Lost on the Road of Life (An AU Naruto Quest)

Voting is open
[X] Accept Compel (+1 FP)
[X] Work your way down the entirety of the list, doling out vigilante justice as you deem necessary, but as stealthily as possible. A ninja you are.

Honestly? I don't think we have much cause to care about the whys of why we're dealing with these people. Get rid of them, make contact with our summoner friend, and get our training.
[X] Accept Compel (+1 FP)
[X] Work your way down the entirety of the list, doling out vigilante justice as you deem necessary, but as stealthily as possible. A ninja you are.
[x] Accept Compel (+1 FP)
[x] Go out with Sugiyama and thoroughly investigate everyone on this list, and try to assess the potential knock on effects. You don't quite trust mysterious men with strange connections that ask you to kick ass in exchange for favors.
[X] Work your way down the entirety of the list, doling out vigilante justice as you deem necessary, but as stealthily as possible. A ninja you are.
Kakashi truly is teaching them everything he knows

Sugiyama gave the giant a totally-real-and-not-false smile at that
We already have a party Face, epic

Uh'm just a humble farmuh yuh see?
A humble farmer with a shit ton of axes and cleavers? Yeah okay

Sugiyama was interrupted by a coughing fit. She steadied herself after taking a couple gasping breaths.
Chekov's gun, we must fire it immediately

"Sir, this is an inn,"
Kakashi just got ratio'd

He rubbed some soot off of his shoulder and walked over to the makeshift triage tents that he and Sugiyama had set up for the sick and wounded villagers.
0% chance this was Kakashi's idea

"Not to question your methods, blessed shinobi, but was it strictly necessary to burn down the entirety of the woods?"
This guy's never played a tabletop RPG, huh

The ninja clans in the region seem to be preoccupied as well.
Found the plot, let's hop to it

Hold on a moment, I still have some prayer talismans left from my last trip there. Inns and the like are banned in Hakata, you see, so you'll have to exchange these for safe lodging at the local temple if you have nowhere else to go for the night.
I'm stealing this for my dnd game

"Get away from it, don't touch it, don't look at it!"

Fire Element: Flame Pillar.
Hmm, interesting. They can use jutsu, evidently. Wait, was this one of the jutsu discussed on discord? Solonarv mentioned "objection: a magical effect called "flame strike" must involve some sort of cylindrical column of fire that engulfs a location of the user's choice. "

They're here, and yet, they're also not here.
Not sure if we need to get the hell out of here or stay here forever

Something about you being the Copy Ninja
Lol I guess Kakashi shouldn't have expected to fool a social nin, or really any nin that's around him for any amount of time

I'm a missing-nin from Leaf. At the moment anyway.
Hmm. Wonder what he means

"Huh," Sugiyama said, dumping some strange powder into a pipe, before lighting it up.
Well I suppose that explains the coughing, but uh what the hell is that stuff

Sugiyama let out a puff of dark green smoke.
Nothing that belongs in the human body should be this color

"That's a bit of a strange thing to say. A less astute fortune teller and a poor shinobi would probably ask if you were projecting a bit, but I respect your keen powers of observation."
fuckin roasted
Quest is over folks, Kakashi isn't recovering from that one

The day you came over to recruit me, all of my divination results spelled it out quite clearly. If I didn't accompany you, the world would end. So, here I am.
"Wait, then why the hell am I paying you?"
"Uhhhh, fate decided you needed to"

"Well, if you think I'm crazy, you should see the rest of our destined companions," Sugiyama said. "They make me look rightly sane."
I could've told you this. Am I a seer?

Sugiyama exhaled, breathing out a massive cloud of purple smoke this time.
I am distracted from the interpersonal dynamics by the fact that the SMOKE is changing COLOR what the FUCK
Kakashi please burn the rest of whatever the fuck that is

Eh. It doesn't bother me overly much
I'm assuming they're just trying to be nice about it, but if not, it's interesting that they don't really have a strong opinion about it.

Sugiyama becomes a pirate

I only read them for the plot!
Maybe Kakashi really is the deluded one

Kakashi spent the rest of the evening listening to a couple hours-long explanation of why Demon Country was the most haunted place in the world and why they were insane to be inside of its borders.
That was an abrupt change in conversation. I can't tell which one of them was more uncomfortable lol

"Fair herbalist, I request your strangest wares." Sugiyama said. "And please, only the strongest herbs will suffice."

The man seemed taken aback.

"Um," the merchant said. "I'm not sure that my strongest would be fitting, traveler, you see —"


"I know damn well who you really are,"

That disguise isn't going to be doing much for you unless you put some more elbow grease into it or figure something else out.
Let's get Kakashi some sunglasses so no one can tell he's missing an eye

He pointed at the folder of bounty notices
Free party members or free money? Or free techniques

(like me! Though in an entirely different sort of way.).
I was not aware you are nonbinary, are there specific pronouns you prefer?
[X] Accept Compel (+1 FP)
[X] Work your way down the entirety of the list, doling out vigilante justice as you deem necessary, but as stealthily as possible. A ninja you are.
[x] Go out with Sugiyama and thoroughly investigate everyone on this list, and try to assess the potential knock on effects. You don't quite trust mysterious men with strange connections that ask you to kick ass in exchange for favors.
[X] Accept Compel (+1 FP)
[X] Work your way down the entirety of the list, doling out vigilante justice as you deem necessary, but as stealthily as possible. A ninja you are.
[x] Go out with Sugiyama and thoroughly investigate everyone on this list, and try to assess the potential knock on effects. You don't quite trust mysterious men with strange connections that ask you to kick ass in exchange for favors.
[X] Look into why no one has seen any Demon ninja recently
[x] continue to train academy basics with Sugiyama in spare time. They have Fire element, we have a small mountain of copied jutsu. Ask if Sugiyama would like to learn more jutsu (combat or otherwise) once they get the academy basics down. Try not to be scornful when suggesting it. Teammates need a working rapport with each other.
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[X] Accept Compel (+1 FP)
[X] Work your way down the entirety of the list, doling out vigilante justice as you deem necessary, but as stealthily as possible. A ninja you are

At the moment, I view myself as a timeless blob of chakra and soul that continuously reincarnates and happens to have one particular body or another and one particular identity or anotherr at any given lifetime

wow, if that isn't a mood.
Adhoc vote count started by Paperclipped on Feb 27, 2021 at 12:52 PM, finished with 13 posts and 9 votes.
  • 10

    [X] Accept Compel (+1 FP)
    [X] Work your way down the entirety of the list, doling out vigilante justice as you deem necessary, but as stealthily as possible. A ninja you are.
    [x] Go out with Sugiyama and thoroughly investigate everyone on this list, and try to assess the potential knock on effects. You don't quite trust mysterious men with strange connections that ask you to kick ass in exchange for favors.
    [x] continue to train academy basics with Sugiyama in spare time. They have Fire element, we have a small mountain of copied jutsu. Ask if Sugiyama would like to learn more jutsu (combat or otherwise) once they get the academy basics down. Try not to be scornful when suggesting it. Teammates need a working rapport with each other.
    [X] Look into why no one has seen any Demon ninja recently

Voting is closed.
PSA: Technique Hacking rules are live
Technique Hacking rules are live! They can be found in the rules doc.

The rules live there permanently. Below, in a spoiler, I am going to copy the rules. This copy is not the actual rules, and I don't intend to edit the version in this forum post after posting it. The real rules can always be found in the rules doc.

Technique Hacking
Some say Technique Hacking requires an even firmer resolve than Sealing – unlike sealing failures which happen at arm's length, Technique Hacking happens entirely internally. Through careful meditation and long stretches of chakra-manipulation, the user creates new techniques or alters existing ones.

There are three types of Technique Hacking projects:
  1. Tweaks – end result is a Stunt, which allows you to use the resulting spec.
  2. Modifications – end result is a new jutsu, whose level starts just below the jutsu it is based off of.
  3. Redesigns – end result is a new jutsu, which starts at level 0.

Technique Research
First, the player proposes the type of project they want and the target ninjutsu spec. The GM determines Research and Success TNs. The proposed spec is not the result. Instead, the GM can add flaws to the spec if the player fails their rolls. Additionally, the player can generate refinement, a quality that can be used to add minor improvements that make the resulting technique stronger – usually augmenting an existing quality of the technique or reducing the chakra cost.

Technique Research has the following steps:
  1. The character rolls a contested Technique Hacking check against the Research TN.
  2. On a success, divide the difference by 3 and round up, yielding a number of successes > 1.
  3. The player may buy refinement, reflecting additional benefits discovered in the creation of the technique, with these successes.
  4. There must be at least one success left over. The Success TN is decremented by the number of remaining successes. The character's Chakra Reserves AB caps refinement + extra successes.
  5. While the success TN is above 0, return to step 1.
  6. Once the success TN is 0, the player may opt to try up to Technique Hacking AB more rolls. These will only affect refinement.
  7. The player spends earned refinement to buy advantages for the jutsu spec. Chosen advantages are at the GM's discretion.

The first 3 points of refinement cost 1 success each to buy. The next 3 cost 2 successes each, then 3, 4, and so on.

The Technique Hacking Roll
Failing a Technique Hacking roll is rarely as dire as failing a Sealing roll. The most dire consequence is a chakra fracture, which damages your chakra system and causes the technique to go haywire.

More common consequences include: raising the Success TN, lowering the Research TN by adding flaws to the technique spec, unbeknownst to the character.

Like Sealing, one can gain benefits for Technique Hacking in a number of ways:
  • For elemental ninjutsu, you gain a bonus of +AB of your highest ninjutsu of that element.
  • Preparing for a number of days up to your Technique Hacking AB grants +2*(days prepared)
  • An assistant can provide +(their TH AB)
  • You may take Consequences in the same manner, +1/+3/+9.
  • Having similar techniques and having worked on similar projects also provides veterancy bonuses.

Additionally, to make the new rules easier to parse, I made up a document that explains what the technique hacking process actually looks like. You can find that document below.

Explaining Technique Hacking

We've spent a lot of time to make these rules un-gameable. If you notice obvious exploits or clearly unintended uses, please tell us so we can patch it before you vote in a plan depending on those components.

TL;DR players propose jutsu specs, GMs assign TNs, a lot of rolls happen, players and GM both tweak the spec, which can be learned with XP like a normal skill or stunt.
We've spent a lot of time to make these rules un-gameable. If you notice obvious exploits or clearly unintended uses, please tell us so we can patch it before you vote in a plan depending on those components.

TL;DR players propose jutsu specs, GMs assign TNs, a lot of rolls happen, players and GM both tweak the spec, which can be learned with XP like a normal skill or stunt.
"GM's discretion" covers a lot of the angles where I would start trying to exploit. A potentially unintended use is taking a technique one knows and then hitting it a couple of times for easy Refinement on 90% carryover variations that have very low success TN. Specifically, in step 8:
Once the success TN is 0, the player may opt to try up to Technique Hacking AB more rolls. These will only affect refinement.
My reading is that these extra rolls can't generate flaws, so it's relatively fast and safe to try to refine a technique you know with Type 1 or 2 projects. This suggests a setting where either 1) technique hackers have a load of personal refinements and punch above their xp weight, or 2) most techniques in public use have a high rating of TH-Retunement because they've already been tweaked this way and there's a high entry requirement to making TH useful on anything that isn't super secret.

Does TH-Retunement modifier on a learned pre-hacked jutsu perhaps 'decay' somewhat, when a new character with new approaches and a new chakra system gets to work on it for personal use?
Is it intended that Kakashi go into TH blind, or should he have an idea of what projects are within his capacity?

Does anything (other than TH level and increasing TN due to already applied refinements) prevent one from repeatedly making tweaks to reset the number of refinements available?
"GM's discretion" covers a lot of the angles where I would start trying to exploit. A potentially unintended use is taking a technique one knows and then hitting it a couple of times for easy Refinement on 90% carryover variations that have very low success TN. Specifically, in step 8:
This is intended. Once your TH goes up, you should be able to make variants of your old techniques that make them more powerful.
My reading is that these extra rolls can't generate flaws, so it's relatively fast and safe to try to refine a technique you know with Type 1 or 2 projects. This suggests a setting where either 1) technique hackers have a load of personal refinements and punch above their xp weight, or 2) most techniques in public use have a high rating of TH-Retunement because they've already been tweaked this way and there's a high entry requirement to making TH useful on anything that isn't super secret.

Does TH-Retunement modifier on a learned pre-hacked jutsu perhaps 'decay' somewhat, when a new character with new approaches and a new chakra system gets to work on it for personal use?
THers definitely get more bang for their buck in terms of jutsu. However, this is traded-off by having to spend XP on TH and time on making projects rather than seeking out new sources of power.

Techniques in public use vary. Some "beginner" techniques like Mud Wall are going to have ridiculously low TH TN. Other techniques like Subsitution are going to be pretty high. Decay seems plausible, yes.

EDIT: The extra rolls can fail and generate flaws.
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Is it intended that Kakashi go into TH blind, or should he have an idea of what projects are within his capacity?
Kakashi will probably reject projects that are too far out of his capability. Additionally, the rules are self-balancing. Even if the TN is ~10 higher than your TH stat, what happens is that you accumulate 4-6 downsides, then you're able to finish the project since the TN has been lowered.

Kakashi TH'd Chidori in its current state about a year ago. It was actually quite bad because the Tunnel Vision disadvantage. Later, when he got the Sharingan, he made a minor tweak to remove the Tunnel Vision if the user has a Sharingan.

Kakashi also TH'd Forge Flame. It was far above his capacity, and it ended up with a really substantial downside.
Does anything (other than TH level and increasing TN due to already applied refinements) prevent one from repeatedly making tweaks to reset the number of refinements available?
The risk of new flaws, primarily. Repeatedly refining is an intended use of the system.
I'm looking at that bit in the TH rules where it says "Having similar techniques and having worked on similar projects also provides veterancy bonuses." and that bit in Kakashi's sheet under Sharingan where it says "(Too many other misc. techniques to name.)"

So, hypothetically, if Kakashi spent a day or two setting stuff on fire to see if he could improve on Fire Dragon Bullet, it might go something like this:
Technique Hacking: 25
Knows a dozen people's reinventions of kill-it-with-fire, including Great Fireball Jutsu: +6-8?
High level fire ninjutsu: +3 (assuming this doesn't count GFJ)
Minor Consequence: Covered in Soot +1
Possibly invoke "The Copy Ninja" to further crib from all those stolen kill-it-with-fire jutsu: +3

At least +35 Technique Hacking, maybe +40. Let's try it one day and see what concrete results fall out. Technique hacking is less fun than going new places to find new jutsu, but setting stuff on fire is probably towards the more fun end. :)
Chapter 16: Doing One’s Duties
Chapter 16: Doing One's Duties

Kakashi sat across from Sugiyama in the small, ascetic room that one of the city's many temples had given them. The citizens had called it a temple, but Kakashi found it to be terribly small compared to the grandeur he was expecting. He had heard that the people in Wind and Earth, insecure in their beliefs without the Will of Fire to guide them, had built massive and beautiful (though crass) temples to honor the Sage. This tiny, cramped, pyramidal building didn't even compare to those expectations. Kakashi wasn't surprised though. Sugiyama had said that there were almost thirty similar temples around town -- splitting resources between that many places probably meant they were all dumps.

The two of them waited in an almost-companionable silence. Almost-companionable because Kakashi had insisted that Sugiyama bathe to remove the scent of the road and the million other incenses they used incessantly, and Sugiyama had insisted that Kakashi wear the appropriate ceremonial clothing while they were housed in a place of worship. Kakashi yearned to break free from the prison the monks had constructed around him with that endless sheet of yellow cloth, but when he looked Sugiyama in the eye and saw them blandly sipping tea, he steadied his resolve. He would not be the first to give in.

"So, I don't really need to over-complicate things, do I? Why shouldn't I just work my way down the list efficiently, finish off whatever odd jobs Tsuru wants, get the book, read the book, and skip town? No real reason to stick around here, right?"

"As ever, the joy of living is sacrificed upon the altar of efficiency. I suppose I shouldn't have expected any respect for the transcendent and unique beauty of existing in the moment from the one who shamefully bears the mark of the gravekeepers upon his breast. Or face, as it were."

"Did… you just call me ugly?"

Sugiyama sighed. They didn't say anything else.

"Okay, well that doesn't really answer anything. Doesn't sound like there's anything worthwhile sticking around in this town for. There aren't many people Tsuru wants dealt with. Honestly, I could get this done in a couple hours, as long as he's had the good sense to keep his mouth shut about me."

Sugiyama took a sip from their horrifyingly strong tea. They had offered some to Kakashi, but he declined. He didn't know exactly how their drug dosage regimen worked, but he didn't want to be involved.

He slowly pushed himself to his feet, feeling the heavy cloth around his arms grow taut. Shortly after they had left line-of-sight with the monks, Kakashi had cut apart the cloth that tied his knees together and his arms to his sides. No amount of dirty looks from Sugiyama would convince him to reduce his mobility in hostile territory.

"Alright, I'll go do that. I'll be sensible about it, quick and quiet. Don't want anyone finding out it's me, right?"

"And, as I presume you do not want people knowing it was the irreligious supplicant of the Yellow-Marked Child, you will be removing the clothing."

Kakashi decided to take their words at face value. "Yeah, it'd be hard to sneak around with yellow streamers following me around. Also, it looks pretty stupid."

"It covers your face as effectively as your mask does."

"...right. I'll be back before sundown."


Shima Kiyoshi gazed idly over the city rooftops. The buildings in Hakata had almost all been constructed with stone from a single quarry site. The city clearly reflected that construction. The oldest, most central parts of the city matched the rich redness of the exposed wasteland surface around Demon, while the farthest reaches of the city had turned to pale yellows and beiges. The buildings made a pleasing gradient radiating outwards through the city.

Shima sighed. His father hadn't yet arranged for him to start meeting the powerful people of Hakata, who by and large lived in those beautiful red buildings. He had promised that Shima would get the chance to start making real change sometime soon, yet all he had done was stick Shima in this boring old city guard job for a year and a half now. He was so close, yet so far.

Sure, it was prestigious to be responsible for the city guard. Sure, it was easy to get a good reputation with how quiet the beasts had been lately. But still, Shima couldn't help but wonder if there was something more he could be doing. Maybe branch out the city guard into policing? Various districts mostly kept crime under control on their own… but they weren't perfect. Having the city guard marching through every street could be good, it might make it seem like he was doing something more than stamp papers…

"Hello, are you Shima Kiyoshi?"

Shima straightened up from his horrendously unprofessional lean against the water barrel. "I wouldn't go by any other name," he said. "Who are you? How did you get up here?"

The man smiled in response. Shima thought it was a smile, at least, since a lopsided hood bandana covered the man's mouth and nose and the entire left side of his face. "You won't need to worry about that, Mr. Shima. Tsuru sent me. He instructed me to beat you up for 'dereliction of duty'. Would you like to do that here, or somewhere more private?"

Shima's hands went to the daggers at his sides. A moment later, he felt the back of his head hit the rough, brown stone of the rooftop. The man had crossed the gap in an instant and kicked him squarely in the chest.

Shima coughed and pushed himself to his feet. "Guards, assist me! Intruder on the roof!"

"Ah, so you want an audience then?" said the man. He was playing with Shima's daggers. Shima absently patted his sides. He hadn't even sensed them being taken.

"Well, Mr. Shima, step away from the edge of the rooftop so we can get started."

Shima stepped forwards to throw a punch, and his world turned into pain.


"Ushijima Bairei? Tsuru sent me."

The heavyset man turned slowly at his name, but suddenly jumped at Tsuru's. "That demonic little cretin has finally seen fit to call for the end of my life?" He looked Kakashi up and down. "A shinobi. I knew the cretin was vile, but I would not have expected him to send a shinobi to rob me of my right to go out fighting. I knew his retribution would come, ever since-"

"Ah, let's skip the backstory. Also, I'm not here to kill you. Just punch you in the face a couple times and give you a note from him."

Ushijima grimaced. "So be it. I will take my beating with dignity rather than let my honor die with begging and mewling." He squared his jaw and closed his eyes. "Do as you must."


Kakashi entered the small, dank smelling den built under a small fishing supply store. The street thug gruffly pointed him to a man who was quietly giving orders to another blandly dressed, heavily-muscled woman. The woman, who Kakashi mentally named Thug Two, nodded as her orders ended and left the cellar, intentionally shoulder-bumping Kakashi on her way out. Thug One pretended not to notice and gave him an escort to his leader, while shooting Kakashi a glance that said "screw this up and I'll break your neck."

"You got summat worth tha time here, Yasu? You, mask guy, show me ya goods."

"Ah, you think I'm here to sell you… drugs? I actually know someone who might be interested," Kakashi realized. Maybe that's how Sugiyama had managed to stay afloat in Yahashibetsu. "But no, I don't have anything to sell you right now. You're Takishima Tsuneari, right?"

The man nodded. "Wouldn't be usin' any other. Get to tha point."

"Right. Tsuru sent me to beat you up a bit, probably for crossing him at some point. 'Perils of leadership' he said."

Thug One at his side stepped closer to grab Kakashi in a bear hug. Kakashi didn't even look at him as he grabbed the man's left arm, twisted under his body, kicked the man's legs out from under him, pressed him face-first into the foul dirt of the fish-shop cellar, and yanked the man's arm out of its socket. He kept eye contact with Takishima the whole time.

"Yeah. I was hoping we could be civil about it. The last guy was surprisingly cooperative, so that was pleasant."

Takishimi had paled with Kakashi's show of strength. "Uh… yeah, we can do tha. You ain't gonna kill me, iszat right?"

Kakashi shook his head. "Nah, just beat you up and leave a note." He reached into his pocket and grabbed the note Tsuru had left for Takishimi. Clearly written on the exterior were the words "KILL AND LEAVE NEXT TO CORPSE."

"Oh, never mind about the no killing thing. My bad."


"Stupid Tsuru. Teach me not to check the mission details."

Kakashi grumbled as he walked through the streets of Hakata. ANBU training indicated to minimize talking with targets before you killed them, to avoid the risk of emotional conflict. Kakashi certainly wasn't conflicted about offing a minor street gang leader, but breaking the rules still annoyed him. It was his fault, really. He should have read the mission briefing more carefully.

Still, he had almost finished up the list. All that remained was a Fukunaga Murakumo, a monk at the temple of one of the endless minor gods people worshipped out here. He hadn't told Sugiyama about this target, since he figured their eccentric religious attitudes might force them to object on principle.

He approached the temple, another small pyramidal thing. The differences in their construction were pretty minimal, limited to the ornamentation.

As he approached the gates, an attendant called out to him. "Greetings, traveller, and may your journey pass unnoticed among those who wish you harm. Have you come to give an offering to the Tower of Light? Or do you wish to perform the rites of the monastic order?"

"Let's go with the second," Kakashi said, letting a bit of his weariness seep into his voice. "I'm looking for a guy named Fukunaga Murakumo."

The attendant's eyes widened with fear and she put on a fake smile. "We do not really know what he is named, yes? So let us forget the idea of names." Kakashi waved his hand in rough agreement, and the attendant continued. "There is certainly one here who calls himself Fukunaga Murakumo here. Would you like to see him?"

Kakashi nodded and the woman gestured at him to follow before scurrying away. Kakashi took advantage of the commute to daydream. He had been missing his quota lately.

"...sir? Are you alright, sir?"

Kakashi focused his gaze on the surprisingly-short middle-aged man in front of him. He wore plain grey robes in a simple sash and skirt, exposing his small pot-belly and sun-wrinkled skin.

The monk flourished and bowed. "The wisdom of-"

Kakashi cut him off. "You're Fukunaga Murakumo, right?" The man nodded, and Kakashi continued, "I'm glad. I need to talk with you about something private. Do you have a place we could do that?"

"Of course sir," said Fukunaga as he turned to walk. "May I ask what this is about?"

Kakashi shook his head. "It really is quite private. I'm sorry."

The monk entered a small, ascetic room. It was sparser than even Kakashi and Sugiyama's room in the other temple -- the only furniture Kakashi could see were a pair of thin straw mats for kneeling and a thinner blanket on the floor. Kakashi entered, and Fukunaga shut the door behind them.

Kakashi grabbed the man's jaw and shoulder and snapped his neck before he could do anything more. He dropped the body to the orange stone in the corner and placed the blanket over it, leaving Tsuru's note on top. He started making his way back out of the temple, ignoring the other monks and supplicants bustling around him.

"Finally," he grumbled under his breath, "Let's see what else Tsuru needs done."


Kakashi entered their shared room. Sugiyama still sat at the short table quietly sipping at a cup of tea. They were in the exact same position, like no time had passed while he was out.

"All done. Tsuru wants me to do a couple more things for him before I can get the book. Couple messenger missions, need to make a couple storage seals for him to store some stuff, then we're good. It'll probably take a couple days to round all of those loose-ends up, but that's good since it'll give him time to get the latest update on the Mantis Summoner. It'll be easier to dodge a fight too, since Tsuru might be able to get me a proper introduction to the Summoner."

Sugiyama didn't look up from their tea. Kakashi could tell that the scent had changed. They had definitely brewed a new cup of something. "So you have finished sowing the seeds of misery in this town, then?"

"Yeah," Kakashi shrugged. "I'll cop to it. Being a ninja means hurting and killing people sometimes, when it aligns with your goals. Whatever."

Sugiyama frowned, but didn't say anything.

"Anyway, I'm telling you all this since we're going to be spending a couple of days in town," Kakashi said, sitting down heavily. "You can do what you want, I'll come and grab you once we're ready to leave."

Kakashi tried to be stealthy with Takishimi once he realized. The other two were to send a message, so he didn't really have to be that stealthy.

On account of the players voting in:
[] Work on...academy basics...with Sugiyama

We've decided to give Sugiyama a 35 XP advance on their next XP payout. Presumably, it will be the end-of-arc award, if they survive that long… Sugiyama's sheet is still not player-side, so this doesn't affect you yet. I'm including it for transparency's sake.

Voting Time! What do you do now?
Here are some options to get you started.
[] Speedrun the tasks to get Icha Icha quicker. Tsuru and Sugiyama said not to go out at night, but that's for normal people, not jounin.
[] Gather information on the local ninja clans. Tsuru might claim they're non-hostile, but Kakashi doesn't take chances.
[] Track down even one of the local ninja and give them the Mieko treatment (with maybe less maiming).
[] Break into the various temples in this town. Maybe some of them have secrets worth knowing or stealing.
[] Start a Technique Hacking project. More Chidori is never a bad thing.
[] Get Tsuru to give you what he's got on the Mantis Summoner and skip town. No point hanging around any longer.
[] (Write in)

Remember, we use approval voting, so you can vote for as many plans as you like. Also, feel free to ping @Paperclipped or @MMKII to ask setting or detail questions that Kakashi could plausibly know. Note: This includes specific questions for Sugiyama about Demon (though we might not get to it until the update)

Voting is open, and closes at 9am London Time, Wednesday March 03.
[x] Gather information on the local ninja clans. Tsuru might claim they're non-hostile, but Kakashi doesn't take chances.
[x] Track down even one of the local ninja and give them the Mieko treatment (with maybe less maiming).

> [] Break into the various temples in this town. Maybe some of them have secrets worth knowing or stealing.
Is breaking in necessary? Waltzing in the door seemed easy enough.
Not sure what to expect with this one.

> [] Get Tsuru to give you what he's got on the Mantis Summoner and skip town. No point hanging around any longer.
Bah, this sounds kinda reasonable but I want to see more of this place.

> [] Speedrun the tasks to get Icha Icha quicker. Tsuru and Sugiyama said not to go out at night, but that's for normal people, not jounin.
Intrigued to know exactly what terrible manner of disaster would befall us if we did this, but not quite enough to vote for it.

[X] Get someone to explain wtf is up with those local nighttime chakra monsters in slightly more detail?
[X] Gather information on the local ninja clans. Tsuru might claim they're non-hostile, but Kakashi doesn't take chances.
[X] make explosive seals and give them to Sugiyama for their defense. Ensure they have a weapon (kunai?) and basic enough competency in how to use it (suggest poisoning it).

[X] Get someone to explain wtf is up with those local nighttime chakra monsters in slightly more detail?

[X] Prioritize Sugiyama's health. They're our teammate and we need our medic.
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I assume Kakashi doesn't have Lightning Beast Running yet right? If so:

[X] Start a Technique Hacking project. More Chidori is never a bad thing.
"What if Chidori...but from a distance."
[x] Gather information on the local ninja clans. Tsuru might claim they're non-hostile, but Kakashi doesn't take chances.
[x] Track down even one of the local ninja and give them the Mieko treatment (with maybe less maiming).
[x] Speedrun the tasks to get Icha Icha quicker. Tsuru and Sugiyama said not to go out at night, but that's for normal people, not jounin.

I want to learn more about these monsters, preferably by running into them.

[x] Gather information on the local ninja clans. Tsuru might claim they're non-hostile, but Kakashi doesn't take chances.

Seems like a smart move.
[x] Gather information on the local ninja clans. Tsuru might claim they're non-hostile, but Kakashi doesn't take chances.
[X] Get someone to explain wtf is up with those local nighttime chakra monsters in slightly more detail?
[X] Ask Sugiyama about the drugs they're using. Is it a risk to their health?
[X] Figure out why no one has seen any ninja recently
[X] What's this about a coup attempt in Mist?
[X] Ask Sugiyama about the drugs they're using. Is it a risk to their health?

I'm so down for a 'drugs are bad m'kay' scene!
Voting is open