I’m not Sharing! - - Sevenfold+ Bodyshare Isekai Adventure

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Your standard isekai quest... or is it.
Seven distinct personalities must share one body amidst the desperate scramble to figure out what it going on and what they are going to do now.
All the while, the Raving Trillions of sunken voices not strong enough to claim control for themselves whisper their suggestions and advice on what to do next.
Chapter 0.0 - - Quest Setup "How it all Begins"


I don't like pie.
Pie Shop
I'm not Sharing! Sevenfold+ Bodyshare Isekai Adventure.

Chapter 0.0 - - How it all Begins

Quest Info:

Hello Questers!
So, it's a tale that's been done to death (pardon the pun); someone succumbs to an ignoble end only to find themselves in a new world with unique powers that make them a super special snowflake. Cue power fantasy, endless escalation, easy harams and everything else in between and under the sun.

Let's put a different spin on it this time.

Welcome to "I'm not Sharing", a quest I'll write in my idle time when the muse for "It's a Girl's World" is being uncooperative. In this Isekai quest, we will guide a group of trillions of lost souls all isekaied with a slight mix up. They will all be sharing the same body.
Seven personalities shall be intact enough to exist as distinct entities and take turns holding the steering wheel to begin with. Each with their own unexplained fiat systems and requirements to stay alive. Can we help them handle the chaos? Will the world they are about to be inflicted upon be able to handle them? (Pitchforks and/or cuddles may become involved)
I guess we'll all find out...

Let's not delay any further. Time to introduce our cast!

Mazie May – Shy Prepschooler {System: Sir Cheshire the Unicorn}
Bio: Mazie was a shy girl with a small group of friends who found it hard to talk to new people. She died on her way to daycare during the holidays. Mazie does not remember exactly how it happened. One minute she was playing with her dolls and Sir Cheshire her best horse toy in the backseat of the car, then there was suddenly a sharp wrenching feeling and it felt like her seatbelt was trying to push itself into her chest. Before she could call out the world became nothing but the sounds of shrieking metal and shattering glass, there was a moment of terrible pain, then nothing.
System Description: Rather than growing herself, Mazie's system manifests as Sir Cheshire, a sentient projected familiar who is a defender, companion and mentor all wrapped up into one. He is incredibly flexible, growing according to what Mazie feels she most lacks, his powers will always slowly adapt in a direction to best support Mazie having the most wholesome life possible.
In the beginning, Sir Cheshire is basically just a really awesome horse with a sharp penetrating horn. But can quickly develop to take on far more fantastical features.
Survival Condition: Find a sense of hope that things are going to work out okay within 24 hours or your seed will be recalled.

Lisara Gwen – Strangled Maiden {System: Behold Her Radiance}
Bio: Lisara always dreamed of her wedding day, betrothed to the baron's son since the age of ten, her sixteenth birthday was supposed to be the happiest of her life. The short ritual under the moon to confirm her purity was supposed to be nothing more than a technicality, but when the tealeaves floated instead of sinking she could not believe her eyes. The omen was wrong! She had not dishonoured her family and clan! Lisara's pleas fell on deaf ears as the elders surrounded her and bound her in heavy ropes. It fell to her fiancé to render the judgement; Lisara died under the cold moonlit night with his hands around her throat. As she choked on her last gasps of air, the panic and pain slowly fading as blackness crawled into the edges of her vision, Lisara swore a curse upon the heavens and world for betraying her, upon her own family for not believing her, upon false signs and deceiving omens. She should have never trusted anyone but herself.
System Description: Lisara's system seeks to make her indispensable to those around her. Revolving around concepts of collective momentum, it allows her to insert herself into any hierarchy and immediately benefit the established structure in such a way that it becomes inconceivable to remove her from it. Initially this is through subtle increases or efficiency and other beneficial tweaks, but over time can build into reality-defying synergies that define a nation. She is at her most vulnerable when unproven, having precisely zero power until willingly inducted into an existing authority structure.
Survival Condition: Make a friend who you genuinely trust to not stab you in the back within 24 hours or your seed will be recalled.

Harold Bathe – Joyful Killer {System: Serene Sanguine Sins}
Bio: The less said about many of Harolds escapades, the better. An unrepentant sadist, Harold's stint of serial murders were as horrific as they were creative. The day that he received a lethal injection, not even his parents were present. His only regret in life, that he wasn't able to kill more.
Harold also enjoys arts and crafts and philosophical debates, overall quite the charming talker when not inventing novel forms of harm.
System Description: Harold's System is simple and brutal, growing stronger alongside his fatality count. It manifests the archetypical sins as discrete attributes he can place increasing power into. These vices supernaturally affect Harold and the world around him in far reaching and intrusive ways, the only feature they share in common being that they make it directly easier to sow destruction and discord into his surroundings. Investing in Wroth might see Harold become innately aware of the weak points to target in others. Investing in Sloth might see those around Harold always take longer than they should to react to his movements. You get the idea.
Survival Condition: Murder one or kill ten people within the next 24 hours or your seed will be recalled. Sentient non-humans are an appropriate substitute.

Yuan Xipay – Abandoned Levy {System: Climb the Hundred Heavens}
Bio: Called into his prince's service, Yuan was a young fisherman before being conscripted into the conflict between roaming warlords. After two years of hard marches and gruelling conditions he'd been lucky to even survive, Yuan met his end when the army retreated back from the vanguard he was a part of. Speared through the abdomen in the ensuring encirclement, Yuan drowned in a rice field thinking of his parent's faces and hoping they would be proud. If only he'd been able to do more.
System Description: Yuan's system behaves like a stereotypical fantasy cultivator. Through inward mediation and the collection and distillation of rare ingredients, he can push his body and mind to impossible heights through a series of increasing internal revelations and breakthroughs. There is a distinct elemental theme to his cultivation, being split between Fire, Air, Earth and Water and meta-physical concepts to individually progress along.
Survival Condition: Attain a Semblance in the first tier of the first rank of the first domain of cultivation within 24 hours or your seed will be recalled.

Sebastian Rooks – Disgraced Doctor {System: Demonological Codex}
Bio: With several malpractice lawsuits pending and his accounts already empty from extensive litigation, Sebastian didn't give the bastards the satisfaction of taking him down. He went out on his own terms. That's the way he used to think about it, Sebastian had an uncharacteristic change of heart in the space between lives, looking on his past abuses with tremendous shame. He truly hopes he can do better this time.
System Description: Sebastian's system allows him to commune with demons without being caught in unintended pacts or contracts. His system lets him innately know the inherent limits and loopholes of any deal, making any negotiation with eldritch entities a... safe is a strong word... 'manageable' affair. He has the potential to effectively be a Warlock on his own terms, only sacrificing what he is explicitly okay with. Sebastian also has a knack for sussing out the necessary rituals to contact entities that will be interested in what he has to offer. Thread the needle wisely.
Survival Condition: Form a contract with your first corrupted meta-physical entity within 24 hours or your seed will be recalled.

Jeremy Plunkett – A Simple Life lived. {System: Game Layer}
Bio: Jeremy was smart enough to figure out he was a bit slower than most children by about six years old. Mum and Dad were always so understanding though, always looking out for him. He thought he'd be able to have a normal adult life one day. But Mum and Dad explained to him that that just wasn't a realistic dream. After all, he was often quite sick and so very dumb, it just wouldn't be safe for him to try and live without their support. Jeremy's younger sister used to argue with Mum and Dad about whether Jeremy should be able to come live with her instead for a while, she disagreed with mum and dad about Jeremy staying at home. Eventually she stopped trying. Jeremy isn't sure how he died. He went to sleep one night, and that's it.
System Description: A lover of just about any video game for their ability to transport Jeremy out into worlds beyond the four walls of his home, Jeremy's system abstracts reality into a videogame facsimile with attributes, skills and classes. His power will represent the way it works for others in the world you are about to be isekaied into, but his abstraction will make it easier to progress than for the natives and strip away all the boring bits like actually having to understand how any of it works.
Survival Condition: Complete your first Quest "Try things until you reach level one" and get at least one 'Achievement' within 24 hours or your seed will be recalled.

Planno #2672 – Terminated Slave {System: Founder Beacon}
Bio: Planno did not question her life. Her place was to serve. She was one among many, labouring for the great king in the construction of the monument to venerate his magnificence. She hoped to grow older and was disappointed when the minders sealed the tunnels of monument with them inside. She wanted to live, but accepted that it was her place to die. She starved alongside the ten thousand other slaves inside the great ruler's tomb. It was only in the space between lives that Planno discovered how small and insignificant hers had been relative to others. That rage and indignation at the injustice of her allotment is part of what allowed her to retain a cohesive identity among the uncountable crowd of the nowhere. If Planno ever gets the chance, she wants to be able to enjoy the benefits of what she builds.
System Description: Planno's System serves as a meta-physical hub that trivialises many of the economic and other related obstacles to founding and maintaining a civilisation's infrastructure. She is a locus around which people of common purpose can build something truly great. Space, time and material will slowly become less and less of hinderance in the construction of first a tiny village, but eventually the most massive metropolis the world has ever seen.
Survival Condition: Establish a Collective of at least 15 believers dedicated to the cause of constructing your sanctuary and city within the next 24 hours or your seed will be recalled.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mediator – Soul Interface {System: Fiat Weaver Points}
Bio: And there is me. Mediator. I'm the only thing awake at the moment. I don't know who made me, and for what purpose they jammed us all together. They were clearly immensely powerful. All I know is that it is my job to keep the arrangement stable and try to help everyone stay alive. I need to pick who to wake up first. The rest will follow soon after, but the order may be very important.
System Description: I can sort of take causality and slowly weave it into fiat-backed effects. Sky's the limit really. It's going to take me quite some time to build up enough to make anything of practical use though.
Survival Condition: I don't have one. I'm not a person. I am Mediator. My sole function and goal is keep the assembly alive.

The Raving Trillions – Innumerable Melange {System: ????}
Bio: Trillions is honestly an understatement. This is an impossible number of individuals and fragments of individuals who were on some level unsatisfied with their lives or how they ended. Right now, all they seem to be good for is making a ton of noise with all the uncomprehending screams and wails at the unmaking touch of non-space. But perhaps I could eventually piece together a couple more stable personalities.
System Description: Beats me. Whatever systems they have, they are not cognizant enough to activate them.
Survival Condition: They're all just along for the ride right now, but I assume we'd get some more conditions if I managed to awaken a few more.

The Setup:
You are about to be dumped in the middle of a completely unknown world. Expect wild tropes to be roaming around, but what you should really fear are the things that appear normal to the untrained eye.
Choose which of the seven minds will be the first to awaken. Your body will be heavily influenced by the first mind you select. You will be in a race against time to meet their survival condition as the other minds all quickly start occupying the same space. Survival conditions start counting down when that mind awakens. Failing to meet any survival condition results in immediate seed recall (Quest Termination).

There are things I am not telling you. Things that will make this quest harder.
Good luck.


They were the First: Who among the seven shall be the sole occupant on arrival to the unknown isekai world? They will be alone with only their own power to rely on for likely close to half a day.
[ ] [TwtF] Mazie May
[ ] [TwtF] Lisara Gwen
[ ] [TwtF] Harold Bathe
[ ] [TwtF] Yuan Xipay
[ ] [TwtF] Sebastian Rooks
[ ] [TwtF] Jeremy Plunkett
[ ] [TwtF] Planno #2672
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[X] [TwtF] Yuan Xipay

If the body is going to be heavily influenced by the first mind then pick the Cultivator.
If the body is going to be heavily influenced by the first mind then pick the Cultivator.
I should specify that none of the minds had these powers in their previous lives. So Yuan has not done any cultivation.
Picking him does mean you can get started much quicker, but no superhuman body on arrival.
[X] [TwtF] Jeremy Plunkett
[X] [TwtF] Sebastian Rooks
[X] [TwtF] Yuan Xipay
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...Oh boy, Harold is going to be a fucking chore.

Edit: Oh no, the QM is laughing at me. help.

Okay, people, listen up:
I think we should pick Jeremy Plunkett.

Why? Because I don't think he's as dumb as he thinks he is. And if he has anything like an INT stat, well, I certainly hope he won't be staying that way.

[X] [TwtF] Jeremy Plunkett

That said, I could also accept the cultivator.
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One minute she was playing with her dolls and Sir Cheshire her best horse toy in the backseat of the car, then their was suddenly a sharp wrenching feeling and it felt like her seatbelt was trying to push itself into her chest.
It's going to take me quite some time to build up enough to do make of anything though.
Is the grammar correct here?

[x] [TwtF] Harold Bathe
So I have a few questions.

When it says that Harold can kill sentient creatures to survive is it referring to animals like deer or to beast-people or other sapient beings. Just asking because people seem to mix sentient and sapient up a bit.

Also, when it says the "seed will be recalled" what specifically does that mean. Are we the seed? do we lose if the seed is recalled or do we lose one of the consciousnesses that make up the unholy mess we need to mediate?

[X] [TwtF] Jeremy Plunkett

As an aside I am picking Jerry as his survival condition seems easily accomplished whereas Lisara's seems a bit more difficult at the start.
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So I have a few questions.

When it says that Harold can kill sentient creatures to survive is it referring to animals like deer or to beast-people or other sapient beings. Just asking because people seem to mix sentient and sapient up a bit.

Also, when it says the "seed will be recalled" what specifically does that mean. Are we the seed? do we lose if the seed is recalled or do we lose one of the consciousnesses that make up the unholy mess we need to mediate?

[X] [TwtF] Jeremy Plunkett

As an aside I am picking Jerry as his survival condition seems easily accomplished whereas Lisara's seems a bit more difficult at the start.
We lose if any one persona fails their condition.
@Slyvena Just to clarify, we can't let any of the personalities be recalled? I was hoping we could just ignore the serial killer or have all the others gang up against him, and then replace him with a new personality from the lesser voices (since the Mediator says he'll be able to do something with them given time) once he's recalled.

I understand that you're a fan of nigh-insurmountable odds, complicated hierarchies, and the like, but it seems pretty contrived that out of the uncountable trillions of beings who wish for a better life, one of the seven that was picked is some 'intellectual' psycho killer. Honestly, I think the 'System' and 'Condition' are interesting, but if one of the seven has to be some kind of murder-y archetype, I would much rather have it be an assassin or similar. For example, I think a devotee of some kind of semi-religious order of assassins a la the Faceless Men from Game of Thrones could be quite cool.

In short, I'm just really opposed to 'arrogant psychopath killer gets to take over the quest one-seventh of the time and there's nothing you can do about it.' I don't doubt you could make it interesting - I love how detailed and intricate your writing is - I'm just kinda grossed out by this concept.
Here's the current tally...
Adhoc vote count started by ThatGuyWithIdeas on Feb 25, 2021 at 12:55 PM, finished with 17 posts and 11 votes.

However, QM is also running this quest on Spacebattles and the tally over there is 2 votes for Jeremy and 1 vote for Mazie (and last I've checked, QM counts votes from both threads to decide what option\plan wins).
So, in reality, the tally would look something like this:
Mazie May - 4 votes (EDIT: Corrected the number of votes here,to account for a vote that hasn't been counted by the tally due to lack of brackets [])
Yuan Xipay - 4 votes
Jeremy Plunkett - 4 votes
Lisara Gwen - 2 votes
Harold Bath - 1 vote
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Definitely torn on Yuan or Jeremy. They both seem like they have a good mix, but Yuan was a soldier and Medieval life shouldn't be such a shock for him. Then again Yaun would still be a fish out of water, and Jeremy's system is the same as the other people here.

[X] [TwtF] Jeremy Plunkett
Okay, we have half a day or so before player two comes online and complicates our life, forcing us to dance between conditions...
As I see it...
Mazie has a great power that we'll want to have spool up the most, but on the flipside, for all it's potency if we grab her first we'll likely be stuck as a magical girl for the remainder of the Quest, I think. I'm not so sure I'm keen on that.
Lisara's power-train sounds functionally like one of the bigger ones in potency, though we'll be in for a viciously difficult start. If we do pick her we'll need to shove the Killer off for later, until she can spool up...
Harold...This sonnova beep is going to be a massive pain in the neck whichever course we take, I think, given how he has likely anti-synergies with the nation building Lisara and Planno desires. Annoyingly enough, he should, I think, work well enough with Yuan and Jeremy...He's unfortunately also a Great starter, I think.
Yuan Xipay...Kind of worries me as a starting point. Cultivation is the kind of system that is NOT kind to being the first guy to have to figure everything out. I'm thinking we grab Cultivator boy AFTER Lisara, since the two nicely combo off each other.
Rooks is a funny fellow. I'm not inclined to have him be first but he feels like someone who might do nicely as a later addition to the gang. But that likely means he might not be a bad starter, though I think he'd appreciate the cover Lisara could offer him, for example.
Jeremy...Traditional Gamer start, probably not the best starter given how games start you off at level 1 most of the time, but perhaps he could fare decently on his own. I'm thinking he might make a better later addition, since while he certainly is primed for 'finding his powers to be greater then he realized' in terms of a character arc, we don't NEED to have him take center stage right away to shine, either. It might not be wise to DELAY him too long though...
Planno...She's a selfish Lisara, in a sense. While Lisara increase the fortune of a hiearchy, Planno will enable them to build and make a grand city of her own design. I suspect if she gets the ball rolling on it Planno could become enormously powerful, but while I've contrasted Planno and Lisara, I believe the two will make excellent partners...

[X] [TwtF] Planno #2672
@Slyvena Just to clarify, we can't let any of the personalities be recalled? I was hoping we could just ignore the serial killer or have all the others gang up against him, and then replace him with a new personality from the lesser voices (since the Mediator says he'll be able to do something with them given time) once he's recalled.

I understand that you're a fan of nigh-insurmountable odds, complicated hierarchies, and the like, but it seems pretty contrived that out of the uncountable trillions of beings who wish for a better life, one of the seven that was picked is some 'intellectual' psycho killer. Honestly, I think the 'System' and 'Condition' are interesting, but if one of the seven has to be some kind of murder-y archetype, I would much rather have it be an assassin or similar. For example, I think a devotee of some kind of semi-religious order of assassins a la the Faceless Men from Game of Thrones could be quite cool.

In short, I'm just really opposed to 'arrogant psychopath killer gets to take over the quest one-seventh of the time and there's nothing you can do about it.' I don't doubt you could make it interesting - I love how detailed and intricate your writing is - I'm just kinda grossed out by this concept.

I haven't gone through the turn mechanic yet, but it's going to be something like every personality gets points (i.e 5+VOTES) each chapter which I then roll on a probability distribution to see who is the primary pilot. So you can promote and isolate some minds to a certain extent.
There are mechanics in place for the others to exert some control beyond this too though.
Namely, a mind can rescind access to its power if it is unhappy with the current driver's actions. (The other six could leave Harold with only his own system if he went off-plan.)
Harold also not an idiot; he will be able to figure out that at least nominally going along with things will get him plenty of chances to engage in violence without him having to alienate the others. (He doesn't want to die). You might even find there are situations where sending in someone like him is actually the safest bet.
Lastly, as a final recourse, there would be mind magics capable of destroying a personality, though that would be a truly extreme measure.

As far as the arrangement of personalities being unlikely, I'll say that these seven were not randomly chosen but specifically curated for an unknown purpose.

Thanks for the compliment on my writing :)
[x] [TwtF] Harold Bathe

Honestly, a great starter, unless we start outside any city, and while I doubt he'll win, I like the idea of starting with the philosophical serial killer

[X] [TwtF] Jeremy Plunkett

Alternatively, as I realize Harold is unlikely, Jeremy seems best as it's closest to the system of the world and as such we would get ideas on what to do from others
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