Kamino Wellspring of False Life: Prologue part 2
You know machines. Since childhood you listened to the music of circuits and the beating of programs. You remember long nights where your mother guided your hands along the lines of some machine Watoo allowed her to take home. You were trained as a mechanic but you always knew there was more to you. Trained as you may have been, there was simply no rational explanation on how you were able to craft a protocol droid out of junk. For you it was a gift of Ar-Amu, given with the prophecy of your birth. One of your favorite Ekkreth tales was the one about how the shapeshifter tricked Depur into building a speeder to let the slaves escape in the deep desert. You knew your hands were made to craft wonders, like a way to find and deactivate the bombs implanted in you. The arrival of the Jedi put a new spin on things but you are not conflicted. The Force touches all things and who knows what Ar-Amu is. Still this is a matter you want to investigate. Who knows what the Archives may hold on this subject? You center yourself in the now. You know machines and the Force answers your knowledge.
[Force Roll: Diff 3: Result: 3: Success: Scene Aspect Friendly training bots]
Your will spreads through the droids, piercing hard metal to reach the soft core of their behavior. You could destroy them now but you have other projects. An instant and a thought are all that is needed to rewrite them, to make them not only consider you a friendly but to increase their speed and rate of fire, to break the pattern of their fire mode to make them unpredictable, and even to increase the punch of their blast. Seven spheres begin to shoot their beams at your teacher who remains unfazed. Still you see the hint of a smile as he dances along an exercise who would have been impossible for you. His blade of purple follow his moves, gracefully sending bolts astray and yet touching not one of the seven targets. You wait a moment, trying to gauge the instant you will jump on him. Your muscles tense as you prepare a jump, the Force around you concentrating at your feet. Soon. It will be soon.
[Lightsaber Roll: Difficulty 5: Roll+3+2(Invocation Aspect): 6]
Your feet leave the ground an instant before all seven droids fire at the same time. Your teacher sweeps his blade around in a protective screen, leaving him open for your attack at an unexpected angle. For a moment you think you are going to strike him and indeed your blade catches his training robe. Yet he turns around with a speed you cannot accustom yourself too and your blades are locked together. You feel the currents of the Force swirl around you as you plant your feet on the ground and try to contest his strength. It is his instructions after all. You must learn to fight foes who are quicker and stronger than you and internalize the different strategies you need in that case. Still you feel your arm sting from the pression as even with both hands you are hard-pressed to defeat your teacher's one-handed grip
[Physique Test: Difficulty 5: Roll-1: Failure]
This was a bad idea in retrospect. Your blade is swatted away with contemptuous ease and before you are able to bring it back, you feel the feet of your teacher right in your belly sending you careening into a wall. Your breath is cut short as you hear him unlit his blade and you must roll around to avoid a punch to the jaws. This is bad but not unexpected. You begin a flurry of attacks, forcing him to avoid the danger of your blade but still he dodges with the habit of long experience. Your perception spread through the room embracing the clutter deliberately left there. You breathe deep as you continue to push, trying to concentrate both on your teacher's retreat and the items on the ground.
[Force Roll: Diff 4: Roll +3: Success]
You manage it. At your call are the items in the room flung towards your teacher's body. In an instant he lights his saber and defends himself. Sheets of metal fall on ground, cut in twain, tools are batted away or reduced to ashes and even then you are not making any headway. You even try to direct your waves against him but this fails as expected. You perceive the wave crash into his shields before you feel your own defenses crumble under his attention sending you once again into a wall. Your saber flies to his hand and you feel the two blades locked on your neck before the announcement you have lost. Still your teacher's gaze is gentle under the strained expression.
"What was your mistake, Padawa?" he asks as he releases his grip and you fall on the ground.
"Engaging you in a bladelock rather than disengage and try to outflank you"? He nods satisfied with the lesson learned. He gives praises next. It is good. When the sparring began, the true sparring and not the learning of the katas, you were skeptical you would learn anything. What could you learn after all of being thrashed around like a drunk jawa? Yet you are learning, the rough treatment is building your speed and strength. You are developing tactics to answer his superiority and he is not so much above you in these matches you have lost hope of touching him. You have scored a hit today, this is something to be treasured when pitted against the master of the order. You feel it when you train with your peers. You are recognized among the apprentices of the temple as a budding prodigy.
You continue your banter with your teacher as you feel the ship drops from hyperspace. You hurry to the bridge as you think upon Kamino. To find the planet was easy. An absence is after all as visible as a presence for the trained eyes. Once the location has been ascertained the Jedi Order played its contacts in low places. Knights Kenobi and Vos brought the truth. Kaminoans are cloners, crafters of flesh and false life. Through the observation window their home frightens you. A storm-wracked oceans whose fury is visible even from space. A communication screen opens and a message is passed through. They are awaiting and expecting the Jedi as honored clients.
What does this means? And what will you do? Choose one (1)
[] Former Slave: As the Kaminoans discuss with the Jedi of the army they are charged to grow for the Republic you are isolated and captured. You awaken in darkness while a voice cold as ice rants about "dark handiwork'. Around you you can hear the mewling of creatures born to pain and death. To your horror, you recognize some of these voices from Tatooine. Gain 1 Fate Point
[] Prodigal Podracer: As the Kaminoans show you the clone pods who will grow the clone army once a prime template is found, an accident takes place. Droid servants reveal themselves as murderous while a series of explosions rock the city. You are sent to rewire the complex mechanisms keeping the place from sinking beneath the angry waves. Gain 1 Fate Point
[] Padawan of Windu: As discussions proceed, three individuals attack the city. To the horror of Mace Windu and Yoda, they reveal themselves as Teachers Sifoo-Dyas, Joruus C'baoth and an unknown Bith called Veenamis. They are accompanied by a posse of clones who proceed to threaten your teachers and seem intent on capturing you. Gain 1 Fate Point.