmm of course we can just go normal armor with some color scheme? Want to avoid knight with everyone going for that. Maybe a more modern look no can't do that youth guard hates the child soldier look. Ah maybe we can go with a red and white set of robes, if you can make prosthetics then we could bill you as a male mechanical Panacea."
"Of course all of this depends on what you can make so I will be working over several drafts after we figure out a direction. Generic scifi... Hmmm if we go with a large bubble helmet it could attach to any armor you make and provide an icon and noticeable brand. Though it would be highly campy, think you could pull off being a jokester? Not like clock, I mean more Saturday morning cartoon style. The press love them you could be the next coming of Mouse Protector who knows?" She pulls out a paper and makes up a list so what direction are you leaning towards remembering this doesn't lock you into anything but we will be doing our press teases and your PR training will be oriented by this. Dark and edgy? Campy goofball? Or Professional Healer?"
You blink and open your mouth when she doesn't shush you you start to catch up. You decide...
[][Style]Another idea...
After the talk with the image, you can now go to the room set aside for your tinkering though it will be some time before you have dedicated resources there are some already available for you.
You listen as the buzzer goes off not wearing your mask as to not have to be Oscar-8 and enter the ward's lounge in the room is occupied by Clockcblocker, and Vista who are hanging out playing a video game. "Hello you're the new guy right I am Clockblocker." The boy in the white helmet holds out his hand and you reach out when you grab it you blink as the teen vanished. He was back at the game laughing while Vista shook her head.
"Ignore him. He can be a bit of an as.. butt." You notice the skip. You smile and say a word.
"Shutdown." The Gamecube responds with a chirp and Clockblocker who had been winning the match against Vista lets out a scream.
"No, man that's not fair. You don't do that to a brother." He was making his voice high-pitched and obviously dramatized.
It is fun to talk to them and you do get to play some games with the two though everytime you are winning Clockblocker gives you a look.
> Connection Gained Clockblocker
> Connection Gained Vista
Number of Actions
>Greg Veder: 2 Generic Action Point
>>Can stay up late for 1 GAP, or not sleep for 2 GAP has negative effects.
>Greg Veder: 1 Personal Action Point
Current Supplies
> 60
Current Intel
> 5
Current Money
>School Starts
>Ward Training 4 Days
When tinkering select home or PRT base.
[ ] PLAN
[ ] Gathering supplies. (Cost: 1 AP, 100$, can be taken multiple times)
You can still do this but you don't need to the PRT will be providing materials soon.
> Gain D50 Supply per AP spent
> Risk: VERY LOW
[ ] The Dragon. (Cost: 1 AP)
Hunting down the leader of the ABB the one who killed your mom. The PRT would prefer you do not put yourself at risk.
> Unlock new Operation
> Risk: NONE
[ ] School (Cost: 1 AP)
Now you have to go back to school. This is unpleasant.
> Keep grades up. The wards need you to do that.
[ ] The Voices (Cost: 1 AP)
You know how the machines whisper and speak in words and even have an idea about how to control your interactions with them, maybe you can do more? What do the voices sounding like mean?
> Unlock new Research Option
> Unlock new Crafting Option
[ ] Mechandenrite Frame (Cost: 1 AP)
You would be able to use this as a base for a wide range of tools and equipment.
> Unlock new Research Option
> Unlock new Crafting Option
[ ] General Prothstetic. (Cost: 1 AP)
You can replace your leg why not an arm?
> Unlock new Research Option
> Unlock new Crafting Option
[ ] Tinker. (Cost: 1 AP D20 Supplies)
You want to just experiment with what you can do.
> Unlock new Research Option
[ ] Image of Art (Cost: 1 AP 15 Supplies)
You want to tinker around with creating the image that appeared in your head.
>Gain ???
[ ] Advanced Tools. (Cost: 0/5 AP 150 Supplies)
You need to be able to work on even more precise and delicate things reliably you will need to make better tools.
>Gain new Crafting Options
[ ] Graviton Pistol. (Cost: 0/2 AP 40 Supplies.)
The strange weapon you made is in the hands of the PRT you think you can remake it.
[ ] Tablet? (Cost: 1 AP 5 Supplies)
You have ideas for some kind of Tablet thing.
[ ] Leg (Cost: 0/2 AP 30 Supplies.)
You can now start building your new leg with just a simple machine.
[ ] MMI (Cost: 0/4 AP 25 Supplies.)
You can now build the mmi so you can control your leg.
[ ] Make Fiends? (Cost: 1 AP)
You have a much better understanding of the machine's voices you want to speak to them and get a better relationship with a few.
[ ] Taylor. (Cost: 1 AP)
You just triggered, well a couple of weeks ago, Taylor is one of your best friends and she has two legs, get in touch with her.
[ ] Sparky. (Cost: 1 AP)
You just triggered, well a couple of weeks ago, Sparky is one of your best friends and he has two legs, get in touch with him. His is probably not going to answer for a while you would guess.
[ ] Digital Comrades (Cost: 1 AP)
G-string Girl, Specific Protagonist, you have a couple of online friends that you should keep in touch with.
[ ] Browse PHO. (Cost: 1 AP)
Parahumans online is an amazing place you can go back to.
[ ] Play games. (Cost: 1 AP)
You haven't had a chance to play any of your MMOs recently you missed so many dailies.
[ ] Meet with the Wards (Cost: 1 AP, Free if taking action that brings you to the PRT)
You can meet with whichever wards are at the building. You are excited to meet with them and see who you will be working with.
[ ] Meet with Connection (Cost: 1 AP for 2 meetings.)
-[ ] Clockblocker
-[ ] Vista