In the bosom of the Earth - An underdark civilization quest

[x] Obsidian dwarves

I will try to give an argument for Dwarves and against Demonkin.
To begin with we are a orderly society in general, being made by the Dragons as Servants, with Demonkin being chaotic enough to be ungovernable. It would also mean Demons are taking an interst into us, which I take as a bad thing. Obisian Dwarves on the other hand are defectors and fought with us for the Dragons, who we both miss. They would also be a great help in the Underdark itself with their affinity and they mirror us in the want of knowledge.

Hmm, I do like the idea of us having teamed-up with some of the dragons' other former servants. While I like demonkin, I think I'm going to add dwarves to my vote - I find that match-up more interesting.

[X] Obsidian dwarves
[X] Pale ones
Votes are still trickling in so I'll probably leave that one open until tomorrow.

I need to put together the system, since next update will get you into the actual civquest turns! This is going to be big, and a departure form the pretty simple votes we've had so far.
I'll close the vote this evening (in about 6 hours for timezone concerned people).
Vote closed
Oh boy that was close. Dwarves it is! I'll get to work. It's probably going to take longer than previous updates since I need to set up the whole turn structure and probably have a rule explanation post up too.
Oh boy that was close. Dwarves it is! I'll get to work. It's probably going to take longer than previous updates since I need to set up the whole turn structure and probably have a rule explanation post up too.

Take your time if you need to. I'm looking forward to getting into the meat of this campaign, but I don't want you getting stressed out about it!
I could have sworn I voted, but I think I got distracted by something shiny and forgot :oops: I'd have voted for the Demonkin and Dwarves anyway, so it wouldn't have changed anything.