0. Quest Mechanics and Details
Cacophonous Interlude is NOT active
  (the QMPC does NOT hear what you write right now)
Next story update : Sometime in July would be nice
Next vote closing : TBD
Progress toward next update : 3,146 words
Anything I post that's not in text blocks or in spoilers
may be understood to be said by the QMPC, with the
exception of the Collaboration Post
  (see Collaboration Post for details on itself)
Players do not need to use code blocks or spoilers
outside of cacophonous interludes

If you use code blocks, please limit yourself to 32 lines
and your lines to 57 characters, so that people on mobile
can read them without scrolling within the code block
This is not meant to be Plagiarism Quest.

You're not discouraged from using outside reference
material or quoting other sources.  When you do, please
cite your sources in spoilers or a code box.
 I have added some players who contributed a fair amount
the last two times as thread collaborators who can update
   the collaboration post. If you'd like to update the
collaboration post too, contact me by PM and we'll talk
                        about it.

Check the Collaboration Post and read the latest story post in the Threadmarks to get a rough idea of where things are at.

If you're not already involved in the game, portions of either of these may be difficult to follow. But you can skip to the line that says "B R E A K" in the latest threadmarked story post and skim from there to get an idea of what's going on.

If there's no corresponding Closing The Vote post in the Informational threadmarks for the latest story post in (normal?) Threadmarks, then the game is in a cacophonous interlude and the QMPC will hear what you post, unless you do so with spoilers or code boxes. The NOTICES portion at the top of this post should also tell you if the game is in a cacophonous interlude.

So you can engage with other players, make suggestions, ask questions, and propose plans and you can compose a message to the QMPC all whether or not the game is in a cacophonous interlude. And once it is, you can vote and/or send a message to the QMPC by creating a post in the thread.

If you want to vote, simply do so as you would in other quests on this board. You may look at other players' votes to see how yours should be formatted. And you may check the tally to see that yours are counted as you intend them.

If you want to send a message to the QMPC, though, keep in mind that they are a creature of their time. They may not understand what you mean if you don't take the time to make it clear. This game rewards and demands work from its players. When a player wants to introduce a concept or tool or technology to the QMPC, that player will probably need to expend effort to explain it carefully, and take into consideration the limits of the QMPC's understanding of the world.

I think this is similar enough to Graeber's 'interpretive labor' that we can use the term colloquially to describe what is being asked of players. Put yourself in the mind of the QMPC and ask yourself how such a person can be made to understand what you want to tell them.

The QMPC has different values than we do. They have different assumptions about the world and objects and forces within it. Their goals may not align directly with number-go-up or color-get-big gaming agendas. But they want something, and will listen most attentively to players that tell them how to get more of or closer to what they want.
                    Collaboration Post!
  1. The Quest Master posts story updates that have 3 parts.
    • Quest Master Player Character responses to player posts made during the last cacophonous interlude
    • An update by the QMPC following a break of varying length but usually some number of years, covering what the character believes is worth mentioning
    • Requests by the QMPC for direction on a number of issues, which the players will provide in the form of votes
  2. Following each story update, players posts are audible to the QMPC until voting is closed.
    This is the cacophonous interlude.
    • Players may convey any information they can represent in text.
    • No images, sounds, or hyperlinks will get through (this is my limitation, not a limitation of the game, so please do not try to transcend it with clever protocol tricks).
    • Players may use spoilers or code blocks to communicate with each other without doing so in ways the QMPC can hear.
  3. When votes are tallied, the QM collects player posts so that it may be known what the QMPC heard.
    • Votes are tallied in the conventional fashion. So only votes in the most recent post by each player are counted. [X] marks what the player is voting. And only identical write-ins accumulate.
    • Some votes are querying the players for their preference, in which case the only suboptimal answer is that which does not accurately reflect the preference of the players who nonetheless chose it (I don't think these kinds of misunderstandings can be helped).
    • Other votes are intended as puzzles where there is a choice the QM believes would best meet what they believe to be the goals of the players.
      • However, in these sorts of votes the QM has in mind a choice that would provide the players with what the QM thinks they most want, but which is not listed in the available votes.
      • In this way, clever write-ins are encouraged.
  4. QM reads player posts, researches their suggestions, checks notes for precedent, determines what the QMPC thinks they already know on the topic, what they're right or wrong about, how likely they are to engage with the topic, how likely the QMPC's followers are to follow-through in the matter, and finally what the result is going to be later on.
  5. QM composes QMPC's responses to player posts made during the cacophonous interlude and updates their notes.
  6. When narrative benefits from uncertainty and chance, QM devises tests for QMPC or other characters and makes those tests using die rolls on a post made just for that purpose.
    • Skill or attribute tests will be made with a largely undocumented homebrew modification of the Burning Wheel system, mangled to suit the format of this game. (The Burning Wheelis a good system and I encourage you to check it out.)
      • Tests may be a contest between two characters or against a static target with tiered results.
      • The rules being used and followed will be described in each post in which tests are made by die rolls.
      • Normal mortals count 7s and better as successes.
      • Heroic characters and characters who are otherwise innately magical count 6s and better as successes.
      • Demigod characters and characters who otherwise possess some spark of divinity count 5s and better as successes.
      • New gods and characters who have otherwise stolen the power of Old Gods count 4s and better as successes.
      • Old Gods count 3s and better as successes.
      • Sorcery and other magic skills lower the threshold of success by 1 to a minimum of 3 only when they are the skill being tested, not when they provide a bonus to other skills. Players may note that Old Gods' threshold of success does not improve when they use magic.
      • Bonus dice provided by Kahl's Warhorses and any incendiary devices more complicated than a burning arrow reroll 9s & 10s and keeps successes. These same bonus dice cancels successes on 1s & 2s, rerolls those, and additional 1s & 2s cancel additional successes. More 1s, 2, 9, or 10s mean more rerolling and more successes or cancelations, but only in the manner of the original die. That is, a 1 or 2 that comes up when a 9 on a bonus die is rerolled don't cancel successes or lead to further rerolling.
    • Research project results are determined by percentile dice with results falling into 5 tiers.
      • Uh oh: something has gone horribly wrong
      • Nuh uh: failure, but the boring kind
      • Huh: partial success
      • Uh huh: full success
      • Whoa: superior special case success
    • When players expect a test to be coming up -- for example if they vote for an invasion or to send a diplomat to manipulate a foreign leader -- they can improve the odds of the test turning out the way they want by providing the QMPC with advice specific to that matter. If the advice is not mistaken or outright bad, there will be at least a chance it will help. That is, decent advice adds dice.
  7. QM composes the QMPC's post-break update, player vote questions, and player vote options.
  8. GOTO 1
The QMPC is intended to be the only character the players will interact with in this game. (It's kind of possible that the players could maneuver the QMPC to surrender control of the Astute Cacophony to another character, but unlikely.)

The QMPC is a small, evil woman who knows magic and has not died, despite looking like she probably should have at some point. She goes by the name Bianca the Undying. Her early life took place in the Paleolithic, in which she has said that she traveled around quite a bit and came to understand the malleable nature of populations of people and animals and even the land itself. At some point she was trapped underground, to her displeasure. She remained trapped for a very long time.

When Bianca got out, she found her way to a community of eight tribes living pastoral and agrarian lifestyles in the local Copper Age. She made these people hers and they relied on her for magically enriching their fields so that they did not need to slash, burn, and move around a bit, unlike their neighbors. Bianca and her followers formalized their relationships into the Eight Ways Pact. Later, another tribe joined Bianca's followers bringing small horses and the Bronze Age and their pact was updated with a ninth directive.

Bianca has an agenda that requires her to have more power than she does right now. She believes that achieving divinity will get her that power.
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[X] I just write

Voices who say everythings fine should reread stuff. Demon sacrifices like WHAT FREE PEOPLE ARE DOING. Not fine.

Could you discourage meat consumption?For whatever reason really.People can eat some meat but too much pigs eat too much stuff.Its easier to feed greater numbers of people on grains less healthy sometimes but easier.Not even always less healthy because very diverse plant diet can in fact replace meats
I don't remember what name I used to go by. Probably Fox? Not in the sense of any divinity though! Anyway! Let me respond to specific things you said!

"We are one moon and a bit more into the Autumn of the Year Six Hundred Twenty-Four, now. There is metal and paper everywhere. Do you know, when I first emerged I saw a… scrap of paper -- though it wasn't a scrap, it was doing just what it was made for -- a page of paper fixed to a tree with nails?!

"Their clothing was stange: knit strangely, woven strangely, dyed strangely. Some of it was more familiar, of course. But much was not. These bandits had fine steel weapons, and bits of metal in their clothing and their packs and all. I took what I liked and made it fit me. I found their stash of riches nearby and clothed myself better and more colorfully from that, leaving the rest for some lucky hunter.

"There are planks of wood along the roads and it was easy to use them to find my way back to my great house. It was easy to move unobserved once it occurred to me that I might want to do so. I did not see any other pages held to trees by so many nails. Most were fixed to the tree with dried paste. Some were pasted to boards then nailed to a tree by a single nail. I suspect that the first page with its many nails was a message of some sort that locals might understand but I did not. Still, such frivolous use of paper and metal!

So some parts of material culture are significantly more common and the arts have advanced and people are more wealthy than before! How wonderful! We told you to expect this, and you have even commented to us that your people weren't so wealthy yet. It's wonderful to see one's people prosper, don't you think? And yes, to you it looks frivolous, but it actually isn't, it's simply changing how resources are best used due to lifting of how scarce those resources are!

"The School of Hosts turns young people into disciplined warriors called 'soldiers.' But this is incidental to the table-rulers taught there, who may work as table rulers in a village or anywhere else, but are especially taught to work as table-rulers to hosts. Some select of these, who are also warriors or soldiers or whatever, are also there taught to be warparty leaders and leaders of hosts. All the greatest leaders of hosts are taught at the School of Hosts, or are created by gods or rare happenstance among outsiders. The School of Hosts, of course, claims that they once ran the lands of the Ten Nations. And just know that each of the Five Great Schools have this claim. I will not mention it again.

Hot damn! They finally figured out organized and disciplined soldiers rather than warriors. We have spoken on this topic before, several times and you mostly rejected the ideas, as perhaps premature. It's good to see that your people managed to get this working. It will become VERY important that this class of people be taken care of as time goes on! Also, you should spend some time learning their mindset and way of doing things as well as specifically how they fight, because there's a lot of core assumptions to being a soldier or an officer or a general (and their naval equivalents!) that you will need to learn.

"And when that famine came, the nearly-ground-away remnant of the Oathbreakers began to approach villages with new bargains. For a small cost, the health of one youth here or a few children there, a life or maybe just a token for a life to be called later, demons of the Stormwoods Host would revitalize fields and pastures, woodlands and even make gardens flourish. And since their deals were not allowed the Forsworn by the nature of their oaths, the Oathbreakers made themselves invaluable.

"Perhaps most notably, there is a line on maps north of which vineyards do poorly, or increasingly poorly. The people use vine walls to some effect. But even then, wine production drops off. And for this there are well known deals to be made with demons. So while a farming village needs only bargain with demons once or twice a decade, a vinter in the Land of the Ten Nations must find something or someone to offer up every year. Vintners, therefore, have a nasty reputation. But the people do love their wine, and the wine of the Land of the Ten Nations is much more affordably had than wine from further south. It is likely that all redewings of wines within the Land of the Ten Nations make use of this demon wine.

Deals with demons to make the crops grow? We told you about legumes, plants with special root nodules that fix nitrogen in the soil, and specifically plants that do that and are also are useful agriculturally, like alfalfa, clover, lupins, peanuts, rooibos, and soybeans, right? You just couldn't find the right ones in time for a proper crop rotation, right? Well these people had five hundred years, haven't they been far-ranging, going further, and searching for plants that bring vitality back to the soil rather than take it away?! What happened to that search? Demon shenanigans should've been a temporary solution for a few years, UGH!

"And traders, hah! You may recall, voices, that I permitted some traders to keep their own hoards at my great house. These persist in many separate bands of greedy fucks. And somehow they relate to the paper coins.

Well that's not concerning at all, ugh. Best figure out what that's about. Also, it's important to figure out where along the financial, monetary, and fiscal development path the civilization as a whole is. What's the situation of currencies? How about banking? Lending? Investment? We have, soooo many concepts related to increasing wealth and prosperity of individuals and groups and peoples that it's quite ludicrous, but we need to know exactly where your civilization is currently now that you aren't starting from nothing like you were before where you just said to people, 'I give you freedom see if there's something to this merchant lifestyle and accumulation of wealth over generations in new ways, and we'll see what comes of it'. Well now something has come to it, and we need to figure out what that is, and then what it will take to get whatever it is a.) better at doing the wealth-generating thing it wants to do more of in the first place, and b.) actually be of use for more than the direct and sole benefit of just a few greedy wealthy fucks.

"There are islands which were never conquered. Lesser giants live there and care not who comes to speak with them or to steal from them. They kill anyone they or their arrows and spears can reach who is not of themselves, even other lesser giants. Their boats are not as good as the boats of other people, but I have heard that they came to build theirs in imitation of what they saw and what they could take from fools who came too close. These lesser giants also hunt whales by rowing up to them, leaping from their boat onto the whale, and driving a barbed spear into the whale, from which a stout rope runs back to their boat. If the whale is too big, it will pull their boat under. But if the whale hunter has chosen wisely, the whale will be unable to pull down the boat. It will run until it tires itself out, then the whale hunters row it back to shore, pull it in, and butcher it.

Hey, whaling! Neat! Ya, whale oil is a great source of useful oil types and other useful products while you are still trying to get extracting and using ground oil figured out.

"There is a skill of hands on bodies, of heating and cooling and pulling and twisting and applying tiny lightnings to and shoving at flesh that healers do now which is said to be of Peyuvo's invention. The table-ruler says it is the best medicine for regaining strength and stature after injury, but does more besides that. And those outside the Lands of the Ten Nations who have more wealth than their fellows enjoy the efforts of those who practice such arts yearly or daily, according to their means and desires.

Awesome, therapeutic massage and the use of hot, cold, and electroshock for therapy applied to the muscles! A neat invention, to be sure.

"There is another matter of medicine said to be her doing, rules of record and action for learning the nature and effect of medicine. This sounds in ways like what you voices have described. And it is said by these means that poisons are known from medicine, tiny life known from spirits, and one day all things will be known. This is practiced as schools for table-rulers that are made into 'physicians.' They are called lesser schools for that they have no claim to the heritage of the Great Tabulation. But they are well regarded anyway. Still, some complain that the things done at these places are ways of suffering, and not just of outsiders but also of the people who should benefit from it. Well, there will always be those who complain.

"The table-ruler told me of great wonders that are done in these schools for physicians. A hand that was cut off was reattached. A liver from one person was parted and placed in the body of their sibling, whose liver had failed in its duties. They have learned how to give blood from one person to another, and of which person blood may be taken for another. They have separated babies that were born joined to each other such that both lived their full lives. There is treatment in these places for illnesses untreatable anywhere else. Rulers who are People of the Ten Nations and rulers who are outsiders beg these schools to come to their lands, and some do fragment in these ways. And some of those prosper, especially in the distant south.

Whaaaat, someone got Epistemology, Empiricism, and the more nuanced practice of Science figured out? HOT DAMN! Those people should get, like, all the praise and accolades! And in something as immediately obvious and useful as medicine, even? Rather than the study of the stars and planets as happened in my world (useful to be sure, but something we haven't talked about much due to other, more immediately practical concerns, as that science is not generally immediately as utilitarian as, say, medicine). Yes, those ways of thinking are the tools and practice by which a civilization conquers everything to do with reality. You really need to spend time wrapping your head around this philosophy and way of thinking (just like you do for soldiers rather than warriors), it will give you massive benefits in the long run!

"Bear's people have hand cannons. They have steel wagons proof against arrows. They have steel boats which run through other boats, though they must stay close to shore and fare very poorly in storms. It is good fortune for the Fisher People that Bear's People are mostly satisfied to keep to their own lands and their own gods and also that they have so few children. And it is good that horses hate them, so there is always a trade of mules to Bear's People: mules, secrets, and redewings of diverse flavors.

"Tohn of Glass never got over their indignation at the glassmakers who are not Bear's People. But Bear's People got over indulging their god in this tantrum. If either god could lower themselves to work with the other, Tohn and Erweh would likely make a great deal of trouble for me. But to Tohn, Erweh is a murderous usurper who murdered Deer and then died like a fool. And to Erweh, Tohn is a haughty priss who was given divinity by Bear, who both abandoned the world and threatens its destruction. So they won't.

"When someone says that Bear's People are the greatest maker of this or that thing, that no one else's work can compare to their craft, their art, always the response must eventually include the true saying, 'Bear's People have no god of iron or steel.' And so people remember that though Bear's People had glass since before anyone else had copper, still iron-making was the work of the Ten Nations. Tashburgeck claim iron and steel as their own glories, of course. And they are not entirely wrong, just somewhat.

They have handheld firearms and littoral zone steel ironclads? Presumably armed with naval cannon? Worrying. Yea, it's people directly loyal to you that should have a dominant technological lead in all things!

Anyway my specific suggestions!

[X] [Return] Peyuvoists - research test every 5 years in the manner Burgeck used to

Remember this? That was awesome! You've always been about Progress! And the use of the search for truth to enable your dominance and mastery over ever-increasing aspects of reality, of course.

[X] [Revisit] Leave it be. We've got bigger fish to fry.

Gosh everyone seems bloodthirsty. Maybe we can do some fact finding and investigation and buildup of our power base first?

[X] [Backrent] No repayment: just start over

Yea, it's not in your best interests to worry overly much about this.

[X] [Reintegration] Go on tour, visiting everyone until that gets old - WARNING: big time sink

I don't care how long it takes, you need data! About the status of the world, the arts, the people in it, their goals and focuses and foibles, local and state-level politics! And they need to see you, out and about, present in people's lives!
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I don't care how long it takes, you need data! About the status of the world, the arts, the people in it, their goals and focuses and foibles, local and state-level politics! And they need to see you, out and about, present in people's lives!

That time sink, visiting everyone, would also cause nothing else to be done (like dealing with demons or possible Gazark-like traitors). I would suggest my compromise option, using two years to visit places reasonably close.

That is opinion of the Black Cat.
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I had not thought of that before. It is good to have long term goals.

No no no. You don't blast apart the stars, the stars are useful! You get lots of matter and energy from stars! You use your nicoll-dyson beam from your own dyson swarm to blast apart all the planets orbiting those stars that might eventually contain life that could threaten your civilization, leaving their rocks in the solar system for later use, while sending 'seed' ships which are dragging negative-mass-based Intra-Universe Two Way Traversable Wormholes to every star in the galaxy as you build up to Kardashev Three! Sheesh. Blowing up stars like a punk!

(In case it isn't obvious, Bianca, this conversation is about incredibly hypothetical far future technology and infrastructure, and is positively dripping with sarcasm.)

Editing to add:

That time sink, visiting everyone, would also cause nothing else to be done (like dealing with demons or possible Gazark-like traitors). I would suggest my compromise option, using two years to visit places reasonably close.

Also, yea, two years is not a long enough time to properly do this. Five at LEAST. Also also, this is a civilization that has been managing itself for 500 years, and there is no immediate dire civilization-ending crisis. Let her spend some time getting to know a people that are completely alien to her in almost all aspects, it's really okay to take a break for a while and see her lands and do a Grand Tour! Kings did that sort of thing all the time back in the day, and she gains massive second and third order benefits from doing it.
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Erweh. Erweh would know about Bianca's return sooner or later. Bianca needs to prepare for this Greatest Evil instead of wasting too much time for travel, as sadly many voices suggest.
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Erweh. Erweh would know about Bianca's return sooner or later. Bianca needs to prepare for this Greatest Evil instead of wasting too much time for travel, as sadly many voices suggest.

I fail to see how figuring out what resources are available to her, and spending time building rapport and support with myriad groups of her people, and learning the completely alien mindset, technological and industrial base, economic structure, political makeup, military structure, and culture of her people are anything but the most efficient use of her time right now! We are not talking about purposeless, undirected, random wandering, here!
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'I give you freedom see if there's something to this merchant lifestyle and accumulation of wealth over generations in new ways, and we'll see what comes of it'.

She never said that, strictly speaking, inheriting riches of her traders was prohibited and they mostly ended in Bianca's treasure after deaths of owners. But yes, it would be nice to hear how exactly that works now.
Hello rainbow heart here to tell you how to make something cool

Making slaked lime mix quicklime and water let the water evaporate away and you have
slaked lime.
Making chlorine gas add soda ash and lye to brine also know as sea water. This is to get out calcium and magnesium. They will fall to the bottom as calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide. Now after you have got them out you want to pour your brine in to two different containers. Now run some electric in to the brine one copper wire in to each. In one of the brines chlorine gas will bubble up and from the other will come hydrogen gas.
Pass the chlorine gas over the slaked lime and now you have chloride this is an better way to store the gas
Mix in 2 part chloride to 48 parts water and this makes a little something called Chlorine Bleach now bleach is really good at being really poisonous to all living things It is very good at geting out stains and other messes but it is very hard on these things.
Don't put it on skin to clean. If there is an area that has been inhabited by someone who is sick with something horrible i would recommend spraying this in the area and on the body before touching much of anything
I also must warn that chlorine is a poison. Maybe you should mention how to semi-safely store chlorine air of poison?

You mention how store it in solid form, but how to store weird types of air and air poisons is interesting question, humph.

As to mentioned before moving steam devices, steam steel ships and great steam steel vehicles on special rail-roads, I think that these could also help with the food situation, at least when perfected. How, somebody could ask? Simple. Faster movement of goods could allow more movement of goods and even FOOD from places that have more to places that have less. Perhaps great moving steam devices could even be great enough to push cold wagons with ice, to preserve fish.

But that comes later, after use of such moving devices in mines and in between mines, where these could transport coal and iron ore and metals that make steel to make more devices.

Understand of course, that you may still have twenty years before steam devices are perfected, and one hundred years before such great feats of moving cheap steam devices are accomplished. It's hard to say and depends how hard your servants will work on such craft-wonders.

But many voices are displeased that Bear's People started to have some of these wonders and your people don't have them yet. Bear's People are cheating, it's too easy for them to make great wonders.

That was Black Cat.
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Could you discourage meat consumption?For whatever reason really.People can eat some meat but too much pigs eat too much stuff.Its easier to feed greater numbers of people on grains less healthy sometimes but easier.Not even always less healthy because very diverse plant diet can in fact replace meats

Encouraging people to eat less meat in some cases may be indeed worthwile in order to increase how many people a piece of land can feed.

You could either say some useful nonsense and lie that you like animals and dislike when too many are eaten, or truthfully say that use of grain to feed too many chickens is wasteful, or both.

But of course there are also hills or pieces of poorer land where animals may be more productive than sad attempts at farming. I think that year of animal grazing could be also used in some versions of the crop rotation, perhaps on clover.

And, indeed, health concerns. Purely plant-based meals are possible, but hard to do properly. So I'm not mad enough to suggest outlawing meat, that would be absolutely crazy, but I mean reducing consumption if it looks too wasteful.

I don't know whether current situation in regards to that looks wasteful, in your spare time you could look into this matter.

Demon wine certainly looks wasteful.
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Don't you need lots of crop plants which produce lots of protein -- which incidentally, is peanuts, which solve the bad soil problem anyway -- to make only vegetable diets with limited to no egg, milk, fish, or cheese consumption not be horrifically unhealthy?
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Yes. I mentioned concerns about health. All people, but especially growing children, need very diverse meals.

But health concerns must be balanced with risks of famines. So I suggest perhaps less animals, but not no animals. It also depends how many animals there are and how often free people eat meat. Perhaps eating meat could be limited to two days per week? I'm not sure how much they eat currently.

Medieval Japanese were fine with mostly fish, I think?

My concerns are NOT about chickens that forage for worms mostly on their own. I have concerns about too many chickens feed too much grain. I must also say that I don't know how meat consumption currently looks and whether it's excessive, Bianca needs to ask table-rulers and consider this matter carefully.
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Yes. I mentioned concerns about health.

I suggest perhaps less animals, but not no animals. It also depends how many animals there are and how often free people eat meat. Perhaps eating meat could be limited to two days per week? I'm not sure how much they eat currently.

Medieval Japanese were fine with mostly fish, I think?

My concerns are NOT about chickens that forage for worms mostly on their own. I have concerns about too many chickens feed too much grain. I must also say that I don't know how meat consumption currently looks and whether it's excessive, Bianca needs to ask table-rulers and consider this matter carefully.
Might want to investigate the idea of farming the creatures of the sea. Fish of course, but pearl bearing oysters could be farmed for trade, and the bright blue blood of the horseshoe crab has some interesting medical applications.
And people can eat specially farmed insects and specific types of small rodents that can also be carefully farmed, and tend to require less agricultural feedstock.
I disagree, insects and rodents are unwise while growing these in normal farming practice full of tiny life. These things tend to be dirty and full od finy life without very special and complicated care. To grow insects and rodents safely you would need special places and techniques, that's not yet worth expense.
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I disagree, insects and rodents are unwise while growing these in normal farming practice full of tiny life. To grow insects and rodents safely you would need special places and techniques, that's not yet worth expense.

I was thinking of specially bred crickets, beetles (especially in larval form), and guinea pigs or hamsters for the rodentia. Do those require such specialized techniques?
Hot damn! They finally figured out organized and disciplined soldiers rather than warriors. We have spoken on this topic before, several times and you mostly rejected the ideas, as perhaps premature. It's good to see that your people managed to get this working. It will become VERY important that this class of people be taken care of as time goes on! Also, you should spend some time learning their mindset and way of doing things as well as specifically how they fight, because there's a lot of core assumptions to being a soldier or an officer or a general (and their naval equivalents!) that you will need to learn.
Ehh, the biggest advantage of soldiers VS warriors is that the soldiers stops being a soldier once his tour or campaign is over while a warrior will always be a warrior. And as the warriors are the one's with the weapons and the knowledge on how to use them, they sooner or later become the de facto leaders of the society - and often enough de jure as well.
I also must warn that chlorine is a poison. Maybe you should mention how to semi-safely store chlorine air of poison?

You mention how store it in solid form, but how to store weird types of air and air poisons is interesting question, humph.

As to mentioned before moving steam devices, steam steel ships and great steam steel vehicles on special rail-roads, I think that these could also help with the food situation, at least when perfected. How, somebody could ask? Simple. Faster movement of goods could allow more movement of goods and even FOOD from places that have more to places that have less. Perhaps great moving steam devices could even be great enough to push cold wagons with ice, to preserve fish.

But that comes later, after use of such moving devices in mines and in between mines, where these could transport coal and metals that make steel to make more devices.

Understand of course, that you may still have twenty years before steam devices are perfected, and one hundred years before such great feats of moving cheap steam devices are accomplished. It's hard to say and depends how hard your servants will work on such craft-wonders.

But many voices are displeased that Bear's People started to have some of these wonders and your people don't have them yet. Bear's People are cheating, it's too easy for them to make great wonders.

That was Black Cat.
The price of grain doubles around every 30 kilometers it has to travel by wagon - be that horse-drawn or by person as the people and animals transporting it need sustenance as well. Transporting things via river is roughly five times more efficient and sea borne transport roughly twenty times (As river barges are usually rowed while even coastal hugging ships sail) and these numbers are pretty much hard limits to how you can efficiently reallocate food from the fields it was made to where it is needed. Steam engines and rail-roads completely remove them by virtue of decoupling the transport of food from the consumption of food and replacing the used resource with coal. Even Sailing ships often have crews in the hundreds while a train can do with three people, the one controlling it and two stockers - the people shoveling coal into the furnace.

I should probably introduce myself as well, even if it is a bit late. Either way, you may call me Legion.
Before people develop wonders of moving steam-devices and rail-roads, before that...

Artifical water-ways can be sometimes made on more flat pieces of land, at first for barges and smaller ships, then even for bigger ones.

Differences in water level are challenging, but cunning gates can be developed for that. A place for slowly changing water level in between two gates. One gate can open, a barge can enter, gate is closed. Water can be slowly pumped out (out of this place-for-slowly-changing-water-level) to the level of the water downstream. Second gate opens, barge can leave to continue travel. Such devices can be also developed to cross around some dams or smaller waterfalls.
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Before people develop wonders of moving steam devices and rail-roads, before that... Artifical waterways can be sometimes made on more flat pieces of land, at first for barges and smaller ships, then even for bigger ones.

Differences in water level are challenging, but cunning gates can be developed for that.
By the time canals are easy enough to make to be worth widescale use, we will only get about a generation of use out of them before steam comes fully into its own.
Oh, while we're talking about "reasonably precise locally-obtainable measurements" like bee space: For your purposes, at the moment the density of pure-enough water is 1 unit mass per unit length cubed ("cubed" in this case being both 'multiply the length by itself thrice' and 'literally a cube'), for any given unit length.

There are variances on this, because things expand when they get hot and contract when they get colder (as a general rule, but with at least one specific exception that ice melting actually means the resulting water will take up less space due to unique things about the molecular structure of water - imagine the difference between a honeycomb structure and the equivalent mass of hot wax, and that is the difference between ice and water, except that ice automatically organizes into that structure on a scale far too small to see directly with even the sharpest of eyes. If you have ever seen a snowflake in great enough detail, though, that is the reason they look hexagonal.)
Just Write Speaking

As a quick side note, there's another method for ensuring cannon shot flies tip-first, aside from making it spin. It's called fin stabilization; the basic idea is that by putting a set of vanes aligned with the desired orientation of the projectile aft of the bulk of its mass, the flow of air over the projectile can force it to remain properly aligned with the direction of travel.
Hi, I am Not A Bird

On what Just Write said, he's correct, but I don't think the cannon you are working with are capable of firing that sort of shot. He's basically proposing fletching cannonballs.